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Ammonites to be identified

old dead things

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Like the thread started by RJB, I realized I have too much stuff, and when is enough enough. I have several out buildings that are full of fossils, rocks and other related items. The thing that bothers me the most is all the prepping projects I started, but never completed. You'd think a semi-retired guy would have lots of time, but it seems I'm busier now than I was when I was working full time. First three photos are of what I affectionately call the fossil barn. I spent three hours last night clearing a path.

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This is an ammonite I have been prepping off and on for five years or so. I don't know the species, but it sure is ornate. It was collected in southeastern Montana off a bluff on the Little Missouri River, Pierre Shale. Any ideas as to the species? As you can see there are lots of fractures and I am unsure how much more I want to expose.

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The final photo is another unknown ammonite found in the same area. I have only attempted prep on one side and refer to the piece as ammonite on the half shell. Again, any ideas. Like RJB I think it is time to start liquidating, it won't be long and I'll need to down size and I have no family to take my fossils.

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Old Dead Things

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Hello Jim!

I'm not familiarized with most of Cretaceous ammonites, but I think the first one could be Prionocyclus sp.


Edited by Guguita2104
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HI Jim-

I will call you in a sec, but I think your big ammonite is a Prionocylcus...not from the Pierre, but the Carlile Shale.

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