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Seven Sisters Beach Finds

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Hi - can anyone help identify these? All found at low tide on the beach below the Seven Sisters chalk cliffs in Sussex.

1.The spherical object fits lovely in the palm of the hand - heavy like a stone but quite different in appearance to the pebbles on the beach

2.What looks like an oyster shell? Hard to see in photo but easily identifiable ridges.

3.Two pieces embedded in the exposed chalk below the high tide line - look like they were part of a conical structure - outside is very smooth, interior is 'fluted'

4. I'm fairly certain this is marcasite - egg is not a beach find - it's for scale! This thing has some weight.

Thanks in advance.







Welcome to the forum! Your first pic reminds me of granite balls which were/are used in water tanks to keep the bottoms clean as they roll around in the water flow.I have several given to me by a friend at the city water dept. #2 could be worm-eaten oyster, #3 gastropod/snail, #4 has the shape of a crinoid crown and may be composed of chert ,look for a point of attachment, probably circular at the most narrow point. And so it begins, John


1?, 2 cliona (sponge) ridden oyster shell, 3 bits of clam shell?, 4 looks like a coprolite but may just be a mineral mass


The second is a modern oyster that has been bored by Clionia, the first is probably just an interestingly shaped flint. I can't make anything out of the third and the fourth is something with a lot of iron, could be natural but also it could be a chunk out of a wreck.

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