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  • Propterus elongatus WAGNER, 1863




    Coral Reef Fish

    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Actinopteri Cope 1871
    Order: Semionotiformes Arambourg and Bertin 1958
    Family: Macrosemiidae Thiollière 1858
    Genus: Propterus
    Species: Propterus elongatus
    Author Citation WAGNER, 1863

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Mesozoic
    Period: Jurassic
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Late
    International Age: Tithonian


    Weissjura Group
    Solnhofen Formation


    Hybonoticeras hybonotum Zone
    Subplanites rueppelianus Subzone


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Length: 21 cm




    Several Late Jurassic macrosemiids are known from the Solnhofen limestones, including at least Notagogus, Histionotus, Voelklichthys and two species of Propterus.: P. elongatus and P. microstomus.

    Diagnosis from Bartram 1977, p.168: "Propterus reaching standard length of 130 mm; mean proportions as percentages of
    standard length: head length 34 %, trunk depth 36 %, predorsa] length 42 %, prepelvic length 58 %, preanal length 79 %; fin—ray counts: D(ant.) 14-16, D(post.) 14-16, P 17, V 6, A 5, C 14-15; about 37 lateral line scales; scales thin with large serrations; two lobes of dorsal fin very close together; outline of anterior dorsal convex; fulcra absent from posterior dorsal; caudal fin-rays bifurcating a maximum of twice.

    Line drawing from Bartram 1977, p. 169:


    Identified by oilshale using Bartram, 1977.

    Bartram, A.W.H. (1977) The Macrosemiidae, a Mesozoic family of Holostean fishes. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (Geology), 29, 137-234.
    Gloria Arratia and Hans-Peter Schultze (2012): The macrosemiiform fish companion of the Late Jurassic theropod Juravenator from Schamhaupten, Bavaria, Germany. Fossil Record 15 (1) 2012, 5–25 / DOI 10.1002/mmng.201200001.

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