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All this is most appreciated, Scott. :)

Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.



Here is the complete list of 152 trilobite papers published in 2018.  Page one of this thread is reserved for the previous years to be added in the near future. 




Alberti, M. 2018
Leonaspis bassei n. sp. (Trilobita, Odontopleuridae) aus dem basalen Rupbach-Schiefer (Ober-Emsium; Rhenoherzynikum).

[Leonaspis bassei n. sp. (Trilobita, Odontopleuridae) from the basal Rupbach Slate (Upper Emsian; Rhenohercynian).]
Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 46:7-22


Álvaro, J.J., Esteve, J., Zamora, S. 2018

Morphological assessment of the earliest paradoxidid trilobites (Cambrian Series 3) from Morocco and Spain.

Geological Magazine, 155(7):1566-1595


Armstrong, M.L. 2018

Trilobites from a Cambrian extinction interval at the base of the Steptoean Stage, Riley Formation, central Texas.

MSc. Thesis, University of Oklahoma, School of Geology and Geophysics, 255 pp.


Armstrong, M.L., Westrop, S.R., Engel, M. 2018
Integrating Trilobite Biostratigraphy and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of the Cambrian (Paibian; Steptoean) Spice Event in Central Texas and Western Utah.
GSA 320997 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 272-15


Babcock, L.E. 2018
Pathologies in Paleozoic Trilobites.
GSA 320084 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 40-4


Ballester, A.S., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2018

Los trilobites de Minas Tierga (Marianiense, Cámbrico inferior) de las Cadenas Ibéricas (NE España).

[The trilobites of Tierga Mines (Marianiense, Lower Cambrian) of the Iberian Chains (NE Spain).]

In: Vaz, N. & Sá, A.A. (eds.) Yacimientos paleontológicos excepcionales en la península Ibérica. XXXIV Jornadas de Paleontología y IV Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 27:595-601


Basse, M. 2018

Die Typen der Trilobita mit deutscher Typuslokalität. Fortschritte in der Forschung im Jahr 2017 bis Frühjahr 2018.

[The types of Trilobita with German type locality. Research progress in 2017 until spring 2018.]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 48:185-226


Basse, M. & Müller, P. 2018

Phaetonellus aus dem Devon des Rhenoherzynikums (Trilobita, Emsium und Eifelium, rechtsrheinisches Schiefergebirge).

[Phaetonellus from the Devonian of the Rhenoherzynikum (Trilobita, Emsium and Eifelium, right bank of the Schiefergebirge).]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 48:97-183


Basse, M. & Müller, P. 2018

Status quo der Funde von Paralejurus aus den deutschen Varisziden (Trilobita, spätes Silur bis frühes Mitteldevon).

[Status quo of the finds of Paralejurus from the German Variscides (Trilobita, late Silurian to early middle Devonian).

Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 46:129-154


Beech, J.D., Lamsdell, J.C. 2018
Death Defying Morphologies: Extinction in and Disparity in the Order Harpetida
GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, Usa - 2018 Paper No. 39-17


Bennett, C.E., Williams, M., Leng, M.J., Lee, M.R., Bonifacie, M., Calmels, D., Fortey, R.A., Laurie, J.R., Owen, A.W., Page, A.A., & Munnecke, A. 2018

Oxygen isotope analysis of the eyes of pelagic trilobites: Testing the application of sea temperature proxies for the Ordovician.

Gondwana Research, 57:157-169


Bergström, S.M., Ahlberg, P., Maletz, J., Lundberg, F., Joachimski, M.M. 2018

Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) chemostratigraphy linked to graptolite, conodont and trilobite biostratigraphy in the Fågelsång-3 drill core, Scania, Sweden.

Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar, 140(3):229-240


Betts, M.J., Paterson, J.R., Jacquet, S.M., Andrew, A.S., Hall, P.A., Jago, J.B., Jagodzinski, E.A., Preiss, W.V.,

Crowley, J.L., Brougham, T., Mathewson, C.P., García-Bellido, D.C., Topper, T.P., Skovsted, C.B., Brock, G.A. 2018

Early Cambrian chronostratigraphy and geochronology of South Australia. Earth-Science Reviews, 185:498-543


Bicknell, R.D.C. & Paterson, J.R. 2018

South Australian Cambrian trilobite injuries: A new approach to explore the early evolution of predation and lateralisation. pp. 60-61

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Bicknell, R.D.C., Pates, S., Botton, M.L. 2018

Abnormal xiphosurids, with possible application to Cambrian trilobites.

Palaeontologia Electronica, 21(2,19A):1-17


Boyce, W.D. & Knight, I. 2018

Trilobite-based recognition of the Early–Middle Cambrian (Dyeran–Delamaran) boundary in the Labrador Group, western Newfoundland, Canada.

Geological Association of Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Section - 2018 Spring Technical Meeting Atlantic Geology, 54:134


Budil, P., Fatka, O., Laibl, L., Nohejlová, M., Polechová, M., 2018

Libeň and Letná formations Lagerstätten (Sandbian, Prague Basin, Barrandian area): state of art and perspectives. p. 478 

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Bushuyev, Ye.V. & Komlev, D.A. 2018.

New finds of lower Cambrian trilobites in reduction of Konstinskoy Svity River Sukhaya Tunguska (West of the Siberian platform). pp. 31-32

In: Fundamental and applied paleontology. Materials of the LXIV Session Paleontological Society, All-Russian Institute for Geological Research


Carbonaro, F.A., Langer, M.C., Nihei, S.S., Souza-Ferreira, G., Ghilardi, R.P. 2018

Inferring ancestral range reconstruction based on trilobite records: a study-case on Metacryphaeus (Phacopida, Calmoniidae).

Nature Scientific Reports, 8(15179):1-12


Carvalho, M.D.G.P. 2018

Occurrence of Dipleura dekayi Green, 1832 (Trilobita; Homalonotidae) in the Devonian of Colombia.

American Museum Novitates, 3902:1-8


Chen, Z., Zhao, Y. 2018
Guizhou Jianhe Balang "Qingxudong Formation" Trilobites. p. 39
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Chen, Z., Zhao, Y., Yang, X., Wang, M. 2018

Duyunaspis Zhang and Qian in Zhou et al., 1977 (Trilobita) from the "Tsinghsutung Formation" (Series 2, Stage 4) of eastern Guizhou, South China.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 57(2):181-191


Chirivella, J.B., Liñán, E., Álvarez, M.E.D., Gozalo, R. 2018

Los Paradoxídidos de la fm. mansilla y base de la fm. Murero (Leoniense superior–Caesaraugustiense medio, serie 3 del Cámbrico) en las Cadenas Ibéricas (España). [The Paradoxides of the Mansilla Formation and base of the Murero Formation (Upper Leonian-Middle Caesaraugustian, 3 series of the Cambrian) in the Iberian Chains (Spain).] In: Vaz, N. & Sá, A.A. (eds.) Yacimientos paleontológicos excepcionales en la península Ibérica. XXXIV Jornadas de Paleontología y IV Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 27:555-561


Choi, D.K. & Park, T.Y.S. 2018

Erratum to: Recent advances of trilobite research in Korea: Taxonomy, biostratigraphy, paleogeography, and ontogeny and phylogeny.

Geosciences Journal, 22(4):681


Collantes, L., Gozalo, R., Garzón, I., Mayoral, E. 2018

Trilobites del Cámbrico inferior (Marianiense) de la Unidad Fregenal-Cumbres (Sierra norte de Huelva). [Trilobites of the Lower Cambrian (Marianiense) of the Fregenal-Cumbres Unit (Sierra Norte de Huelva).] In: Vaz, N. & Sá, A.A. (eds.) Yacimientos paleontológicos excepcionales en la península Ibérica. XXXIV Jornadas de Paleontología y IV Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 27:563-570


Corbacho, J., López-Soriano, F.J., Lemke, U., Morrison, S., Hammond, K. 2018

Diversity and Distribution of the Genus Platypeltoides (Nileidae) in Morocco.

American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 6(2):13-20


Crônier, C., Abbache, A., Khaldi, A., Oudot, M., Maillet, Mehadji, S., Ouali, A. 2018

Biodiversity and palaeobiogeographical affinities of Middle Devonian trilobites from Algeria. p. 819

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Crônier, C., Abbache, A., Khaldi, A., Yacine, M., Oudot, M. 2018

Middle Devonian trilobites of the Saoura Valley, Algeria: insights into their biodiversity and Moroccan affinities.

Geological Magazine, 155(4):811-840


Crônier, C., Oudot, M., Klug, C., De Baets, K. 2018

Trilobites from the Red Fauna (latest Emsian, Devonian) of Hamar Laghdad, Morocco and their biodiversity.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 290(1-3):241-276


Cuen-Romeroa, F.J., Valdez-Holguín, J.E., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E., Monreal, R., Enríquez-Ocaña, L.F., Aguirre-Hinojosa, E., Ochoa-Granillo, J.A., Palafox-Reyes, J.J. 2018 Trilobite-based biostratigraphy (arthropoda-trilobita) and related faunas of the Cambrian from Sonora, Mexico.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 83:227-236


Drage, H.B., Holmes, J.D., García‐Bellido, D.C., Daley, A.C. 2018

An exceptional record of Cambrian trilobite moulting behaviour preserved in the Emu Bay Shale, South Australia.

Lethaia, 51(4):473-492


Drage, H.B., Laibl, L. & Budil, P. 2018

Postembryonic development of Dalmanitina, and the evolution of facial suture fusion in Phacopina.

Paleobiology, 44(4):638-659


Du, G., Peng, J., Wang, D., Fan, W. 2018

Morphological analysis and ontogeny of the trilobite Changaspis elongata from the Cambrian Series 2 of Guizhou, South China. p. 112

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Ebbestad, J.O.R. & Fortey, R.A. 2018

Stratigraphy and trilobite biofacies of the Late Ordovician (Katian) of the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia.

International Conference on Arctic Margins, Abstract


Esteve, J., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rubio, P., Rábano, I. 2018

Evolution of trilobite enrolment during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: insights from kinematic modelling.

Lethaia, 51(2):207-217


Esteve, J., Zhao Y., Maté-González, M.A., Gómez-Heras, M., Peng, J. 2018

A new high-resolution 3-D quantitative method for analysing small morphological features: an example using a Cambrian trilobite.

Nature Scientific Reports, 8(2868):1-10


Evans, A., Nikolic, M., Hopkins, M., Daly, E.S., Catlett, K., Jernvall, J. 2018

Inhibitory cascade and serial segmentation in teeth, limbs and body segments: from trilobites to hominids. p. 370

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Fang, J., Wu, H., Zhang, S., Yang, T., Li, H. 2018
Study on the Stratigraphy of the Jinjinzi Section of the Bottom of the Guzhang Formation in the Cambrian. pp. 169-170
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Fatka, O. & Budil, P. 2018

Digestive structures in the Middle Ordovician trilobite Prionocheilus Rouault, 1847 from the Barrandian area of Czech Republic.

Geologica Acta, 16(1):65-73


Fatka, O., Budil, P., Laibl, L., 2018

Possible shell disease syndrome in late holaspid Ordovician trilobites. p. 517

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Feist, R. & Belka, Z. 2018

Late Emsian (Devonian) trilobite communities from the Kess-Kess mounds, Hamar Laghdad (Anti-Atlas, Morocco).

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 290(1-3):277-290


Feist, R. & Weyer, D. 2018

The proetid trilobite Perliproetus, a marker of the late Famennian in Central Europe and North Africa.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 287(2):195-206


Flick, U. 2018

Die Trilobiten-Fauna im Greifenstein-Kalk der Typlokalität (Grenzbereich Emsium/Eifelium) – ein Zwischenbericht.

[The trilobite fauna from the Greifenstein Limestone at the type locality (boundary Emsian-Eifelian) – an interim report.] 

Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde, 139:133-161


Fowler, E. 2018
Late Dyeran Olenelloid fauna from Ellendale, S. Monitor Range, Nevada – A report on USGS collection 4233-CO.
The Trilobite Papers, 20:35-39


Geyer, G. 2018
A Century Ago - 1918.  
The Trilobite Papers, 20:9-17


Geyer, G. 2018

Solenopleura, Parasolenopleura and related conundrums. pp. 116-117

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Geyer, G. & Landing, E. 2018

An exploring expedition to the world’s oldest trilobites. pp. 66-70

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Omrani, M, Omrani, H. 2018

The latest Devonian (Famennian) phacopid trilobite Omegops from eastern Alborz, Iran.

Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 67(3):192-204


Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Pereira, S., Colmenar, J., Zamora, S., Rábano, I. 2018

Middle Berounian (ca. Sandbian 2-Katian 1) trilobite, brachiopod and echinoderm assemblages from the southern Central Iberian Zone, Spain. p. 844

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Heath, R.A. 2018

A Palaeoenvironmental Analysis of Ordovician trilobites from the Builth-Llandrindod Wells Inlier, Central Wales.

B.Sc. Thesis, University of Manchester, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 93 pp.


Heward, A.P., Booth, G.A., Fortey, R.A., Miller, C.G., Sansom, I.J. 2018

Darriwilian shallow-marine deposits from the Sultanate of Oman, a poorly known portion of the Arabian margin of Gondwana.

Geological Magazine, 155(1):59-84


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., García-Bellido, D.C. 2018

Exceptional preservation of Redlichia from the Emu Bay Shale, South Australia, including a giant new species. p. 60

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Hong, P.S. 2018

Earliest trilobites of Korea. pp. 118-119

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Hopkins, M.J. 2018
Discovering Parameters That Govern Variation in Trilobite Growth and Body Size Through Modeling.
GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, Usa - 2018 Paper No. 199-10


Kchodl, J.J. 2018
A Pictorial Guide to North American Trilobites: Second Edition.
Privately Published by the Author, 86 pp.


Kennedy, R. & Stammers, S. 2018

Trilobites of the British Isles.

Siri Scientific Press, 384 pp.


Knížek, F., Vokáč, V., Hartl, F., Pavlovič, M. 2018

Biostratigraphically important findings of two index trilobites from the Jince Formation (Cambrian, Drumian) of the Příbram-jince Basin (Barrandian Area, Czech Republic). Folia Musei Rerum Naturalium Bohemiae Occidentalis, Geologica et Paleobiologica, Západoceské muzeum v Plzni, 52:1-6


Korovnikov, I.V. 2018

The oldest trilobites from Siberia. p. 325

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Korovnikov, I.V. 2018

Paleogeographic distribution of the ancient trilobites of the Atdaban period of the early Cambrian in the Altai-Sayan folding area. pp.62-64

In: Fundamental and applied paleontology. Materials of the LXIV Session Paleontological Society, All-Russian Institute for Geological Research


Korovnikov, I.V. 2018

The dynamics of trilobite developments in the Lower and the early Middle Cambrian of the Eastern Siberian platform: The Protolenidae and Oryctocephalidae.

Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGG SB RAS) - 111 pp.


Korovnikov, I.V. 2018

Middle Cambrian trilobites and biostratigraphy of the section at the Khorbosuonka River (NE Siberian platform). pp.82-85

In: Podobina, V.M. (ed.) Evolution of Life on the Earth: Materials of the V International Symposium November 12–16, 2018.

Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University


Korovnikov, I.V., Novozhilova, N.V., Tokarev, D.A. 2018

Distribution of Atdabanian (Early Cambrian) Trilobites, Archaeocyaths, and Small Shelly Fossils in the Altai–Sayan Folded Area.

Paleontological Journal, 52:1481-1493


Krueger, H.H. 2018

Die Familie Raphiophoridae (Trilobita) aus ordovizischen baltoskandischen Geschieben.

Ampyx-Verlag, 62 pp.


Krylov, A.V. 2018

New Data on the Taxonomy and localities of Ordovician Trilobites (Trilobita: Ptychopariida: Illaenidae, Panderidae) of Leningrad Region.

Baranovichi State University Bulletin, 6:57-81


Kundura, J.P. 2018

Trilobite assemblages in Floian of Montagne Noire, France: focus on the upper part of the "Formation de Saint-Chinian". p. 520 

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Laibl, L. 2018

Evolutionary modifications of early developmental stages in Cambrian trilobites. p. 521

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Laibl, L. 2018

Morphological and ecological disparity in early developmental stages of Cambrian trilobites. pp.61-62

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Laibl, L., Cederström, P., Ahlberg, P. 2018

Early post-embryonic development in Ellipsostrenua (Trilobita, Cambrian, Sweden) and the developmental patterns in Ellipsocephaloidea.

Journal of Paleontology, 92(6):1018-1027


Lam, A.R., Stigall, A.L., Matzke, N.J. 2018

Dispersal in the Ordovician: Speciation patterns and paleobiogeographic analyses of brachiopods and trilobites.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 489:147-165


Lan, T., Zhao, Y., Peng, J., Yang, X. 2018
Kaili Biota ontogenetic fossils of trilobites. p. 41
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Lavine, R.J. 2018
Patterns of Morphological Diversification within the Suborder Agnostina (Trilobita).
GSA 323024 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 115-3


Lebrun, P. 2018

Fossiles du Maroc. [Fossils from Morocco.]

Les Editions du Piat, 298 pages, 950 photos


Lee, S.B. 2018

Refined biostratigraphy of the Cambrian Stage 10 of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea. p. 122

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Lefebvre, B., Lerosey-Aubril, R., Martin, E., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., García-Bellido, D.C., Rábano, I., Saleh, F., Vidal, M., Van Roy, P. 2018

Fossilized appendages and guts in three phacopid trilobites from the Tremadocian lower Fezouata Konservat-lagerstätte (Lower Ordovician, Morocco). p. 862

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Lerosey-Aubril, R., Gaines, R.R., Hegna, T.A., Ortega-Hernández, J., Van Roy, P., Kier, C., Bonino, E. 2018

The Weeks Formation Konservat-Lagerstätte and the evolutionary transition of Cambrian marine life.

Journal of the Geological Society London, 175:705-715


Lerosey‐Aubril, R. & Peel, J.S. 2018

Gut evolution in early Cambrian trilobites and the origin of predation on infaunal macroinvertebrates: evidence from muscle scars in Mesolenellus.

Palaeontology, 61(5):747-760


Lerouge, F. 2018

Dicranurus monstrosus: herkomst, morfologie, ecologie en preparatie van een iconische trilobiet.

[Dicranurus monstrosus: Origin, morphology, ecology and preparation of an iconic trilobite.]

Spirifer, 42(2):13-23


Liu, S. 2018
Study on Taphonomy of the Balang Fauna Lagerstätte from the Cambrian(Stage 4) of Guizhou, China.

PhD Thesis, Guizhou University, 149 pp.


Loch, J.D., Taylor, J.F., Repetski, J.E. 2018

Lotagnostus-dominated faunas from the Cambrian Windfall Formation, Nevada, USA: Implications for deliberations over the base of Cambrian Stage 10.

pp. 125-126 In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Loch, J.D., Taylor, J.F., Repetski, J.E., Strauss, J.V., Kamerer, W.T. 2018
Paleoenvironmental distribution of the Late Cambrian (Furongian) Agnostoid arthropod Lotagnostus in western Laurentia.
GSA 324627 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 257-3


Lomas Martín, J.C. 2018

Guía de Trilobites del Ordovícico Medio de Castilla-La Mancha y Extremadura. 2ª Edición.

Guide of Trilobites of the Middle Ordovician of Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura. 2nd Edition.

Fondos de los Museos de Molina, Monografías de la Asociación Paleontológica Alcarreña Nautilus, 226 pp.


Losso, S. 2018

A new genus of dimeropygid trilobites from the Great Basin of the western USA.

Masters Thesis, University of Iowa, 121 pp.


Makarova, A.L. 2018

About trilobites of the genus Nganasanella Rosova, 1963 (upper Cambrian) and their stratigraphic values. pp. 71-72

In: Fundamental and applied paleontology. Materials of the LXIV Session Paleontological Society, All-Russian Institute for Geological Research


Maneethein, S., Ditbanjong, P., Thasod, Y., Bignon, A. 2018
Classification of the Upper Paleozoic Trilobites from Doi Tu Pu, Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand : Preliminary result.

The 2nd International Symposium on Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes. Abstracts Volume.


Marinšek, M., Križnar, M., Gale, L. 2018

Trilobites from European sites in school and historical geological collections of the Natural History Museum of Slovenia. p.188

In: Slovenian Geological Congress Velenje, 3-5.10.2018 Collection of abstracts.


McAdams, N.E.B., Adrain, J.M., Karim, T.S. 2018

The pliomerid trilobite Ibexaspis and related new genera, with species from the Early Ordovician (Floian; Tulean, Blackhillsian) of the Great Basin, western USA.

Zootaxa, 4525(1):1-152


McCobb, L.M.E., McDermott, P.D., Owen, A.W. 2018

The trilobite fauna of an uppermost Katian (Upper Ordovician) echinoderm Lagerstätte from South West Wales.

The Palaeontological Association 62nd Annual Meeting - Programme Abstracts


McClure, T.C., Busch, R.M. 2018
Change in Edenian Triarthrus species along a depth gradient in the Taconic Foreland Basin, Pennsylvania.
GSA 311140 (GSA Northeastern Section - 53rd Annual Meeting - 2018) Paper No. 10-21


Meroi Arcerito, F.R., Waisfeld, B.G., Vaccari, N.E., Muñoz, D.F. 2018

High resolution trilobite biostratigraphy for the early late Tremadocian (Tr2) interval (Early Ordovician) Santa Rosita Formation, Argentine Cordillera Oriental.

Ameghiniana, 55(5):531-554


Moysiuk, J. & Caron, J.B. 2018

Burgess Shale fossils shed light on the agnostid problem. p. 300

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Müller, P. & Hahn, G. 2018

Die Trilobiten der Erdbach-Kalke von Erdbach (Hessen) und die der "Phillipsien-Bank" im Raum Warstein (NordrheinWestfalen), sowie eine Revision der Cystispininae (mittleres Mississippium). [The trilobites of the Erdbach limestone of Erdbach (Hesse) and those of the "Phillipsien-Bank" in the Warstein area (North Rhine-Westphalia), as well as a revision of cystispininae (middle Mississippian).] Abhandlungen der Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 574:1-237


Mychko, E.V. & Alekseev, A.S. 2018

Trilobites from the Gzhelian (Pennsylvanian) of the Moscow Region.

Paleontological Journal, 52(5):506-519


Mychko E.V. 2018

Complex of Lower-Permian trilobites from Shachtau (Bashkortostan Republic).

The fifteenth all Russian scientific school for young scientists in paleontology,  p. 22


Ng, R.Y., Adrain, J.M. 2018
Phylogeny and Morphology of the Cambrian-ordovician Trilobite genus Clelandia with new and revised Species.
GSA 324590 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 115-5


Pankowski, M.K., Pankowski, M.J., Hegna, T. 2018

Legacy data in phylogenetics and a Re-analysis of mid-paleozoic phacopid phylogeny
GSA 322878 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 115-4


Park, T.Y. 2018

Ontogeny of the two co-occurring middle Furongian (late Cambrian) shumardiid trilobites and the protaspid morphology of shumardiids.

Geological Magazine, 155(6):1247-1262


Paterson, J.R., Gaines, R.R., García-Bellido, D.C., Jago, J.B. 2018

The Emu Bay Shale fan delta complex: palaeoenvironmental conditions affecting the community structure of a unique Cambrian Lagerstätte. p. 59

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Peel, J.S. & Willman, S. 2018

The Buen Formation (Cambrian Series 2) biota of North Greenland.

Papers in Palaeontology, 4(3):381-432


Pegel, T.V. 2018

Cambrian paleobiogeography and evolution of trilobite biofacies zoning on the Siberian platform. pp.106-109

In: Podobina, V.M. (ed.) Evolution of Life on the Earth: Materials of the V International Symposium November 12–16, 2018.

Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University


Peng, S.C. 2018

New oryctocephalid taxa from the Cambrian Balang Biota in NW Hunan with a review on the classification of oryctocephalids. p. 506

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Bagnoli, G., Shen, Y., Mei, M., Zhu, X., Li, D., Zhang, X., Wang, L., 2018

Proposed GSSP for the base of Cambrian Stage 10 (Furongian Series) at FAD of Lotagnostus americanus in the Wa’ergang section, Hunan, South China. pp.76-78

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Peng S.C., Babcock, L.E., Zhu, X., Dai, T. 2018

A new oryctocephalid trilobite from the Balang Formation (Cambrian Stage 4) of northwestern Hunan, South China, with remarks on the classification of oryctocephalids. Palaeoworld, 27(3):322-333


Pereira, S. 2018

A coleção de trilobites do Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal).

VIII Congresso Jovens Investigadores em Geociências, pp. 73-76


Pereira, S. 2018

'Striptease' Paleozoico: exemplos de ecdise em trilobites do Ordovícico Superior de Portugal.

[Paleozoic 'Striptease': exemples of ecdysis in trilobites of Upper Ordovician of Portugal.]

In: Vaz, N. & Sá, A.A. (eds.) Yacimientos paleontológicos excepcionales en la península Ibérica.

XXXIV Jornadas de Paleontología y IV Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 27:301-312


Pereira, S., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Colmenar, J., Rábano, I. 2018
Trilobites del Ordovícico Superior del Macizo del Tremedal (rama castellana de la Cordillera Ibérica)

Geogaceta, 64:95-98


Qin, S., Dоng, L., Shen, B. 2018
Ontogenetic variation on cranidial shape of the Late Middle Cambrian (Cambrian Series 3) Trilobite Jiulongshania acalla.
GSA 321978 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 39-18


Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Pereira, S., Bernárdez, E. 2018

El trilobites Dionide (Trinucleoidea) en el Ordovícico de España. [The trilobites Dionide (Trinucleoidea) in the Ordovician of Spain.]

In: Vaz, N. & Sá, A.A. (eds.) Yacimientos paleontológicos excepcionales en la península Ibérica.

XXXIV Jornadas de Paleontología y IV Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 27:313-323


Rice, A., Van Iten, H. 2018
Gravicalymene celebra (Raymond) from the Silurian Laurel Dolostone: Where are the Pieces?
GSA 312061 (GSA Southeastern Section - 67th Annual Meeting - 2018) Paper No. 20-3


Rushton, A.W.A., Fortey, R.A. 2018

A giant trilobite from the Lynton Formation, North Devon, indicates a Late Emsian age.
Geoscience in South-West England, 14, 194-197


Schoenemann, B. 2018

The functioning of a trilobite visual system more than half a billion years ago. p. 307

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Schoenemann, B. 2018

Evolution of Eye Reduction and Loss in Trilobites and Some Related Fossil Arthropods.

