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Is this a Dinosaur Bone?


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Sorry, I am new here so if I put this in the wrong topic im sorry in advance! I found this rock that looks like a bone a few years ago. I did some research but couldn't come to a conclusion. I did read if it has a spongy inside that it could be a bone of some sort. Mine has a very spongy inside. So I don't know. I found this great fourm and was wondering if you guys could help. I would really appreciate it! Thanks!




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Hi sandi, and welcome to the Forum. The pros will be here soon to help with an ID. Great photos, that is a big plus for an ID. :yay-smiley-1:

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Doesn't look like dinosaur bone to me. Looks more like a rock. I may be wrong though

"Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you" Job 12:8

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Hi and thank you ZiggieCie! I really appreciate it.

Raptor Lover, thank you for taking your time to look! Like I said you guys would know way more than I would. In my opinion I thought it was oddly shaped and looked different from a regular rock. Especially the inside of it! The texture is smooth but then again so are most rocks.

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Hi and welcome!

So definitely not dinosaur bone as there is no cell structure and the shape is just too asymmetrical.

With that said, it does appear to be limestone (not 100% sure though) and there does appear to be several fossils on the surface.

I see a lot of things that could be from different time periods, so one of the best places to start would be an approximate location of where this was found. Any kind of background information will help people make sense of the small patterns that are scattered throughout this piece.

Also, great photos. Thanks for sharing!

Edited by Rustdee
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Hey Rustdee!

Thank you and thank you so much for the info! It means a lot! I found this piece in my area in Oakville, MO. If you are not familiar, Oakville is just south of St. Louis and has tons of woods. I went exploring a few years back as I enjoy the beauty of nature and found it in a creek. I picked it up because of the hole that went through the rock. Could this be due to the water? If not how was the hole formed inside? Also there are quite a bit of small "fossils" on it.

Thanks again!

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Hi and thank you ZiggieCie! I really appreciate it.

Raptor Lover, thank you for taking your time to look! Like I said you guys would know way more than I would. In my opinion I thought it was oddly shaped and looked different from a regular rock. Especially the inside of it! The texture is smooth but then again so are most rocks.

You're very welcome :) Whatever it is, it is a really cool piece :)

"Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you" Job 12:8

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It is a limestone or dolomite matrix containing fossil impressions:


Here is a partial shell (brachiopod?) and a coral or bryozoan.

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Grampa Dino, thank you for the welcome! It's an awesome site I love it. I'll be sticking around quite awhile haha.

Raptor Lover, thanks again!

Auspex, thank you so much for that info! That's pretty awesome and neat. Now that I look at it there are many of those inside and around it. I can post more pictures if you guys need. If love to get more great info.

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