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The most complete tree of life or fossil record


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I've seen them in docs and in books but never in a complete form. Usually it's a graphic of a certain branch to elaborate on the subject or species of topic, but I was wondering if there were websites or info that was encyclopedic and all encompassing as we know it so far.


I've tried to look around for it on the web but never came upon anything beyond WIKI (LOL), but in todays modern world I would have thought there would be a clear and informative and concise website with an aggregated collection of what science knows to this point. You can go on a gazillion websites and order anything from tools to clothing to food and see the complete product listings, sort them by price or rating, etc., some even with A.I. that anticipates your next search, yet this information eludes me, and my searches have gone fruitless.


Are there any sites you would suggest looking at?


Is it just not available?


Do you have to take a paleo college course to get near this kind of info?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe you could try this:



This is national infastructure of minearl rock and fossil resources for science and technology.


Of course, this one belongs to the Chinese government,It has the English name of the specimen, But the pain is that the search box is in Chinese. I often look for stone specimens on it, the variety is quite complete.(Of course, many fossil specimens have no stratum or age, only the place of discovery and the name.)

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A complete visual representation of the fossil tree of life would be huge! It's estimated that their are roughly 250,000 species in the fossil record alone. That is probably the main reason why we see a more generic form, or why we only see a small section at a time. 


There are databases out there that strive to catalog as much of the fossil record as they can. One that is frequently used by many here is fossilworks.org. There are others that focus on a specific time period like www.ordovicianatlas.org/ which focuses on the Ordovician of the Cincinnati region. Some museums and universities also have extensive databases of the fossil record. Although those are typically based on their collection or on fossils found in their local area.

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Too many genera and species to be viewed all at once and still show any legible detail. The sheet of paper would have to be the size of a football field, and the writing on it would be this big, or even smaller.





Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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