Emerging Science Journal, 2(5):272-286


Schoenemann, B. 2018
'Stielauge' [Stalked-eye] or passion in and for science.
The Trilobite Papers, 20:32-34


Schoenemann, B. & Clarkson, E.N.K. 2018

How an eye of a phacopid trilobite is constructed, or the solution of Stürmer’s enigma.

The Palaeontological Association 62nd Annual Meeting - Programme Abstracts


Schöning, H. 2018

Zwei bemerkenswerte Cranidien ordovizischer Trilobiten aus Geschieben des Unteren Roten Orthocerenkalks.

[Two remarkable cranidia of Ordovician trilobites from glacial erratics of the Lower Red Orthoceratite Limestone.]

Geschiebekunde Aktuell, 34(1):17-25


Schwimmer, D.R., Montante, W.M. 2018
Horseshoe crabs as modern analogs of trilobites: contrary evidence from a meraspid cluster in the upper Cambrian Conasauga Formation, western Georgia
GSA 311581 (GSA Annual Meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA - 2018) Paper No. 4-2


Sheldon, P.R. 2018

Fluctuating asymmetry in Ordovician trilobites from the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales.

The Palaeontological Association 62nd Annual Meeting - Programme Abstracts


Smith, P.M., Paterson, J.R., Brock, G.A. 2018

Trilobites and agnostids from the Goyder Formation (Cambrian Series 3, Guzhangian; Mindyallan), Amadeus Basin, central Australia.

Zootaxa, 4396(1):1-67


Stanley, S.M. 2018
Genal spines functioned to allow Trilobites to right themselves after being overturned.
GSA 319781 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 199-11


Stebing, J., Le, M., Mikulic, D.G., Dattilo, B., Havens, J.J. 2018
A new Silurian (Ludlow, Gorstian) Trilobite fauna from Pipe Creek Junior Quarry, Swayzee, Grant County, Indiana.
GSA 324770 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 39-4


Stocker, C., Lane, P.D., Siveter, D.J., Williams, M., Oji, T., Tanaka, G., Komatsu, T., Wallis, S. 2018

Silurian and Devonian trilobites of Japan: ‘eye witnesses’ to the early geological evolution of the Japanese islands.

The Palaeontological Association 62nd Annual Meeting - Programme Abstracts


Stocker, C., Tanaka, G., Siveter, D.J., Lane, P., Tsutsumi, Y., Komatsu, T., Wallis, S., Oji, T., Siveter, D.J., Williams, M. 2018

Biogeographical and biostratigraphical significance of a new Middle Devonian phacopid trilobite from the Naidaijin Formation, Kurosegawa Terrane, Kyushu, southwest Japan.  Paleontological Research, The Palaeontological Society of Japan, 22(1):75-90


Stocker, C., Williams, M., Lane, P., Siveter, D.J., Oji, T., Wallis, S., Tanaka, G., Komatsu, T. 2018

Silurian and Devonian trilobites of Japan: 'eye witnesses' to the early geological evolution of the Japanese islands. p. 747

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Sundberg, F.A. 2018

Trilobite biostratigraphy of the Cambrian 5 and Drumian stages, Series 3 (Laurentian Delamaran, Topazan, and Marjuman stages, Lincolnian Series) of the lower Emigrant Formation at Clayton Ridge, Esmeralda County, Nevada. Journal of Paleontology, 92(Memoir 76):1-44


Sundberg, F.A. (ed.) 2018
The Trilobite Papers, 20:1-48
PaleoNet Online Publication


Sun, Z.X., Wang, P.L., Zhao, F.C., Yuan, J.L. 2018
New material of Peronopsis Hawle and Corda, 1847 (Agnostida: Trilobita) from the uppermost part of the Manto Formation (Cambrian Series 3, Stage 5) in Dongping, Shandong Province. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 57(3):287-294


Taylor, R.S. 2018

A fresh perspective on the middle Cambrian trilobites from Manuels River, Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada.

Geological Association of Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Section - 2018 Spring Technical Meeting Atlantic Geology, 54:143-144


Taylor, W., Högström, A., Ebbestad, J.O.R., Høyberget, M., Jensen, S., Meinhold, G., Palacios, T., Novis, L. 2018

Teaching with Trilobites: digital resources to enhance student learning at the Tromsø University Museum. p. 1077

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Tortello, M.F. 2018

Redescription of a LotagnostusMendoparabolina faunule (Trilobita; late Furongian) from Quebrada San Isidro, Precordillera of Mendoza, Argentina.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 92(3):373-386


Tortello, M.F., Zeballo, F.J. & Monti, D. 2018

A late Furongian trilobite assemblage from the eastern Cordillera Oriental (Santa Rosita Formation; Jujuy, Argentina) and its biostratigraphic significance.

Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales N.S., 20(2):271-282


Vaccari, N.E.,  Waisfeld, B.G., Canelo, H.N., & Smith, L. 2018

Trilobites from the Iscayachi Formation (Upper Cambrian - Lower Ordovician), Cordillera Oriental, South Bolivia. Biostratigraphic implications.

In: Fósiles y Facies de Bolivia - Riglos, M.S., Farjat, A.D., & Leyton, M.A.P. (eds.) Sincronía Diseño & Publicidad, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 3:36-58


Vannier, J., Vidal, M., Marchant, R., El Hariri, K., Kouraiss, K., El Albani, A., Mazurier, A., Martin, E. 2018

Collective behaviour in trilobites from the Lower Ordovician of Morocco. p. 328

In: 5th International Palaeontological Congress IPC5


Van Viersen, A.P. & Vanherle, W. 2018

The rise and fall of Late Devonian (Frasnian) trilobites from Belgium: taxonomy, biostratigraphy and events.

Geologica Belgica, 21(1-2):73-94


Van Viersen, A.P. 2018

Het probleem Morocops - een ingewikkelde casus onder de Devonische Trilobita.

The problem Morocops - a complicated case under the Devonian Trilobita.

Spirifer, 42(4):17-19.


Wang, D., Peng, J., Zhang, H. 2018

Interspecific variability in Redlichia (Pteroredlichia) trilobites from the Balang Fauna (Cambrian Series 2, south China). p. 154

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Wang, J., Wang, X., Ping, Y., Zhuang, Y., Chen, R., He, S. 2018
Early Ordovician trilobite fauna in Ziyang, Shaanxi. pp. 68-69
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Wang, Y., Peng, J., Zhang, H. 2018
Preliminary Study on the Trilobite Materials of the Cambrian in Guizhou. pp. 44-45
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Webster, M. & Hageman, S.J. 2018

Buenellus chilhoweensis n. sp. from the Murray Shale (lower Cambrian Chilhowee Group) of Tennessee, the oldest known trilobite from the Iapetan margin of Laurentia. Journal of Paleontology, 92(3):442-458


Westrop, S.R., Landing, E. & Dengler, A.A. 2018

Pseudocryptic species of the Middle Cambrian trilobite Eodiscus Hartt, in Walcott, 1884, from Avalonian and Laurentian Newfoundland.

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55(9):997-1019


Wei, B., Wang, Y., Cao, P. 2018
Qingxudong Formation of the Cambrian in Yangzi District, Guizhou. p. 45
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Wei, X., Zhan, R. 2018
A new trilobite species Anacaenaspis yanpingensis from the upper Rhuddanian (lower Silurian) of South China, and its biogeographical implications. pp. 69-70
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Wei, X., Zhan, R. 2018

Trilobite fauna from the lowermost Silurian of Meitan, Guizhou and its implications.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 57(1):25-39


Wei, X., Zhan, R. 2018

A late Rhuddanian (early Llandovery, Silurian) trilobite association from South China and its implications.

Palaeoworld, 27(1):42-52


Weidner, T. & Ebbestad, J.O.R. 2018

Anopolenus henrici Salter, a middle Cambrian (Drumian) centropleurid trilobite from the Alum Shale Formation of Scandinavia.

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 66:223-228


Weiner, T., Weinerová, H., Viktorýn, T. 2018

A new find of scutelluid trilobite pygidium from the upper Frasnian of the Šumbera area near Brno-Líšeň (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic).

Zprávy o Geologických Výzkumech v Roce, 2018(V.51):121-125


Witte, M.K. 2018
On the Phylogenetics of the Trilobite Family Phacopidae with Systematic Implications for Eldredgeops (Green, 1832).
GSA 323531 (GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018) Paper No. 13-6


Wu, M., Zhao, Y., Yang, X., Chen, Z. 2018
Trilobite stratigraphic division of Guizhou Songtao Huanglianyu Formation. p. 46
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Wu, W.Y., Zheng, H.L., Yang, X.L. 2018

A study of the eodiscoid trilobite from the Cambrian Niutitang Formation of Jinsha, Guizhou.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 57(3):304-311


Xiong, C., Xue, J. 2018
From species richness to phenotypic macro evolution: taxonomic diversity and morphological diversity. pp. 177-178
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society

Xu, L. 2018
The discovery of Mufushania Lin, 1965 in the "Qingxudong Formation" in Jianhe, Guizhou. p. 46
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Yang, X., Zhao, Y., Peng, J., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, Y. 2018
The Jianhe biota in Cambrian, Guizhou. p. 48
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Yuan, J., Zhao, Y., Yang, X. 2018

Trilobite zonation and correlation of the Cambrian Stage 4 between Jiangnan Slope and Yangtze Platform in South China. pp. 163-165

In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Zapalski, M.K. & Klug, C. 2018

Trilobite sclerites as attachment surface for Emsian tabulate corals of Hamar Laghdad (Anti-Atlas, Morocco).

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 290(1-3):111-115


Zhao, W., Liu, J. 2018
Application of geometrical morphometry in palaeolenid trilobite of Guanshan biota. pp. 49-50
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society


Zhao, Y., Peng, S.C., Yuan, J., Esteve, J., Yang, X., Chen, Z., 2018

The revised trilobite biostratigraphy for the Balang and “Tsinghsutung” formations, Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4 in the Balang area, Jianhe, Guizhou, South China. pp. 73-74 In: Zhang Xingliang (organizer) 2018. International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences. 12th-16th August 2018, Xi'an


Zhao, Y., Peng, S.C., Yin, L., Guo, Q., Esteve, J., Yang, X., Wu, M., Chen, Z. 2018
Advances in research on the international layer profile and location of the Cambrian Stage 4. p. 50
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society

Zheng, L., Wu, Y., Bao, H., Ren, J., Huang, Z. 2018
Middle Ordovician biomes and lithofacies palaeogeography in the western margin of the Ordos Basin. p. 238
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society

Zhong, R. 2018
A deformed trilobite from the Late Ordovician, Yichang, Hubei. p. 74
12th National Congress and 29th Academic Conference of the Chinese Paleontological Society

  • I found this Informative 2



2019 is complete with a list of 211 new trilobite papers.  On page one the progress continues retro-filling all the previous years. 


Looking forward to another great year of trilobite publications in 2020!




Adrain, J.M. 2019

Two Laurentian Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) mass extinctions.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Adrain, J.M. 2019

Cambrian-Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Great Basin: A vast natural laboratory.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):3-9


Adrain, J.M. 2019

Tackling ‘cryptogenesis’ from the bottom up: new data on the synapomorphies and higher phylogenetic structure of the trilobite orders Aulacopleurida and Olenida and the suborder Cheirurina. The Palaeontological Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, Programme Abstracts. pp. 51-52


Adrain, J.M. & Karim, T.S. 2019

Revision of the Early Ordovician (late Tremadocian; Stairsian) cheirurid trilobite Tesselacauda Ross, with species from the Great Basin, western USA.

Zootaxa, 4661(2):201–255


Ahlberg, P., Lundberg, F., Erlström, M., Calner, M., Lindskog, A., Dahlqvist, P., Joachimski, M.M. 2019

Integrated Cambrian biostratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Grönhögen-2015 drill core, Öland, Sweden.

Geological Magazine, 156(6):935-949


Alberti, M. 2019

Eine bemerkenswerte Epökie aus dem Rupbach-Schiefer - Lebendbewuchs eines Trilobiten.

[A remarkable epoque from the Rupbach Schist - the living growth of a trilobite.]

Fossilien, 2019(2):28-32


Alberti, M. 2019

Die Trilobiten aus der „Riesen“-Bank.

[The Trilobites from the "Giant" Bank.]

Fossilien, 2019(6):42-50


Alberti, M. 2019

Die Trilobiten Cyphaspis konstantini n. sp. (Aulacopleuridae) und Koneprusia chimaera n. sp. (Odontopleuridae) aus dem basalen Rupbach-Schiefer (Ober-Emsium; Rhenoherzynikum). [The trilobites Cyphaspis konstantini n. sp. (Aulacopleuridae) and Koneprusia chimaera n. sp. (Odontopleuridae) from the basal Rupbach schist (Upper-Emsian; Rhenohercynian).] Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 47:27-54


Alberti, M. 2019

Paralejurus colossicus n. sp. und Paralejurus flickorum n. sp. (Trilobita, Scutelluidae) aus dem basalen Rupbach-Schiefer (Ober-Emsium; Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).

[Paralejurus colossicus n. sp. and Paralejurus flickorum n. sp. (Trilobita, Scutelluidae) from the basal Rupbach schist (Upper Emsian, Rhenish Slate Mountains).]

Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde, 140:7-45


Álvaro, J.J., Esteve, J., Gracia, F., Zamora, S. 2019

Cambrian trilobites from the Huérmeda Formation (Iberian Chains, north‐east Spain) and the inadequacy of the Marianian Stage.

Papers in Palaeontology, 5(2):299-321


Ameri, H., Arjmandzadeh, R., Ghoorcgi, K. 2019

The peri-Gondwanian Early Silurian trilobites from Kopeh Dagh, Iran.

Historical Biology, (in press) pp. 1-17


Babcock, L.E., Kastigar, J., Petaya, J., Eaton, K., Sheets, J. 2019

Three-dimensional Preservation of Nonbiomineralized Tissues in Cambrian Concretionary Lagerstätten of North America.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Babcock, L.E., Peng, S.C., Ahlberg, P., Zhang, X.L., Zhu, M.Y., Parkhaev, P.Y. 2019

A Model for Subdividing Cambrian Stages into Substages.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 142


Basse, M. 2019
Contributions to Nomenclature of the Class Trilobita, 1. 
The Trilobite Papers, 21:29-37 


Basse, M. 2019

Trilobita (einschließlich Agnostida) 2011 bis 2018.

[Trilobita (including Agnostida) from 2011 to 2018.]

Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil II, 2019 (3/4):205–315


Basse, M., Lemke, U. 2019

Neue und wenig bekannte Trilobiten aus dem frühen und späten Devon des Kellerwalds (Rhenoherzynikum Zone, deutsche Varisziden).

[New and little-known trilobites from the early and late Devonian of Kellerwald (Rhenohercynian, German Variscides).]

Dortmunder Beitrage Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 49:47-69


Basse, M., Müller, P., Habenicht, J. 2019

Heliopeltis und Sagittapeltis im Emsium des Rhenoherzynikums (Trilobita, Unterdevon, deutsche Varisziden).

[Heliopeltis and Sagittapeltis in the Emsian of the Rhenohercynian Zone (Trilobita, Early Devonian, German Variscides).]

Dortmunder Beitrage Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 49:71-91


Basse, M., Müller, P. 2019

Neues zu Trilobiten der Gattung Psychopyge aus dem Rupbach-Schiefer der Lahnmulde.

[News about trilobites of the genus Psychopyge from the Rupbach schist of the Lahnmulde.]

Fossilien, 2019(3):54-57


Basse, M., Müller, P. 2019
Refigured cast of holotype Leonaspis bassei
The Trilobite Papers, 21:20


Basse, M., Müller, P. 2019
Short notes on current investigations and publications mainly on Silurian and Devonian trilobites in the Rhenohercynian Zone of the German Variscides. 
The Trilobite Papers, 21:48-50


Basse, M., Müller, P., Müller, M. 2019
Reference to: Basse, M. & Müller, P. 2019. Neues zu Trilobiten der Gattung Psychopyge aus dem Rupbach-Schiefer der Lahnmulde.

[News about trilobites of the genus Psychopyge from the Rupbach schist of the Lahnmulde] Fossilien, Journal für Erdgeschichte, 03/19: 54–57. 
The Trilobite Papers, 22:30-31  


Bault, V., Crônier, C., Monnet, C. 2019

Trilobite biodiversity fluctuations at a regional scale in the Late Palaeozoic from North Africa.

The Palaeontological Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, Programme Abstracts. p. 57


Beech, J.D. 2019

Death-defying Morphologies: Mass Extinction and Disparity in the Order Harpetida.

MSc Thesis, West Virginia University, 61 pp.


Beech, J.D. 2019

Secrets of the Harpetids: Phylogeny, Disparity, and Mass Extinction Response in the Trilobite Order Harpetida.

Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, GSA 331579 – Paper No. 194-1 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Bernárdez, E., Esteve, J., Laibl, L., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2019

Early postembryonic trilobite stages and possible eggs from the ‘Túnel Ordovícico del Fabar’ (Middle Ordovician, northwestern Spain).

Fossils and Strata, 64:23-33


Bicknell, R.D., Paterson, J.R., Hopkins, M.J. 2019

A trilobite cluster from the Silurian Rochester Shale of New York: predation patterns and possible defensive behavior.

American Museum of Natural History, Novitates, 3937:1-16


Bissett, D. 2019

Ordovician Trilobites from Mt. Orab, Ohio.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):42-50


Bissett, D. 2019

More about the Mifflin Member.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):89-90


Blackwell, S.R. 2019

Cambrian (Jiangshanian; Sunwaptan) Trilobites From the Upper Honey Creek Formation, Wichita Mountains Region, Oklahoma.

MSc Thesis, University of Oklahoma, 144 pp.


Bonino, E., Kier, C. 2019

Trilobiti: Guida essenziale al riconoscimento e classificazione. Seconda Edizione

[Trilobites: Essential guide to recognition and classification. Second Edition.]

Back To The Past Museum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 474 pp.


Bradley, A., Adrain, J.M. 2019

Politicurus and related genera of hintzecurine trilobites from the late Skullrockian (Tremadocian: Early Ordovician) of western Utah and southeastern Idaho.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Brodskii, A.V., G.N. Kiselev, G.N. 2019

The Trilobite and Cephalopod Taxonomic Diversity From Kunda Stage Deposits of the Northeastern Part of the Baltic-ladoga Glint.

13th International Symposium on the Ordovician System Novosibirsk, Russia (July 19-22, 2019) p. 19


Bruthansová, J. 2019

Preliminary report on the study of ontogeny and taphonomy of trilobite Onnia superba (Bancroft, 1929) from the Bohemian Ordovician (Katian, Bohdalec Formation).

Geoscience Research Reports, Czech Geological Survey, 52:125-128


Bruton, D.L. 2019

From Oslo to Prague – the Trilobite meetings 1973–2012.

Fossils and Strata, 64:5–16


Budd, G.E. 2019

Richard Fortey: an unauthorised biography.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Budil, P., Mergl, M. 2019

Trilobite assemblage of Calceola-bearing beds in Acanthopyge Limestone (Choteč formation, Middle Devonian, Eifelian, Prague Basin, the Czech Republic).

Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B – Historia Naturalis – Fossil Imprint, 75(1):79-91


Candela, Y., Crighton, W.R.B. 2019

Synoptic revision of the Silurian fauna from the Pentland Hills, Scotland described by Lamont (1978).

Palaeontologia Electronica, 22(19A):1-45


Cao, P., Yang, X., Wu, W., Wang, Y., Wei, B. 2019

Preliminary study on the individual development of Tsunyiella luna in the Niutangtang Formation of the Cambrian in Zunyi, Guizhou. Cambrian.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 58(2):152-162


Caprichoso, C.C. 2019

Trilobites Calymenina do Devónico de Portugal – uma Revisão.

[Trilobites Calymenina of the Devonian of Portugal - a Review.]

MSc Thesis, Faculdade de Ciências Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 367 pp.


Castiblanco, U.D., Domack, C.R., Tollerton, V.P., 2019

A Reference Collection of Devonian Arthropods (Trilobites) From the Geer Road Quarry in Eaton, New York.

GSA 328045 – Paper No. 17-3 (GSA Northeastern Section - 54th Annual Meeting)


Chatterton, B.D.E., Gibb, S., McKellar, R.C. 2020

Species of the Devonian aulacopleurid trilobite Cyphaspides from southeastern Morocco.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(1):99-114


Chen, Z.P. 2019

The trilobite biostratigraphy of the Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4 in Jianhe County, Guizhou Province.

MSc Thesis, Guizhou University, 76 pp.


Cheng, M.R., Han, J., Ou, Q., Zhang, Z.F., Guo, J., Zhang, X.L. 2019
Injured trilobite Eoredlichia intermedia from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 58(4):425-435


Choi, D.K. 2019

Evolution of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea: I, early Paleozoic sedimentation in an epeiric sea and break-up of the Sino-Korean Craton from Gondwana.

Island Arc, 28(1)e12275:1-14


Collantes, L., Gozalo, R., Mayoral, E., Garzón, I., Chirivella, J.B., Liñán, E. 2019

Trilobites Olenelinos en el Cámbrico Inferior (Marianiense) de la Provincia de Huelva.

[Olenelline Trilobites in the Lower Cambrian (Marianiense) of the Province of Huelva.]

XXXV Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Baza, Spain, Abstracts, pp. 79-82


Collantes, L., Gozalo, R., Mayoral, E., Garzón, I., Liñán, E. 2019

The family Atopidae (Trilobita) in the upper Marianian (Lower Cambrian) from the Ossa-Morena zone (SW Spain).

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 144


Congreve, C. 2019

The impact of environmental preference and geographic occupation on diversification and survivorship during the Ordovician Mass Extinction.

North Amercan Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters.


Cooper, D. 2019

Silurian Trilobites of the Coalbrookdale Shale in Malvern England.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):63-67


Corbacho, J., Morrison, S., Llácer, S., Hammond, K. 2019

Use of CT Scanning and Radiography as Legal Expert Evidence in Paleontology (Trilobites of Morocco).

American Journal of Life Sciences, 7(2):47-53


Corrales, A., Esteve, J., Zhao, Y., Yang, X. 2019

Synchronized molting behavior in early Cambrian trilobites.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Cuen Romero, F.J., Valdez Holguín, J.E., Buitrón Sánchez, B.E., Monreal, R., Enríquez Ocaña, L.F., Hinojosa, E.A., Ochoa Granillo, J.A., Grijalva Noriega, F.J., Palafox Reyes, J.J. 2019. Paleoecology of Cambrian communities of central Sonora, Mexico: Paleoenvironmental and biostratigraphic considerations.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 92:631-645


Cui, L., Dai, T., Zhang, X., Peng, S.C. 2019

Morphology and ontogeny of the eodiscoid trilobite Pagetia vinusta from the Cambrian (Miaolingian) of South China.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 93(2):195–206


Dai, T., Zhang, X.L., Peng, S.C., Yang, B. 2019

Enrolment and trunk segmentation of a Cambrian eodiscoid trilobite.

Lethaia, 52(4):502-512


Drage, H.B. 2019
The Evolution of Exoskeleton Moulting in Trilobita.
PhD Thesis, University of Oxford, 359 pp.


Drage, H.B. 2019

Quantifying intra- and interspecific variability in trilobite moulting behaviour across the Palaeozoic.

Palaeontologia Electronica, 22(2):1-39


Drage, H.B., Vandenbroucke, T.R., Van Roy, P., Daley, A.C. 2019

Sequence of post-moult exoskeleton hardening preserved in a trilobite mass moult assemblage from the Lower Ordovician Fezouata Konservat-Lagerstätte, Morocco.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 64(2):261-273


Du, G. 2019

Study on ontogeny and biostratigraphy of the Oryctocephalid trilobites from Balang Formation of Cambrian, Guizhou, Province China.

PhD Thesis, Guizhou University, 188 pp.


Du, G, Peng, J., Wang, D., Wang, Y. 2019

The study and significance of the development of Changaspis elongata Chien, 1961 in Guizhou Cambrian.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 58:(2):163-177


Du, G., Peng, J., Wang, D., Wen, R., Liu, S. 2019

Morphology and trunk development of the trilobite Arthricocephalus chauveaui from the Cambrian series 2 of Guizhou, South China.

Historical Biology, (in press)


Du, G.Y., Peng, J., Wang, D.Z., Wang, Q.J., Wang, Y.F., Zhang, H. 2019

Morphology and developmental traits of the trilobite Changaspis elongata from the Cambrian Series 2 of Guizhou, South China.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 64(4):797-813


Eaton, K.J. 2019

Lethal and Sublethal Predation on Cambrian Trilobites From North America.

Undergraduate Research Thesis, The Ohio State University, 24 pp.


Eaton, K.J., Babcock, L.E. 2019

Patterns of Lethal and Sublethal Predation on Cambrian Stage 3-Drumian Stage Trilobites from the Great Basin, USA.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Ebbestad, J.O.R., Fortey, R.A. 2019

Stratigraphy and trilobite biofacies of the Late Ordovician of the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia.

Fossils and Strata, 64:35-53


Ebbestad, J.O.R., Fortey, R.A. 2019

Late Ordovician trilobites from the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia.

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, (in press) 135 pp.


Esteve, J., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, X.L. 2019

Systematic revision of the oryctocephalid trilobite Protoryctocephalus arcticus Geyer & Peel, 2011.

Estudios Geológicos, 75(2):e098


Esteve, J., Rubio, P., Burashi S.L., 2019

Gaits modelling and computational fluid dynamic simulation suggest multiple functional behaviors in trilobites.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Esteve, J., Zhao, Y., Yang, X., Álvaro, J.J. 2019

Morphological variation as consequence of abiotic factors in early trilobites.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Faucher, K.X. 2019
Illustrating Trilobites. 
The Trilobite Papers, 22:14-19 


Feist, R. 2019

Post-Kellwasser event recovery and diversification of phacopid trilobites in the early Famennian (Late Devonian).

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 94(1):1-22


Fortey, R.A., Ebbestad, J.O.R. 2019

The best of two worlds - the Late Ordovician trilobites of the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Foster, J.R. 2019

Comparative trilobite taphonomy of the Pioche Formation lagerstätte and other formations along a nearshore to outer shelf transect, latest early Cambrian (Stage 4; late Dyeran) of the southern Great Basin. North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters.


Foster, J.R., Sundberg, F.A., Karlstrom, K.E., Schmitz, M.D., Mohr, M.T., Hagadorn, J.W. 2019

Long-distance Lateral Variability in Biotas and Lithologies of the Cambrian Bright Angel Formation (Tonto Group), Grand Canyon, USA.

