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  1. I’m leaning more towards cretalamna but recently someone pointed out a bourlette and I’m not sure if that’s a bourlette or wearing enamel? Could it even be a transitional tooth? Thanks in advanced ☺️
  2. Mikrogeophagus

    Cretalamna cf. maroccana

    From the album: Escondido Formation

    Cretalamna cf. maroccana, South TX Maastrichtian, Cretaceous Aug, 2024
  3. Jaybot

    Cretalamna appendiculata

    From the album: Neutache Shoreline - Sharks & Fish

    A pretty small tooth, missing some of the rooth and one cusplet. Glacial deposits, E Kansas. 4/5/24 #VM12

    © CC BY-NC

  4. LSG Lab

    Cretolamna sp.

    From the album: Otodontidae

    A very large and broad Cretolamna sp. Middle Cenomanian - lower Turonian. Ryazan region (Russia). collected in 2021
  5. LSG Lab

    Cretolamna appendiculata

    From the album: Otodontidae

    middle Cenomanian - lower Turonian. Ryazan region (Russia). collected in 2021
  6. LSG Lab

    Cretolamna sp.

    From the album: Otodontidae

    lower Cenomanian, Schloenbachia varians zone. Moscow region (Russia). Collected in 2020. I can't identify this species, the cusp is too narrow and the tooth is too thin for any species I know. If someone has extensive experience with Cretolamna, comments will be very appreciated.
  7. LSG Lab

    Cretolamna appendiculata

    From the album: Otodontidae

    middle Cenomanian - lower Turonian. Ryazan region (Russia). collected in 2020
  8. jolloush

    Otodus or Cretalamna tooth?

    Hi everyone, recently I bought some shark tooth when I was on vacation in Austria and I would like to know: what do you think it is? I have zero experience with shark teeth but I searched online and found that it could be either Otodus or Cretalamna tooth. It is quite small, about 2,5 cm long. Thans for your advice. :)
  9. I have read through Arambourg's "Vertebres fossiles des phosphates de l'Afrique du Nord" in an attempt to gauge what species of the genera Cretalamna are present in the Ouled Abdoun Basin, with the help of sharkreferences.com. According to these two sources, 2 species are present in the phosphates: Lamna appendiculata - Cretalamna appendiculata Lamna biauriculata maroccana - Cretalamna nigeriana However, on elasmo.com, Lamna biauriculata maroccana is stated to be synonymous with Cretalamna maroccana, a species not listed whatsoever on sharkreferences.com. The L. biauriculata maroccana teeth in Arambourg appear to be immensely similar to those labelled as C. maroccana on elasmo.com, which has led me to believe that C. nigeriana and maroccana are synonymous, which leads me to the question of which is valid, of which I am not sure. Thanks in advance for any guidance Othniel
  10. Hey, here is another Albian shark tooth. This time from the Del Rio Formation, Behind Spillway, Lake Waco, Waco, McLennan County, Texas, USA. Is it a Cretalamna tooth? If yes, any idea which species it could be? Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
  11. Hi all! Here are two shark teeth from Kursk Oblast, Russia. I think they are Albian-Cenomanian in age. Am I correct that the left one is Dwardius sp.? If yes, any idea what species? The right tooth has extra cusplets. Any idea what it could be? I looked at the paper of Solonin, et al. (2015), https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8052775, but I can't find a good match. Thank you very much for your help!
  12. Santa came early here in the north country. I've been after one of these for a while and I finally got one in the mail today. It's an early, transitional form, Palaeocarcharodon orientalis. Very coarse serrations near the root fading to almost smooth at the tip. One root tip was glued back on as these teeth are very prone to damage, but I can ignore that because it's almost 2 inches long, and they don't get much bigger than that.
  13. Hello, I have these shark teeth. I think they came from a sort of national geographic excavation set. What would be the species? Location is unknown. Thanks.
  14. bthemoose

    Cretalamna appendiculata

    From the album: Aquia Formation

    These teeth are generally identified as Cretalamna appendiculata but should probably be Cretalamna sp.

    © bthemoose

  15. bthemoose

    Cretalamna appendiculata

    From the album: Aquia Formation

    These teeth are generally identified as Cretalamna appendiculata but should probably be Cretalamna sp.

    © bthemoose

  16. bthemoose

    Cretalamna appendiculata

    From the album: Aquia Formation

    These teeth are generally identified as Cretalamna appendiculata but should probably be Cretalamna sp.

