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Looking For Some Areas To Collect At In Multiple States.

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First, sorry if this is not the right location to post this. I have tried checking the area for each individual state and either it has been years and some of the links are dead or the sites were farther away than I have time for this year.

I am looking for sites to collect in up to 3 - 3 1/2 hours drive from Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The hardest part is not knowing locations and trying to find something within that time frame of driving.

States I am looking to collect in are;





Illinois (been to Vienna, and Anna areas)

I can bring a nice rock saw to use if you want to join me.

Thanks for helping.

Southeast, MO


If you had any interest in Oklahoma, I might be able to help, but the drive is much longer...

"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."
-Romans 14:19


I cannot do that this year do to time constraints. How far away are you talking about though?

Most of the time I like to go places I can drive to and back home in the same day. I guess next year I could go places that I stay over night or a couple days. I have loads of interest in some trilobites from there for sure though.

Southeast, MO


I have trilobite, insect, shark, crinoid/echinoid/brachiopod and reptile locations...but they vary in distance, so you'll have to send me a pm.

"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."
-Romans 14:19



Last year I went to a site in Indiana and found lots it was just off the highway I had a guide but the fossils are just on the ground and easy to find.

Sorry cant give a better location but it was only 1 Hr drive from Louisville in Kentucky.

Good luck




Look at the Eastern Missouri Society for Paleolontology website and the Memphis Geological Society website (name?). They list a number of locations that will fit your bill.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen



Last year I went to a site in Indiana and found lots it was just off the highway I had a guide but the fossils are just on the ground and easy to find.

Sorry cant give a better location but it was only 1 Hr drive from Louisville in Kentucky.

Good luck



Thanks, I might be able to get close. Do you think it might be noticeable on Google Earth?

Look at the Eastern Missouri Society for Paleolontology website and the Memphis Geological Society website (name?). They list a number of locations that will fit your bill.

Brent Ashcraft

Thanks. Didn't know about them. Of course you could always come along with me (and maybe Bill). Nothing beats getting out with friends. Roger took all kinds of stuff home last time we got out.

Southeast, MO


Hi, Yes I looked it up when I got back home and found it on google Earth, I will try and relocate it and send you the location.



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