Abstracts With Programs, GSA 336319 – Paper No. 160-2 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Fowler, E., Damiani, P. 2019
Field Notes: Cirquella n. sp. of Lower Montenegro Member, Nevada: A Preliminary Report. 
The Trilobite Papers, 22:5-7


Gaines, R.R., Caron, J.B., Hammarlund, E., Holzer, I., Lombardo, A.J., Canfield, D.E. 2019

Preservation of the Burgess Shale Biota From Marble Canyon.

Abstracts with Programs, GSA 341362 – Paper No. 1-3 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Gass, K.C., Kluessendorf, J., Mikulic, D.G. 2019

Fossils of the Milwaukee Formation: A Middle Devonian Paleoecosystem from Wisconsin, USA. [Trilobites pp. 110-115]

Siri Scientific Press, 222 pp. 


Geyer, G. 2019

The earliest known West Gondwanan trilobites from the Anti-Atlas of Morocco, with a revision of the Family Bigotinidae Hupé, 1953.

Fossils and Strata, 64:55-153


Geyer, G. 2019

A Comprehensive Cambrian Correlation Chart.

Episodes, 42(4):1-12


Geyer, G. 2019
Early Expeditions Into Morocco’s Past: The First Discoveries of Cambrian Trilobites in Africa.

The Trilobite Papers, 22:20-29 


Geyer, G., Landing, E., Höhn, S., Linnemann, U., Meier, S., Servais, T., Wotte, T., Herbig, H.G. 2019

Revised Cambrian stratigraphy in the Franconian Forest (Frankenwald), Germany, reveals typical West Gondwanan succession in the Saxothuringian Belt.

Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 52:377-433


Geyer, G., Nowicki, J., Zylinska, A., Landing, E. 2019

Comment on: Álvaro, J. J., Esteve, J. & Zamora, S. 2018. Morphological assessment of the earliest paradoxidid trilobites (Cambrian Series 3) from Morocco and Spain.

Geological Magazine, 156:1691-1707


Ghobadi Pour, M. 2019

Ordovician trilobites from Deh-Molla, eastern Alborz, Iran.

Alcheringa, 43:381-405


Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Owens, R.M., Vinogradova, E.A., Klishevich, I.A. 2019

Early Devonian (Lochkovian) trilobites and brachiopods from the west Balkhash Region, Kazakhstan and their significance for regional terrane dynamics.

Geobios, 56:49-64


Gogin, I.Y., Pegel, T.V. 2019

Upper Cambrian GSSPs and their correlation to regional stratigraphic subdivisions in Asian Russia.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 144


Gorshenina, V.V., Terentyev, S.S. 2019

Paleoecological Features of Trilobites from the Carbonate Buildup of the Middle Ordovician of the Environment of St. Petersburg.

Materials of the LXV Session of the Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) VSEGEI: pp. 44-46


Gozalo, R., Chrivella, Martorell, J.B., Dies Álvarez, M.E., Liñán, E. 2019

Trilobites biostratigraphy of the Wuliuan Stage in the Iberian Chains (NE Spain).

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 147


Gozalo, R., Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Dies Álvarez, M.E., Liñán. E. 2019

Revisión bioestratigráfica de los trilobites del Piso Wuliuense (Serie Miaolingiense, Cámbrico) en las Cadenas Ibéricas (NE de España).

[Biostratigraphic revision of the trilobites of the Wuliuense Floor (Miaolingian Series, Cambrian) in the Iberian Chains (NE of Spain).]

XXXV Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Baza, Spain, Abstracts Volume, pp. 129-130


Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Pereira, S., García-Bellido, D.C., Rábano, I. 2019

Ordovician trilobites from the Tafilalt Lagerstätte: new data and reappraisal of the Bou Nemrou assemblage.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, (in press)


Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I., García-Bellido, D.C. 2019

The nileid trilobite Symphysurus from upper Tremadocian strata of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas: taxonomic reappraisal and palaeoenvironmental implications.

Fossils and Strata, 64:155-171


Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Müller, P. 2019

Catalogus Trilobitorum Figuris (Trilobites Devonici, Carbonici et Permici, IX. Cystispininae, Globusiinae, Proetinae.

[A catalog of trilobites with figures (Trilobites Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. Cystispininae, Globusiinae, Proetinae.]

Fossilium Catalogus, 159:1-335


Handkamer, N.M., Pratt, B.R., MacNaughton, R.B. 2019

Lower to Middle (Late Dyeran–middle Delamaran) Cambrian Stratigraphy and Trilobite Biostratigraphy of the Mount Clark and Mount Cap Formations, Eastern Mackenzie Mountains, Northwestern Canada. Abstracts with Programs, GSA 335504 – Paper No. 1-2 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Harper, D.A.T., Hammarlund, E.U., Topper, T.P., Nielsen, A.T., Rasmussen, J.A., Park, T.Y.S., Smith, M.P. 2019

The Sirius Passet Lagerstätte of North Greenland: a remote window on the Cambrian Explosion.

Journal of the Geological Society, 176(6):1023-1037


Harris, M.F. 2019

Utah Trilobites: Robert Harris Collection

Privately Published by the Author, 96 pp.


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., García-Bellido, D.C. 2019

The Trilobite Redlichia from the lower Cambrian Emu Bay Shale Konservat-Lagerstätte of South Australia: systematics, ontogeny and soft-part anatomy.

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (in press) 40 pp.


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., García-Bellido, D.C. 2019

Ontogeny of the trilobite Estaingia bilobata from the Cambrian Series 2 (Stage 4) Emu Bay Shale, South Australia.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Hong, P.S. 2019

Digitization of Three-dimensional Surface Morphology of Millimeter-scale Fossil Specimens Through Focus Stacking and Photogrammetry Techniques.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Hopkins, M.J. 2019

A simple generative model of trilobite segmentation and growth. (in press)


Hopkins, M.J. 2019

Phylogenetic analysis and revision of the trilobite subfamily Balnibarbiinae (Olenidae).

American Museum Natural History, Novitates, 3928:1-20


Hopkins, M.J. 2019

Comparison of growth rates in the trilobites Elrathia kingii (Meek, 1870) and Aulacopleura koninckii (Barrande, 1846).

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Hou, J.B., Hughes, N.C. 2019

Mathematic Modeling to Reconstruct the Taphonomic History of the Burgess Shale-type Fossils.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Hou, J.B., Yang, J., Zhang, X.G., Hughes, N.C., Lan, T. 2019

Trilobite-based biostratigraphy of the Xiaoshiba Lagerstätte.

Fossils and Strata, 64:173-191


Hughes, N.C. 2019

Evolving understanding of trilobite development: Recapitulation to adaptationism. pp. 103-113

Padova University Press, Festschrift Series, Università degli Studi di Padova, 400 pp.


Høyberget, M., Ebbestad, J.O.R., Funke, B. 2019

Re-evaluation of the stratigraphically important olenellid trilobite Holmia cf. mobergi from the Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3 and its implications for the lower Cambrian stratigraphy in the Mjøsa area, Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 99(1):1-29


Jacobs, G.S., Carlucci, J.R. 2019

Ontogeny and shape change of the phacopid trilobite Calyptaulax.

Journal of Paleontology, 93(6):1105-1125


Jacobson, R. 2019

Earliest Trilobites of North America (Laurentia).

MAPS Digest, 42(2):10-28


Jacobson, R. 2019

The last stand of the Trilobites (Proetids of the Late Paleozoic - Carboniferous to Permian).

MAPS Digest, 42(2):29-41


Jago, J.B., Bentley, C.J., Laurie, J.R., Corbett, K.D. 2019

Some middle and late Cambrian trilobites and brachiopods from the Adamsfield Trough, Tasmania.

Alcheringa, 43:1-17


Jago, J.B., Bentley, C.J., Cooper, R.A., 2019

Cambrian biostratigraphy of the Bowers back-arc basin, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica — A review.

Palaeoworld, 28(3):276-288


Jago, J.B. and Kruse, P.D. 2019

Significance of the Middle Cambrian (Wuliuan) Trilobite Pagetia from Yorke Peninsula, South Australia.

Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 28(3):276-288


Johnson, B.G. 2019

Structural style and stratigraphic architecture of the northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska.

PhD Thesis, West Virginia University, 334 pp.


Johnson, B.G., Strauss, J.V., Taylor, J.F., Ward, W.P., MeClelland, W.C., Toro, J. 2019

The Whale Mountain Allochthon: a relic of the Iapetus Ocean preserved in the northeastern Brooks Range of Alaska and the Yukon.

Geological Society America, Special Paper, 541:439-471


Kaur, R., Singh, B.P., Bhargava, O.N., Singla, G., Stopden, S. 2019

Cambrian trilobite fauna of the Haydenaspis parvatya level (Series 2, Stage 4): Its stratigraphic position with respect to the Oryctocephalus indicus Biozone (Miaolingian Series, Wuliuan Stage) in the Spiti Himalaya, India. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 18:298-305


Kimmig, J., Strotz, L., Egenhoff, S., Lieberman, B.S. 2019

The Middle Cambrian Spence Shale (Miaolingian: Wuliuan) Lagerstätte: Improving Our Understanding of a Key Cambrian Ecosystem.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Kiselev G.N. 2019

Associations of Cephalopod Silurian Northwest Eastern European Platform.

Materials of the LXV Session of the Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) VSEGEI: pp. 68-70


Kloc, G.J. 2019

The Differences between Phacops and Eldredgeops.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):68-72


Krylov, A.V. 2019

New Ordovician Trilobites From Leningrad And Arkhangelsk Regions (Trilobita: Phacopida: Pterygometopidae; Asaphida: Nielidae, Niobidae; Agnostida: Agnostidae).

Baranovichi State University Bulletin, 7:34-44


Kurdelmeyer, B., Scheer, A. 2019

A New Trilobite for the Collection--"Going back to the well".

MAPS Digest, 42(2):84-88


Laibl, L. 2019

Evolution of trilobite development and global ecosystem changes.

The Palaeontological Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, Programme Abstracts. p. 38


Laibl, L., Maletz, J., Olschewski, P., Daley, A.C. 2019

Post-embryonic development of Fritzolenellus reveal ancestral morphology of early developmental stages in Trilobita.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Landing, E., Geyer, G., Westrop, S.R. 2019

“Old Fashioned” Stratigraphy: the Test of Paleogeographic Reconstructions of Avalonia, “Ganderia,” and Cadomia.

Abstracts With Programs, GSA 336321 – Paper No. 243-4 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Lask, M. 2019
The Trilobites of Caleb Quarry. 
The Trilobite Papers, 21:37-47 


Lavine, R.J. 2019

A Phylogenetic Framework for the Suborder Agnostina.

Abstracts With Programs, GSA 336103 – Paper No. 14-6 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Lazarev, F.D., Korovnikov, I.V. 2019

Early Cambrian Trilobites of the Southern Khubsugul (Mongolia).

Materials of the LXV Session of the Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) VSEGEI: pp. 88-90


Lerosey-Aubril, R., Comfort, D., Skabelund, J., Weug, A., Zhao, W., Ortega-Hernãndez, J. 2019

Evolution of the digestive system in Cambrian trilobites.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Lerouge, F., Van Viersen, A.P. 2019

What's in a name? Taxonomie als fundament voor onderzoek - de casus Morocops.

[ What's in a name? Taxonomy as a foundation for research - the Morocops case.]

Scientific Poster–PaleoTime–Netherlands, Harderwijk


Lin, J.P., Sundberg, F.A., Jiang, G.Q., Montañez, I.P., Wotte, T. 2019

Chemostratigraphic correlations across the first major trilobite extinction and faunal turnovers between Laurentia and South China.

Nature Scientific Reports, 9(17392):1-15


Lin, T.R. 2019
On the taxonomic problem of the Mufushania trilobites.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 58(4):436-444


Lindgren, J., Nilsson, D.E., Sjövall, P., Jarenmark, M., Ito, S., Wakamatsu, K., Kear, B.P., Schultz, B.P., Sylvestersen, R.L., Madsen, H., LaFountain, J.R., Alwmark, C., Eriksson, M.E., Hall, S.A., Lindgren, P., Rodríguez-Meizoso, I., Ahlberg, P. 2019. Fossil Insect Eyes Shed Light on Trilobite Optics and the Arthropod Pigment Screen.

Nature Letter, 573:122-125


Loch, J.D., Taylor, J.F., Repetski, J.E. 2019

Lotagnostus species from the Cambrian (Furongian) Windfall Formation, Nevada, and their significance regarding on the GSSP for Cambrian Stage 10.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Losso, S.R., Ortega-Hernãndez, J. 2019

Taphonomy of the phacopid trilobites Ceraurus pleurexanthemus and Flexicalymene senaria from the Walcott-Rust Quarry (Upper Ordovician).

North Amercan Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Losso, S, Ortega-Hernández, J. 2019

Taphonomic processes leading to the exceptional preservation of trilobites from the Walcott-Rust Quarry, New York (Upper Ordovician).

The Palaeontological Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, Programme Abstracts. p. 103


Makarova, A.L. 2019

Revision of Trilobites of the Genus Toxotis Wallerius, 1895 from the Cambrian Sediments of the Siberian Platform and Adjacent Territories.

Materials of the LXV Session of the Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) VSEGEI: pp. 94-96


Månsson, K., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2019

A revised ontogeny of the early Ordovician trilobite Leptoplastides salteri (Callaway, 1877).

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth and Environmental Science, (in press)


McCobb, L.M.E., McDermott, P.D., Owen, A.W. 2019

The taphonomy of a trilobite fauna from an uppermost Katian echinoderm Lagerstätte in South West Wales.

Fossils and Strata, 64:193-203


McCobb, L.M.E., McDermott, P.D., Owen, A.W. 2019

Calymenid trilobites from the uppermost Katian (Upper Ordovician) Slade and Redhill Mudstone Formation, South West Wales.

The Palaeontological Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, Programme Abstracts. p. 108


Mergl, M., Budil, P. 2019

Rhynchonelliform brachiopods and trilobites of the ‘upper dark interval’ in the Koněprusy area (Devonian, Eifelian, Kačák Event; the Czech Republic).

Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B – Historia Naturalis – Fossil Imprint, 75(1):92-107


Mikulic, D.G., Kluessendorf, J. 2019

Gravicalymene celebra: The Silurian Trilobite of the Midwest.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):56-62


Monti, D.S., Confalonieri, V.A. 2019

First cladistic analysis of the trilobite family Olenidae from the Furongian and Ordovician.

Lethaia, 52(3):304-322


Monti, D.S., Confalonieri, V.A. 2019
Acercamiento biogeográfico al estudio de la familia Olenidae (Arthropoda, Trilobita) durante el Cámbrico tardío–Ordovícico.
Biogeographic approach to the study of the family Olenidae (Arthropoda, Trilobita) during the late Cambrian-Ordovician.
Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 20(1):R91


Moysiuk, J., Caron, J.B. 2019

Burgess Shale fossils shed light on the agnostid problem.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(20182314):1-9


Müller, P., Hahn, G. 2019

Eine Neue Trilobiten-Fauna aus dem Mississippium von Rösenbeck (Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland).

[A New Trilobite Fauna from the Mississippian of Rösenbeck (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany).]

Dortmunder Beitrage Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 49:93-161


Müller, P. 2019

Neues zu Trilobiten der Gattung Psychopyge aus dem Rupbach-Schiefer der Lahnmulde.

[News about trilobites of the genus Psychopyge from the Rupbach Schist of the Lahnmulde.]

Fossilien, 2019(3):54-57


Mychko E.V., Dernov V.S. 2019

New findings of Carboniferous trilobites of Donets Basin.

Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Geological Series, 94(1)


Mychko, E., Savchuk, O.V. 2019

A new brachymetopid trilobite from the Early Permian Shakhtau reef complex of the southwestern Urals, Bashkortostan, Russia.

Zootaxa 4555(3):346-358


Ng, R.Y. 2019

The Cambrian-Ordovician trilobite genus Clelandia, with phylogeny and morphology of new and revised species.

MSc Thesis, University of Iowa, 254 pp.


Ng, R.Y., Adrain, J.M. 2019

Phylogeny of an enigmatic and distinct clade of Cambro-Ordovician trilobites from Laurentia with new and revised species of Clelandia.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters.


Nielsen, A.T., Ahlberg, P. 2019

The Miaolingian Series and the traditional ‘Middle’ Cambrian: implications for Baltoscandian stratigraphy.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 150


Nielsen, A.T., Ahlberg, P. 2019

The Miaolingian, a new name for the ‘Middle’Cambrian (Cambrian Series 3): identification of lower and upper boundaries in Baltoscandia.

GFF, 141(2):162-173


Noriega Ruiz, H.A., Cuen Romero, F.J., Monreal, R. 2019
Cambrian Trilobites in Sonora, Mexico: 78 years of research. 
The Trilobite Papers, 21:13-19


Nowicki, J. & Żylińska, A. 2019

The first occurrence of the earliest species of Acadoparadoxides outside West Gondwana (Cambrian; Holy Cross Mountains, Poland).

Geological Magazine,156(6):1027-1051


Olson, H.C. 2019

Review of the Middle Cambrian Trilobites of the Bathyuriscus-Elrathina biozone of Montana: Taphonomy and Taxonomic Information.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Oudot, M., Crônier, C., Neige, P., Holloway, D. 2019

Phylogeny of some Devonian trilobites and consequences for the systematics of Austerops (Phacopidae).

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 17(9):775–790


Oudot, M., Neige, P., Laffont, R., Navarro, N., Khaldi, A.Y., Crônier, C., 2019

Functional integration for enrolment constrains evolutionary variation of phacopid trilobites despite developmental modularity.

Palaeontology, 62(5):805-821


Owen, A.W., Bruton, D.L. 2019

Papers from the 6th International Conference on Trilobites and their Relatives.

Fossils and Strata, 64:1-3


Park, T.Y., Lee, M., Kihm, J.H., Nielsen, M.L., Vinther, J., Nielsen, A.T. 2019

New collection of Sirius Passet biota, Peary Land, North Greenland, and its implication for the age.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 153


Parkhaev, P.Y., Demidenko, Y.E., Kulsha, M.A. 2019

Better one-eyed than stone-blind: choosing the index species for the base of Cambrian Stage 3.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 154


Pärnaste, H. 2019

The 6th International Conference on Trilobites and their Relatives: Tallinn calling, Estonia celebrating.

Fossils and Strata, 64:17-22


Paterson, J.R., 2019

The trouble with trilobites: classification, phylogeny and the cryptogenesis problem.

Geological Magazine, (in press) 1-12


Paterson, J.R., Edgecombe, G.D., Lee, M.S. 2019

Trilobite evolutionary rates constrain the duration of the Cambrian explosion.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(10):4394-4399


Paterson, J.R., Edgecombe, G.D., Lee, M.S. 2019

Trilobites in cruise control: clocking their evolutionary rates and the end of the Cambrian explosion.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Pates, S. & Bicknell, R.D.C. 2019

Elongated thoracic spines as potential predatory deterrents in olenelline trilobites from the lower Cambrian of Nevada.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 516:295-306


Pearson, K.K., Hubbard, K., Cruz, Y. 2019

Experimental biomechanics of trinucleid fringe pits (Trilobita).

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Peel, J.S. 2019

Polypleuraspis (Arthropoda, Trilobita) from the Middle Cambrian (Miaolingian Series) around Kane Basin (Nunavut and Greenland).

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57:16-24


Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Bagnoli, G., Shen, Y., Mei, M., Zhu, X., Li, D., Zhang, X., Wang, L. 2019

Proposed GSSP for Cambrian Stage 10 with multiple stratigraphic markers for global correlation.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, pp. 157-158


Peng, S.C., Yang, X., Liu, Y. 2019

Discovery of a new exceptional preserved Cambrian biota from the Longha Formation in southeastern Yunnan.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Perez-Peris, F., Laibl, L., Vidal, M., Daley, A.C. 2019

Morphology and evolution of basal Cheirurina (Trilobita) from the Fezouata Biota (Lower Ordovician, Morocco).

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Perez-Peris, F., Laibl, L., Vidal, M., Daley, A.C. 2019

Morphology and evolution of basal Cheirurina (Trilobita) from the Fezouata Biota (Lower Ordovician, Morocco).

The Palaeontological Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, Programme Abstracts. p. 117


Randolfe, E.A., Rustán, J.J., Bignon, A. 2019
Revisión del trilobite dalmanítido Kasachstania Maksimova, 1972: un taxón endémico del devónico inferior de Kazajistán.
[Review of the dalmanitid trilobite Kasachstania Maksimova, 1972: an endemic taxon of the Lower Devonian of Kazakhstan.]
Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 20(1):R101


Randolfe, E.A., Rustán, J.J., Bignon, A. 2019
Trilobites dalmanítidos del Devónico inferior de Argentina: nuevos taxones y nuevas evidencias de espinosidad.
[Dalmanitid trilobites from the Lower Devonian of Argentina: new taxa and new evidence of spinosity.]
Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 20(1):R101


Ray D.C., Hughes H.E., Jarochowska E., Claussen A.L. 2019

The stratigraphy and correlation of the Wenlock Series of Radnorshire (Wales): preliminary results.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 177


Ren, Y., Shi, G., Qiao, D., Tao, J. 2019

Trilobites from the Lower Cambrian Hetang Formation in Jiangshan, Zhejiang, China and its geological significance.
Geological Survey and Research, 42(4):282-289


Romero, F.J.C., Beresi, M.S., Reyes, J.J.P., González, A.M. 2019

Ptychagnostus atavus (Tullberg, 1880) (Trilobita: Agnostida) del Cámbrico medio (Miaolingiano-Drumiano) de Arivechi, Sonora, México: significado bioestratigráfico. [Ptychagnostus atavus (Tullberg, 1880) (Trilobite: Agnostida) of the Middle Cambrian (Miaolingian-Drumian) of Arivechi, Sonora, Mexico: biostratigraphic significance.] Paleontología Mexicana, 8(2):97-108


Rushton, A.W.A., & Bir, R. 2019
The Diversity of Lower Cambrian Trilobites from North Wales.
The Trilobite Papers, 21:27-28 


Scheer, A. 2019

Flexicalymene Species Determination.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):51-55


Scheer, A. 2019

Maquoketa Formation Pioneer: August G. (Gus) Becker 1862-1951.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):73-78


Schoenemann, B. 2019

A look into the eyes of trilobites.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Schoenemann, B., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2019

What makes the difference between schizochroal phacopid and other trilobite eyes?

The Palaeontological Association 63rd Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, Programme Abstracts. p. 124


Scholten, P. 2019
Miniature Trilobites. 
The Trilobite Papers, 22:7-9


Scholtz, G., Staude, A., Dunlop, J.A. 2019

Trilobite compound eyes with crystalline cones and rhabdoms show mandibulate affinities.

Nature Communications, 10(2503):1-7


Schraut, G. 2019

Paraphillipsia? carnica n. sp. – Eine neue Trilobitenart aus den roten Kalken der Zottachkopf-Formation, jüngste Rattendorf-Gruppe (jüngeres Artinskium, (Unterperm) der Karnischen Alpen (Österreich). [Paraphillipsia? carnica n. sp. – A new trilobite species from the red limestones of the Zottachkopf formation, the youngest Rattendorf Group (Early Artinskium, Lower Permian) of the Carnic Alps (Austria).] Carinthia II, 209/129:617-634


Schwimmer, D.R., Montante, W.M. 2019

A Cambrian meraspid cluster: evidence of trilobite egg deposition in a nest site.

Palaios, 34(5):254-260


Sennikov, N.V., Gusev, N.I., Tokarev, V.N., Yur’ev, A.A., Timokhin, A.V., Khabibulina, R.A., Gonta, T.V., Shcherbanenko, T.A., Gutak, Y.M. 2019

The O/S Boundary in Salair Volcanic-Sedimentary Deposits: Fauna, Isotopic Age (South Siberia, Russia).

13th International Symposium on the Ordovician System Novosibirsk, Russia (July 19-22, 2019) pp. 179-180


Serra, F., Balseiro, D., Waisfeld, B.G. 2019

Diversity patterns in Upper Cambrian to Lower Ordovician trilobite communities of north-western Argentina.

Palaeontology, 62(4):677-695


Sobolevskaya, R.F., Nekhorosheva, L.V. 2019

Ordovician Deposits of Kotelny Island (New Siberian Islands).

13th International Symposium on the Ordovician System Novosibirsk, Russia (July 19-22, 2019) pp. 193-196


Stocker, C.P., Siveter, D.J., Lane, P.D., Williams, M., Oji, T., Tanaka, G., Komatsu, T., Wallis, S., Siveter, D.J., Vandenbroucke, T.R.A. 2019

The Silurian and Devonian proetid and aulacopleurid trilobites of Japan and their palaeogeographical significance.

Fossils and Strata, 64:205-232


Stocker, C.P., Siveter, D.J., Lane, P.D., Williams, M., Oji, T., Wallis, S.R., Tanaka, G., Komatsu, T., Siveter, D.J., Vandenbroucke, T.R.A. 2019

The paleobiogeographical significance of the Silurian and Devonian trilobites of Japan.

Island Arc, 28(2)e12287:1-15


Stocker, C., Williams, M., Oji, T., Tanaka, G., Komatsu., T. Wallis, S. 2019

Spirits of Yokokurayama: Shrine of the Japanese Trilobites.

Geology Today, 35(1):15-19


Taboada, A.C., Pagani, M.A., Pinilla, M.K., Tortello, M.F., Taboada, C.A. 2019

Carboniferous deposits of northern Sierra de Tecka, central-western Patagonia, Argentina: Paleontology, Biostratigraphy and Correlations.
Andean Geology, 46(3):629-669


Terentyev, SS., Gorshenina, V.V. 2019

Features of the Taxonomic Composition of Trilobites in Deposits of the Middle Ordovician of the Vicinity of St. Petersburg.

Materials of the LXV Session of the Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) VSEGEI: pp. 153-155


Timokhin, A.V., Gonta T.V., Maslova O.A. 2019

Biodiversity of Benthic Fauna (Trilobites, Brachiopods, Ostracods) in the Ordovician of the Siberian Platform.

13th International Symposium on the Ordovician System Novosibirsk, Russia (July 19-22, 2019) Poster Presentation


Tortello, M.F., Esteban, S.B. 2019

Trilobites and Sedimentary Settings from the Lower Ordovician (Tremadocian; Bienvillia Tetragonalis Biozone) of Iturbe, Jujuy Province, Argentina.

