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  1. From the album: Vertebrates

    Coelacanthus granulatus Agassiz, 1839 Late Permian Wuchiapingian Copper Shale Formation Bad Sachsa Lower Saxony Germany Length 52cm
  2. izak_

    Coelacanth scale

    From the album: Mackunda Formation

    Unfortunately covered in stubborn matrix. Coelacanths are completely unreported from the Cretaceous of Australia, so this is likely the first.
  3. oilshale

    Whiteia oishii Yabumoto & Brito 2016

    Picture number 3 shows a close up of the scales. Taxonomy according to Yabumoto & Brito, 2016. Yabumoto & Brito 2016, p. 234: "The locality and horizon of the type specimens are not precisely known. Available information is that the locality lies in the area of Noe Bihati, West Timor, Indonesia." Diagnosis in Yabumoto & Brito 2016, p 234: "Whiteia with the following combination of characters: with five to ten sparse long ridges on scales, nine rays (seven anterior long and two posterior short) on the first dorsal fin, pointed denticles on the anterior fin rays of the first dorsal fin, operculum with many tubercles, postparietal with many pits and short radial grooves, angular with radial grooves and other bones of the head smooth, without tubercles." Line drawing of the holotype by Yabumoto & Brito, p. 235: A.b = basal plate of anal fin; D1.b = basal plate of first dorsal fin; D2.b = basal plate of second dorsal fin; L = lung; P.b = pelvic bone. Identified by oilshale using Yabumoto & Brito, 2016. Reference: YABUMOTO, YOSHITAKA AND BRITO, PAULO M. (2016) A new Triassic coelacanth, Whiteia oishii (Sarcopterygii, Actinistia) from West Timor, Indonesia. Paleontological Research, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 233–246.
  4. Fossildude19

    Diplurus partial

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Diplurus newarki - partial coelacanth Late Triassic, Newark Supergroup, Newark Basin, Lockatong Formation, North Bergen, NJ, old Granton Quarry G-3 layer.
  5. Misha

    Bear Gulch Coelacanth

    From the album: Misha's Carboniferous

    Cardiosuctor populosum Coelacanth late Mississippian Bear Gulch Limestone The matrix of this specimen is a bit unusual and not typical of what I've seen from most other Bear Gulch fossils, does anyone know why this might be? I'm assuming it might be a specific layer within the Lagerstätte which is also rich in Coelacanths as the only other fossils I've been able to find online in similar dark colored matrix from Bear Gulch with the same type of preservation are also Cardiosuctor specimens. The dark color of both matrix and fossil make it a bit difficult to distinguish some of the features, but there's some good preservation of skull elements, the vertebral column, fins and some scales around the specimen. generously gifted to me by my friend @Dean Ruocco
  6. rocket

    Coelacanth Coccoderma sp.

    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    rare Coelacanth in unusual preservation. Seems to be Coccoderma, perhaps part of a meal. Fantastic skin preservation and good skull. Back part and tail got lost in the field, so I do not know how complete it was. Size is approx. 14 cm what you see. Was found in Eichstaett many years ago, comes from an old collection
  7. From the album: Jurassic fossils from the Newark Supergroup

    Diplurus longicaudatus (coelacanth-partial tail fin and small body portion) Lower Jurassic Shuttle Meadow Formation Newark Supergroup Durham, CT. This fish may have been up to three feet long complete Collected in the company of Tim Jones (11/13)
  8. connorp

    Mazon Creek Coelacanth scale

    I had this concretion open today. I immediately noticed what I believe is a coelacanth scale, but on closer inspection there looks to be some other bits that might be related. Any thoughts? @jdp @RCFossils
  9. Crazyhen

    Saurichthys eating a coelacanth?

    Here is a skull of Saurichthys from Yunnan, China with its mouth wide open, you can see there is a small fish at its mouth, look like the Saurichthys was eating the small fish. The small fish, half embedded in matrix, looks like a coelacanth by its tail, any idea if it is a coelacanth or a Gymnoichthys inopinatus?
  10. From the album: Fossildude's Purchased/Gift Fossils

    Whiteia woodwardi Early Triassic Beaufort Group Sakamena Formation Diana Region, Madagascar.

    © 2020 T. Jones

  11. Hi all, I’m not sure if I’ve posted this find before, but I figured I would anyway because I believe it warrants it’s own thread. I found this find a few years back at one of the localities I most consistently collect at, which is a shaly exposure of the Connelsville Sandstone in western PA. It usually preserves plants quite well, and was described by W.C. Darrah back in the 60s. It has also produced some very early examples of Walchia, an early conifer. However, it is not well known for vertebrate fossils, as sandstones don’t seem to be the preferred type of rock where vertebrates are found in the area. If you’ve seen my other posts you’ve probably realized that most of the time vertebrate fossils are restricted to shales and limestones, often closely related to coals. And in the shales especially, concentrations of material are usually lag deposits and do not represent associated remains. Here I have something different. Its a small jumble of bones, with no diagnostic features whatsoever. However I can rule out actinopterygian material because it lacks the thick shiny scales so characteristic of this group. I’m almost certain it’s not tetrapod material as (1) they are incredibly rare and (2) the ribs seem to be too thin. I’m also fairly confident that it represents a single individual as the bones are locally concentrated and I’ve never seen them before from this locality. I’ve found bones like these before in other more characteristic deposits, although they are never articulated. I’m relatively sure that they come from some sort of sarcopterygian, possibly a dipnoan or coelacanth. I would be very happy if anyone could shed some light on the general grouping of this fossil. If not, then just appreciate it as a random jumble of bones from a not very often seen locality. As always, stratigraphy: Connelsville sandstone Casselman Formation Conemaugh Group And age: Late Pennsylvanian (Stephanian/Missourian ~302 MYA)
  12. oilshale

