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I have strange luck in fossil hunting


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I know this is a bit different than a traditional collecting trip story but...

My friends and I have an inside joke that I can accidentally find a fossil anywhere, without any warning. I used to go upstate often, and there were numerous fishing locations with Devonian deposits. As it turned out, the gravel in the parking lot of the cabin we stayed at was from a bluestone quarry that was also fossiliferous. This blue quartzite would follow me around to this day.


My best guess is it's from an Ordovician or Devonian deposit from some area north of the Hudson Valley. I have found several different Brachiopods in it, as well as some crinoids and 3 tiny Phacopsid Trilobite fragments. 


A couple of years ago, I was with a friend at a beach on Long Island. I was collecting shells and rocks, and came across a brachiopod 3 inches wide, right there on the beach. Same bluestone from upstate.

Last year, I discovered an urban fishing spot that had recently been renovated has also utilized the same fossiliferous gravel, and I found a few nice brachiopods.


More recently, the deposit has hit even closer to me: right on campus, in a new garden, the gravel lining!
This has led to my best piece from the deposit yet, even over the phacops: A Brachiopod sitting in the middle of a calcite crystal!


If anyone happens to have more information on this deposit, let me know! It shows up quite often around New York, apparently. 

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If you can id the fossils you found down to the species, then you should at least be able to determine if the formation is Ordovician or Devonian. Or ask the owner of the cabin which quarry the gravel came from.


Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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