Ameghiniana (in press)


Unger, T., Austermann, G., Hildenbrand, A. 2019

Polymerid Trilobites of the Manuels River Formation, Newfoundland, Canada.

Abstracts with Programs, GSA 331769 – Paper No. 271-2 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Vannier, J., Vidal, M., Marchant, R., El Hariri, K., Kouraiss, K., Pittet, B., El Albani, A., Mazurier, A., Martin, E. 2019

Collective behaviour in 480-millionyear-old trilobite arthropods from Morocco.

Nature Research, Scientific Reports, 9(14941 ):1-10


Van Viersen, A.P., Magrean, B. 2019

Radiaspis taghonorum sp. nov. (Trilobita, Odontopleuridae) from the Middle Devonian Hanonet Formation in Resteigne, southern Belgium.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen Band 293 Heft 3:271-281


Van Viersen, A.P., Taghon, P., Magrean, B. 2019

Early Middle Devonian Trilobites and events in the Nismes – Vireux-Molhain area, southern border of the Dinant Synclinorium (Belgium, northern France).

Geologica Belgica, 22(1-2):7-33


Van Viersen, A.P., Lerouge, F. 2019

Cornuproetine (proetide) trilobites with nine thorax segments from the Devonian of Morocco, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, (in press) 28 pp.


Vargas-Parra, E.E., Hughes, N.C. 2019

Exploring variation in late Cambrian trilobite Dikelocephalus pygidia using landmark-based geometric morphometrics.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Vayda, P., Babcock, L.E., Oti, E., Wiedman, L. 2019

Exceptionally Preserved Fossils From the Silica Shale Lagerstätte (Middle Devonian) of Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana: XCT Reveals Detailed Anatomical Information.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Wang, P., Fatka, O., Sun, Z., Budil, P. & Gao, J. 2019

Fossilized gut of the trilobite Lioparia bassleri and the distribution of exceptional preservation in the Cambrian Stage 4–Drumian Manto Formation of North China.

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 93(4):491-498


Wang, Z.H., Niu, Z.J., Yao, H.Z. 2019

Progress in the Ordovician stratigraphy of the Yunkai area, South China.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 451


Wei, X. & Zhan, R. 2019

A new trilobite species from the upper Rhuddanian (lower Silurian) of South China, and its biogeographical implications.

Alcheringa, 43:33-42


Webster, M., Sundberg, F.A. 2020

Nature and significance of intraspecific variation in the early Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobite Oryctocephalites palmeri Sundberg and McCollum, 1997.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(1):70-98


Wernette, S.J., Hughes, N.C., Myrow, P.M., Sardsud, A. 2019

Ashes and Trilobites in Thailand: the Key to Dating the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary.

Abstracts with Programs, GSA 336701 – Paper No. 1-4 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Wernette, S.J., Hughes, N.C., Myrow, P.M., Sardsud, A., McKenzie, N. 2019

Improved biostratigraphy for the Tarutao Group, Thailand and its global significance.

North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts & Posters


Witte, M.K. 2019

A Phylogenetic Framework for the Family Phacopidae (Trilobita) Based on Bayesian Inference Methods.

Abstracts With Programs, Gsa 340047 – Paper No. 14-8 (GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona)


Wolf, R.C. 2019

Some Trilobites of the Bright Angel Shale.

MAPS Digest, 42(2):79-83


Wu, M.Y., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, X.L., Chen, Z.P. 2019
The trilobite biostratigraphy of the Balang Formation, Duyunian Stage, Qiandong Series (Cambrian series 2, stage 4) from Huanglian area in Songtao County, Guizhou Province and its correlation significance. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 58(4):456-462


Wu, M.Y., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, X.L., Chen, Z.P. 2019

The trilobite biostratigraphy of the Balang Formation, Duyunian Stage, Qiandong Series (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) from Huanglian area in Songtao County, Guzhou Province and its correlation significance. Short abstracts presented to the International Meeting on the Ediacaran System and the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition (Guadalupe, Extremadura, Spain, October 17-24th, 2019). Estudios Geológicos, 75(2)p002:45-47


Yang, X., Zhao, Y., Cao, P., Wei, B. 2019

The Niutitang Formation from the Cambrian in Guizhou.

STRATI 2019: The 3rd International Congress on Stratigraphy, 2–5 July 2019, Milan, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 159


Zamora, S., Rábano, I. (eds.) 2019

63rd Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association. Field Guidebook. Field Trip: Palaeozoic Fossil Assemblages From The Iberian Chains (Northeast Spain).

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 31:9-95


Zhai, D., Edgecombe, G.D., Bond, A.D., Mai, H., Hou, X., Liu, Y. 2019

Fine-scale appendage structure of the Cambrian Trilobitomorph Naraoia spinosa and its ontogenetic and ecological implications.

Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, 286 (20192371)


Zhang, Y.D., Zhan, R.B., Zhen, Y.Y., Fang, X., Yuan, W.W., Zhang, J.P., Li, W.J. 2019

An Integrative Stratigraphy for the Ordovician System of China: Framework and Questions.

13th International Symposium on the Ordovician System Novosibirsk, Russia (July 19-22, 2019) pp. 249-252


Zhao, Y., Yuan, J., Babcock, L.E., Guo, Q., Peng, J., Yin, L., Yang, X., Peng, S.C., Wang, C., Gaines, R.R., Esteve, J., Tai, T., Yang, R., Wang, Y., Sun, H., Yang, Y. 2019. Global Standard Stratotype-Section and Point (GSSP) for the conterminous base of the Miaolingian Series and Wuliuan Stage (Cambrian) at Balang, Jianhe, Guizhou, China. Episodes, 42(2):165-184


Zhao, Y., Peng, S.C., Yuan, J., Esteve, J., Yang, X., Wu, M., Chen, Z. 2019

The trilobite biostratigraphy for the Balang and "Tsinghsutung" formations, Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4 in the Balang area.

Estudios Geológicos, 75(2)e119:1-4


Zhou, Z.Q., Zhou, Z.Y. 2019

Ordovician trilobites from the lower part of the Dawan Formation (Floian–Dapingian) at Huanghuachang, Yichang, Hubei, southern China.

Palaeoworld, 28:145-165

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The year is complete with a list of 155 new trilobite papers in 2020.  On page one the progress continues retro-filling all the previous years. 


Looking forward to another great year of trilobite publications in 2021!




Adrain, J.M., Karim, T.S., McAdams, N.E.B. 2020

Atlanticalymene, a new genus of Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) calymenine trilobites, and revision of the calymenoidean genus Protocalymene Ross.

Zootaxa, 4859(1):1-55


Álvaro, J.J. and Esteve, J. 2020

Reply to Comment on: Álvaro JJ, Esteve, J. & Zamora, S. 2019. Morphological assessment of the earliest paradoxidid trilobites

(Cambrian Series 3) from Morocco and Spain [Geological Magazine] by Geyer, G, Nowicki, J, Żylińska, A & Landing, E.

Geological Magazine, 157(12):1971-1982


Alberti, M. 2020

Die Mitteldevonischen Rupbach-Schiefer von Gutenacker.

[The Middle Devonian Rupbach Shale from Gutenacker.]

Fossilien, 2020(6):10-21


Ameri, H. 2020

Early Silurian (Llandovery) Trilobite fauna from Kopeh-Dagh, North East Iran.

Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran, 31(2)155-164


Armstrong, M., Westrop, S.R., Eoff, J.D. 2020

Systematics of a survivor: the Cambrian kingstoniid trilobite Blountia Walcott, 1916 across the

Marjuman–Steptoean (Guzhangian–Paibian) extinction interval in Laurentian North America.

Zootaxa, 4804(1):1-79


Balseiro, D., Bignon, A., Serra, F. 2020
The influence of extinction on the rise and fall of trilobite disparity.
The Palaeontological Association 64th Annual Meeting Oxford University, Programme Abstracts. p. 20


Basse, M. 2020

Trilobita (einschließlich Agnostida) 2019.

[Trilobita (including Agnostida) 2019.]

Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil-II, 2020:1-33


Basse, M., Lemke, U. 2020

Class Trilobita in the Wocklum Limestone of the northern Rhenish Massif east of the Rhine (late Famennian, Late Devonian) - Part 1. Phillipsiidae and Proetidae.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 298:203-233


Basse, M., Müller, P., Müller, M. 2020

Erster artikulierter vollständiger Psychopyge aus Deutschland.

[First articulated complete specimen of Psychopyge from Germany.]

Fossilien, 2020(2):62-63


Beech, J. 2020

Where the harpetids are: paleobiogeography, diversity, and mass extinction in an enigmatic trilobite order.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 52(6):50-2


Bentley, C.J., Jago, J.B., Corbett, K.D. 2020

Late Cambrian (Iverian, Jiangshanian) fossils from the Professor Range area, Western Tasmania.

Alcheringa, 44(2):203-216


Bicknell, R.D.C., Holland, B. 2020

Injured trilobites within a collection of dinosaurs: Using the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology to document Cambrian predation.

Palaeontologia Electronica, 23(2)a33:1-11


Bicknell R.D.C., Pates S. 2020

Exploring abnormal Cambrian-aged trilobites in the Smithsonian collection.

PeerJ, 8(e8453):1-20


Bignon, A., Vaccari, N.E., Waisfeld, B.G., Chatterton, B.D.E. 2020
Reassessment of the Order Trinucleida and its phylogeny and systematics at familial level.
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport, Zooming in on the GOBE – 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of IGCP 653, 21:11


Bignon, A., Waisfeld, B.G., Vaccari, N.E., Chatterton, B.D.E. 2020

Reassessment of the Order Trinucleida (Trilobita).

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18(13):1061-1077


Birch, R. 2020

'Wales' Real Heritage: an undescribed Lower Cambrian Fauna Uncovered.

The Trilobite Papers, 23:6-8


Bissett, D. 2020

Gunther Hall of Fame: A Tribute to Robert (“Bob”) Carroll.

The Trilobite Papers, 23:34-35


Bond, A.D., Edgecombe, G.D. 2020

Phylogenetic response of naraoiid arthropods to early–middle Cambrian environmental change.

Palaeontology (in press)


Borowski, T., Daniszewski, P. 2021

New location of the well-known Ordovician trilobite Asaphus expansus (Wahlenberg, 1821) from north-western Poland.

World News of Natural Sciences, 34:82-87


Boyce, W.D. 2020

Bathyurus perplexus Billings, 1865: Distribution and Biostratigraphic Significance.

Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources Geological Survey, Current Research Report, 20(1):1-27


Bradley, A. 2020

Politicurus and a related genus of Hintzecurine Trilobites from the late Skullrockian (Tremadocian: Early Ordovician) of Western Utah and Southeastern Idaho.

MSc Thesis, University of Iowa, 185 pp.


Budil, P., Fatka, O. 2020

Ordovician trilobites with soft-parts in African West Gondwana, European peri-Gondwana and Avalonia: a review.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 485 (in press)


Bushuev, E.V., Komlev, D.A., Kupin, A.V. 2020

New Finds of Lower Cambrian Trilobites Eodiscoidea at Kulyumbe River Section (North-West of the Siberian Platform).

VSEGEI – Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences, 66:27-29


Carvalho, C.N.D., Baucon, A., Bayet-Goll, A., Abioui, M. 2020

Feeding behavior of giant trilobites from the Penha Garcia Ichnological Park (UNESCO Naturtejo Global Geopark, Portugal).

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109:2825–2827


Cederström, P., Geyer, G., Ahlberg, P., Nilsson, C.A., Ahlgren, J. 2020

Ellipsocephalid trilobites from Cambrian Series 2 and Stage 4 in Scania, Sweden: taxonomy, morphological plasticity and biostratigraphic significance.

Fossils & Strata, (in press)


Chacaltana, C. , Tejada, L. 2020

Catálogo de Fósiles Característicos de la Era Paleozoica del Perú.

[Catalog of Characteristic Fossils of the Paleozoic Era of Peru.]

INGEMMET: Boletín Serie D: Estudios Regionales, 33:1-181


Chatterton, B.D.E. 2020

Mid-Furongian trilobites and agnostids from the Wujiajiania lyndasmithae Subzone of the Elvinia Zone, McKay Group, southeastern British Columbia, Canada.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(4):653-680


Chatterton, B.D.E., Gibb, S., McKellar, R.C. 2020

Species of the Devonian aulacopleurid trilobite Cyphaspides from southeastern Morocco.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(1):99-114


Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Liñán, E., Dies Álvarez, M.E., Gozalo, R. 2020

Systematic and biostratigraphy of the genera Parasolenopleura, Badulesia, and Pardailhania in the Iberian Chains: a useful zonation for the Miaolingian Series (former middle Cambrian) in the Mediterranean region. [Sistemática y bioestratigrafía de los géneros Parasolenopleura, Badulesia y Pardailhania en las Cadenas Ibéricas: una zonación útil para la Serie Miaolingiense (antiguo Cámbrico medio) en la región Mediterránea]. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 35(1):1-28


Cílek, V., Sůvová, Z., Turek, J., Meduna, P., Mikuláš, R., Štorch, P., Hladil, J., Mudra, P., Keřka., J., Svoboda, J., Lizoňová, D., Hanák, A. 2020

The Region of Joachim Barrande: A Journey into the Prehistory of the Czech Lands.

Dokořán Publishing House, 336 pp.


Clements, D., Fortey, R.A. 2020

Rediscovery of Ordovician and Silurian trilobites from the Nares Arctic Expedition of 1875-6 from Ellesmere Island and western Greenland.

Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 131(2):112-120


Collantes, L., Mayoral, E., Gozalo, R., Liñán, E. 2020

Olenellid Trilobites from the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of Sierra de Aracena, Sw Spain.

2nd Palaeontological Virtual Congress, Book of Abstracts, p. 107


Collantes, L., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2020

First occurrence of the Laurentian Trilobite Pseudatops reticulatus (Walcott) from the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of the Iberian Peninsula.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 52(6):113-8


Collantes, L., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2020

Atopidae (Trilobita) in the upper Marianian (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) of Iberia.

Journal of Paleontology, 95:123-132


Corrales-García, A., Esteve, J., Lopez-Pachon, M. 2020
Burrowing assessment of Illaenus sarsi Jaanusson, 1957 and Megistaspis extenuata (Wahlenberg, 1821) from the Middle Ordovician of Sweden.
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport, Zooming in on the GOBE – 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of IGCP 653, 21:15


Corrales-García, A., Esteve, J., Zhao, Y., Yang, X. 2020

Synchronized moulting behaviour in trilobites from the Cambrian Series 2 of South China.

Nature Scientific Reports, 10(14099):1-11


Corbacho, J., López-Soriano, F.J., Morrison, S., Hammond, K. 2020

New Data Obtained with CT Scanning on Platypeltoides cuervoae (Corbacho & López-Soriano, 2012) Nileidae from the Lower Ordovician; Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco.

Earth Sciences, 9(2):76-81


Crônier, C., Ariuntogos, M., Königshof, P., Waters, J.A., Carmichael, S.K. 2020

Late Devonian (Famennian) phacopid trilobites from western Mongolia.

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, (in press) 17 pp.


Cuen-Romero, F.J., Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E. 2020

Euagnostus interstrictus (White, 1874)(Trilobita: Agnostida) del Cámbrico medio (Miaolingiano-Wuliuano) del cerro El Sahuaral, Sonora central, México.

[Euagnostus interstrictus (White, 1874) (Trilobita: Agnostida) of the Middle Cambrian (Miaolingian-Wuliuan) from El Sahuaral hill, Central Sonora, Mexico.] Paleontología Mexicana, 9(1):31-39


Cuggy, M. 2020
A preliminary report on the Mid-Cambrian (Series 3, Guzhangian; Marjuman) trilobite Arapahoia from the Sullivan Formation, southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta and British Columbia. The Palaeontological Association 64th Annual Meeting Oxford University, Programme Abstracts. pp. 95-96


De Baets, K., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Geyer, G. 2020

Trilobites as Hosts for Parasites: From Paleopathologies to Etiologies. The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism: Coevolution and Paleoparasitological Techniques.

Topics in Geobiology, 50(6)


Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Mottequin, B., Hance, L., Poty, E. 2020

The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in Belgium and surrounding areas.

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, (in press)


Du, K.S., Ortega-Hernández, J., Yang, J., Yang, X.Y., Guo, Q.H., He, J.F., Li, K.R., Du, J.L., Hou, J.B., Zhang, X.G. 2020
A New Early Cambrian Konservat-Lagerstätte Expands the Occurrence of Burgess Shale-Type Deposits on the Yangtze Platform.

Earth-Science Reviews, 211(103409):1-13


Du, G.Y., Peng, J., Wang, D.Z., Wen, R.Q., Liu, S. 2020

Morphology and trunk development of the trilobite Arthricocephalus chauveaui from the Cambrian series 2 of Guizhou, South China.

Historical Biology, (32):174-186


Drummer, K.Y., Gishlick, A.D. 2020

Fork Structure Allometry in the trilobite Walliserops trifurcatus correlates with a sexually selected function.

Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Paper No. 40-5(345456)


Ebbestad, J.O.R., Fortey, R.A. 2020

Late Ordovician trilobites from the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia.

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18(1):1-135


Edgecombe, G.D. 2020

Arthropod Origins: Integrating Paleontological and Molecular Evidence.

Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 51:1-25


Esteve J., López-Pachón M. 2020
Swimming and enrolment in a mesopelagic trilobite: new ecomorphological advantages in the Middle Ordovician Ocean.
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport, Zooming in on the GOBE – 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of IGCP 653, 21:21


Fatka, O., Budil, P., Laibl, L. 2020

Cases of possible shell disease syndrome in Ordovician trilobites (Arthropoda).

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (in submission)


Fatka, O., Budil, P., Toman, J. 2020

Paleogeography and Stratigraphy of Placoparia and "odontochilinid" Trilobites.

OSF Preprint – Paleobiological Working Paper


Feist, R., Cornée, J.J., Corradini, C., Hartenfels, S., Aretz, M., Girard, C. 2020

The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in the stratotype area (SE Montagne Noire, France).

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, (in press)


Fortey, R.A. 2020

Trilobite Hall of Fame – Memories of Trilobitologists: William Thornton Dean.

The Trilobite Papers, 23:33-34


Geyer, G. 2020

A critical evaluation of the Resserops clade (Trilobita: Despujolsiidae, early Cambrian) with remarks on related redlichiacean families.

Freiberger Forschungshefte, C558:1-107


Geyer, G. 2020

A New Look at Longianda termieri (Neltner & Poctey, 1950) (Trilobita: Saukiandidae) and its Consequences for the Saukiandid Trilobites of Morocco.

The Trilobite Papers, 23:13-30


Geyer, G., Landing, E. 2020

Cambrian deposition in northwestern Africa: Relationship of Tamlelt massif (Moroccan‒Algerian border region) succession to the Moroccan Meseta.

Journal of African Earth Sciences, 165(103772):1-20


Geyer, G., Landing, E., Caldera-Pais, M., Youbi, N., Ahmed-Boumehdi, M. 2020
The Tazemmourt Section: Featuring the First Cambrian Fossil Lagerstätte Known from Africa.

Royaume du Maroc Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques, pp. 397-403


Geyer, G., Pais, M.C., Wotte, T. 2020

Unexpectedly curved spines in a Cambrian trilobite: considerations on the spinosity in Kingaspidoides

spinirecurvatus sp. nov. from the Anti‑Atlas, Morocco, and related Cambrian ellipsocephaloids.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 94:645-660


Geyer, G., Peel, J.S. 2020

Elrathia hensonensis nomen novum, new replacement name for Elrathia groenlandica Geyer and Peel, 2017 (Trilobita, Ptychopariacea).

Journal of Paleontology, 94(5):1007


Greenberger, R.E. 2020

Investigating Rare Biomineralization Structures in Trilobites.

MSc Thesis, University of Alabama, 58 pp.


Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Lorenzo, S., Pereira, S., Rábano, I. 2020

Nuevos hallazgos de fósiles ordovícicos en el Dominio de Obejo-Valsequillo (provincias de Badajoz y Córdoba, suroeste de España).

[New occurrences of Ordovician fossils from the Obejo–Valsequillo Domain (provinces of Badajoz and Córdoba, Southwestern Spain).]

Sociedad Geológica de España, Geogaceta, 67:71-74


Hofmann, R., Kehl, J.P. 2020

Diversity patterns and palaeoecology of benthic communities of the Kanosh Formation (Pogonip Group, Utah, Western USA).

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 100:993-1006


Holloway, D.J., Smith, P.M., Thomas, G. 2020

The trilobites Prophalaron gen. nov. (Calymenidae) and Dicranurus (Odontopleuridae) from the Upper Ordovician of New South Wales.

Alcheringa, 44(2):253-264


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., García-Bellido, D.C. 2020

The Trilobite Redlichia from the lower Cambrian Emu Bay Shale Konservat-Lagerstätte of South Australia: systematics, ontogeny and soft-part anatomy.

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18(4):295-334


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., García‐Bellido, D.C. 2020

The post‐embryonic ontogeny of the early Cambrian trilobite Estaingia bilobata from South Australia: trunk development and phylogenetic implications.

Papers in Palaeontology, (in press)


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., Jago, J.B., García-Bellido, D.C. 2020

Ontogeny of the trilobite Redlichia from the lower Cambrian (Series 2, Stage 4) Ramsay Limestone of South Australia.

Geological Magazine (in press)


Hopkins, M.J. 2020

A simple generative model of trilobite segmentation and growth.

Peer Community in Paleontology, PaleorXiv, 2020:1-27


Hopkins, M.J. 2020

Ontogeny of the trilobite Elrathia kingii (Meek) and comparison of growth rates between Elrathia kingii and Aulacopleura koninckii (Barrande).

Papers in Palaeontology. (in press)


Hughes, N.C., Adrain, J.M., Holmes, J.D., Hong, P.S., Hopkins, M.J., Hou, J.B., Minelli, A., Park, T.Y.S., Paterson, J.R., Peng, J., Webster, M. 2020

Articulated trilobite ontogeny: suggestions for a methodological standard.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press)


Jago, J.B., Bentley, C.J., Paterson, J.R., Holmes, J.D., Lin, T.R., Sun, X.W. 2020

The stratigraphic significance of early Cambrian (Series 2, Stage 4) trilobites from the Smith Bay Shale near Freestone Creek, Kangaroo Island.

Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (in press)


Jago, J.B., Kruse, P.D. 2020

Significance of the Middle Cambrian (Wuliuan) Trilobite Pagetia from Yorke Peninsula, South Australia.

Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 67(7):1003-1008


Karlstrom, K.E., Mohr, M.T., Schmitz, M., Sundberg, F.A., Rowland, S., Hagadorn, J., Foster, J.R. Crossey, L.J., Dehler, C., Blakey, R., 2020

Redefining the Tonto Group of Grand Canyon and recalibrating the Cambrian timescale.

Geology, 48:425-430


Kempf, H. 2020

Literature Review on the Ultrasructural Variation in Trilobite Exoskeletons.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium.


Klug, C. 2020

Deep insights into trilobite development.

Peer Community in Paleontology, PaleorXiv, 2020:1-2


Kowalewska, A. 2020

Trilobites and associated fauna from Baltoscandian erratic boulders at Orłowo Cliff, Northern Poland.

Fragmenta Naturae, 53:17-26


Kraft, P., Bruthansová, J., Mikuláš, R. 2020

Feeding traces related to shells from the Prague Basin, Czech Republic (Tremadocian to early Darriwilian, Ordovician).

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 537(109399):1-21


Korovnikov, I.V. 2020

Paleobiogeography of Cambrian Trilobites (Western and Northern side of the Siberian Paleo Basin).

VSEGEI – Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences, 66:85-87


Krylov, A.V. 2020
New Data on the Localities, Morphology and Taxonomy of the Trilobites of Illaenidae Family of the Idavere Regional Stage (Sandbian) of Leningrad Region.

Baranovichi State University Bulletin, 8:46-68


Krylov А.V. 2020

Trilobites of Kanonerskiy Island and other Technogenic Localities of the Late Holocene of the Environments Saint Petersburg Town and Leningrad Region.

Relief and Quaternary formations of the Arctic, Subarctic and North-West of Russia, 7:300-310


Laibl, L., Maletz, J., Olschewski, P. 2020

Post‐embryonic development of Fritzolenellus suggests the ancestral morphology of the early developmental stages in Trilobita.

Papers in Palaeontology, (in press)


Landing, E., Ripperdan, R.L., Geyer, G. 2020

Uppermost Cambrian carbon chemostratigraphy: the HERB and undocumented TOCE events are not synonymous.

Geological Magazine, 157(8):1373-1377


Landing, E., Schmitz, M.D., Geyer, G., Trayler, R.B., Bowring, S.A. 2020

Precise early Cambrian U–Pb zircon dates bracket the oldest trilobites and archaeocyaths in Moroccan West Gondwana.

Geological Magazine, (in press)


LaVine, R.J. 2020

The Role of Developmental Constraints in Shaping Macroevolutionary Patterns of Disparity in Agnostine Arthropods.

PhD Thesis, University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences, 133 pp.


Lee, S.B. 2020

Kayseraspis (Trilobita) from the Mungok Formation in Yeongwol area and its significance for the

Lower Ordovician biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea.

Geosciences Journal, 24:351-357


Lei, Q.P., Liu, Q. 2020

Two species of Tsinania (Trilobita, Corynexochida) from upper Furongian (Cambrian) of northern Anhui, China and their intraspecific variation.

Palaeoworld (in press)


Lerosey‐Aubril, R., Kimmig, J., Pates, S., Skabelund, J., Weug, A., Ortega‐Hernández, J. 2020

New exceptionally preserved panarthropods from the Drumian Wheeler Konservat‐Lagerstätte of the House Range of Utah.

Papers in Palaeontology, 6(4):501-531


Liebermann, S. 2020

Drei neuerworbene (und neupräparierte) lichide Trilobiten aus Marokko.

[Three newly acquired (and newly prepared) lichid trilobites from Morocco.]

Fossilien & Geschiebe, 5:1-5


Liñán, E., Gámez Vintaned, J.A., Palacios, T., Gozalo, R. 2020

The lower Ovetian Stage (lower Cambrian Stage 3) trilobite zonation in Spain and correlation with West Gondwana.