    © bthemoose

  17. bthemoose

    Cretalamna appendiculata

    From the album: Aquia Formation

    These teeth are generally identified as Cretalamna appendiculata but should probably be Cretalamna sp.

    © bthemoose

  18. Hello everyone, it's been a while since I last posted on the forum In the last year my collection has reached 33 specimens, so I guess that "road to 35" is extremely close! Today I wanted to show you a specimen I acquired very recently, specifically last March! Species: Cretalamna maroccana (Arambourg, 1935) Size: 2.5 tall, ~3.0 cm long Age: 72-66 mya (Late Cretaceous, Maastrichtian) Origin: Ouled Abdoun basin (Morocco) About this fossil: a nicely preserverd shark tooth, with only a small hole on the front part of the tooth's root; I especially appreciate the two lateral cusplets, which are extremely nice to admire. Definitely one of my favorites!
  19. Mikrogeophagus

    Cretalamna sp., Atco

    From the album: Austin Chalk

    Cretalamna sp., Central TX Coniacian, Cretaceous Dec, 2022
  20. Mikrogeophagus

    Cretalamna catoxodon, Bouldin Flags

    From the album: Eagle Ford Group

    Cretalamna catoxodon, Central TX Cenomanian, Cretaceous Dec, 2022
  21. Mikrogeophagus

