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Dino Museum Trip in February


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We think about visiting two or three museums in the States End of January or begin of Feb. Combine them with the Tucson-show

But, where to go? The north is too cold we think. Does anyone has a good idea, perhaps in Florida, Texas or other regions where it will no snow in this time?

thanks for your input


e.g. we planned a little bit the trip the last minutes and think about the Museum in Denver and the Natural History Museum in Houston (to combine it with the Houston Space Center, perhaps they are looking for some passengers to mars :rolleyes:). What do you think?


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40 minutes ago, rocket said:

passengers to mars 

I would wait until next year and take the flight to Saturn. Denver in the winter is quite variable when it comes to temperatures. Keep that in mind. But we do heat our museums! By far my favorite is the quaint Black Hills Institute of Geological Research. Most museums contain big, open, airy rooms. Not the case at the Black Hills Institute, which is just crammed with fossils. Visit Tate Museum in Casper, WY and meet up with @jpc. There is a chance he may be able to offer a behind the scenes look. I do apologize for offering non tropical sites. These locations lacks humidity, so even if colder than Germany, it can be much more comfortable. I grew up in Ohio but winters in Minnesota are much easier to handle for this reason. Their downfall is in winter's length. Don't let the cold scare you away.

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Oh yes, I remember Denver in Winter..., was there 3 or 4 times in the 90th for meetings and conferences, always around October or November. Coooooooooooooooooooooool, and snow. One conference was in Summer, it was nice to drive up to the mountains around Denver. But, I never found the time to visit the museum (s)...

Looks like that it will be better to go in Summer for a museums trip. Black Hills is on my bucket list like the Tate Museum. We have been in Thermopolis some years ago, the Museum from Burkhard Pohl. Strange one..

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The American Museum of Natural History in NYC and the Smithsonian in Washington are definitely worth checking out. Winters in that area have been relatively mild the past two years, chilly, but very little snow. Might also check out the Peabody Museum in New Haven, CT. (recently renovated) and the Museum of the Earth in Ithaca, NY. 

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rocket.... let me know if you come to the Tate.  Jan/Feb, I should be here.... no field work then.  

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