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Another Lance fm. Tooth


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This past summer's trip to Wyoming provided no shortage of interesting and bizarre finds. This tooth was found at a channel deposit in the Lance fm. and is about 5 mm in length and 2 mm in width. It appears to be a theropod tooth based on the overall morphology, but lacks serrations unlike the all the non avian theropods in the formation. I'm not sure if the serrations were worn off or were never there in the first place. Or perhaps based on the small size it belonged to a young individual with developing teeth. The theropod it most closely resembles in my opinion is Richardoestesia, as it's only slightly curved and the base is similar to examples of that genus in my collection. I'd appreciate any input you may have.




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After a close inspection both carina appear to be serrationless. Pics are on the way. While digging around the internet for this tooth and the other I posted, I found an old post by Auspex with an unserrated hell creek tooth similar to mine. 


Results appear to be inconclusive on this as well.

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