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I've been working on this for a while now. For the longest time I wanted to reconstruct a whole bunch of hadrosaur skulls digitally and also 3dprint them. I started with Amurosaurus riabinini, and now I'm done sculpting and 3D printing it! So here is the result. I've printed it at 1/6th scale (14.5 cm long). And I will be making a whole lot more hadrosaur skulls in the future.





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Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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very cool!

I would love to add some 1/20 print of this to my collection.

Best regards,


Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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6 minutes ago, Mahnmut said:

very cool!

I would love to add some 1/20 print of this to my collection.

Best regards,


I doubt it would print well at that small scale though. It would only be 4.3 cm long. Many bones would be too thin to print as it's already an issue at 1/6th scale.

Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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All I can say its beautiful.  What did you use as your master to get the correct proportions.  With all the different type of skulls whu this species?

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It's all impressive but the detail on the teeth is especially amazing. Very nice.

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13 minutes ago, Troodon said:

All I can say its beautiful.  What did you use as your master to get the correct proportions.  With all the different type of skulls whu this species?

Where possible I used photos of the holotype skull bones. There are also a number of isolated skull bones that are known (such as the premaxilla, predentary and nasal). The most recent 2d reconstruction with the correct crest is from Andrey Atuchin in the 2014 Hadrosaur book. Even so, there are adjustments I've made here and there. Many of the skull bones are known from different individuals, so scaling them appropriately was definitely a challenge.


By now the skull is pretty well known. The holotype skull would have been quite sizable at over 60 cm long. But other finds of Amurosaurus suggest that they got very large. So the skull of a really big one might have been at a meter in length. I've scaled it here so that it would have been around 85 cm long at life size.

Missing bones like the pterygoids, ectopterygoids, palatines and vomers I had to reference from other hadrosaurs that do have them preserved (Lambeosaurine hadrosaurs like Parasaurolophus, Kazaklambia, Corythosaurus, Hypacrosaurus, Canardia and also saurolophine hadrosaurs like Saurolophus and Edmontosaurus.) As far as I know, no one has attempted to make a completely reconstructed skull for Amurosaurus before. So, it was quite a challenge to get it as accurate as possible. The two museum mounts that I know of don't have all the bones put into the skull (Brussels, Belgium and Blagoveshchensk, Russia.)


I also got some help from some hadrosaur workers such as Filippo Bertozo and Dylan Bastiaans. They helped with some of the more tricky anatomy.

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Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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Thanks.  It must have been a challenge, hard to appreciate it all seeing how good the final product turned out.  Do you have any thoughts on your next one?    

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1 minute ago, Troodon said:

Thanks.  It must have been a challenge, hard to appreciate it all seeing how good the final product turned out.  Do you have any thoughts on your next one?    

I've already started on Kazaklambia. Only the back of the skull is known. So I'm basing the front on other juvenile lambeosaurine hadrosaurs. I'm gonna be reusing a lot of parts of Amurosaurus and reshaping them as needed since hadrosaurs are generally very similar apart from their crests.

Others high on the list are Parasaurolophus, Charonosaurus, Corythosaurus, Hypacrosaurus and Tsintaosaurus. There are many more I want to make tho. Some well known and some very obscure that deserve some time in the spotlight.

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Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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Yes definitely. And hopefully it'll give others an insight in hadrosaur skulls as well.

And the Amurosaurus skull is now also viewable in 3d on Sketchfab

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Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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Great detail!

Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • 3 months later...

I've finished another hadrosaur skull. Here is Corythosaurus casuarius, printed at 1/6th scale.






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Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite

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