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Landes,s-w France, Maestritchian fossils


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This sunday i decided to make a little trip to the village of Dumes in the department of Landes to see its cliffs. Those are marly calcareous and karstic rocks from the Maestritchian :


1) I found little and big pieces that were oak leaf like, as this one :


And those other ones : post-21013-0-92619000-1460376071_thumb.jpg

On each of them i found fragments of shell and things i think are orbitolinas :


2) I also found little shells like those ones :


(if the photos are too little or not precise enough to try out what it can be that doesn't matter for me)

Edited by fifbrindacier


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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3) I also found those two things and i wonder what they can be :

In the first, i see an oyster with calcite (but, maybe it is not an oyster) :


For the second, i have no idea :


I found all this at the feet of those cliffs in a quarter of hour, i saw a lot of inclusions (or nodules ?) on them, but it was a little dangerous to take them without a little protection. So, in the next days, i'll buy a helmet and i won't come back there alone.

Thanks to all of you.

Edited by fifbrindacier


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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I could be wrong, but I think your suposed oyster fossil is just mineral.



Yes i agree it just could be a mineral.



"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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In the first picture of 3),considering that it was found in a karst region, could be a cavity with botryoidal calcite. Put a drop of vinegar on a portion of the crystals and see if it fizz. If not, than is something else.

" We are not separate and independent entities, but like links in a chain, and we could not by any means be what we are without those who went before us and showed us the way. "

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In the first picture of 3),considering that it was found in a karst region, could be a cavity with botryoidal calcite. Put a drop of vinegar on a portion of the crystals and see if it fizz. If not, than is something else.

It did fizz on the outside but i haven't see it fizzing inside. But maybe i haven't looked closely enough. I guess that botryoidal means like in french "grape shape".


Edited by fifbrindacier


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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Thanks coco, they really have that shape.


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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This sunday i decided to make a little trip to the village of Dumes in the department of Landes to see its cliffs. Those are marly calcareous and karstic rocks from the Maestritchian :


1) I found little and big pieces that were oak leaf like, as this one :


And those other ones : attachicon.gifP4112109.JPG

On each of them i found fragments of shell and things i think are orbitolinas :


2) I also found little shells like those ones :


(if the photos are too little or not precise enough to try out what it can be that doesn't matter for me)

Hello, everybody. I found out more information about the place were i found those fossils :

1) : those oak leaf like pieces seem to be chalcedony very richs of big foraminifers : lepitorbitoides socialis and minor, clypeorbis mamillata (i think it might be the bigger one at the edge of the piece on the third photo).

2) : second photo : maybe a Hellenocyclina Broeckinella (it is hard to see it on a photo and i might be wrong).

3) : the first one : congratulations you all were right ! :goodjob: : it is a geode of silica ;


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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As for the second one of 3).... (photos taken after a little prep) post-21013-0-95823100-1460557695_thumb.jpgpost-21013-0-55644100-1460558234_thumb.jpgpost-21013-0-40890600-1460558259_thumb.jpg, i have some ideas, with maybe a little foolish one :

In that formation, you can find urchins like echinocorys. This piece as a resemblance with a photo of an internal cast i found out on the web (i hope the photo will be big enough) : post-21013-0-38289900-1460555102_thumb.jpg

But i see (i could be mistaken) more resemblance with a diodon tooth like the one you can see here (http://apbafossile.over-blog.com/tag/fossiles/4) post-21013-0-70066800-1460555511.jpg found in the same department (Saint Martin d'Oney), lower Miocene ; or this other one : post-21013-0-82799900-1460555735_thumb.jpg.

I know the geological age doesn't fit, but i have very clever theories :P : that formation seems to be delimited by a silty and marly formation from the eocene that forms a roof. At about 4 kilometers there are ypresian sandstones, and at the foot of the cliffs there is what appears to be resurgences of an underground source.

So, first very clever theory : the diodon tooth (if it is one) fell mechanically from the roof. :ninja:

Second very clever theory : it was rolled out by a source that crossed eocene rocks. B)

Third very clever theory : a fossil hunter found it in Saint Martin d'Oney, went to that formation to find other fossils, it felt from his (her) trousers pocket (poor guy !)post-21013-0-64218400-1460556973_thumb.jpegpost-21013-0-52861100-1460557092_thumb.jpegpost-21013-0-64091100-1460557138.jpeg and i found it (lucky girl !) post-21013-0-80414700-1460557265.jpegpost-21013-0-86703900-1460557239.jpegpost-21013-0-70801800-1460557205_thumb.jpeg. :shake head::rofl:

Edited by fifbrindacier


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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More seriously, i have found other photos of echinocorys on the net :



"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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Ah, je m'en doutais un peu, merci caterpillar.


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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