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  2. pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon

    Mixosaurus I bought.

    All ichthyosaurs (sensu lato) had sclerotic rings. However, due to the fragile nature of the bone that comprises these rings, as well as due to them being comprised of numerous smaller bone segments, it's easy for them to get crushed, dispersed, destroyed or otherwise lost. The same goes for the other major marine reptile clades - the plesiosaurs (sensu lato) and mosasaurs - too. They also had sclerotic rings, though these are rarely preserved. This doesn't imply OP's specimen is inauthentic, as it clearly is the real deal I agree! Awesome specimen! Wish I could get myself a nice one like this someday...! Especially the paddles are hugely interesting to me, as the bone structure is so different from later parvipelvian ichthyosaurs - much closer to their terrestrial tetrapod ancestors!
  3. Mssaraeliza

    Identifying some rocks collected

    All found in Wyoming county PA. I will look at other posts to see the right way of going about posting these. Sorry for posting so many at once with so few details.
  4. Mssaraeliza

    Identifying some rocks collected

    Thankyou. Im quite new to this. I appreciate the reply.
  5. Al Dente

    fossil help

    Looks like bits of crab shell.
  6. Al Dente

    Is this a Horn Shark heterodontus anterior tooth?

    It looks like one. The root is missing which makes it a little difficult to positively ID, but Heterodontus looks like a good match.
  7. @Crazyhen: great specimen! Do you go to finish prep on it one day?
  8. Rockwood

    Possible Vertebra in Upstate NY

    Sorry, this looks like pyrite to me. The mineral does sometimes replace fossils, but I don't recognize this as such.
  9. It's genuine and not coloured, though not complete and is partly decomposed. You may compare it with this complete specimen.
  10. Today
  11. I'm really wanting to find ice age mammal fossils in Indiana. What is my best chance of doing this successfully? I live in central indiana and we have a creek we own with some gravel beds.
  12. @MarcoSr Some fantastic Agate from Indonesia
  13. I would say yes! I think we need a land owner, a small group and a few loads of fun. Plenty to share!
  14. Honeymayoon

    Possible Vertebra in Upstate NY

    Found this on the shore of the Hudson River near Albany, NY. Hoping this is a fossil protruding out and not just a rock! Thanks🙂 IMG_1056.MOV
  15. I think I've figured it out. It's called Bank Run Shell Roadbase. Sold by the truck load.
  16. Wow, there is some beautiful stuff in here for sure! Do you know where it comes from? Sometimes these spoil piles really produce the goods.
  17. Well that is much cooler than I imagined. Thank you for the help.
  18. pterosaur_nerd

    Mixosaurus I bought.

    nice fossil I remember seeing this one and considering buying it . nice to know it was a real one . terry
  19. Thoughts on this vertebra? Found in a box of bison bones from Sherburne County Minnesota. Anoka Sand Plain materials - roughly 6k years old.
  20. Hello, I recently went to Savannah, Georgia to fossil hunt on an island on the Savannah river. I found a very diverse assemblage of fossil vertebrate material which included shark and ray teeth, fossil dolphin material, bone fragments, and even a baby Megalodon tooth, the last thing I found before we were to head back. I found at least 61 fossils but here are my best examples:
  21. dbrake40

    Needs ID Possible Tusk Outer Bark Fragment.

    @Shellseeker - Thank you so much for the detailed answer! I also sent some photos of this to Dick Mol (Sir Mammoth) or the Netherlands. He indicated that it does seem to be a piece of the outer layer, and stated that "visible in the cross-section, is cementum and not dentin (ivory)" So to me this indicates that the outside of a tusk has cementum layers. I am going to e-mail him back and see if anyone has ever published on the topic. I think the photo you provided, below, shows these layers best.
  22. Your mystery item is an orthocone. You can see the septa and siphuncle.
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