    A Classic Hunt on the NSR

    I think North Texans will relate when I say that now and then, the urge to take a drive out to the NSR and spend the day hunting some Campanian gravel bars can spontaneously take complete hold. I had one of those moments just after the series of heavy rains and powerful winds our region encountered some days ago. Previously, my luck with weather at the NSR had been rather poor. Each time, the temps were either nearing a hundred degrees or only just above freezing, making a full on adventure crossing muddy waters and crawling atop unshaded gravel beds too much to handle. I had yet to experience a proper adventure at this historic site, so I decided that this week would be the one where I changed that. Luckily, my friends @PaleoPastels(Lari) and Cole where kind enough to invite me out to their special spot along the river. After waking up bright and early, I got in my car and followed the rising sun. After jumping out of our vehicles and exchanging brief greetings, we quickly slid our way down to the shale bed and beelined for the first bar. Cole has a bit of an aversion for water, so he stuck around at the entrance for most of the day while Lari and I got our clothes wet hopping from bar to bar. The weather and water temp were absolutely perfect, and the lack of footprints assured us it would be a productive day. It's not often you beat the crowd to a place as popular as this! Although I maintained measured expectations coming in, the sheer variety of strange and interesting fossils/artifacts that are known to come from this area kept me on my toes from the outset. When we arrived to the first bar, we started off strong, picking up a variety of shark teeth. Lari had an eye for them, immediately spotting a few super big Scapanorhynchus texanus, a staple of the Ozan Formation. Despite my protests, she was very generous in donating a few to me due to my limited NSR collection . Finally one I spotted myself! Scapanorhynchus texanus Scapanorhynchus texanus of the day. Some may be Carcharias samhammeri as I am still working on differentiating the two. In between crawling the gravel, I did some sifting which yielded a few interesting specimens including Squalicorax kaupi, Cretalamna sarcoportheta, Carcharias samhammeri, and a vole tooth which I will ignorantly assume to be Pleistocene in age. Cretalamna sarcoportheta, Squalicroax kaupi, and Carcharias samhammeri Sifting also yielded a plethora of shark vertebrae and I was fortunate enough to come across a beautiful spiral shark coprolite. I found one solitary coral which I assume is Trochocyathus sp. Shark verts, shark coprolite, and Trochocyathus sp. As I scanned the gravel looking to spot a complete Cretalamna, I was instead met with the first mosasaur tooth of the day! It was mostly in tact and showed some nice detail. I was relieved to know the entire trip was already made, and I could spend the rest of my time playing with house money. The only other mosasaur tooth previously in my collection has a beat up crown, so this new specimen certainly complements it. Don't know much about mosasaur genera in the NSR, but I will go with Tylosaurus proriger for now. Throughout the day, we also found tons of very large Enchodus fangs and jaw sections. I'm so used to finding these teeth in their miniature forms as I sift for micros, I almost forgot how big they could get. Lari did good with spotting the Ischyrhiza mira rostral teeth and quickly built up a small collection. She was nice enough to give a large one to me. Top: Fused fish vert and Pachyrhizodus tooth. Bottom: Enchodus jaw section and large fangs. Ischyrhiza mira By now we had hopped a couple of gravel bars and there was still plenty ways to go. It took me longer than it should have, but reaching the third bar finally brought me a large tumbled mosasaur vertebra. Not far from it, there was a section of finer gravel. Used to the routine, I once again got close to the ground and began scanning every pebble. After tossing the millionth shrapnel of shark tooth, I finally locked eyes with the most perfect mosasaur tooth I had ever seen. As I picked it up, I could tell something wasn't right, however. Of course the best side was on full display, but the rest of the tooth was cleaved cleanly off. Oh well, at least it'll look nice in pictures. Not long after, I found a second mosasaur tooth that was decently complete and hooked albeit tiny. Two nicest mosie verts. A slice of an exquisitely preserved mosasaur crown. The next oddball find came awhile later. My initial impression was that it might have been a segment of a Xiphactinus tooth, but the curvature suddenly ended along one of the edges of it. At this sudden end, there were two columns of small protrusions running longitudinally. I was debating on throwing it out, but my history of carelessly tossing neat finds convinced me to play it safe and take it home for identification. I'm glad I did because after the hunt, I immediately googled my hunch and it seems to be correct. This is a fragment of a hybodont spine! I wish I could pin down a more specific ID, but the info on them seems limited. I will say that, out of Moss Creek, I had found a tooth belonging to Lonchidion babulskii last year which could be the culprit. Quite an uncommon find for the NSR! Wondering if any shark experts here might have any ideas @ThePhysicist@Al Dente. Hybodont fin spine. Lonchidion babulskii is a candidate. By the penultimate gravel bar, I thought the best finds had surely been made. All day Lari had been talking about how this was THE spot to find Globidens teeth and how every visit she would find at least one fragment. Well, the walkable land was starting to run out and she expressed how disappointing it would be not to come across one that day. I find Globidens to be really interesting, but I think of it as one of those finds I would never expect to make on any given hunt. For me, not finding one would not define the day as a let down. As I was beginning to form those thoughts into words, I reached down to pick up a circular fragment of a tooth with a peculiar texture. Finding the right angle of light soon revealed the undoubted best find of the day: The top of a Globidens sp. crushing tooth! The whole day I had been hallucinating "finding" Ptychodus teeth. Funnily enough, this may very well be the tooth that ended their supremacy as shell crushers of the WIS. Seems too coincidental that Globidens suddenly appears right around the last occurrence of Ptychodus. I wonder if they directly competed