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  • Argyropelecus cosmovicii Cosmovici and Pauca 1943





    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata Haeckel 1874
    Class: Actinopteri Cope 1871
    Order: Stomiatiformes Rosen 1973
    Family: Sternoptychidae Gill 1863
    Genus: Argyropelecus
    Species: Argyropelecus cosmovicii
    Author Citation Cosmovici & Pauca 1943

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Cenozoic
    Period: Paleogene
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Oligocene
    International Age: Rupelian


    Menilite Krosno Group
    Menilite Formation


    Ichthyofaunal Zone IPM6


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Length: 2.5 cm


    Przemyśl County
    Subcarpathian Voivodeship


    Taxonomy from Fossilworks.com

    Diagnosis from Danil'chenko 1960, p. 29: "Trunk height equal to length of 24-26 midlength vertebrae. Ventral profile of body rises sharply, almost at right angle at beginning of caudal region, where the body height decreases to approximately one half. Body height in vertical with anterior ray of anal fin corresponding to only 35-40% of the maximum body height and equal to the length of 10-11 vertebrae. Maximum body height 1.5 times head length; latter equal to the length of 15-16 anterior vertebrae. Mouth slit oblique, forming angle of 50-60° with the longitudinal body axis. Upper jaw composed of short premaxilla and long, posteriorly widened maxilla, which is somewhat curved ventrally and reaches the vertical from the eye center. Lower jaw wide, slightly protruding forward with respect to the upper, connected with quadrate opposite the eye center. Teeth small on both jaws but larger on maxilla than on premaxilla and dentary. Parasphenoid thin, bent sharply upward posteriorly, projecting below the orbit. Preopercular narrow, straight dorsally, ventrally bent at right angle forward, forming short horizontal branch which almost reached the posterior edge of the upper jaw. Opercular narrower than orbital diameter. Vertebrae short, almost square, with slight median constriction. Ribs 7-8 pairs, from 3-4 to 10 vertebrae inclusively. Ribs large, slightly curved, almost square, very long, ending just above the ventral margin, ventrally joined by wide bony plates. Length of rib from middle part of trunk region equal to about 65% of the length of the vertebral column. Trunk neurapophyses deflected slightly backward, firmly united with the solid interapophyses of the first dorsal fin. Neural spines of anterior part of caudal region lanceolate in form, almost perpendicular to the axis of the vertebral column. Lanceolate widening more conspicuous in hemapophyses of anterior part of caudal region of vertebral column between the 1st and 10th caudal vertebrae; here the hemapophyses are united by the lateral edges, and their acute ventral ends reach the interapophyses of the anal fin. Neurapophyses of anterior part of caudal region normal in structure, deflected backward at an angle of 40 — 50° to the vertebral column."

    Line drawing from Danil'chenko 1960, p. 30:


    Identified by oilshale using Jerzmanska 1968.

    Cosmovici, L. C. & Paucã, M., (1943) Ein neuer fossiler Fisch mit erhaltenen Leuchtorganen: Argyropelecus cosmovicii sowie Erwägungen der Ablagerung der Menilitschiefer. Bulletin de la Section Scientifique Académie Roumaine, 26: 271–280.

    Danil'chenko, P. G., (1960) Bony fishes of the Maikop deposits of the Caucasus. Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta 78:1-247.

    Jerzmanska, A., (1968) Ichtyofaune des couches a ménilite (flysch des Karpathes). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 13(3):379-488.

    Kotlarczyk, J., Jerzmañska, A., Swidnicka, E. & Wiszniowska, T. (2006) A framework of ichthyofaunal ecostratigraphy of the Oligocene–Early Miocene strata of the Polish Outer Carpathian basin. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 76: 1–111.

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