GFF, 142:100-114


Losso, S.R., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2020
Recent developments in the paleobiology and taphonomy of trilobites from the Walcott-Rust Quarry (Upper Ordovician).
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport, Zooming in on the GOBE – 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of IGCP 653, 21:34


Losso, S.R., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2020
Appendage specialization in the Cambrian trilobite Olenoides serratus from the Burgess Shale.
The Palaeontological Association 64th Annual Meeting Oxford University, Programme Abstracts. pp. 41-42


Machida, N., Lamsdell, J.C. 2020
Evaluation of substrate affinities among phacopid trilobites in a phylogenetic framework.
The Palaeontological Association 64th Annual Meeting Oxford University, Programme Abstracts. p. 113


Månsson, K., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2020

A revised ontogeny of the early Ordovician trilobite Leptoplastides salteri (Callaway, 1877).

Earth and Environmental Science: Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 111(1):1-16


Makarova, A.L., Komle, D.A. 2020

New Data on Trilobites from Oraktinskaya Suite at Kulyumbe River Section (Transition Layers of Mid-Upper Cambrian).

VSEGEI – Paleontological Society at the Russian Academy of Sciences, 66:103-105


Mendonça, A., Moreira, J., Viegas, V. 2020

Alterações Climáticas – O caso das Trilobites de Arouca. Encontro Nacional sobre Investigação em Alterações Climáticas, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.

[Climate Change - The case of Arouca Trilobites. National Meeting on Climate Change Research, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon]


Moliner-Oliveros, L. 2020

Fósiles con Nombre Aragonés. [Fossils with Aragonese Names.] Trilobita pp. 140-155, 280, 283, 294-295, 305

Sociedad de Amigos del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Zaragoza


Morgan, C.A., Henderson, C.M., Pratt, B.R.2020

Cambrian Correlation: the use of quantitative biostratigraphy as a test of the traditional trilobite biostratigraphic framework.

GeoConvention 2020


Mychko, E.V. 2020

New rare Arthropods (Trilobites and Cyclids) from Carboniferous and Permian of Russia.

European Geosciences Union General Assembly – Abstracts Programme


Nanglu, K., Caron, J.B., Gaines, R.R. 2020

The Burgess Shale paleocommunity with new insights from Marble Canyon, British Columbia.

Paleobiology, 46(1):58-81


Nielsen, A.T., Høyberget, M., Ahlberg, P. 2020

The Furongian (Upper Cambrian) Alum Shale of Scandinavia: revision of zonation.

Lethaia, 53(4):462-485


Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Enríquez-Ocaña, L.F., Sundberg, F.A., Monreal, R., Varela-Romero, A., Palafox-Reyes, J.J., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J. 2020

Cambrian stratigraphy (series 2 to Miaolingian) of the El Sahuaral area in central sonora, Mexico: Biostratigraphic implications.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 103(102797)


Paterson, J.R. 2020

The trouble with trilobites: classification, phylogeny and the cryptogenesis problem.

Geological Magazine, 157(1):35-46


Peel, J.S. 2020

Middle Cambrian trilobites (Miaolingian, Ehmaniella Biozone) from the Telt Bugt Formation of Daugaard-Jensen Land, western North Greenland.

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 68:1-14


Peel, John S. 2020

Polypleuraspis (Arthropoda, Trilobita) from the middle Cambrian (Miaolingian Series) around Kane Basin (Nunavut and Greenland).

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 57:16-24


Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Ahlberg, P. 2020

Trilobites. [Subchapter 3A: pp. 36-42]

In: Gradstein, F.M., et al. 2020. Geologic Time Scale 2020. Elsevier Publishing, 1357 pp.

Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Ahlberg, P. 2020

The Cambrian Period. [Chapter 19: pp. 565-629]

In: Gradstein, F.M., et al. 2020. Geologic Time Scale 2020. Elsevier Publishing, 1357 pp.


Peng, S.C., Yang, X.F., Liu, Y., Zhu, X.J., Sun, H.J., Zamora, S., Mao, Y.Y., Zhang, Y.C. 2020

Fulu biota, a new exceptionally-preserved Cambrian fossil assemblage from the Longha Formation in southeastern Yunnan.

Palaeoworld, 29(3):453-461


Pereira, S, Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2020
The trilobite assemblage of the “Declivolithus Fauna” (Katian) of Morocco: a review with new data.
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport, Zooming in on the GOBE – 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of IGCP 653, 21:36


Popp, A., Luttermann, D. 2020

Trilobites in Glacial Erratic Boulders of Northwestern Germany.

The Trilobite Papers, 23:4-5


Randolfe, E.A., Rustán, J.J., Bignon, A. 2020

A taxonomic revision of the Early Devonian dalmanitid trilobite Kasachstania Maksimova, 1972 from central Kazakhstan.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(4):681-695


Rønning, K.J., Bruton, D.L., Harper, D.A.T., Høyberget, M., Maletz, J., Nakrem, H.A. 2020

A Cambrian–Ordovician Boundary Section in the Rafnes–Herøya Submarine Tunnel, Skien–Langesund District, Southern Norway.

Norwegian Journal of Geology, 100(3):1-24


Rustán, J.J., Waisfeld, B.G., Vaccari, N.E. 2020

The homalonotid trilobite Burmeisteria Salter, 1865 in the Lower Devonian of Argentina: new data in the context of southwestern Gondwana.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(3):498-512


Saleh, F., Vidal, M., Laibl, L., Sansjofre, P., Gueriau, P., Pérez-Peris, F., Lustri, L., Lucas, V., Lefebvre, B., Pittet, B., El Hariri, K., Daley, A.C. 2020

Large trilobites in a stress-free Early Ordovician environment.

Geological Magazine (in press)


Schoenemann, B., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2020

Insights into a 429-million-year-old compound eye.

Nature Scientific Reports, 10(12029):1-8


Schöning, H. 2020

Einige Funde von Heliomera (Trilobita, Cheiruridae) aus mittelordovizischen Geschieben baltoskandischer Herkunft.

[Some specimens of Heliomera (Trilobita, Cheiruridae) from Middle Ordovician glacial erratics of Baltoscandian origin.]

Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 8(2):94-108


Sepúlveda, A., Zamora, S., Gozalo, R. 2020

The Ontogeny of Cambrian Series 2 Ellipsocephalidae Trilobite Strenuaeva incondita Sdzuy 1961 from Purujosa (Iberian Chains, Ne Spain).

2nd Palaeontological Virtual Congress, Book of Abstracts, p. 111


Singh, B.P., Bhargava, O.N. 2020

Cambrian of the Himalaya and the Peninsular India-Biozonation, Depositional Environments and Biogeographic Provinces.

Episodes, 43(1):429-437


Singh, B.P., Singla, G., Bhargava, O.N., Kaur, R., Stopden, S. 2020

Miaolingian transgression and the Oryctocephalus indicus biozone in the Sumna Valley (Spiti), Himalaya, India.

Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 352(2):157-168


Smith, P.M., Ebach, M.C. 2020

A new Ordovician (Katian) calymenid, Gravicalymene bakeri sp. nov., from the Gordon Group, Tasmania, Australia.

Alcheringa, 44(4):496-504


Sommers, M.J., Gingras, M.K., MacNaughton, R.B., Fallas, K.M., Morgan, C.A. 2020

Subsurface analysis and correlation of Mount Clark and lower Mount Cap formations (Cambrian), Northern Interior Plains, Northwest Territories.

Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 68(1):1-29


Song, Z., Xiao, Y., Xiao, C. 2020

Biodiversity changes of the Ordovician trilobites in the middle Yangtze region of South China.

Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association (in press)


Spalletta, C., Corradini, C., Feist, R., Korn, D., Kumpan, T., Perri, M.C., Pondrelli, M., Venturini, C. 2020

The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in the Carnic Alps (Austria and Italy).

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, (in press)


Sun, Z., Zeng, H., Zhao, F. 2020

A new Middle Cambrian trilobite with a specialized cephalon from Shandong Province, North China.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 65(4):709-718


Sundberg, F.A. 2020

Editorial: Old Taxonomy.

The Trilobite Papers, 23:2-3


Sundberg, F.A. 2020

It's All About Timing.

The Trilobite Papers, 23:8-10


Sundberg, F.A. 2020

Trilobite fauna (Wuliuan Stage, Miaolingian Series, Cambrian) of the lower Lakeview Limestone, Pend Oreille Lake, Idaho.

Journal of Paleontology Memoir, 94(79):1-49


Sundberg, F.A., Karlstrom, K., Geyer, G., Foster, J.R., Hagadorn, J.W., Mohr, M., Schmitz, M., Dehler, C., Crossey, L., 2020

Asynchronous trilobite extinctions at the early-middle Cambrian transition.

Geology, 48:441-445


Terentiev, S.S., Gorshenina, V.V. 2020

Trilobites from biohemal carbonate buildups of the Volkhov Regional Stage (Middle Ordovician) in North-Western Russia.

Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 3:44-55


Tinn, O., Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L. 2020

Diving with Trilobites: Life in the Silurian–Devonian Seas. pp. 345-366.

In: Nature Through Time: Virtual Field Trips Through the Nature of the Past. Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment, 462 pp.


Tortello, M.F. 2020

Elviniid trilobites from the Elvinia Zone (late Cambrian, Furongian) of Mendoza, western Argentina.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(5):852-866


Tortello, M.F., Esteban, S.B. 2020

Trilobites and sedimentary settings from the Lower Ordovician (Tremadocian; Bienvillia tetragonalis biozone) of Iturbe, Jujuy Province, Argentina.

Ameghiniana, 57(1):9-32


Vannier, J., Vidal, M., Marchant, R., El Hariri, K., Kouraiss, K., Pittet, B., El Albani, A., Mazurier, A., Martin, E, 2020

Author Correction: Collective behaviour in 480-million-year-old trilobite arthropods from Morocco.

Nature Scientific Reports, 10(1842):1-2


Van Viersen, A.P. 2020

Nouveaux trilobites dévoniens du Mur des Douaniers (Nord de la France) et quelques associations connexes de Belgique.

[New Devonian trilobites from the Mur des Douaniers (Northern France) and several related associations from Belgium.]

Fossiles, Revue Française de Paléontologie, 42:42-50


Van Viersen, A.P. 2020

Reflections on Dohmiella (Trilobita, Proetida; Early Middle Devonian).

The Trilobite Papers, 23:10-13


Van Viersen, A.P., Alberti, M. 2020

Eine neue Art von Arduennella WENNDORF, 1990 (Trilobita, Homalonotinae).

[A new species of Arduennella WENNDORF, 1990 (Trilobita, Homalonotinae).]

Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 48:33-46


Van Viersen, A.P., Lerouge, F. 2020

Cornuproetine (proetide) trilobites with nine thorax segments from the Devonian of Morocco, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 94:227-254


Van Viersen, A.P., Taghon, P. 2020

A poorly diversified trilobite association from the lower Emsian (Lower Devonian) in the Sankt Vith area (East Belgium).

Geologica Belgica, 23(1-2):19-28


Vargas-Parra, E., Hopkins, M.J. 2020
Testing hypotheses of trilobite head modularity with emphasis on the eyes.
The Palaeontological Association 64th Annual Meeting Oxford University, Programme Abstracts. p. 79


Vodička, J., Laibl, L., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Toman, J. 2020

Morphology of Dacryoconarida and Landmarking of Placoparia and "odontochilinid" Trilobites.

OSF Preprint – Paleobiological Working Paper


Wang, Y., Peng, J., Wang, Q., Wen, R., Zhang, H., Du, G., Shao, Y. 2020

Moulting in the Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobite Arthricocephalites xinzhaiheensis from Guizhou Province, South China.

Lethaia, (in press)


Wang, Z., Chen, J., Liang, T., Yuan, J., Han, C., Liu, J., Zhu, C., Zhu, D., Han, Z. 2020

Spatial variation in carbonate carbon isotopes during the Cambrian SPICE event across the eastern North China Platform.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 546(109669):1-11


Webster, M., Sundberg, F.A. 2020

Nature and significance of intraspecific variation in the early Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobite Oryctocephalites palmeri Sundberg and McCollum, 1997.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(1):70-98


Welch, K.F. 2020

Cambrian trilobites from the Steptoean–Sunwaptan boundary interval (Jiangshanian), Nevada and Utah.

MSc Thesis, University of Oklahoma, 176 pp.


Wendruff, A.J., Babcock, L.E., Kluessendorf, J., Mikulic, D.G. 2020

Paleobiology and taphonomy of exceptionally preserved organisms from the Waukesha Biota (Silurian), Wisconsin, USA.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 546(109631):1-16


Wernette, S.J. 2020

Late Cambrian (Furongian) and Lower Ordovician (Tremadocian) trilobites of Sibumasu.

PhD Thesis, University California, Riverside


Wernette, S.J., Hughes, N.C., Myrow, P.M., Sardsud, A. 2020

Satunarcus, a new late Cambrian trilobite genus from southernmost Thailand and a reevaluation of the subfamily Mansuyiinae Hupé, 1955.

Journal of Paleontology, 94(5):867-880


Wernette, S.J., Hughes, N.C., Myrow, P.M., Sardsud, A. 2020

The Furongian (late Cambrian) trilobite Thailandium’s endemicity reassessed along with a new species of Prosaukia from Ko Tarutao, Thailand.

Thai Geoscience Journal, 1(1):63-82


Xu, L.E., Zhao, Y.L., Chen, Z.P., Zhao, X.Y. 2020
Exuviation of trilobite Nangaops danzhaiensis Zhou in Lu et al., 1974 from the Cambrian “Tsinghsutung Formation” of Balang, Guizhou.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 59(4):403-408


Xu, L., Zhao, Y. 2020

A Preliminary Study of Mufushania nankingensis Lin,1965 from the Cambrian "Tsinghsutung Formation" of Balang Village, Jianhe County, Guizhou.

Journal of Guizhou University, Natural Sciences, 2020(2):13-17+27


Yuan, J., Gao, J., Ren, G.Y., Wu, T. 2020

Discussion on the Cambrian genus Shanchengziella.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 59(3):277-284


Yuan, W.W., Zhou, Z.Q., Zhou, Z.Y., Li, Q.J. 2020

Proetid trilobites from the middle Telychian (Llandovery, Silurian) Ningqiang Formation, Shaanxi, China.

Palaeoworld, 29(4):672-681


Zhang, Z., Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Holmer, L.E., Chen, F., Chen, Y., Brock, G.A., Zhang, Z. 2021

The oldest Cambrian trilobite – brachiopod association in South China.

Gondwana Research, 89:147-167


Zhao, J., Li, Y., Selden, P.A., Cong, P. 2020

New occurrence of the Guanshan Lagerstätte (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) in the Kunming area, Yunnan, southwest China, with records of new taxa.

Alcheringa, 44(3):343-355


Zhao, W., Liu, J., Bicknell, R.D.C. 2020

Geometric Morphometric Assessment of Guanshan Trilobites (Yunnan Province, China) reveals a limited diversity of Palaeolenid Taxa.

Palaeontologia Electronica, 23(A22):1-15


Zhao, X.Y., Zhao, Y.L., Xu, L.E., Chen, S.G. 2020

The discovery of the Bathynotus holopygus (Hall, 1859) in the Cambrian Kaili Formation of Balang in Jianhe, Guizhou.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 59(3):265-276


Zhao, X.Y., Zhao, Y.L., Xu, L.E., Chen, S.G. 2020
The Discovery of the Bathynotus Holopygus (Hall, 1859) in the Cambrian Kaili Formation of Balang in Jianhe, Guizhou.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 59(3):283-294


Zong, R.W. 2020

Coupled exuviae of the Ordovician Ovalocephalus (Pliomeridae, Trilobita) in South China and its behavioral implications.

PeerJ, 8(e10166):1-12


Zong, R.W. 2020

Abnormalities in early Paleozoic trilobites from central and eastern China.

Palaeoworld (in press)

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  • piranha changed the title to Trilobite Papers 1865–2020: Years in Review
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The year is complete with a list of 237 new trilobite papers in 2021.  On page one the progress continues retro-filling all the previous years. 


Looking forward to another great year of trilobite publications in 2022!


Adrain, J.M., Fortey, R.A. 2022

The Ordovician trilobite Oenonella and the new family Oenonellidae, with new species from western Newfoundland, Canada.

Journal of Paleontology (in press)


Adrain, J.M., Karim, T.S. 2021

Systematics of the Early Ordovician (late Tremadocian; Stairsian) trilobite Gonioteloides Kobayashi, with species from the Great Basin, western USA.

Journal of Paleontology, 95(5):1022-1047


Adrain, J.M., Pérez-Peris, F. 2021

Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) cheirurid trilobites from the Table Cove Formation, western Newfoundland, Canada.

Zootaxa, 5041(1):1-73


Ahlberg, P., Lundberg, F., Calner, M., Lehnert, O., Dahlqvist, P., Joachimski, M.M. 2021

Miaolingian (Cambrian) trilobite biostratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy in the Tingskullen drill core, Öland, Sweden.

Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 70(1):18-35


Alberti, M. 2021

Der Trilobit Kettneraspis Prantl & Přibyl, 1949 im Hunsrückschiefer.

[The Trilobite Kettneraspis Prantl & Přibyl, 1949 in the Hunsrück Shale.]

Fossilien, 2021(4):24-28


Alberti, M. 2020

Der stieläugige Aulacopleurid Cyphaspides (Intercyphaspides) n. subgen. speculator n. sp. aus dem höchst-unterdevonischen Rupbach-Schiefer (Trilobita; Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). [The stalk-eyed Aulacopleurid Cyphaspides (Intercyphaspides) n. subgen. speculator n. sp. from the latest Lower Devonian Rupbach Shale (Trilobita; Rhenish Massif)] Mainzer Naturwissschaftliches Archiv, 57:53-70


Alberti, M. 2021

Der Odontopleurid Rupbachella paedomorpha n. gen., n. sp. aus dem tiefen Rupbach-Schiefer (Trilobita; Ober-Emsium; Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).

[The new odontopleurid trilobite Rupbachella paedomorpha n. gen., n. sp. from the lower Rupbach Shale (Trilobita; Upper Emsian; Rhenish Massif).]

Mainzer Naturwissschaftliches Archiv, 58:53-67


Alberti, M. 2020

Acastoides (Trilobita, Acastidae) aus dem basalen Rupbach-Schiefer (Ober-Emsium; Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).

[Acastoides (Trilobita, Acastidae) from the basal Rupbach Shale (Upper Emsian; Rhenish Massif).]

Mainzer Naturwissschaftliches Archiv, 57:71-86


Alberti, M., Müller, P. 2021

Koneprusia dongesi n. sp. (Trilobita; Odontopleuridae) aus dem tiefen Rupbach-Schiefer (mittleres Ober-Emsium; Rhenoherzynikum).

[Koneprusia dongesi n. sp. (Trilobita; Odontopleuridae) from the deep Rupbach Shale (middle Upper Emsian; Rhenohercynian Zone).]

Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 49:67-80


Ameri, H., Arjmandzadeh, R., Ghoorcgi, K. 2021

The peri-Gondwanian Early Silurian trilobites from Kopeh Dagh, Iran.

Historical Biology 33(7):1103-1119


Bault, V., Crônier, C., Allaire, N., Monnet, C. 2021

Trilobite biodiversity trends in the Devonian of North Africa.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 565(110208)


Basse, M. 2021

Trilobita (einschließlich Agnostida) 2020/2021. Literaturbericht.

[Trilobita (including Agnostida) 2020 to 2021. Literature review.]

Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil-II, 2020(5/6):289-334


Basse, M. 2021

Dechenella neptuni KAYSER of PFEIFFER (1888), backgrounds of a Nomen Nudum.

The Trilobite Papers, 24:27-30


Basse, M., Müller, P. 2021

Die prämitteldevonischen Proetinae der deutschen Varisziden und neue Taxa aus dem Unterdevon der Lahnmulde (Trilobita, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).

[The pre-Middle Devonian Proetinae of the German Variscides, with new taxa from the Early Devonian in the Lahn Syncline (Trilobita, Rhenish Massif).]

Freiberger Forschungshefte, C 559:17-62


Basse, M., Müller, P. 2021

Die Trilobiten der Lahnmulde – Bestand und Potenziale (Rhenoherzynikum, Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen; Ordovizium bis Karbon).

[The trilobites of the Lahn Syncline – record and potentials (Rhenohercynian Zone, Rhinland-Palatinate, Hesse; Ordovician to Carboniferous).]

Mainzer Naturwissschaftliches Archiv, 58:69-108


Becker, R.T., Aboussalam, Z.S., Hassani, A.E., Baidder, L., Hüneke, H., Mayer, O., Cózar, P., Helling, S., Seyffert, K., May, A. 2021

Devonian and the Carboniferous transgression in the Skoura region, Sub-Meseta Zone, Morocco.

Frontiers in Science and Engineering, 10(2):229-311


Becker, R.T., Hartenfels, S., Kaiser, S.I. 2021

Review of Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary sections in the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany).

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101:357-420


Beech, J.D., Lamsdell, J.C. 2021

Phylogeny, disparity and mass extinction response in the trilobite order Harpetida.

Papers in Palaeontology, 7(4):2205-2225


Bicknell, R.D.C., Holmes, J.D., Edgecombe, G.D., Losso, S.R., Ortega-Hernández, J., Wroe, S., Paterson, J.R. 2021

Biomechanical analyses of Cambrian euarthropod limbs reveal their effectiveness in mastication and durophagy.

Royal Society of London, Proceedings, Series B, 288(20202075):1-8


Bicknell, R., Schmidt, M., Edgecombe, G.D., Daley, A.C., Melzer, R.R., Wroe, S., Paterson, J.R. 2021

Exploring Anomalocaris raptorial appendages with 3D kinematics.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):237-5/366182


Bicknell, R.D.C., Smith, P.M. 2021

Teratological trilobites from the Silurian (Wenlock and Ludlow) of Australia.

The Science of Nature, 108:(58):1-11


Bicknell, R.D., Smith, P.M., Bruthansová, J., Holland, B., 2021

Malformed trilobites from the Ordovician and Devonian.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift (in press)


Bissett, D. 2021

Ordovician Fossils of the Walcott-Rust Quarry.

MAPS Digest, 44(4):52-60


Bissett, D. 2021

Flexicalymene meeki in the Ordovician of the Cincinnati Arch.

MAPS Digest, 44(4):67-74


Borowski, T. 2021

The occurrence of known genera of fossils in the Mineral Raw Materials Mine in Mielenko Drawskie, West Pomeranian Province, Poland.

The Institute of Biopaleogeography named under Charles R. Darwin, 6:1-75


Borowski, T., Daniszewski, P. 2021

New location of the well-known Ordovician trilobite Asaphus expansus (Wahlenberg, 1821) from north-western Poland.

World News of Natural Sciences, 34:82-87


Boyce, W.D. 2021

A Lower Cambrian Lenaldanian Series (Stage 4 – Late Dyeran) olenellid trilobite from

the Forteau Formation (Labrador Group), Man O’war I-42 Well, Western Newfoundland.

Current Research Report, Newfoundland Geological Survey, 21(1):65-71


Bond, A.D., Edgecombe, G.D. 2021

Phylogenetic response of naraoiid arthropods to early–middle Cambrian environmental change.

Palaeontology, 161-177


Bradbury, M., Hegna, T.A. 2021

Small shellies in the late Cambrian?—enigmatic silicified shelly fossils from the St. Charles Formation, late Cambrian (Furongian) of southeastern Idaho, USA.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):225-8/368039


Bradley, A., Adrain, J.M. 2021

Systematic revision of Marjuman Stage (Miaolingian Series: global Guzhangian Stage)

trilobites from the Lincoln Peak Formation, eastern Nevada, with new silicified collections.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):25-17/370834


Caprichoso, C.C., Pereira, S., Holloway, D.J. 2021

First report on the occurrence of Belenopyge (Trilobita: Lichida) from the Devonian of Portugal.

XIX EJIP – Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología – Coimbra, Portugal, Abstract Book, pp. 37-38


Cederström, P., Geyer, G., Ahlberg, P., Nilsson, C. H., Ahlgren, J. 2022

Ellipsocephalid trilobites from Cambrian Series 2 and Stage 4, with emphasis on the taxonomy,

morphological plasticity and biostratigraphic significance of ellipsocephalids from Scania, Sweden.

Fossils and Strata, 67:1–129


Chen S.G., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, X.L., Chen, Z.P., Zhao, X.Y. 2021

Moulting behaviour of the Ptychopariid trilobite Xingrenaspis xingrenensis from the Cambrian Kaili Formation in Jianhe, Guizhou.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 60(1):176-186


Collantes, L., Mayoral, E., Gozalo, R. 2021

Nuevos ejemplares de Protaldonaia morenica Sdzuy, 1961 (Trilobita) en el yacimiento cámbrico de El Pozuelo, sierra de Huelva.

[New specimens of Protaldonaia morenica Sdzuy, 1961 (Trilobita) from El Pozuelo fossil site (lower Cambrian), sierra of Huelva.]

X Congreso Geológico de España, 10:196


Collantes, L., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2021

Redescribing the ‘Saukianda Fauna’: Exceptional Trilobites from the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Unesco Geopark.

3rd Palaeontological Virtual Congress, Book of Abstracts, p. 171


Collantes Ruiz, L., Mayoral Alfaro, E., Gozalo Gutiérrez, R. 2021

The genus Serrodiscus (Trilobita) in the upper Marianian (early Cambrian) from nothern Huelva province, SW Spain.

Ciências da Terra Procedia / Earth Sciences Journal Procedia, 1:9-11


Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2021

On Callavia (Trilobita) from the Cambrian Series 2 of Iberia with systematic status of the genus.

Journal of Paleontology, 95(6):1226-1240


Collantes, L., Sepúlveda, A., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2021

Andalusiana (Trilobita, Olenelloidea) y su correlación a través del Marianiense (Serie 2 del Cámbrico) de la península Ibérica.

[Andalusiana (Trilobita, Olenelloidea) and their correlation through the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of the Iberian Peninsula.]

XIX EJIP – Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología – Coimbra, Portugal, Abstract Book, pp. 38-39


Corbacho, J. 2021

Moroccan Trilobites: Ordovician.

Museu Geològic del Seminari de Barcelona, 190 pp.


Corbacho, J., Morrison, S., Hammond, K., Moreno, E. 2021

On a New Material in the Forgery of Trilobites from Morocco and their detection.

Museo Geológico del Seminario de Barcelona, Batalleria, 28:28-33


Cortijo, I., Jensen, S., García, M., Palacios, T., Barrera, J.M. 2021

The Armorican Quartzite: When Trilobites Ruled the Ordovician Seas of the Villuercas-Ibores-Jara UNESCO Global Geopark, Spain.

