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taking a rock (fossil?!) apart


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I have been watching Youtube videos about cleaning fossils and have learned quite a bit.  Since I have SO many rocks in my yard I decided to kind of take one apart and learn about it.  I originally thought this was some sort of coral/sponge fossil, but now I am not so sure.  It has been thoroughly cleaned with vinegar and then I started removing what I think is the "matrix" with a dental pick.  It's okay if I damage this - I am doing it so I can learn!  I basically dug out any soft areas and have been surprised at what is emerging. In fact, I am not so sure it is a fossil at this point?  


Question: Will a fossil be damaged by scratching matrix out from around it?  How can you tell what is matrix and what is fossil if you aren't completely sure what the fossil is?  And I mostly have fossiliferous limestone, which is hard/impossible to remove all of the matrix from (this rock is not fossiliferous, but I have a lot of them laying around!)?  


All input appreciated!


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