Ptychodus out of existence or if Ptychodus went extinct on its own and mosasaurs simply filled in the niche . I don't think the Globidens of the Ozan Formation has been formally described yet. Globidens sp. Mosasaur teeth of the day! Despite having hunted for over a year in the creeks of Austin, I am surprisingly bad at spotting artifacts. Throughout the span of the day, the both of us had found a few chert flakes, but no sign of anything more even as I was trying to make a conscious effort to spot one. On the same bar as where the Globidens sp. was found, I noticed a worked edge of stone so big even someone as archaeologically blind as me could never miss it. Without an ounce of self control, I yanked it from the sand before I could finish yelling the word "arrowhead"! I seriously need to work on milking the moment . I did a little bit of searching online later and found that the point is likely a Darl or Hoxie. Both put its age in the thousands of years! Darl or Hoxie point. It measures 8.5 cm in length. On the way back, we kept our eyes peeled for anything we may have missed. I was sifting random spots of gravel, but not having the most luck. Lari casually handed me rock with a pearly white exterior and triangular shape. It was the most textbook mastodon I had ever seen, but she wasn't very impressed with it. She told me she had many of these already and that nonmarine fossils didn't interest her. I won't say I understand her terrestrial prejudice, but I will withhold my complaints since it meant I had acquired my first significant chunk of proboscidean . Mastodon enamel, mammoth enamel, and vole tooth. We finally reached Cole at the entrance. In our absence he had wondered off the other way and found a neat spider to pique his entomology interests and pocketed a few fossils. We managed to make it out by the mid afternoon, but I was so exhausted and content, I couldn't bother checking out any other spots along the river. The spoils of the hunt were amazing, but most of all I was happy to finally experience a classic hunt on the NSR as I had seen so many post about before. Doing it with a couple of friends made the adventure even better! Sadly this place has got not much time remaining, so those of you who have stumbled upon this post, maybe take it as a sign to give this historic spot one last go before the opportunity floats away. Thanks for reading!
  22. I've been wondering how large teeth from Cretalamna appendiculata-type sharks could get. In their examination/further classification of these sharks, Siversson et al. depict several teeth that are a good deal larger than an inch/25.4 mm, including a first upper anterior of C. borealis that they note may have originally reached 38-40 mm in height (though with a broken tip is shorter than that now). From a marketplace perspective, C. appendiculata type teeth measuring an inch or larger appear somewhat uncommon, though they pop up from time to time. My question for shark teeth experts and collectors on the forum is what's the largest C. appendiculata-type tooth that you know of? Please post photos of any larger teeth in your collections as well. Below are a few large U.S. teeth that I've acquired. From left to right, they are: (1-3) 28.6 mm, 26.3 mm, and 28.0 mm from the Campanian of Russell County, Alabama; (4) 27.9 mm from the Santonian-Campanian of northeast Mississippi; and (5) 28.0 mm from the Maastrichtian of Conway, South Carolina. The tooth on the left would have been even bigger with the tip intact of course!
  23. On Wednesday, November 30th, I took yet another trip to my micromorph spot in the Graysonites wacoense Zone of the Grayson Marl Formation, Washita Group of north Texas (Lower Cenomanian, ~97mya), laterally equivalent to the Waco Pit in the Del Rio Fm. further south. This time I focused mainly on looking for shark teeth which was a massive success, and I ended up finding a few new species to add to my faunal list for this location as well. The first find of the day was this nice small lateral Cretalamna catoxodon (Otodontidae) shark tooth, the most common shark species at this site: Ex situ: My second Haimirichia amonensis (Haimirichiidae) from the site: Ex situ: Cretalamna catoxodon (Otodontidae) with a broken root: Cretalamna catoxodon (Otodontidae) with a broken crown: Ophiura graysonensis (Ophiuridae) brittlestar arm fragment: Pagurus banderensis (Paguridae) hermit crab claw, new for the site: Ex situ: Crateraster "sp. A" Blake & Reid, 1998 (Goniasteridae) starfish fragment, an unnamed species close to C. texensis, new to the site: Ex situ: One of three similar fish vertebra: Small Goniophorus scotti (Goniophoridae) urchin: Cretalamna catoxodon (Otodontidae) tooth: Ex situ: Another C. catoxodon (Otodontidae): Ex situ: Squalicorax sp. nov. (Anacoracidae) shark tooth, an unnamed species known from the Grayson/Del Rio Formation of Texas: Cretalamna catoxodon (Otodontidae) with a chipped crown: Ex situ: Goniophorus scotti (Goniophoridae) urchin: Another of the same undescribed Squalicorax (Anacoracidae): Ex situ: Graysonites wacoense (Acanthoceratidae) ammonite nucleus: Shark vertebra: A couple more Ophiura graysonensis (Ophiuridae) brittlestar arm fragments: Enchodus sp. (Enchodontidae) fish fang: Ex situ: Most common fossil at this site, a progenic dwarf Mariella bosquensis (Turrilitidae) ammonite: And finally an ex situ photo of a few Parasmilia graysonensis (Caryophyliidae) coral:
  24. bthemoose

    Cretalamna borealis shark tooth?

    I picked up the shark tooth below a while back, labeled as Cretalamna borealis. I'm not very familiar with the species--does this ID appear to be correct? The label that came with the tooth says it was found near Stary Oskol, Belgograd Oblast, Russia, and that it's Upper Albian in age from the Kursk Osteolite member of the Seversk Sandstone formation. The tooth measures 38.6 mm along the slant. One of the root corners is missing and there's some hard matrix still cemented to the tooth near the root margin of the lingual side. @ThePhysicist, I think this one might be a Dwardius woodwardi or Dwardius sp., but I'm not sure.
  25. Marco90


    From the album: My collection in progress

    Cretalamna biauriculata Wanner 1902 Location: Morocco Age: 72-66 Mya (Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous) Measurements: 1,8x2,8 cm Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Chondrichthyes Subclass: Elasmobranchi Superorder: Selachimorpha Order: Lamniformes Family: Otodontidae
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