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I recently went on holiday with my girlfriend to the North Yorkshire Moors, and of course while we were there we went to a couple of beaches to look for fossils (specifically along Robin Hood's Bay and Saltwick Bay), and I've finished making reference collages for them, and I just wanted to share them. I IDed them to the best of my ability (along with some help from members of this forum), but as I only became interested in fossils earlier this year, it is quite likely that some IDs may be wrong, or could be taken further. If that is the case, please let me know!

I don't want this post to be ridiculously long so I'll only post what we found from Robin Hood's Bay, and then add the Saltwick Bay finds in a separate post.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy what we found!


4.1 - Fossilised wood (IDed as wood by Rockwood, rocket, and Mark Kmiecik) - very happy with this as its my first piece of fossilised wood and it's a fairly big piece at that! Also has quite a cool reflective velvet-like sheen which I quite like (any ideas on why it is like that?)


4.2 - Dactylioceras sp. (?) whorl - Found by my girlfriend! I quite like how the ribbing on the whorl is kind of gold-y, is this pyritisation or just polishing?


4.3 - Brachipod (?) and Dactylioceras (?) - part of the same rock


4.4 - Hispidocrinus scalaris stem (IDed by TqB) - Found by my girlfriend! While I was removing the fossil wood from a larger rock, some members of the public approached us to ask how our fossil-hunting was going, and they showed us some similar crinoid stems they found, and my girlfriend really wanted to find some - and just a few minutes later she did!


4.5 - Shell bed


4.6 - Hispidocrinus scalaris stem end imprint (IDed by Rockwood and TqB) - Also really happy with this one as it shows the end of the crinoid stem very clearly! I thought it was a sea-urchin at first, but not complaining.


4.7 - Belemnite phragmaocone (not sure if this is the correct term?)4.7.thumb.jpg.41418ea8f6f82459bd711b679f53f3b6.jpg

4.8 - Shell bed - is that larger black piece on the lower image anything special, or just a bit of rock?



Thanks for having a look, and I hope you enjoyed!

Edited by EntomoloJosh
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  • EntomoloJosh changed the title to What I collected from my recent trip to the North Yorkshire Coast (Robin Hood's Bay)

very nice finds, thanks for showing!

About the Ammonite I do not think it is Dactylioceras. Seems to have a keel. I would assume you found a nice part of Arnioceras (one of my favorites from this site :-))

Could you post a side-view-pic of the ammonite? Thanks

Edited by rocket
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16 minutes ago, rocket said:

very nice finds, thanks for showing!

About the Ammonite I do not think it is Dactylioceras. Seems to have a keel. I would assume you found a nice part of Arnioceras (one of my favorites from this site :-))

Could you post a side-view-pic of the ammonite? Thanks

I'm glad you've enjoyed my finds! I've taken some photos of the side of the ammonite as requested, but it was quite difficult to get the keel in view as it appears very worn away. I haven't made these photos with the scale bars as with the others (about to head to sleep!), so please forgive the crude drawing! Anyways, hope these are sufficient :)



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thanks a lot. Looks like Arnioceras for me. Lets wait for the Lias-specialists, hope they agree :rolleyes:

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