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Odd Pennsylvanian Enamel/Tooth Material in Limestone


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I don't expect this one to be easily solvable. I've found nearly two dozen Petalodus teeth over time, so I have a good idea of what the cross section looks like for the tooth material. The white edges with the canals reaching inward. You can't see it will in the photo but there is a calcite grain structure in the center.


This piece was oddly shaped and fragile. It's unlike any of the surrounding rock. There are 4 pieces in all, but this one has the best look. The lumps at the bottom edge are raised and textured like the surface of some teeth are.


The scale along the bottom of both photos is in millimeters.


Maybe it's just a shashed up Petalodus tooth root. Have any of the Carboniferous shark tooth hunters perhaps seen something similar?




This second photo is a closer look at the raised areas. There is a lot of matrix infill here, so again, it will probably be difficult to identify.




At the very least, I'll stick the pieces in a box and file it under mystery fish parts.

Fossils of Parks Township - ResearchCatalog | How-to Make High-Contrast Photos

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