    Coelacanthus granulatus Agassiz, 1839

    With 9cm body length a relatively small Coelacanthus granulatus. Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Diagnosis from Schaumberg 1978, p.195 (translated from German by oilshale): "Medium to large coelacanthid; moderately slender; head one-fifth of total body length. Endocranium partially ossified in anterior part, well ossified in middle part; basisphenoid with strong processus antoticus; no processus basipterygoidus; basal process of basisphenoid distinctly set off; pleurosphenoids present; ossifications on otico-occipital seem to be absent; parasphenoid broadened in its posterior part; separate vomeres not detectable. Posttemporalia and at least 5 extrascapularia developed; parieto-intertemporalia extend to extrascapularia, they are firmly attached to supratemporalia; parieto-intertemporalia not inseparably fused; frontal and dermosphenoticum form uniform bone stiick; both fronto-dermosphenotica not firmly fused; rostro-nasal zone yon numerous, mostly oval bone plates filled (3 pairs of nasalia, several rostralia resp. postrostralia; rearmost closes "fontanella" between nasalia; lateral boundary by stout laterorostralia and elongate tectal plates). Antorbitals absent; postorbitals weakly developed; squamosum and praeoperculum reduced to narrow ossifications around praeopercular sensory canal; small quadrato-jugal above median pterygoid bulge; operculum large and triangular; pterygoid with long, low, anterior limb and broad, vertical limb; maxillary dentition with pointed conical teeth on 6 praemaxillaries, on dermopalatinum and ectopterygoid, there also dental granulation. Large, posterior, nearly triangular coronoid clamped between praearticulate and angular, its exposed part appearing quadrangular; anterior, low coronoid with strong, conical teeth; other, small coronoids presumably between dentary and praearticular, concealed yon tooth-bearing, granulated dentary plates; upper margin of praearticular set with dense denticles; articular with two articulating pits for quadratum and symplecticum; pronounced processus retroarticularis. Gular plates with elongated median apex; urohyals, ceratohyals, hyomandibulars, ceratobranchialia (probably 4 pairs), and symplecticum present. Shoulder girdle composed of clavicle, cleithrum, separate extracleithrum, anocleithrum, supracleithrum; pectoral fin attached slightly below middle of body flank; pelvic girdle composed of narrow bony ridges widened like plates at distal end; ventral fins opposite to space between basal plates of both dorsalia; Basal plate of anterior dorsal fin oval to triangular; basal plate of posterior dorsal fin smaller, with forked projections directed anteriorly, traces of ossification in segmented fin shaft; basal plate of anal fin small and narrow; caudal fin with axial lobes; fin rays of all fins distally clearly articulated. Large, ossified swim bladder between scapular girdle and anal fin, at level of ventral fins is constricted in a muscular manner. Scales large and thin, longer than high; their klelner, exposed part covered with numerous, longitudinally directed tubercles." The diagnosis of the species corresponds to that of the genus. Line drawing from Schaumberg 1978, p. 178: Line drawing from Zhu et al. 2012, p. 2: Cd, dorsal lobe of caudal fin; Cv, ventral lobe of caudal fin. References: L. Agassiz (1843) Recherches Sur Les Poissons Fossiles. Tome I (livr. 18). Imprimerie de Petitpierre, Neuchatel xxxii-188. Schaumberg, G. (1978) Neubeschreibung von Coelacanthus granulatus Agassiz (Actinistia, Pisces) aus dem Kupferschiefer von Richelsdorf (Perm, W.-Deutschland). Paläontol. Z. 52, 169.. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02987700. H.-P. Schultze (2004) Mesozoic sarcopterygians. Mesozoic Fishes 3 - Systematics, Paleoenvironments and Biodiversity 463-492. C. G. Diedrich (2009) A coelacanthid-rich site at Hasbergen (NW Germany): taphonomy and palaeoenvironment of a first systematic excavation in the Kupferschiefer (Upper Permian, Lopingian). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 89:67-94. Zhu M, Yu X, Lu J, Qiao T, Zhao W, Jia L. (2012) Earliest known coelacanth skull extends the range of anatomically modern coelacanths to the Early Devonian. Nat Commun. 10;3:772. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1764.
  13. I've always loved living fossils, especially the fish. They are relics of an age long lost, offering us a glimpse of an incredible prehistoric world. Some are enigmas that survived countless extinction events since the Devonian. Others are majestic predators that swam alongside the dinosaurs. Let me present my collection of living fossil fishes from the Mesozoic and before. I will begin with one of the most famous of all - the coelacanth Coelacanth Species: Whiteia woodwardi Age: 252.3 - 251.3 mya | early Triassic Formation: Diego Basin; Middle Sakamena Formation Locality: Ambilobe, Madagascar First appearance: Eoachtinistia foreyi was found 360 million years ago in Australia Paddlefish Species: Protopsephurus liui Age: 125.5 - 112.5 mya | early Cretaceous Formation: Yixian Formation Locality: Lingyuan City, Liaoning First appearance: This is the oldest known species Sturgeon Species: Peipiaosteus fengningensis Age: 125.5 - 120 mya | early Cretaceous Formation: Jehol Biota Locality: Chifeng, Nei Mongol First appearance: Multiple species e.g. Yanosteus longidorsalis found since 125 million years ago in China Pipefish Species: Hipposygnathus sp. Age: 28.1 - 13.8 mya | Oliogocene - Miocene Formation: Monterey Formation Locality: Santa Ynez Valley, California, USA First appearance: Solenostomidae species were found 55.8 million years ago in Italy Note: Although most of this collection only includes fishes that existed since the Mesozoic or later, I made an exception for the pipefish as their order, syngnathiform, existed since the late Cretaceous
  14. oilshale

