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hunting fossils in the country of Panama


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Hi everyone!


My family and I are think of going to the country of Panama for a week next year and like the fossil obsessed person I am I immediately started wondering if I could do a little hunting while I was there. I tried googling but kept getting results for Panama, Florida so I figured it would be easier to ask you all,


Where are some good hunting spots? Are there fossil hunting tours/dives?

Is it even legal to collect there?

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Very good questions, but I don't think we'll be able to provide much on the open boards.


When it comes to the laws, please perform due diligence in consulting official government sites. You don't want to be operating on the anecdotal testimony of members and find yourself in trouble. 


When it comes to spots or tours, members can contact you via PM. We don't make tour company recommendations, and anything someone might post about a potential site will also be seen by the many thousands of users who visit here, which can mean those sites may be cleaned out or even closed. ;) 

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