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  • Vaquerosella sp.





    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Echinodermata
    Class: Echinoidea
    Order: Clypeasteroida
    Family: Echinarachniidae
    Genus: Vaquerosella
    Species: Vaquerosella sp.

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Cenozoic
    Period: Neogene
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Miocene


    Temblor Formation


    Collector: PRK
    Acquired by: Field Collection


    United States


    The hiway department cut a road through this 5 ft thick sandstone zone, and pushed the talus over into the adjacent canyon. Most people collect along the road cut for other types of fossils. One day I decided to explore the area, and climbed down into the steep canyon full of the rubble from above. that was FULL of ticks, poison oak, and a very steep unstable slope, --- making it very difficult to pack out good material.( prob why people didn't enter this area), where I found and recovered many of these unusual echinoids. Since no one had collected this lower area, I found soo many of these specimens(dozens), many large multiple plates, I had to leave many down there vowing to soon return to gather the rest and explore more. Due to the extreme difficulty I haven't returned since. (over 45yrs)

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