Geoconservation Research, European UNESCO Geoparks: Original Article, 4(1D):1-8


Cothren, H., Farrell, T., Sundberg, F.A., Schmitz, M.D., Dehler, C. 2021

Needs more SPICE: revisiting the Steptoean Positive Isotopic Carbon Excursion in western Laurentia.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):228-5/365311


Crônier, C., Ariuntogos, M., Königshof, P., Waters, J.A., Carmichael, S.K. 2021

Late Devonian (Famennian) phacopid trilobites from western Mongolia.

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101:707-723


Cuen-Romero, F.J., Montijo-González, A., Monreal, R., Sundberg, F.A.,

Espinoza-Maldonado, G., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J., Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Minjárez-Sosa, I., Ochoa-Granillo, J.A. 2021.

Cambrian (Series 2 to Miaolingian) platform facies from central Sonora, Mexico and the regional correlation.

Palaeoworld (in press)


Cuen-Romero, F.J., Sundberg, F.A. 2021

The Importance of the Cambrian and the Trilobites of Mexico.

The Trilobite Papers, 24:30-32


Cuggy, M.B. 2021

A Report on the Mid-Cambrian (Series 3, Guzhangian; Marjuman) Trilobite Arapahoia

from the Sullivan Formation, Southern Rocky Mountains, Alberta and British Columbia.

Geological Association of Canada: London Joint Annual Meeting: Abstracts, Volume 44. Geoscience Canadada, 48:167


Dai, T., Hughes, N.C., Zhang, X., Fusco, G. 2021

Absolute axial growth and trunk segmentation in the early Cambrian trilobite Oryctocarella duyunensis.

Paleobiology, 47(3):517-532


Dai, T., Hughes, N.C., Zhang, X., Peng, S. 2021

Development of the early Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobite Oryctocarella duyunensis from western Hunan, China.

Journal of Paleontology, 95(4):777-792


D'Angelo, J.A., Bordonaro, O.L., Raviolo, M.M., Bruno, N., Camí, G. 2021

Chemometric study of the preservation modes of Athabaskia anax (Trilobita, Cambrian Precordillera, Mendoza, Argentina). Implications for taxonomy.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 109 (103232)


De Baets, K., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Geyer, G. 2021

Trilobites as Hosts for Parasites: From Paleopathologies to Etiologies.

The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism: Coevolution and Paleoparasitological Techniques. Topics in Geobiology, 50:173-201


DeKoster, R. 2021

Revision of the Trilobites of the Silurian Henryhouse Formation of Oklahoma.

MSc Thesis, University of Iowa, 260 pp.


DeKoster, R., Adrain, J.M. 2021

Revision of the Trilobites of the Silurian Henryhouse Formation of Oklahoma.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. South-Central Section - 55th Annual Meeting, Paper No. 2-6: 53(3):362396


Denayer, J., Prestianni, C., Mottequin, B., Hance, L., Poty, E. 2021

The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in Belgium and surrounding areas.

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101:313-356


Deng, Y., Fan, J., Zhang, S., Fang, X., Chen, Z., Shi, Y., Wang, H., Wang, X., Yang, J., Hou, X., Wang, Y. 2021

Timing and patterns of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event and Late Ordovician mass extinction: Perspectives from South China.

Earth-Science Reviews, 220(103743):1-19


Domingos, R.S.D.S. 2020

Contributo para o conhecimento taxonómico e paleoecológico dos invertebrados do Devónico da Zona Centro-Ibérica (Portugal), sua importância museológica e patrimonial. [Contribution to the taxonomic and paleoecological knowledge of the Devonian invertebrates of the Central Iberian Zone (Portugal), their museological and patrimonial importance.] PhD Thesis, Universidade de Évora e Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 259 pp.


Donahue, A., MacKenzie, L. 2021

Preliminary Taphofacies of the Metaline Limestone, Metaline Falls, Wa.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):123-2/370615


Dowding, E.M., Ebach, M.C., Madroviev, E.V. 2021

Validating marine Devonian biogeography: a study in bioregionalization.

Palaeontology (in press)


Drummer, K.Y., Gishlick, A.D.2021

The Growth of the Fork Structure in Walliserops trifurcatus Informed by a Teratological Example.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Northeastern Section - 56th Annual Meeting, Paper No. 18-4: 53(1):361930


Dzik, J. 2021

Corrigendum to “Protaspis larva of an aglaspidid-like arthropod from the Ordovician of Siberia and its habitat” [Arthropod Struct. Dev. 61 (2020) 101026].

Arthropod Structure & Development, 63(101062)


Eisenhauer, D., Webster, M. 2021

Intraspecific morphological variation in Lower Cambrian dorypygid trilobites.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):237-2/368091


Esteban, S.B., Tortello, M.F., Benitez, M.D.H. 2021

Facies y paleoambiente de la Formación Santa Rosita en las regiones de Pantipampa y Rodeo Colorado (Departamento Iruya, provincia de Salta), Cordillera Oriental, Argentina. [Facies and Paleoenvironment of the Santa Rosita Formation in the Pantipampa nnd Rodeo Colorado Area (Iruya Department, Salta Province), Cordillera Oriental, Argentina.] Serie Correlación Geológica, 37(1):49-61


Esteve, J., Lopez-Pachon, M., Ramírez, C.G., Gómez, I. 2021

Fluid dynamic simulation suggests hopping locomotion in the Ordovician trilobite Placoparia.

Journal of Theoretical Biology, 531(110916)


Esteve, J., Marcé-Nogué, J., Pérez-Peris, F., Rayfield, E. 2021

Cephalic biomechanics underpins the evolutionary success of trilobites.

Palaeontology, 64:519-530


Esteve, J., Rodríguez, M.V. 2021

Modularidad en el cranidio de un trilobites cámbrico protorictocefálido.

[Modularity of a Cambrian protoryctocephalid trilobite cranidium.]

X Congreso Geológico de España, 10:202


Esteve, J., Rubio, P., López, M., Ramírez-Ruiz, C. 2021

Evaluando la paleodiversidad de trazas fósiles de trilobites a través de modelos de locomoción y dinámica de fluidos computacional.

[Assessing the palaeodiversity of trilobite trace fossils through locomotion modelling and computational fluid dynamic simulations.]

X Congreso Geológico de España, 10:203


Esteve, J., Suárez, M.G., Álvaro, J.J. 2021

Tendencias ecomorfológicas en los patrones de biodiversidad de los trilobites paleozoicos.

[Ecomorphological trends in Paleozoic trilobite biodiversity patterns.]

X Congreso Geológico de España, 10:204


Farrell, T., Cothren, H., Crossey, L.J., Dehler, C., Foster, J.R., Hagadorn, J.W., Karlstrom, K.E., Sundberg, F.A., Schmitz, M.D., Webster, M. 2021

Numerical calibration of western Laurentian Cambrian stratigraphic successions into the global geologic time scale.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):177-3/368486


Fatka, O., Budil, P. 2021

Frontal auxiliary impressions in the Ordovician trilobite Dalmanitina Reed, 1905 from the Barrandian area, Czech Republic.

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 96(4):481-491


Fatka, O., Budil, P., Kraft, P. 2021

Sheltered preservation in Ordovician trilobites.

Fossil Record, 24(1):193-205


Fatka, O., Budil, P., Zicha, O. 2021

Exoskeletal and eye repair in Dalmanitina socialis (Trilobita): An example of blastemal regeneration in the Ordovician?

International Journal of Paleopathology, 34:113-121


Faucher, K.X. 2021

Field Notes: Three Ontario Devonian Sites.

The Trilobite Papers, 24:11-16


Feist, R., Klapper, G. 2022

Phacopid trilobites in post-Taghanic Givetian through Frasnian cephalopod limestones, Montagne Noire (France) and related areas (Thuringia, Morocco).

Bulletin of Geosciences (in press) 32 pp.


Feist, R., Cornée, J.J., Corradini, C., Hartenfels, S., Aretz, M., Girard, C. 2021

The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in the stratotype area (SE Montagne Noire, France).

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101:295-311


Flick, U. 2021

Die Trilobiten-Fauna im Ballersbach-Kalk (Bicken-Formation) an der Typlokalität (Trilobita; Unter-/Mitteldevon).

[The trilobite fauna in the Ballersbach Limestone (Bicken Formation) at the type locality (Trilobita; Lower/Middle Devonian).]

Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, 140:5-34


Flick, U. 2021

Belenopyge bellerophon n. sp. und Perunaspis? sp. (Trilobita) aus dem Greifenstein-Kalk der Typlokalität (Grenzbereich Emsium/Eifelium, Unter-/Mitteldevon). [Belenopyge bellerophon n. sp. and Perunaspis? sp. (Trilobita) from the Greifenstein Limestone of the type locality (Emsian/Eifelian boundary, Lower/Middle Devonian).] Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, 140:35-46


Flick, U. 2021

Die Scutelluidae RICHTER & RICHTER, 1955 (Tril.) des Greifenstein-Kalks an der Typlokalität sowie von Günterod (Grenzbereich Emsium/Eifelium, Unter-/Mitteldevon).

[The Scutelluidae RICHTER & RICHTER, 1955 (Tril.) of the Greifenstein Limestone at the type locality and of Günterod (Emsian/Eifelian boundary, Lower/Middle Devonian).] Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, 140:47-71


Flick, U. 2021

Taxa der Phacopinae HAWLE & CORDA, 1847 (Trilobita) aus dem Grenzbereich Emsium/Eifelium sowie Unter-Eifelium Unter-/Mitteldevon) der Bicken-Ense-Decke (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). [Taxa of the Phacopinae HAWLE & CORDA, 1847 (Trilobita) from the Emsian/Eifelian and Lower Eifelian Lower/Middle Devonian boundary area) of the Bicken-Ense-Decke (Rhenish Massif).] Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, 140:73-100


Flick, U., Flick, H. 2021

Eine neue Art der Gattung Leonaspis R. & E. RICHTER, 1917 (Trilobita) aus dem Ballersbach-Kalk (hohes Unter- /tiefes Mitteldevon) von Ballersbach/Lahn-Dill-Gebiet, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. [A new species of the genus Leonaspis R. & E. RICHTER, 1917 (Trilobita) from the Ballersbach Limestone (high Lower /low Middle Devonian) of Ballersbach/Lahn-Dill area, Rhenish Massif.] Philippia, 18(2):109-122


Flick, U., Shiino, Y. 2021

A new trilobite fauna from the Middle Permian of the Kitakami Mountains/Northeast Japan.

Palaeontographica Abteilung A, 320(4-6):87-135


Fortey, R.A. 2021

Trilobite Memories: Fieldwork with John (“Jake”) Shergold in the Outback.

The Trilobite Papers, 24:16-18


Foster, J.R. 2021

Abnormal Pygidial Spine in an Injured(?) Trilobite (Tricrepicephalus texanus) From the Weeks Formation (Cambrian, Guzhangian), House Range, Utah.

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 82:71-74


Foster, J.R. 2021

Comparative Trilobite Taphonomy from the Craton to Outer Shelf, Latest Early Cambrian (Stage 4; Late Dyeran) of the Southern Great Basin, USA.

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 82:75-92


Geyer, G., Landing, E. 2021

The Souss lagerstätte of the Anti‑Atlas, Morocco: discovery of the first Cambrian fossil lagerstätte from Africa.

Nature Scientific Reports, 11(3107):1-8


Geyer, G., Landing, E., Żylińska, A. 2021

A new look at Eccaparadoxides (Cambrian, Trilobita) and its biostratigraphic significance. Paläontologische Zeitschrift (in press) pp. 1-42


Ghobadi Pour, M. 2021

Advances in the Ordovician Studies of the Middle East and Central Asia.

Ordovician of the World, IGCP 653 & 735, Programme with Abstracts, pp. 33-34


Gishlick, A.D., Barebo, A. 2021

Diversity and Distribution Patterns in Some Trilobites Mimic Dynastine Beetles.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Northeastern Section - 56th Annual Meeting, Paper No. 18-9: 53(1):361830


Handkamer, N.M. 2021

Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of a unique trilobite fauna from the Mount Clark and Mount Cap

formations (early and middle Cambrian), eastern Mackenzie Mountains, Northwestern Canada.

MSc Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 196 pp.


Herbosch, A. 2021

Stratigraphic correlations between the Brabant Massif and the Stavelot, Rocroi and Givonne inliers (Belgium) and geological implications.

Geologica Belgica, 24(3-4):137-157


Hildenbrand, A., Austermann, G., Ifrim, C., Bengtson, P. 2021

Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of Drumian (middle Cambrian) agnostid trilobites of the Manuels River Formation, Avalonian Newfoundland, Canada.

Papers in Palaeontology, 7(3):1657-1698


Holloway, D.J. 2021

Middle Silurian trilobites from Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA. Order Corynexochida.

Palaeontographica Abteilung A, 319(1-6):1-55


Holloway, D.J. 2021

Middle Silurian trilobites from Arkansas and Oklahoma, USA. Orders Lichida and Odontopleurida.

Palaeontographica Abteilung A, 319(1-6):57-131


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., García-bellido, D.C. 2021

The post-embryonic ontogeny of the early Cambrian trilobite Estaingia bilobata from south Australia: trunk development and phylogenetic implications.

Papers in Palaeontology 7(2):931-950


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., García-Bellido, D.C. 2021

Complex axial growth patterns in an early Cambrian trilobite from South Australia.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(20212131)


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., Jago, J.B., García-Bellido, D.C. 2021

Ontogeny of the trilobite Redlichia from the lower Cambrian (Series 2, Stage 4) Ramsay Limestone of South Australia.

Geological Magazine, 158(7):1209-1223


Holmes, J.D., Paterson, J.R., Jago, J.B., García-Bellido, D.C. 2021

Complex growth and sexual maturity in a c. 512-million-year-old trilobite.

The Palaeontological Association 65th Annual Meeting, The University of Manchester, Programme Abstracts, p. 30


Hopkins, M.J. 2021

Ontogeny of the trilobite Elrathia kingii (Meek) and comparison of growth rates between Elrathia kingii and Aulacopleura koninckii (Barrande).

Papers in Palaeontology, 7(2):985-1002


Hopkins, M.J., To, R. 2021

Conservation and change in segment number in trilobites over the Paleozoic.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):237-8/369373


Hou, J.B. 2021

Respiratory System and Head Segmentation Revealed From Trilobite Appendages.

MSc Thesis, University of California, Riverside


Hou, J.B., Hughes, N.C., Hopkins, M.J. 2021

The trilobite upper limb branch is a well-developed gill.

Science Advances, 7(14):eabe7377 8 pp. (+supplemental 22 pp.)


Hu, Y., Holmer, L.E., Liang, Y., Duan, X., Zhang, Z. 2021

First Report of Small Shelly Fossils from the Cambrian Miaolingian Limestones

(Zhangxia and Hsuzhuang Formations) in Yiyang County, Henan Province of North China.

Minerals, 11(1104):1-26


Hughes, N.C. 2021

The Young and the Vestless.

Nature Ecology & Evolution: Palaeontology News & Views, 2 pp.


Hughes, N.C., Adrain, J.M., Holmes, J.D., Hong, P.S., Hopkins, M.J., Hou, J.B., Minelli, A., Park, T.Y.S., Paterson, J.R., Peng, J., Webster, M. 2021

Articulated trilobite ontogeny: suggestions for a methodological standard.

Journal of Paleontology, 95(2):298-304


Hughes, N.C., Banerjee, T., Mukherjee, S., Sein, K., Chowdhury, M. 2021

The Ocean on Top of our Mountain: Place-based Geoscience Outreach in South and Southeast Asia.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):149-3/364545


Hughes, N.C., Peng, S.C., Harper, D.A.T., Myrow, P.M., Phạm, N.K., Wernette, S.J., Zhu, X. 2021

Cambrian and earliest Ordovician fauna and geology of the Sông Đà and adjacent terranes in Việt Nam (Vietnam).

Geological Magazine, 159(1):55-80


Jago, J.B., Bentley, C.J., Paterson, J.R., Holmes, J.D., Lin, T.R., Sun, X.W. 2021

The stratigraphic significance of early Cambrian (Series 2, Stage 4) trilobites from the Smith Bay Shale near Freestone Creek, Kangaroo Island.

Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 68(2):204-212


Janebová, R., Mikuláš, R. 2021

The possible occurrence of the “red beds” analogy in the Bohdalec Formation (Upper Ordovician of the Barrandian area, Czech Republic) and their palaeontological content. Geoscience Research Reports, Czech Geological Survey, 54:37-40


Jell, P.A., Sprinkle, J. 2021

Revision of Whitehouse’s eocrinoids Peridionites and Cymbionites, with description of the associated fauna

including two new echinoderm genera, lower Middle Cambrian Thorntonia Limestone, northwestern Queensland.

Alcheringa, 45(1):1-55


Jordan, K. 2021

Raging against the inevitable: the gradual decline of proetide trilobites interrupted by rediversification.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):106-14/367877


Karim, T.S., Adrain, J.M. 2022

The phylogenetic affinity of the Ordovician trilobites Agerina Tjernvik, Forteyaspis gen. nov.,

and related genera, with new and revised species from Canada and the United States.

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (in press)


Kerber, G. 2021

Trilobitas Malvinocáfricos da Sub-bacia Alto Garças (Devoniano Inferior, Bacia do Paraná, Brasil): composição e taxonomia.

[Malvinocáfric trilobites from the Upper Garças Sub-basin (Lower Devonian, Paraná Basin, Brazil): composition and taxonomy.]

Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Dissertação


Kloc, G.J. 2021

Observed Differences between Ceraurus and Gabriceraurus.

MAPS Digest, 44(4):61-66


Koch, L., Lemke, U. 2021

Fossilien aus dem GeoPark Ruhrgebiet: Trilobiten aus dem Mitteldevon, Oberdevon und Unterkarbon zwischen Ennepetal und Hemer.

[Fossils from the GeoPark Ruhrgebiet: Trilobites from the Middle Devonian, Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous between Ennepetal and Hemer.]

GeoPark Ruhrgebiet News, 2:12-14


Kolata, D.R. 2021

Fossils of the Upper Ordovician Platteville Formation in the Upper Midwest USA: An Overview.

Illinois State Geological Survey, Bulletin, 108:1-315


Koneicki, J. 2021

The Brechin Lagerstätte.

MAPS Digest, 44(4):31-42


Kontorovich, A.E., Varlamov, A.I., Efimov, A.S., Kontorovich, V.A., Korovnikov, I.V., Krinin, V.A., Saraev, S.V., Sennikov, N.V. 2021

Stratigraphic Scheme of Cambrian Deposits, South of the Cis-Yenisei Area of West Siberia.

Russian Geology and Geophysics, 62(3):357-376


Koppka, J. 2021

Crawlers on the Seabed – The Famous Devonian Trilobites of Gerolstein.

Geoconservation Research, European UNESCO Geoparks: Original Article, 4(1):1-8


Korovnikov, I.V., Lazarev, F.D. 2021

New Findings of Lower Cambrian Trilobites in the Southern Hövsgöl Area (Mongolia) and Their Significance for Stratigraphy and Interregional Correlation.

Russian Geology and Geophysics, 62(12):1350-1358


Korovnikov, I.V., Parfenova, T.M. 2021

Trilobites, Biostratigraphy, and Geochemistry of the Middle Cambrian Kuonamka Formation (Northeastern Siberian Platform, Kyulenke River).

Russian Geology and Geophysics, 62(11):1256-1268


Kowalewska, A. 2021

Arthropods and Associated Fauna From the Erratics at the Orłowo Cliff.

5th International Meeting of Early-Stage Researchers in Palaeontology, p. 34


Krylov A.V. 2021

The Cenozoic ridges and dislocations of Lasnamagi Regional Stage (Darriwilian Stage) on Eastern Territory of the Baltic-Ladoga Glint and their Trilobites and Minerals.

Proceedings of the Annual Conference on the Results of Expedition Research, 8:326-338


Laibl, L., Bourquin, C., Pérez-Peris, F. 2021

Babies from the Fezouata Shale: Insight into Trilobite Development during Ordovician Radiation.

Ordovician of the World, IGCP 653 & 735, Programme with Abstracts, pp. 48-49


Laibl, L., Maletz, J., Olschewski, P. 2021

Post‐embryonic development of Fritzolenellus suggests the ancestral morphology of the early developmental stages in Trilobita.

Papers in Palaeontology, 7:839-859


Lan, T., Zhao, Y., Esteve, J., Zhao, F., Li, C., Martinez, P. 2021

Eggs with Trilobite Larvae in a Cambrian Community. Modeling the Hydrodynamics.

BMC Ecology and Evolution (preprint – preliminary report)


Landing, E. 2021

Cambrian Chronostratigaphic Units in North America.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):177-2/367250


Landing, E., Geyer, G., Schmitz, M.D., Wotte, T., Kouchinsky, A. 2021

(Re)proposal of three Cambrian Subsystems and their Geochronology.

Episodes, 44(3):273-283


Landing, E., Keppie, J.D., Keppie, D.F., Geyer, G., Westrop, S.R. 2021

Greater Avalonia—latest Ediacaran–Ordovician “peribaltic” terrane bounded by continental margin

prisms (“Gander,” Harlech Dome, Meguma): Review, tectonic implications, and paleogeography.

Earth-Science Reviews, 224(103863):1-49


Landing, E., Schmitz, M.D., Geyer, G., Trayler, R.B., Bowring, S.A. 2021

Precise early Cambrian U–Pb zircon dates bracket the oldest trilobites and archaeocyaths in Moroccan West Gondwana.

Geological Magazine, 158:219-238


LaVine, R., López-Carranza, N., Martin, R.P., Lieberman, B.S. 2021

Patterns of morphological diversity in the phacopid subfamily Asteropyginae (Trilobita).

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):237-9/368688


Lei, Q.P., Liu, Q. 2021

Two species of Tsinania (Trilobita, Corynexochida) from upper Furongian (Cambrian) of northern Anhui, China and their intraspecific variation.

Palaeoworld, 30(2):233-248


Lerosey-Aubril, R., Laibl, L. 2021

Protaspid larvae are unique to trilobites.

Arthropod Structure & Development, 63(101059)


Lerouge, F., Kesselaer, I. 2021

Field Reports: The Trilobite Layers at Jebel Ou Driss, Morocco.

The Trilobite Papers, 24:23-25


Liu, Y., Edgecombe, G.D., Schmidt, M., Bond, A.D., Melzer, R.R., Zhai, D., Mai, H.J., Zhang, M.Y., Hou, X.G. 2021

Exites in Cambrian Arthropods and Homology of Arthropod Limb Branches.

Nature Communications, 12(4619):1-8


Liu, Z.R.R., Zhou, M.F., Chen, W.T., Williams-Jones, A.E., Li, X.D., Yin, R.S., O'Brien, H., Lahaye, Y. 2021

Mercury and sulfur isotopic evidence for the linkages between the ca. 510 Ma Kalkarindji large igneous province and trilobite crisis.

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 566(116947)


Losso, S., Ortega-Hernandez, J. 2021

Clasper-like appendages in the Mid-Cambrian trilobite Olenoides serratus from the Burgess Shale.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):237-3/365778


Losso, S., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2021

Appendage specialization in the Cambrian trilobite Olenoides serratus from the Burgess Shale and implications for trilobite reproduction.

Progressive Palaeontology 2021, University College London, (ProgPal UCL 2021) Abstracts Volume, pp. 30-31


Makarova, A.L. 2021

Middle–Upper Cambrian Trilobites of the Genus Nganasanella Rosova, 1963 and their Stratigraphic Significance.

Russian Geology and Geophysics, 62(7):746-764


Mángano, M.G., Buatois, L.A., Waisfeld, B.G., Muñoz, D.F., Vaccari, N.E., Astini, R.A. 2021

Were all trilobites fully marine? Trilobite expansion into brackish water during the early Palaeozoic.

Royal Society of London, Proceedings, Series B: 288:(202022630)


Melim, L., Mure-Rovad, S.R., Hegna, T.A., Bellot, B.J., Lerosy-Aubril, R. 2021

Complex SEM fabrics in silicified trilobites from the Cambrian Weeks Formation: clues to the process of silicification.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):191-7/369614


Morgan, C.A. 2021

Quantitative Trilobite Biostratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian (Wuliuan Stage; Miaolingian Series) and

Microfacies Analysis of the Middle Cambrian Stephen Formation, Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains.

PhD Thesis, University of Calgary, 445 pp.


Mottequin, B. 2021

Earth Science collections of the Centre Grégoire Fournier (Maredsous) with comments on

Middle Devonian–Carboniferous Brachiopods and Trilobites from Southern Belgium.

Geologica Belgica, 24(1-2):33-68


Müller, P., Hahn, G. 2021

Ein Massenvorkommen von Cyrtoproetus aus dem mittleren Mississippium vom Winterberg im Harz (Trilobita, Deutschland).

[A mass occurrence of Cyrtoproetus from the middle Mississippian of the Winterberg in the Harz Mountains (Trilobita, Germany).]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 50:107-129


Müller, P., Hahn, G., Paul, T. 2021

Neue Funde der Gattung Namuropyge aus dem nördlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirge (Trilobita, Viseum, Deutschland).

[New finds of the genus Namuropyge from the northern Rhenish Massif (Trilobita, Visean, Germany).]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 50:131-167


Nguyen, H.H., Doan, D.H., Nguyen, B.H. 2021

Biological Diversity, Crisis and Recovery in the Phong Son Formation (D3-C1 Ps), Thua Thien-Hue Province, North-Central Vietnam.

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 6(4):103-112


Nielsen, A.T., Andersen, L.F. 2021

Furongian (upper Cambrian) trilobites and agnostoids from the Alum Shale Formation of Bornholm, Denmark: revised taxonomy and biostratigraphy.

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 69:123–213


Nikolic, M., Hopkins, M.J., Evans, A.R. 2021

A developmental model of segment size patterning shared among trilobites and vertebrates.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):97-3/367397


Nowicki, J., Żylińska, A. 2021

Taxonomic revision of the Paradoxididae Hawle and Corda, 1847 from the Miaolingian (Cambrian)

of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland: a morphometric approach to simply deformed trilobites.

Acta Geologica Polonica, 71(4):371-391


Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Enríquez-Ocaña, L.F., Monreal, R., Chacón-Baca, E., Palafox-Reyes, J.J., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J. 2021

Quantitative paleoecology of Cambrian (Series 2–miaolingian) communities from central Sonora, Mexico.

