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Hyneria tooth? Lithunanian erratic probably Narva Stage


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Dear Guys,


Today I splited small sandstone erratic, here I saw Asterolepis- like armour plates and found Hyneria tooth crown that is about 9 mm length and preserved with well visible cross section that lets to think it is polyplocadont like. The very similar greenish grey sandstones with red spots and the placoderm Byssacanthus pieces are decribed in the database fossiilid.info as from Narva stage (Middle- Late Eifelian, Middle Devonian)  Talking about Eifelian tristichopterids I do not know any bigger forms, I just have heard about Tristichopterus. But judging by the size and the relief near root zone this tooth is especially similar to Hyneria teeth from Red Hill quarry, Australia. :) Maybe platycephalichthys is could be (it is known in Latvia and even Russia) but it is found only from Late Givetian and thrived in Late Devonian epoch... :D 

Please help me to find out anything about this question. :)


Best Regards


hyneria with calibration.jpg

hyneria cross section.jpg

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Here is much information about Hyneria teeth in the internet, one link I can show to you:

So my tooth is probably from tristichopterid. :) Please help to identify genus if you could. 

Best Regards


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