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Bridgeport Spillway, Tx

fossil man

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I know that the gaters have spread and multiplied so much that they have started letting some hunt them again.

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I would be VERY interested in this trip also. But I am still an rookie, can rookies come to? Pretty Please. :)

Gary T

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.

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I have some positive news

I email my correspondant the description and picture and he sent me the reply that follows:


I discussed your proposal with my boss. He informed me that due to the current release the area is extreamly unstable and off limits to all at this time.

Feel free to check back at a later date, to obtain updates on the status of the channel and the possiblity of gaining access in the future.

I apologize for not being able to accommodate your group at this time.

Well I hope that sounds as positive to you guys as it does to me, I realize its no guarentee on a certain day but i figured we might try and set a date like Febuary 14 or 21 if that will work for most people if not we can always look at other dates. If these dates are to soon we can always look at other dates. I was thinking these dates becasue it would be before the spring rains, but if most feel it will be to cold lets get some suggestions. I guess we could always shoot for summer time as well, if need be. I guess we should also try and get a close count so I can present that information too.

So far, the best I can tell and based on a couple assumptions, these are the people who have come right out and said I want to go:









Roz - (I am personally assuming since you were trying to get in, but if you dont thats fine too)

Lance - (I am personally assuming since you were trying to get in, but if you dont thats fine too)

If I have missed anybody I am sorry and it was not intentional. Lets try and get a close number and date by say tuesday 13, 2009. That way maybe we can correlate a time and day to get IN.


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Well we got a "NO" so the above answer certainly sounds better.

FossilMan, you want to mention to them we would be willing to sign whatever injury wavers they come up with and provide IDs at the spillway office. Also we can give them our license plate info in an email so they can "check us out" before arrival.

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Thanks for the info to add, and I will be sure and do so.

Mike consider yourself added to the list.

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After loosing my job and nearly my apartment. I am back in the game!!! And with some recently gained experience collecting in the general area,I was lucky enough to get a trilo and some p-lotus teeth found in red nodules.Also a real gem of wich i will post pics of asap(need a camera had to sell mine for gas money) the consensus is horseshoe crab also in a red nodule with a trilo shed on it.Bottom line that area is so fossilferous you might want to bring a dust pan and small brush to sweep up the goodies. I ended up around there as a last ditch effort to find fossils.A good friend of mine was in town (Robert B.) and I know of a permian marine exposure between lake arrowhead and lake kemp,But my memory is not perfect and Texas enormous so it was a failed attempt to collect it.Also we stopped around lake Jacksboro and found an exposure of some really nice leaves and plant stuff. The trick to that is Dairy road :) enjoy.Well it is so good to be back,I sure did miss the forum and oh yeah count me in on the fossil hunt I can't wait for a good excuse to get back out there.

Andre L

Those keep out signs are loud and clear "you will go to jail". But not if we have people like you to lobby on our behalf.

Thank you fossilman


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Hopefully we can figure out a way to get in there at some point.

tunnel from gaza? nah, that idea would bomb...

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So the Bridgeport spillway has Petalodus teeth and horseshoe crabs?

And with some recently gained experience collecting in the general area,I was lucky enough to get a trilo and some p-lotus teeth found in red nodules.Also a real gem of wich i will post pics of asap(need a camera had to sell mine for gas money) the consensus is horseshoe crab also in a red nodule with a trilo shed on it.Bottom line that area is so fossilferous you might want to bring a dust pan and small brush to sweep up the goodies. I ended up around there as a last ditch effort to find fossils.
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Well it makes sense to me that if those fossils can be found in the quarries and constuction areas within a mile of the spillway,then one should expect to see similar results.But to answer simply yes.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Well I hate to reported but my answer was the same as Roz's answer. No, I talked to the lake manager, and he said that they use to let geology students in some channel down from the one we wanted to be in, but due to 9/11 nobody gets into anything with a fence (restricted area) even with an identification form. He said that they cant even let in the boy scouts. But it was nice to know that he is a arrowhead hunter and could at least understand our "want" to get in and collect. Well thats the end of the road for bridgeport. He was nice enough to invite us to come hunt the shoreline

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That's too bad. I would have liked to go. Also, there was a report of an alligator in Lake Lewisville last year.

Amateur Nature Photographer / Fossil Hunter


Kevin Knight

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