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  • Piveteauia madagascariensis Lehmann, 1952





    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Coelacanthimorpha
    Order: Coelacanthiformes Berg 1937
    Family: Whiteiidae Schultze 1993
    Genus: Piveteauia
    Species: Piveteauia madagascariensis
    Author Citation LEHMANN, 1952

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Mesozoic
    Period: Triassic
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Early
    International Age: Dienerian


    Beaufort Group
    Sakamena Formation


    Lystrosaurus and Cynognathus Zone
    Fish and Ammonite Horizon


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Antsiranana Province
    Diana Region


    Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org.

    Emended Diagnosis from Clement 1999, p. 234: "Fish of small size, standard length about 13 to 14 cm and maximum body depth about 3 to 3,5 cm. Body shape very elongated. Pelvic fins situated immediately in front of the level of the first dorsal fin (but not connected to the pectoral girdle). Presence of descending processes of the posterior parietal, postparietal and supratemporal. Lachrymojugal very elongated, slightly curved and not anteriorly angled. Palatal surface of the entopterygoid covered with numerous parallel sinuous rows and tiny rounded denticles. Midpart of angular very elevated, presenting a well-developed posterior angle . Ossified parapophyses absent in the anterior part of the notochord and very small under the second dorsal fin, increasing in size as far back as the anterior part of the caudal fin. Ornamentation of the squamation consisting of about 15 well-marked ridges, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the scales."

    Identified by oilshale using Clement 1999.


    J. A. Moy-Thomas. 1935. The coelacanth fishes from Madagascar. Geological magazine 72:213-226

    Lehmann, J.-P. (1952): Étude complémentaire des poissons de l’Eotrias de Madagascar. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-akademiens Hangdlingar (4), 2 (6): 1-201; Stockholm.

    Gael Clement (1999) The Actinistian (Sarcopterygii) Piveteauia madagascariensis Lehman from the Lower Triassic of Northwestern Madagascar: A Redescription on the Basis of New Material. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 234-242 (9 pages).

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