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Weird News Article About Chinese Trilobite


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I was mindlessly grazing on the Internet while taking a brief

break from "word smithing" and came across the below article.

The subject and caption is a little weird.


Possible ancient trilobite fossil found in southwest China 

Source:IC-People.cn Published: 2016/9/21 9:48:35



Must be a slow news day.



Paul H.

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These are the pygidia of a common Silurian trilobite from China: Coronocephalus gaoluoensis


Here is a complete example for comparison:












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Yep, I think you accidently found a hidden link to an unfinished news article that failed to be developed. It just consists of one figure caption, and no story. Some reporter mounted it up on the server, and then abandon it. It is dated from six days ago, and does not appear listed in their "SCI-TECH" section.

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We get this about twice a year in Alberta.


Some kid is out fishing with his father and finds a dinosaur bone. The press gets hold of it and the headline is 'Twelve year old stumbles upon new dinosaur discovery'.  The photo is of the boy beaming ear to ear holding the bone while standing next to some paleontologist.  


What they dont show is the paleontologist taking the bone back to the museum and tossing it on a shelf with literally a million other bones.

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"What they dont show is the paleontologist taking the bone back to the museum and tossing it on a shelf with literally a million other bones. "

Sort of like tha end of that "Indiana Jones" movie, that shows them hiding an object forever, by putting it in storage at the Smithsonian Museum. :)

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13 minutes ago, tmaier said:

"What they dont show is the paleontologist taking the bone back to the museum and tossing it on a shelf with literally a million other bones. "

Sort of like tha end of that "Indiana Jones" movie, that shows them hiding an object forever, by putting it in storage at the Smithsonian Museum. :)

Ha, ha


Having wrote what I did, I dont want to be too cynical. Its good that people report finds.  Unfortunately the media isnt exactly science savvy and most reporters are pushing a human interest story.  

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