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  • Repropca sabbai (Pauca, 1929)




    perch-like fish

    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Actinopteri Cope 1871
    Order: Perciformes Bleeker 1859
    Family: Repropcidae Bannikov 1991
    Genus: Repropca
    Species: Repropca sabbai
    Author Citation Pauca, 1929

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Cenozoic
    Period: Paleogene
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Oligocene


    Menilite Krosno Group
    Menilite Formation


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Length: 2 cm


    Równe near Krosno
    Subcarpathian Voivodeship


    This species was originally described by Pauca 1929 as Properca sabbae; In the newer literature the spelling P. sabbai is used alternatively. The genus Properca was established by Sauvage for two species from France. Based on morphological differences, Bannikov created in 1991 the new genus Repropca and transferred Properca sabbai to this genus.

    Diagnosis for the genus Repropca from Bannikov 1991, p. 116: "Perooids with moderately elongated body and single dorsal fin, notched at boundary between rigid and soft parts. Spinous part of dorsal fin higher and longer than soft part, containing about 13 spines, third and fourth the longest. Two predorsal bones present. Anal fin with three spines (middle being thickest) and usually seven or eight soft rays. Gill cover (operculum) spinous: lower part of praeoperculum with four to six thick spines, posterior margin of operculum having two spines. Vertebrae 30—31 in number, 18 of them postabdominal. Tail skeleton of primitive percoid type; caudal fin forked. Scales small.

    Sauvage, H. E., (1880) Notice sur les poissons tertiaires de Céreste (Basses Alpes). Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 set., T. 8, pp. 439-452.
    M. Pauca (1929) Vorläufige Mitteilung über eine fossile Fischfauna aus den Oligozänschiefern von Sulanesti, Muscel. Academia Romana 12(4-5):26-34. 
    Jerzmanska A. (1968) Ichtyofaune des couches a ménilite (flysch des Karpathes), Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 13 3, 379-488.
    Bannikov, A. F. (1991) A New Family of Oligocene Perciform Fishes. Paleontological Journal Vol. 25(4):88-94.

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