Palaeoworld (in press)


Olsen, A.E., Svec, G., Jones D.S., Fike, D.A., Pruss, S.B. 2021

Animal abundance and changing redox conditions during the furongian Cambrian SPICE event, western Utah.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):122-9/364609


Orchard, C., Cole, S. 2021

Ecological drivers of body size evolution in brachiopods and trilobites across the late Ordovician mass extinction.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):122-10/364795


Peel, J.S. 2021

Trilobite fauna of the Telt Bugt Formation (Cambrian Series 2–Miaolingian Series), western North Greenland (Laurentia).

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 69:1-33


Peel, J.S. 2021

Eldoradia and Acrocephalops (Trilobita: Bolaspididae) from the middle Cambrian (Miaolingian) of northern Greenland (Laurentia).

GFF, 143(1):8-15


Peel, J.S. 2021

An outer shelf shelly fauna from Cambrian Series 2 (Stage 4) of North Greenland (Laurentia).

Journal of Paleontology, 95(S83):1-41


Peng, S.C. 2021

Illustrations of Cambrian Stratigraphy and Index Fossils of China (Trilobites).

Zhejiang University Press, 571 pp.


Pereira, S., Colmenar, J., Mortier, J., Vanmeirhaeghe, J., Verniers, J., Štorch, P., Harper, D.A.T., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2021

Hirnantia Fauna from the Condroz Inlier, Belgium: another case of a relict Ordovician shelly fauna in the Silurian?.

Journal of Paleontology, 95(6):1189-1215


Pereira, S., Colmenar, J., Mortier, J., Vanmeirhaeghe, J., Verniers, J., Štorch, P., Harper, D.A.T., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2021

Hirnantia Fauna from the Condroz Inlier, Belgium: Another Case of a Relict Ordovician Shelly Fauna in the Silurian?

Ordovician of the World, IGCP 653 & 735, Programme with Abstracts, pp. 61-62


Pereira, S., Colmenar, J., Esteves, C.J.P., Dias da Silva. I., Pires, M., Neto de Carvalho, C. 2021

The Enigmatic Upper Ordovician of the Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark (Portugal).

Geoconservation Research, European UNESCO Geoparks: Original Article, 4(1A):1-9


Pereira, S., Colmenar, J., Esteves, C.J.P., Dias da Silva. I., Pires, M., Neto de Carvalho, C. 2021

Paleobiodiversity in the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) of the Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark (Portugal).

Geoconservation Research, European UNESCO Geoparks: Original Article, 4(1B):1-11


Pereira, S., Gomes, A., Colmenar, J., Young, T., Pires, M., Vaz, N. 2021

Até aqui?! Os primeiros fósseis do Ordovícico de Águeda (Aveiro) e implicações bio e litoestratigráficas.

[The first Ordovician fossils from Águeda (Aveiro) and the bio- and lithostratigraphic implications.]

XIX EJIP – Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología – Coimbra, Portugal, Abstract Book, pp. 59-60


Pereira, S., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I. 2021

The First Iberian Cyclopygid Trilobites: an unexpected record from the ‘shallow’ peri-Gondwana.

Ordovician of the World, IGCP 653 & 735, Programme with Abstracts, pp. 62-63


Pereira, S., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2021

Nueva Asociación de Trilobites del Berouniense Medio (Ordovícico Superior) de Sierra Morena Oriental (Zona Centroibérica, España).

[New Trilobite Association from the Middle Berounian (Upper Ordovician) of Sierra Morena Oriental (Central Iberian Zone, Spain).]

XXXVI Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 36:209-210


Pérez-Peris, F., Adrain, J.M., Daley, A.C. 2021

Phyologenetics and systematics of the subfamilies Cheirurinae and Deiphoninae: shedding light on the root relationships.

The Palaeontological Association 65th Annual Meeting, The University of Manchester, Programme Abstracts, p. 86


Pérez-Peris, F., Laibl, L., Vidal, M., Daley, A.C. 2021

Systematics, morphology, and appendages of an Early Ordovician pilekiine trilobite Anacheirurus from Fezouata Shale and the early diversification of Cheiruridae.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66 (in press)


Piccoli, A.D., Carbonaro, F.A., Sousa, F.N., Ghilardi, R.P. 2021

Moulting Patterns in Trilobites from the Devonian of Paraná Basin.

Terra Plural, 15:1-8


Pires, M., Pereira, S., Colmenar, J. 2021

A ‘Janela Ordovícica’ no Devónico do Sinclinal de Portalegre: história, biostratigrafia e contexto geodinâmico.

[The 'Ordovician Window' in the Devonian of the Portalegre Syncline: history, biostratigraphy and geodynamic context.]

XIX EJIP – Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología – Coimbra, Portugal, Abstract Book, p. 61


Pulsipher, M.A., Schiffbauer, J.D., Jeffrey, M.J., Huntley, J.W., Fike, D.A., Shelton, K.L. 2021

A meta-analysis of the Steptoean positive carbon isotope excursion: The SPICEraq database.

Earth-Science Reviews, 212(103442):1-23


Randolfe, E. 2021

Trilobites: La aventura de sobrevivir en el Paleozoico.

[Trilobites: The adventure of surviving in the Paleozoic Era.]

Revista Cicterránea, 5:18-19


Ren, G., Meng, F., Pulsipher, M.A., Schiffbauer, J.D., Yuan, J., Zhao, Y., Guo, Y., Gao, J., Chang, C. 2021

A contiguous record of the SPICE event, sea‐level change and the first appearance of Fenghuangella laevis in Shandong Province, North China.

Lethaia (in press)


Ribeiro, V.R., Carbonaro, F.A., da Silva Caminha, S.A.F., Piccoli, A.D., Sousa, F.N., Ghilardi, R.P. 2021

Trilobitas devonianos das bacias do Paraná e Parecis no estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil.

[Devonian trilobites from the Paraná and Parecis basins in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.]

Terra Plural, 15(e2118076):1-15


Rojas, D., Esteve, J. 2021

Morphological Assessment of Ptychopariid Trilobites Agraulos longicephalus Hicks, 1872 and

Agraulos ceticephalus Barrande, 1846 From the Drumian of Spain and the Czech Republic.

5th International Meeting of Early-Stage Researchers in Palaeontology, p. 48


Romero, S., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2021

Trilobites Ordovícicos del Macizo de Aragoncillo (Geoparque Mundial de la Unesco Molina-Alto Tajo, Guadalajara, España).

[Ordovician trilobites from the Aragoncillo Massif (Unesco World Geopark Molina-Alto Tajo, Guadalajara, Spain).]

Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 34(2):71-89


Romero, S., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2021

Esplendor Gondwánico y Extinción Iberoarmoricana del Trilobites Neseuretus (Calymenina, Ordovícico).

[Gondwanan Splendor and Ibero-Armorican Extinction of the Trilobites Neseuretus (Calymenina, Ordovician).

XXXVI Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 36:221-222


Sá, A.A., Pereira S., Rábano, I. Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2021

Giant trilobites and other Middle Ordovician Invertebrate Fossils from the Arouca UNESCO Global Geopark, Portugal.

+Geoconservation Research, European UNESCO Geoparks: Original Article, 4(1C):1-10


Saleh, F., Vidal, M., Laibl, L., Sansjofre, P., Gueriau, P., Pérez-Peris, F., Lustri, L., Lucas, V., Lefebvre, B., Pittet, B., El Hariri, K., Daley, A.C. 2021

Large trilobites in a stress-free Early Ordovician environment.

Geological Magazine, 158:261-270


Schmidt, M., Hou, X.G., Belojevic, J., Zhai, D., Mai, J., Melzer, R.R., Ortega-Hernández, J., Liu, Y. 2021

Before trilobite legs: Pygmaclypeatus daziensis reconsidered and the ancestral appendicular organization of Cambrian artiopods.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Biology Letters (in press)


Schoenemann, B. 2021

An overview on trilobite eyes and their functioning.

Arthropod Structure & Development, 61(101032):1-14


Schoenemann, B., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2021

Points of view in understanding trilobite eyes.

Nature Communications, 12(1):2081


Schoenemann, B., Clarkson, E.N.K., Bartels, C., Südkamp, W., Rössner, G.E., Ryck, U. 2021

A 390 million-year-old hyper-compound eye in Devonian phacopid trilobites.

Nature Scientific Reports, 11(19505):1-9


Scholfield, G. 2021

Elrathina discoveries in the Trilobites of the Metaline Formation.

The Trilobite Papers, 24:25-27


Scholtz, G., Staude, A., Dunlop, J.A. 2021

Reply to “Points of view in understanding trilobite eyes”.

Nature Communications, 12(2084):1-5


Schöning, H. 2021

Proetus verrucosus LINDSTRÖM, Proetus leprosus n. sp. und einige weitere. Proetiden aus Wenlock-Geschieben (Silur)

[Proetus verrucosus LINDSTRÖM, Proetus leprosus n. sp. and some other proetid trilobites from Wenlockian glacial erratics (Silurian).]

Geschiebekunde aktuell, 37(2):49-58


Sepúlveda, A., Collantes, L., Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2021

Los Trilobites Delmarianiense Superior (Serie 2 Del Cámbrico) en El Pico Noez (Toledo).

[The Upper Delmarian Trilobites (Cambrian Series 2) in El Pico Noez (Toledo).

XXXVI Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 36:235-236


Sepúlveda, A., Liñán, E., Gámez Vintaned, J.A., Chirivella Martorell, J.B. Gozalo, R. 2021

Bioestratigrafía de las Fms. Ribota y Huérmeda (Marianiense-Bilbiliense?, Cámbrico inferior) en el área de Minas Tierga (Cadenas Ibéricas, NE España).

[Bioestratigraphy of the Ribota and Huérmeda Fms (Marianian-Bilbilian? Lower Cambrian) in the area of Minas Tierga (Iberian Chains, NE Spain).

X Congreso Geológico de España, 10:230-233


Serra, F., Balseiro, D., Vaucher, R., Waisfeld, B.G. 2021

Structure of trilobite communities along a delta-marine gradient (Lower Ordovician; Northwestern Argentina).

Palaios, 36(2):39-52


Singh, B.P., Yuan, J., Bhargava, O.N., Singla, G., Kaur, R., Stopden, S., Morrison, S., Sati, M., Kumar, D., Wazir, A. 2021

A new stratigraphic occurrence of the taxon Pagetia (Trilobita) from the Spiti region: and its biostratigraphic significance

in correlation of the Wuliuan Stage (Miaolingian Series) in the Kashmir and the Spiti regions (Tethyan Himalaya), India.

Annales de Paléontologie, 107(102506):1-10


Singla, G., Singh, B.P., Bhargava, O.N., Kaur, R., Stopden, S. 2021

Trilobites of the Middle Wuliuan (Miaolingian) from the Kunzam La (Parahio) Formation

of the Sumna River Section, Spiti, Himalaya, and Its Biostratigraphic Significance.

Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 29:(1):8-20


Sinnesael, M., Millard, A.R., Smith, M.R. 2021

Astrochronology for the oldest Cambrian trilobites in Moroccan West Gondwana.

European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2021 (EGU21-9782)


Siveter, D.J., Fortey, R.A., Briggs, D.E.G., Siveter, D.J., Sutton, M.D. 2021

The first Silurian trilobite with three‐dimensionally preserved soft parts reveals novel appendage morphology.

Papers in Palaeontology, 7:2245-2253


Skovsted, C.B., Topper, T.P., McLoughlin, S., Johansson, O., Liu, F., Vajda, V. 2021

First discovery of Small Shelly Fossils and new occurrences of brachiopods and trilobites from the early Cambrian (Stage 4) of the Swedish Caledonides, Lapland.

GFF, 143(2-3):134-150


Smith, P.M., Laurie, J.R. 2021

Trilobites from the mid-Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) of the Amadeus Basin, central Australia.

Alcheringa, 45(2):140-177


Song, H,C., Song, H.J., Rahman, I.A., Chu, D.L. 2021

Computational Fluid Dynamics Confirms Drag Reduction Associated with Trilobite Queuing Behaviour.

3rd Palaeontological Virtual Congress, Book of Abstracts, p. 143


Song, H.C., Song, H.J., Rahman, I.A., Chu, D.L. 2021

Computational fluid dynamics confirms drag reduction associated with trilobite queuing behaviour.

Palaeontology, 64(5):597-608


Song, Z.Y., Xiao, Y.P., Xiao, C.T. 2021

Biodiversity changes of the Ordovician trilobites in the middle Yangtze region of South China.

Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 132(2):147-157


Spalletta, C., Corradini, C., Feist, R., Korn, D., Kumpan, T., Perri, M.C., Pondrelli, M., Venturini, C. 2021

The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in the Carnic Alps (Austria and Italy).

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101:487-505


Srivastava, S., Hughes, N.C. 2021

The stratigraphic context of the late Cambrian trilobite Walcottaspis vanhornei from the upper Mississippi Valley, and its morphological variation.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):237-7/368046


Stocker, C.P. 2021
The palaeobiogeographical significance of the Silurian and Devonian trilobites of Japan.
PhD Thesis, University of Leicester, 333 pp.


Stocker, C.P., Siveter, D.J., Lane, P.D., Williams, M., Oji, T., Komatsu, T., Tanaka, G. 2021

Widespread palaeobiogeographical signals of the Silurian encrinurid trilobites of Japan.

The Palaeontological Association 65th Annual Meeting, The University of Manchester, Programme Abstracts, p. 94


Suárez, M.G., Esteve, J. 2021

Morphological diversity and disparity in trilobite cephala and the evolution of trilobite enrolment throughout the Palaeozoic.

Lethaia (in press)


Suárez, M.G., Esteve, J. 2021

Trilobite enrollment evolution and morphological diversification as a GOBE consequence.

Ordovician of the World, IGCP 653 & 735, Programme with Abstracts, p. 74


Suárez, M.G., Esteve, J., Álvaro, J.J. 2021

Influence of Ecomorphological Trends in the Paleozoic Trilobite Biodiversity Patterns.

5th International Meeting of Early-Stage Researchers in Palaeontology, p. 50


Sun, X.W., Bentley, C.J., Jago, J.B. 2021

A Guzhangian (late Middle Cambrian) fauna from the Gidgealpa 1 drillhole, Warburton Basin, South Australia.

Alcheringa, 45(3):289-298


Sun, Z.X., Zeng, H., Zhao, F.C. 2021

Digestive structures in Cambrian Miaolingian trilobites from Shandong, North China.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 60(1):166-175


Sundberg, F.A. 2021

Editorial: Just because we can, should we?

The Trilobite Papers, 24:2-3


Sundberg, F.A., Cuen-Romero, F.J. 2021

Trilobites from the Crepicephalus Zone (upper Guzhangian Stage, Miaolingian Series,

Cambrian) from northern Sonora, Mexico, and its correlation to Arizona and Texas, USA.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 108:(103185)


Sundberg, F.A., Webster, M., 2021

Corynexochine trilobites of the Harkless Formation and Mule Spring Limestone (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4), Clayton Ridge, Nevada.

Journal of Paleontology, 95(6):1241-1258


Swain, A., Devereux, M., Fagan, W.F. 2021

Deciphering trophic interactions in a mid-Cambrian assemblage.

iScience 24(102271):1-11 (+suppl. 18 pp.)


Tang, H.Y., Sone, M., Shaari, H. 2021

New Early Carboniferous crustaceans (Cyclida and Trilobita) from eastern Peninsular Malaysia and their palaeobiogeographic implications.

PastBioDivSea21 : Current Studies on Past Biodiversity in South-East Asia, Programme and Abstracts, p. 41


Tortello, M.F. 2021

Cambrian trilobites from the Glossopleura walcotti Zone (Miaolingian Series, Wuliuan Stage) of Mendoza, western Argentina.

Journal of Paleontology (in press)


Tortello, M.F., Cingolani, C.A., Uriz, N.J. 2021

Trilobite Hall of Fame: Ángel V. Borrello and the La Plata Museum Trilobite Collections.

The Trilobite Papers, 24:18-23


Van Viersen, A.P. 2021

Type and other species of Gerastos and allied genera (Trilobita, Proetinae) from the Siluro-Devonian.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 299:185-217


Van Viersen, A.P. 2021

Systematics of Devonian trochurine trilobites (Lichidae).

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 300(2):173-185


Van Viersen, A.P., Koppka, J. 2021

Type and other species of Phacopidae (Trilobita) from the Devonian of the Ardenno-Rhenish Mountains.

Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 49:25-66


Van Viersen, A.P., Lerouge, F. 2021

Timsaloproetus alissae sp. nov. (Trilobita: Proetidae) from the Lower Devonian of southern Morocco.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 95:223-230


Vargas-Parra, E., Hopkins, M.J. 2021

Ontogenetic modularity and metamorphosis in an Ordovician trilobite.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):237-10/370660


Wang, X., Stouge, S., Maletz, J., Bagnoli, G., Qi, Y., Raevskaya, E.G., Wang, C., Yan, C. 2021

The Xiaoyangqiao section, Dayangcha, North China: the new global Auxiliary Boundary

Stratotype Section and Point (ASSP) for the base of the Ordovician System.

Episodes Journal of International Geoscience, 44(4):359-383


Wang, Y., Peng, J., Wang, Q., Wen, R.Q., Zhang, H., Du, G.Y., Shao, Y. 2021

Moulting in the Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobite Arthricocephalites xinzhaiheensis from Guizhou Province, South China.

Lethaia, 54(2):211-228


Wang, Y., Peng, J., Wang, D., Zhang, H., Luo, X., Shao, Y., Sun, Q., Ling, C., Wang, Q. 2021

Ontogenetic moulting behavior of the Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobite Arthricocephalites xinzhaiheensis.

PeerJ 9:e12217


Webster, M. 2021

Ontogeny as a constraint in the evolution of the trilobite glabella.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):237-1/368396


Wei, X., Zhou, Z.Q., Zhan, R.B., Wu, R.C., Gong, F.Y., Liu, J.B. 2021

Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) new trilobites from the Upper Yangtze Region, South China, and their macroevolutionary and paleobiogeographic implications.

Journal of Paleontology (in press)


Wei, X., Zhou, Z.Q., Zhan, R.B, Yan, G.Z., Liu, J. 2021

Middle Ordovician trilobites from the Houping Formation of South China: implications for palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography.

Historical Biology (in press)


Weidner, T., Nielsen, A.T., Ebbestad, J.O.R. 2021

Paleozoiska fossil från den undre skollberggrunden vid Vindelälven, Västerbottens län.

[Paleozoic fossils from the lower Scholl bedrock at Vindelälven, Västerbotten County.]

Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, K690:16-18


Weiner, T., Weinerová, H., Kalvoda, J., Viktorýn, T. 2021

The first lower Viséan trilobite association from limestone facies of the Moravian Karst

and its relation to the sedimentary environment (Líšeň Formation, Czech Republic).

Bulletin of Geosciences, 96(2):217–249


Wernette, S.J., Hughes, N.C., Myrow, P.M., Aung, A.K. 2021

The first systematic description of Cambrian fossils from Myanmar: Late Furongian trilobites from the

southern part of the Shan State and the early Palaeozoic palaeogeographical affinities of Sibumasu.

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 214(104775):1-22


Westrop, S.R. 2021

Anatomy of a Cambrian Trilobite Extinction Event, Honey Creek Formation, Wichita Mountains Region, Oklahoma.

Geological Association of Canada: London Joint Annual Meeting: Abstracts, Volume 44. Geoscience Canadada, 48:241


Witte, M.K. 2021

Trait Asymmetry and Development in the Middle Devonian Trilobite Genus Eldredgeops Struve 1992.

PhD Thesis, The University of Chicago, 166 pp.


Wright, D., Hopkins, M.J. 2021

A catch-22 or siren of titan? Assessing the impact of character evolution models on phylogenetic and macroevolutionary inferences of fossil data.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):106-6/367338


Yang, K., Zhang, X., Peng, S.C. 2021

Trunk regionalization and functional morphology of the globally distributed trilobite Bathynotus from Cambrian Series 2 of China.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 95:373-385


Yang, X., Kimmig, J., Zhai, D., Liu, Y., Kimmig, S.R., Peng, S.C. 2021

A juvenile-rich palaeocommunity of the lower Cambrian Chengjiang biota sheds light on palaeo-boom or palaeo-bust environments.

Nature Ecology & Evolution, 19 pp. + 26 pp. supplemental


Yang, Y., Gill, B. 2021

First report of the archaeocyathid extinction and the redlichiid-olenellid extinction carbon isotope excursions

(AECE and ROECE) in eastern Laurentia: implications for perturbations in the late early Cambrian carbon cycle.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53(6):10-8/367382


Yao, H.Z., Zhang, R.J., Niu, Z.J., Tu, B., Wang, Z.H., He, Y.Y., Song, F., Zhao, L.S., Wang, J.X., Wang, Y., Long, W.G. 2021

Frasnian–Tournaisian (Late Devonian to Earliest Carboniferous) lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Hainan Island, South China.

Geological Journal, (in press)


Yoon, W.S., Lee, D.C., Hong, P.S., Lee, S.B., Hong, J., Lee, J.G., 2021

Redlichia nobilis Walcott, 1905, the oldest trilobite in South Korea: age and morphologic restoration by strain analysis.

Geosciences Journal, (in press) pp. 1-18


Yu, C.M., Nguyen, H.H., Qie, W.K., Guo, W., Nguyen, B.H. 2021

Lower Emsian biostratigraphy and event stratigraphy of Ha Giang Province, northern Vietnam.

Palaeoworld, 30(1):29-43


Zhang, M., Chen, Z.Q., Harper, D.A.T. 2021

An atypical Burgess Shale-type fossil assemblage from Cambrian Stage 4 of the Jingshan area, South China: Taphonomy, palaeoecology, and global correlations.

Global and Planetary Change, 206(103640):1-17


Zhang, S.H., Fan, J.X., Morgan, C.A., Henderson, C.M., Shen, S.Z. 2021

Quantifying the middle–late Cambrian trilobite diversity pattern in South China.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 570(110361)


Zhang, Z., Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Holmer, L.E., Chen, F., Chen, Y., Brock, G.A., Zhang, Z. 2021

The oldest Cambrian trilobite – brachiopod association in South China.

Gondwana Research, 89:147-167


Zhu, X., Peng, S., Pegel, T.V., Zuo, J. 2021

Revision of the late Cambrian trilobite genus Archikainella.

Alcheringa, 45(1):56-60


Zong, R.W. 2021

Abnormalities in early Paleozoic trilobites from central and eastern China.

Palaeoworld, 30:430-439


Zong, R.W. 2021

Injuries and molting interference in a trilobite from the Cambrian (Furongian) of South China.

PeerJ, 9(e11201):1-13


Zong, R.W., Liu, Y.L., Huang, L.B., Yin, J.Y., Gong, Y.M. 2021

Trilobites from the Silurian “Lower red beds” of Wuhan, South China: stratigraphic and paleogeographic implications.

Palaeoworld (in press)

  • I found this Informative 1


  • piranha changed the title to Trilobite Papers 1813–2022: Years in Review

The year is complete with a list of 205 new trilobite papers in 2022.  On page one the progress continues retro-filling all the previous years.


Looking forward to another great year of trilobite publications in 2023!



Adrain, J.M., Fortey, R.A. 2022

The Ordovician trilobite Oenonella and the new family Oenonellidae, with new species from western Newfoundland, Canada.

Journal of Paleontology, 96(5):1061-1077

Alberti, M. 2022

Eine Trilobitenassoziation aus mitteldevonischen Rupbach-Schiefern im Steinbruch an der Heckelmann-Mühle.

[A trilobite association from Middle Devonian Rupbach Shales of the Heckelmann-Mühle quarry.]

Mainzer Naturwissschaftliches Archiv, 59:67-84

Álvaro, J.J., Benharref, M., Destombes, J., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Hunter, A.W., Lefebvre, B., Van Roy, P., Zamora, S. 2022

Ordovician stratigraphy and benthic community replacements in the eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 485:37-67

Basse, M. 2022

Die Typen der Trilobiten mit deutscher Typuslokalität – Fortschritte in der Forschung von Sommer 2018 bis Dezember 2021.

[The Types of Trilobita with a German Type Locality. Advances in Research from Summer 2018 until December 2021.]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 51:47-92

Basse, M. 2022

Die Typen der Trilobiten mit deutscher Typuslokalität – Fortschritte in der Forschung von Sommer 2018 bis Dezember 2021.

[The Types of Trilobita with a German Type Locality. Advances in Research from Summer 2018 until December 2021.]

Mainzer Naturwissschaftliches Archiv, 59:85-116


Basse, M. 2022
Rhenops Richter & Richter Ventrally (Asteropyginae, Phacopina): Rhenops in the Early Devonian Hunsrück Slate.
The Trilobite Papers, 25:26-29

Bault, V., Balseiro, D., Monnet, C., Crônier, C. 2022

Post-Ordovician trilobite diversity and evolutionary faunas.

Earth-Science Reviews, 230(104035):1-20

Bault, V., Crônier, C., Bignon, A. 2022

The influence of palaeogeography and tectonic events on trilobite distributions in Morocco and northwestern Algeria.

Geological Magazine, 159(5):707-729

Bault, V., Crônier, C., Monnet, C. 2022

Morphological disparity trends in Devonian trilobites from North Africa.

Palaeontology, 65(5:e12623):1-21

Beasecker, J., Brandt, D.S. 2022

Predatory Trilobites: Combining Morphological and Ichnological Data.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Joint 56th Annual North-Central/ 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting, 54(4):36-1/373423

Beech, J., Bottjer, D. 2022

Testing for Convergent Evolution in Extinct Organisms Without Close Modern Relatives:

Phylogenetic Analysis of the Trilobite Orders Harpetida and Trinucleida. Trilobite Head.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(5):378203

Bernárdez, E., Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Chirivella Martorell, J.B. 2022

Los trilobites de la Serie Míaolíngíense de Sela de Entorcísa (Zona Asturoccídental-Leonesa; norte de España).

[The trilobites of the Miaolingian Series from Sela de Entorcísa (Asturoccídental-Leonesa Zone; northern Spain).]

Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 37:35

Bernárdez, E., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I. 2022

Una nueva sección fosilífera de la Formación Sueve (Ordovícico Medio) al suroeste del Túnel Ordovícico del Fabar (Ribadesella, Asturias, NO de España).

[A new fossiliferous section of the Sueve Formation (Middle Ordovician) SE of El Fabar Ordovician Tunnel (Ribadesella, Asturias, NW Spain).]

