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St Leon Roadcut Stratigraphy


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I made my first trip to the massive Ordovician roadcut near St. Leon IN yesterday. Had a good time. One question I had was about the different formations present there. If I understand correctly, most of the Richmond Group is exposed there, and bottom to top is the Waynesville, Liberty, and Whitewater formations. I really couldn't make out any clear divisions in the exposed rock though. From what I've read, the butter shale trilobite layer is the Liberty formation. I spent most of my time collecting on the second terrace, which appeared to be made at the top of the butter shale layer. So that would be the Liberty formation?


I also collected some hash plates on the way down, which I suppose could have been either Liberty of Waynesville, but also could have been scree from any place in the roadcut. Should I label my finds as just coming from the Richmond Group and not worry about which specific formation?

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Hanke-Hunda, B.R. 2004

Flexicalymene (Trilobita) from the Cincinnatian Series (Upper Ordovician) of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky:

A case study of microevolutionary pattern within a single species lineage in a sequence stratigraphic framework. 

PhD Thesis, University of California Riverside, 248 pp.

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Also Saluda at the very top.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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17 minutes ago, erose said:

GB 13. Sampling the layer cake that isn't: The stratigraphy and paleontology of the type-Cincinnatian, edited by Richard Arnold Davis and Roger J. Cuffey. 194 p., 107 figs., tables, 2 appendixes, 1998. $16.00.  http://geosurvey.ohiodnr.gov/publications-maps-data/guidebooks


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