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  1. I would like to ask if anyone has experience with fossil preparation with the help of heat. My question is triggered by that topic: Authenticating quartz (?) Keichousaurus? - Is It Real? How to Recognize Fossil Fabrications - The Fossil Forum My hypothesis is, that this specimen was baked (as a whole or only superficially, with a blow torch, for example, possibly several times) to promote flaking off of the matrix. Could this be correct? Another question: Some time ago, a baked crinoidal limestone was shown here on TFF (with color turned from a somewhat uniform gray to white-reddish), I can not find the topic again. Anybody else able to find it or able to point to a similar item? Thank you! Franz Bernhard
  2. Rocks are handy for a campfire. A common use for stones in a campfire is to create a protective ring around the flame. This ring serves two purposes: Creates a barrier between the fire and the rest of the forest, keeping the rest of the woods safe. Creates a wind barrier that can help light the fire, especially in wet and windy conditions Whatever the reason, someone made a campfire at my fossil dig site, it's a small secluded beach along a river. A nice place to make a campfire. By the way, I noticed that a rock they used to make the protective ring around the flame, had very distinct and visible small white fossils on it. A small chuck of rock found in the ash contained even whiter fossils. I deduced that the bleaching of fossils is created by the heat of the fire. I started experimenting, I put a rock containing fossils in the oven and set the heat to maximum (don't laugh, this is a very serious experiment) after heating the fossil for a solid hour, nothing happened. For my second try, I used my barbecue (don't laugh), I think I can have a higher temperature with it, I cook the same fossil for an hour and I get the same result: nothing. I needed more heat, so for my third try I put the fossil not on the grill but directly on the burners, and hooray I got white crinoids and Sowerbyella that really stand out from the matrix. Does anyone know what is the chemical process that creates this amazing effect? I wonder if this is a good method to give a second life to dull, unappealing and scientifically unworthy fossils. The heating process helps to bring the fossils out of the matrix, making it visibly more interesting. What do you think? A dull and unattractive fossil I used for my test After high temperature heating
  3. butchndad

    What is this?

    Hello i am thinking this is not just a geologic but rather something resulting from heat in some industrial process. Any idea?
  4. Okay so I have some questions on what you can and can't do with your typical trilobite in shale fossils. To help direct the discussion, I am interested in setting a small trilobite in silver as a gift. I make silver jewelry both using PMC (Precious Metal Clay) and traditional cutting and soldering. So, first question: Can you use high percentage (70% or higher) rubbing alcohol to clean all the dust and debris before sealing a trilobite? If not, what should I use? (I know you shouldn't use water) Question 2: What sealants can/should you use on a trilobite? I am looking for something that will be both waterproof and help prevent chipping. Question 3: Does anyone have any experience exposing them to high heat? It is common in jewelry making for heat to be involved, from both direct flame and indirect radiant heat. Is there any kind of precautions I should take and if so, what? What type of heat did you expose them to and what was the result? Different minerals act differently so remember we are talking about soft-medium shale. Question 4: Do you have any other advice or precautions you can give me regarding the use of fossil trilobites in/from shale matrix regarding their use in mixed media projects? The information I gather on this will help dictate my methods and help me create a plan for my project. There are many different ways I can do this and want to get a better idea of my options. Thanks. Picture is not of the exact trilobite to be used. It's just a reference for the kind of material/fossil I will be using.
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