    Holophagus penicillatus EGERTON, 1861

    Also known as Undina penicillata. Holophagus is a coelacanth with the classical shape that has remained almost unchanged over millions of years. The name coelacanth means 'hollow spine' (from the Greek koilos = hollow and akantha = spine). The caudal fin is divided into three lobes (diphycercal), the middle lobe is a continuation of the notocord. Holophagus has powerful jaws but tiny teeth. Characteristic for Holophagus is the structure of the head bones (frontal) which are broken through in a characteristic way and look like a light construction.
  15. Okay, this may be just wishful thinking, but a girl can hope, right? For your viewing pleasure is an Upper Cretaceous coprolite from the North Sulphur River in Texas, Ozan Formation, Talyor Shale. This little beauty has some unusual fish remains. Any chance this is a caudal fin from a coelacanth? The bones are pretty substantial compared to other fish bones I've seen in coprolites from the area. It does contain scales that are good sized and pretty transparent, with kind of a fingerprint pattern. Obviously, they may not be from the same prey item. Can anyone tell me if these are indeed coelacant bones? If so, do they look like those from a caudal fin? Other thoughts? @Fossildude19 @sharkdoctor @Carl Image 1:
  16. Fossildude19

    Whiteia woodwardi

    From the album: Fossildude's Purchased/Gift Fossils

    Whiteia woodwardi Lower Triassic, Madagascar Coelacanth. This is a recent bargain I was able to scoop up. Even though it is not complete, it still has great details. It will set off my New Jersey Coelacanths nicely.

    © 2020 T. Jones

  17. oilshale

    Coccoderma nudum REIS, 1888

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Coccoderma nudum REIS, 1888 Late Jurassic Tithonian Solnhofen Bavaria Germany Length 32cm
  18. Yasmin95

    Mawsonia skull parts

    Hey y'all, I have some part, probably, Mawsonia. I think the third thing in the top is an angular. The last thing, i think, is the top part of a skull but not from mawsonia but another fish like. Can someone tell me if I am looking in the right direction? Oh, the distance between the 4 linea is 1 cm each. Thank you
  19. oilshale

    Holophagus penicilatus Egerton, 1861

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Holophagus penicilatus Egerton, 1861 Late Jurassic Tithonian Painten Germany Length 32cm
  20. Schwimmer, D.R., 2002. Giant fossil coelacanths from the Late Cretaceous of the eastern USA. Fernbank Magazine. Faculty Bibliography. 514. http://csuepress.columbusstate.edu/bibliography_faculty/514 The paper is: Schwimmer, D.R., J.D. Stewart & G.D. Williams. Giant fossil coelacanths of the Late Cretaceous in the Eastern United States. Geology 22: 503-506. Nouv. Ser. 139: 187-190. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/252272908_Giant_fossil_coelacanths_of_the_Late_Cretaceous_in_the_eastern_United_States https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David_Schwimmer https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joe_Stewart5 Yours, Paul H.
  21. From the album: Vertebrates

    Piveteauia madagascariensis Lehman 1952 Early Triassic Dienerian Sakamena Formation Ambilobe Madagascar J.-P. Lehman. 1952. Etude complémentaire des poissons de l'Eotrias de Madagascar. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 2:1-201
  22. Hi, I was wondering if permission was needed to collect at what is left of the Granton quarry in N. Bergen NJ? It sounds like a really cool spot but I am unsure if you need permission from Lowes or not. thanks, Dom
  23. Quick question for the experts: I've found a number of marine fossils in Newark Supergroup locations- corals, crinoids, brachiopods, yet I've read that the formation is non-marine. I'm told they could be glacial deposits. I also recall that Coelacanths have been found which I assume were marine. Was the formation marine or not? Or both? Thanks in advance!
  24. Crazyhen

    Coelacanth fossil?

    The fossil shown in the attached photos is said to be a coelacanth from Madagascar? What do you think?
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