Sociedad Geológica de España: Geogaceta, 72:59-62

Bicknell, R.D.C., Holmes, J.D., Pates, S., García-Bellido, D.C., Paterson, J.R. 2022

Cambrian carnage: Trilobite predator-prey interactions in the Emu Bay Shale of South Australia.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 591(110877):1-20

Bicknell, R.D.C., Smith, P.M. 2022

Examining abnormal Silurian trilobites from the Llandovery of Australia.

PeerJ, 10(e14308):1-23

Bicknell, R.D.C., Smith, P.M., Bruthansová, J., Holland, B. 2022

Malformed trilobites from the Ordovician and Devonian.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 96:1-10

Bicknell, R.D.C., Smith, P.M., Howells, T.F., Foster, J.R. 2022

New records of injured Cambrian and Ordovician trilobites.

Journal of Paleontology, 96(4):921-929

Bissett, D. 2022

Fossils of the Devonian Windom Shale: A New York Lagerstätten.

MAPS Digest, 45(4):61-70


Bissett, D. 2022
Giant Flexicalymene meeki from the Ordovician of the Cincinnati Arch.
The Trilobite Papers, 25:19-21

Brezinski, D.K. 2022

Biogeographic patterns in Late Paleozoic trilobites.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 609(111319):1-13

Budil, P., Fatka, O. 2022

Ordovician trilobites with soft parts in African West Gondwana, European peri-Gondwana and Avalonia: a review.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 485:139-152

Cederström, P., Geyer, G., Ahlberg, P., Nilsson, C. H., Ahlgren, J. 2022

Ellipsocephalid trilobites from Cambrian Series 2 and Stage 4, with emphasis on the taxonomy,

morphological plasticity and biostratigraphic significance of ellipsocephalids from Scania, Sweden.

Fossils and Strata, 67:1–131

Chen, S.G., Zhao, Y.L., Chen, Z.P., Liu, X., Luo, X. 2022

Moult configurations of the trilobite Eosoptychoparia guizhouensis from the Wuliuan Stage in Jianhe, Guizhou.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 61(2):165-176

Chen, Z.P., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, X., Esteve, J., Liu, X., Chen, S.G., Feng, R. 2022

Interspecies and intraspecific variability in the trilobites Duyunaspis and Balangia from the Cambrian Series 2 (Stage 4) of Jianhe, South China.

Lethaia, 55(4) (in press)

Collantes, L., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R., Pereira, S. 2022

The trilobite Serrodiscus Richter & Richter from Iberia, with systematic review of the genus and its international correlation through the Cambrian Series 2.

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 97(3):289-317

Collantes, L., Pereira, S. Mayoral, E., Gozalo, R. 2022

First report of Chelediscus Rushton, 1966 (Trilobita) from Western Gondwana, with description of a new species from the Cambrian Series 2 of Spain.

Historical Biology (in press)

Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Mayoral, E., Gozalo R. 2022

A new eodiscoid trilobite occurrence from the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of Spain.

XX EJIP: Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología, 20:32-31

Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2022

The regional Marianian Stage (Cambrian Series 2) of the Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia: trilobite biostratigraphy and international correlation.

[The regional Marianian Stage (Cambrian Series 2) of the Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia: trilobite biostratigraphy and international correlation.]

Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 37:51

Cothren, H.R., Farrell, T.P., Sundberg, F.A., Dehler, C.M., Schmitz, M.D. 2022

Novel age constraints for the onset of the Steptoean Positive Isotopic Carbon Excursion

(SPICE) and the late Cambrian time scale using high-precision U-Pb detrital zircon ages.

Geology, 50(12):1415-1420

Crônier, C., Hoşgör, I. 2022

A preliminary account on Devonian trilobites from Arabian Plate, SE Turkey.

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 31(5):467-479

Crônier, C., Waters, J.A. 2022

Late Devonian (Famennian) phacopid trilobites from western Xinjiang, Northwest China.

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (in press)

Cuen-Romero, F.J., Montijo-González, A., Monreal, R., Sundberg, F.A., Espinoza-Maldonado, G.,

Grijalva-Noriega, F.J., Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Minjárez-Sosa, I., Ochoa-Granillo, J.A. 2022

Cambrian (Series 2 to Miaolingian) platform facies from central Sonora, Mexico and the regional correlation.

Palaeoworld, 31:41-57

Cuen-Romero, F.J., Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Monreal, R., Palafox-Reyes, J.J., Ochoa-Granillo, J.A., Montijo-González, A. 2022

Bioestratigrafía del Cámbrico en México. [Cambrian Biostratigraphy in Mexico.]

Paleontología Mexicana, 11(1):35-40

Dai, T., Zhang, X.L., Peng, S.C. 2022

Developmental traits and life strategy of redlichiid trilobites.

Biological Reviews (in press)

Daley, A.C., Enright, O.B., Gueriau, P., Laibl, L., Lustri, L., Pérez-Peris, F., Potin, G., Saleh, F. 2022

Arthropod Evolution During the Palaeozoic: Insights from the Fezouata Biota.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 321(27)


Damiani, P.J., Damiani, M. 2022
The Potential Fossil Evidence of Trilobite Ecdysis.
The Trilobite Papers, 25:14-16

Dowding, E.M., Ebach, M.C., Madroviev, E.V. 2022

Validating marine Devonian biogeography: a study in bioregionalization.

Palaeontology, 65(1:e12578)

Dumoulin, J.A., Strauss, J.V., Repetski, J.E. 2023

Ordovician Geology of Alaska.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)

Drage, H.B. 2022

Trilobite moulting behaviour variability had little association with morphometry.

BioRxiv (preprint: awaiting peer-review)

Drage, H.B., Holmes, J.D., García-Bellido, D.C., Paterson, J.R. 2022

Associations between trilobite moulting variability and morphometry.

The Palaeontological Association 65th Annual Meeting - University College: Cork, Ireland - Programme Abstracts, p. 28

Drage, H.B., Lynch, S., Daley, A.C., Żylińska, A. 2022

Enrolment in Strenuella polonica facilitates exoskeleton moulting.

The Palaeontological Association 65th Annual Meeting - University College: Cork, Ireland - Programme Abstracts, p. 69

Drage, H.B., Pates, S. 2022

Cephalic shape has little association with trilobite moulting behaviour.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 427(34)

Edgecombe, G.D., Fortey, R.A. 2022

A novel antennal form in trilobites.

Journal of Paleontology (in press)

Elicki, O., Meischner, T., Gürsu, S., Ghienne, J.F., Masri, A., Moumani, K.A., Demircan, H. 2023

The Ordovician System in the Levant region (Middle East) and southern Turkey: review of depositional facies, fauna and stratigraphy.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)

Esteve, J., Hughes, N.C. 2022

Enrollment in Aulacopleura, what else can this trilobite teach us?

Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 37:75

Esteve, J., López-Pachón, M. 2022

¿Para qué enrollarse en medio del mar ordovícico?: El caso del trilobites pelágico Microparia.

[Why enroll in the middle of the Ordovician sea?: The case of the pelagic trilobite Microparia.]

Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 37:76

Esteve, J., Suárez, M.G., Marcé-Nogué J., Álvaro, J.J. 2022

Functional diversity constraints in early trilobite evolution.

Ossa Morena and beyond: A Tribute to Teodoro Palacios. Abstract Book, p. 15

Fan, Q., Xu, W., Hu, X., Zhu, W., Yue, T., Zhang, C., Yan, F., Chen, L., Lezec, H.J., Lu, Y., Agrawal, A., Xu, T. 2022

Trilobite-inspired neural nanophotonic light-field camera with extreme depth-of-field.

Nature Communications, 13(2130):1-10

Fang, X., Mao, Y., Liu, Q., Yuan, W., Chen, Z., Wu, R., Li, L., Zhang, Y., Ma, J., Wang, W., Zhan, R., Peng, S.C., Zhang, Y., Huang, D. 2022

The Liexi fauna: a new Lagerstätte from the Lower Ordovician of South China.

Royal Society of London, Proceedings, Series B, 289(20221027):1-8

Fatka, O., Budil, P. 2022

Contribution of August Heinrich Ernst Beyrich to the knowledge of Ordovician trilobites in the Czech Republic.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 96:669-687

Fatka, O., Budil, P., Mikuláš, R. 2022

Healed injury in a nektobenthic trilobite: “Octopus-like” predatory style in Middle Ordovician?

Geologia Croatica, 75(2):189-198

Fatka, O., Budil, P., Mikuláš, R., Zicha, O. 2022

Healed Injuries in Two Ordovician Trilobites.

21st Slovak-Czech-Polish Paleontological Conference, 21:121-122


Faucher, K.X. 2022
The Trilobite Papers, 25:17

Feist, R., Klapper, G. 2022

Phacopid trilobites in post-Taghanic Givetian through Frasnian cephalopod limestones, Montagne Noire (France) and related areas (Thuringia, Morocco).

Czech Geologial Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 97(1):1-32

Feist, R., Lerosey-Aubril, R. 2022

Recapitulating pygidial spine evolution during regeneration in Devonian scutelluid trilobites.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 396(34)

Ferretti, A., Schönlaub, H.P., Sachanski, V., Bagnoli, G., Serpagli, E., Vai, G.B., Yanev, S., Radonjić, M., Balica, C., Bianchini, L., Colmenar, J., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2023

A global view on the Ordovician stratigraphy of south-eastern Europe.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532 (in press)

Fernandez, O.R.R., Sour-Tour, F. 2022

The agnostid trilobite assemblage from San José de Gracia, Sonora, México, and the implications of phylogenetics in stratigraphic calibration.

Historical Biology (in press)


Flick, U., Flick, H. 2022

Die Trilobitenfauna im Nebengestein des Meta-Alkalibasaltischen Lagerganges vom Wasenbachtal (Südwestliche Lahnmulde) – Neufunde aus dem Hangendkontakt des Nordbruchs. [The Trilobite Fauna of the Meta-Alkalibasaltic Sediment of the Wasenbach Valley (Southwestern Lahn syncline) – New Finds from the Slope End Contact of the Northern Quarry.] Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 50:201-232

Forli, M., Guerrini, A. 2022

Scorpions, Ants, and Other Stone Insects: The Understanding of Trilobites Over the Centuries. [pp. 417-442]

In: The History of Fossils Over Centuries: From Folklore to Science. Springer Scientific Publishing, 508 pp.

Fortey, R.A., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2022

Extraordinary Ordovician trilobite Fantasticolithus gen. nov. from Peru and its bearing on the trinucleimorph hypothesis.

Papers in Palaeontology, 8(2):e1423

Fortey, R.A., Wernette, S.J., Hughes, N.C. 2022

Revision of F.R.C. Reed’s Ordovician trilobite types from Myanmar (Burma) and western Yunnan Province, China.

Zootaxa, 5162(4):301-356

Foster, J.R. 2022

Continuous character variation within the Glossopleura-Anoria-Sonoraspis plexus:

Dolichometopid trilobites from the Cadiz Formation (Cambrian: Miaolingian, Wuliuan), California.

Palaeontologia Electronica, 25(2-A18):1-25

Frey, R.C. 2022

The Treptoceras duseri and Trilobite Shales – "Butter Shale" Konservat-Lagerstätten in the Waynesville

Formation (Late Ordovician, Cincinnatian Series) in southwest Ohio and southeast Indiana.

MAPS Digest, 45(4):23-45

Gao, J., Yuan, J.L., Wang, P.L. 2022

Discovery of early proasaphiscid trilobites in Tangshan area, North China and revision of some genera and species.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 61(1):1-19

Geyer, G., Landing, E., Żylińska, A. 2022

A new look at Eccaparadoxides (Cambrian, Trilobita) and its biostratigraphic significance.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift (in press) pp. 1-42

Ghobadi Pour, M. 2022

Trilobites of trinucleid, raphiophorid and cyclopygid associations from the Ordovician

(Darriwilian–early Katian) of the west Balkhash region and Betpak‐Dala, Central Kazakhstan.

Papers in Palaeontology, 8(4):e1459

Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E. 2023

The Ordovician of the Middle East (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan).

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)

Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Kim, A.I., Abduazimova, Z.M., Mikolaichuk, A.V., Kim, I.A., Ospanova, N., Erina, M.V., Salimova, F.A.,

Klishevich, I., Saidov, M.S., Davlatov, N.H., Abdiyev, N.H., Koldybekov, O.Y., Gordeev, D., Rustamov, S.T., Yangiboev, S.B. 2023

The Ordovician of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)


Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Álvaro, J.J., Amini, A., Hairapetian, V., Jahangir, H. 2022

Ordovician of North Iran: New Lithostratigraphy, Palaeogeography and Biogeographical

Links with South China and the Mediterranean Peri-Gondwana Margin.

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 97(4):465-538

Giusto Díaz de Cerio, A., Rubio, P., Esteve, J. 2022

Enrollamíento en trilobites de troncos heteronómícos del Cámbrico inferior.

[Enrollment in trilobites of heteronomous trunks from the Lower Cambrian.]

Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 37:91

Goldstein, A., Bulinski, K.V. 2022

The Waldron Shale: An Important Fossil Deposit.

MAPS Digest, 45(4):46-60

Goldman, D., Leslie, S.A., Liang, Y., Bergström, S.M. 2023

Ordovician Biostratigraphy-Index Fossils, Biozones, and Correlation.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532 (in press)

Gozalo R., Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Collantes Ruiz, L., Dies Álvarez, M.E.,

Gámez Vintaned, J.A., Liñán, E., Mayoral, E., Sepúlveda, A. 2022

Trilobites of the Cambrian Stage 4 in Spain revisited.

XX EJIP: Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología, 20:36-37

Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Pereira, S., García-Bellido, D.C., Rábano, I. 2022

Ordovician trilobites from the Tafilalt Lagerstätte: new data and reappraisal of the Bou Nemrou assemblage.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 485:97-137

Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Pereira, S., Ghienne, J.F. 2022

A reappraisal of the Ordovician trilobites from the Jefarah-Ghadames and Murzuq basins (Libya and Tunisia).

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life. Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakesh: The 2nd Annual Meeting of IGCP 735, pp. 34-38

Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I., Sá, A.A., Poblador, J.A., García-Bellido, D.C. 2022

Nuevo trilobites asáfido con conservación de apéndices en la Biota de Fezouata (Ordovícico Inferior de Marruecos).

[An additional asaphid trilobite with preserved appendages from the Fezouata Biota (Lower Ordovician of Morocco).]

Sociedad Geológica de España: Geogaceta, 71:11-14

Hahn, G., Hahn, R., Müller, P. 2022

Catalogus trilobitorum figuris (Trilobites carbonici et permici, X: Chlupaculinae, Diacoryphinae et Menorcaspidinae).

[Catalog of trilobites with figures (Carboniferous and Permian trilobites, X: Chlupaculinae, Diacoryphinae and Menorcaspidinae).]

Fossilium Catalogus, 160:1-294

Handkamer, N.M., Pratt, B.R., MacNaughton, R.B. 2022

Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the trilobite faunas from the Mount Clark and Mount Cap

formations (early and middle Cambrian), eastern Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada.

Journal of Paleontology Memoir, 96(S89):1-47

He, W.Y., Qi, Y.A., Dai, M.Y., Liu, B.C., Li, J.B., Xu, G.X., Wang, M., Li, D. 2022

Facies Changes, Evolution of Biogenic Structures, and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy

of the Cambrian Series 2 to Miaolingian Transition on the Southern North China Craton.

Minerals, 12(1526):1-21

Hegna, T., Perez-Huerta, A., Greenberger, R.E., Brodskii, A. 2022

Cones and Prisms: Possible Sexual Dimorphism in the Holochroal Eye Structure of Asaphid Trilobites.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(5):381674

Helling, S., Becker, R.T. 2022

Two new species of Gondwanaspis (Trilobita, Odontopleurida) from the Givetian-Frasnian transition of the northern Rhenish Massif (Germany).

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 102:697-709

Hints, L., Pärnaste, H., Männik, P., Reich, M., Rozhnov, S. 2022

Development of faunal diversity during the late Llandovery–early Wenlock in the

easternmost part of the Baltic Palaeobasin – implications for the Ireviken Event.

Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 71(2):89-110

Holloway, D.J., Banks, M.R., Banks, D.M. 2022

Late Ordovician and early Silurian trilobites from Tasmania.

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 97(4):397-444

Holloway, D.J., Scott, B.M. 2022

Needmorella, a new trilobite genus of the Synphoriinae (Dalmanitidae) from the Lower–Middle Devonian of West Virginia.

Journal of Paleontology (in press)

Holmes, J.D., Budd, G.E. 2022

Reassessing a cryptic history of early trilobite evolution.

Nature: Communications Biology, 5(1177):1-9

Hopkins, M.J. 2022

Single disparity indices can be misleading: comment on Suárez & Esteve (2021).

Lethaia 55(4) (in press)

Hopkins, M.J., Martin, M.J. 2022

Unravelling parallel conceptions of the Ordovician trilobite Flexicalymene senaria (Conrad, 1841).

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 17(3)

Hopkins, M.J., To, R. 2022

Long-term clade-wide shifts in trilobite segment number and allocation during the Palaeozoic.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(20221765):1-8

Hughes, N.C. 2022

History of collections of Cambrian trilobites from the Himalaya.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 23(3)

Hughes, N.C. 2022

Interbedded Fossil-Bearing Beds and Tuff Horizons in Sectors of the Sibumasu Terrane Calibrate Parts

of Trilobite-Based Biozonation of the Latest Cambrian and Earliest Ordovician in Equatorial Gondwana.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(5):381001

Hunter, A.W., Álvaro, J.J., Lefebvre, B., Van Roy, P., Zamora, S. (eds.) 2022

The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: Insights from the Tafilalt Biota, Morocco.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 485:1-615

Isozaki, Y. 2023

Ordovician Japan: geotectonic setting and paleogeography.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)

Jago, J.B., Bentley, C.J. 2022

The stratigraphically lowest known Cambrian trilobites from the Dial Range Trough, northwest Tasmania and from western Tasmania.

Alcheringa, 46:33-42

Janssen, K., Mähler, B., Rust, J., Bierbaum, G., McCoy, V.E. 2022

The Complex Role of Microbial Metabolic Activity in Fossilization.

Biological Reviews, 97(2):449-465


Jell, P.A. 2022
Trilobite Appendages Preserved as Silica Replacements.
The Trilobite Papers, 25:18-19

Jeon, J., Li, Y., Kershaw, S., Chen, Z., Ma, J., Lee, J.H., Liang, K., Yu, S., Huang, B., Zhang, Y. 2022

Nearshore warm-water biota development in the aftermath of the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction in South China.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 603:(111182)

Jung, J., Park, T.Y.S., Hughes, N.C. 2022

Virtual taphonomy of trilobite cranidia: understanding deformation processes using 3D modelling and rigid body simulation.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 37(5)

Karim, T.S., Adrain, J.M. 2022

The phylogenetic affinity of the Ordovician trilobites Agerina Tjernvik, Forteyaspis gen. nov.,

and related genera, with new and revised species from Canada and the United States.

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 59:156-179

Koch, L., Lemke, U. 2022

Trilobiten im Bergischen Land und im Nordwestlichen Sauerland.

[Trilobites in the Bergisches Land and in the Northwestern Sauerland.]

Fossilien, 2022(5):26-32

Korovnikov, I.V. 2022

Trilobite complexes and stage breakdown of the Cambrian of the Siberian Platform.

Geology and Mineral Resources of Siberia, 11:4-12

Kraft, P., Linnemann, U., Mergl, M., Bruthansová, J., Laibl, L., Geyer, G. 2023

Ordovician of the Bohemian Massif.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532 (in press)


Krueger, H.H. 2022
Eine neue ordovizische Art von Dysplanus Burmeister, 1843 (Trilobita) aus baltoskandischen Geschieben.
[A new Ordovician species of Dysplanus Burmeister, 1843 (Trilobita) from Baltoscandian erratics.]
Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 8(3):190-194

Krueger, H.H. 2022
Eine neue ordovizische Art der Gattung Meadowtownella Přibyl & Vanĕk, 1965 (Trilobita)  aus baltoskandischen Geschieben.
[A new Ordovician species of the genus Meadowtownella Přibyl & Vanĕk, 1965 (Trilobita) from Baltoscandian erratics.]
Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 8(3):195-201

Kurovski, I.P., Bosetti, E.P., Goltz, G. 2022

Paleocommunities and Guilds: key concepts for understanding the fossil benthic marine invertebrate fauna.

TerraPlural, 16(e2221067):1-23


Lan, T., Zhao, Y., Esteve, J., Zhao, F., Li, C., Martinez, P.2022

Eggs with Trilobite Larvae in a Cambrian Community. Modeling the Hydrodynamics.

BMC Ecology and Evolution (in press)

Landing, E., Keppie, J.D., Keppie, D.F., Geyer, G., Westrop, S.R. 2022

Greater Avalonia—latest Ediacaran–Ordovician “peribaltic” terrane bounded by continental margin

prisms (“Gander,” Harlech Dome, Meguma): Review, tectonic implications, and paleogeography.

Earth-Science Reviews, 224(103863):1-49


Landing, E., Westrop, S.R., Geyer, G. 2022

Trans-Avalonian green–black boundary (early Middle Cambrian): transform fault-driven epeirogeny

and onset of 26 m.y. of shallow-marine, black mudstone in Avalonia (Rhode Island–Belgium) and Baltica.

Canadian Journal of Earth Science (in press)


Lee, J.H., Cho, S.H., Choh, S.J., Hong, J., Lee, B.S., Lee, D.C., Lee, D.J., Lee, S.B., Park, J., Woo, J. 2023

The Ordovician of the Korean Peninsula: A synthesis.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)

Lefebvre, B., Van Roy, P., Zamora, S., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Nohejlová, M. 2022

The Late Ordovician Tafilalt Biota, Anti-Atlas, Morocco: a high-latitude perspective on the GOBE.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 485:5-35


Lei, Q.P. 2022

New trilobite materials from the upper part of the Zhangxia Formation of the Cambrian in northern Anhui.

Modern Geology, 2022:1-22

Lei, Q.P., Liu, Q., Peng, S.C. 2022

Three species of Pagodia (Corynexochida, Trilobita) from the Furongian (Cambrian) of Northern Anhui, China and their intraspecific variation.

Palaeoworld (in press)


Lei, Q.P., Peng, S.C. 2022

Saukiid trilobites from the middle−upper Chaumitien Formation (Furongian, Cambrian) in northern Anhui.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 61(4) (in press)

Leibach, W.W. 2022

Preservation and Bias in the Cambrian Fossil Record.

MSc Thesis, University of Missouri–Columbia, 58 pp.


Lemke, U. 2022
Catalogue of the Available Names and Non Available Names of the Species and Subspecies for the Class Trilobita.
[Katalog der Verfügbaren und Nicht Verfügbaren Namen der Arten und Unterarten der Trilobita.]
Self-Published by Ulrich Lemke, 551 pp.

Lenarith, K., Seng, K., Pagna, L., Panha, M., Unsovath, E. 2022

An Overview of Stratigraphy and Fossils of the Palaeozoic period in Cambodia.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 347(28)

Lerosey-Aubril, R., Comfort, D., Gaines, R.R., Mangano, M.G., Paterson, J.R., Skabelund, J. Webster, M., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2022

Life in the vicinity of a Cambrian reef: insights from the mid-Dyeran McDame Konservat-Lagerstätte of British Columbia, Canada.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 332(28)

Lerosey-Aubril, R., Deshmukh, U.B. 2022

Persiax, a replacement name for Persia Lerosey-Aubril, 2012 (Trilobita) non Repin, 1996 (Bivalvia), preoccupied.

Zootaxa, 5178(4):400

Liñán, E., Gozalo, R., Collantes, L., Mayoral, E. 2022

Trilobite biostratigraphy of the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) from Sierra Norte de Sevilla: an overview.

Ossa Morena and beyond: A Tribute to Teodoro Palacios. Abstract Book, pp. 23-24

Loi, A., Cocco, F., Oggiano, G., Funedda, A., Vidal, M., Ferretti, A., Leone, F., Barca, S., Naitza, S., Ghienne, J.F., Pillola, G.L. 2023

The Ordovician of Sardinia (Italy): from the “Sardic Phase” to the end-Ordovician glaciation, palaeogeography and geodynamic context.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532 (in press)

Losso, S.R., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2022

Claspers in the mid-Cambrian Olenoides serratus indicate horseshoe crab–like mating in trilobites.

Geology, 50(8):897-901

Luan, S., Cao, H., Deng, H.F., Zheng, G., Song, Y., Gui, C. 2022

Artificial Hyper Compound Eyes Enable Variable-Focus Imaging on both Curved and Flat Surfaces.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(40):46112–46121

Luo, J., Wang, T.,Pan, X., Dai, Q., Xiong, L., , X., Liu, Z., Hua, H. 2022

The putative earliest Cambrian trilobite–brachiopod association in southern Sichuan Basin of South China.

Historical Biology (in press)

Lynch, S., Drage, H.B., Daley, A.C., Żylińska, A. 2022

The function of enrolment and flexures in the trilobite Strenuella polonica Czarnocki, 1926 from the Cambrian of Poland.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 426(34)

Lynch, S., Drage, H.B., Laval, V.R.D., Daley, A.C. 2022

MoultDB: an interdisciplinary database for arthropod moulting data.

The Palaeontological Association 65th Annual Meeting - University College: Cork, Ireland - Programme Abstracts, pp. 74-75

Makarova, A.L. 2022

Trilobites of the Genus Toxotiformis gen. nov. from the Middle–Upper Cambrian of the Siberian Platform and Adjacent Regions.

Paleontological Journal, 56(4):389-399

Martin, R.P., López-Carranza, N., LaVine, R.J., Lieberman, B.S. 2022

Morphological evolution during the last hurrah of the trilobites: morphometric analysis of the Devonian asteropyginid trilobites.

Paleobiology, (in press)

Mayer, R. 2022

Systematics and Biostratigraphy of Dunderbergia and Related Trilobites from

Cambrian (Mid-Steptoean) Strata of Nevada, Utah, Texas, and Newfoundland.

MSc Thesis, University of Oklahoma, 184 pp.

Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Hints, O., Radzevičius, S. 2023

Ordovician of the eastern Baltic Palaeobasin and the Tornquist Sea Margin of Baltica.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532 (in press)

Melim, L., Mure-Ravaud, S.R., Hegna, T., Bellott, B.J., Lerosey-Aubril, R. 2022

Silicification of trilobites and biofilm from the Cambrian Weeks Formation, Utah: Evidence for microbial mediation.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 399(34)

Melim, L.A., Mure-Ravaud, S.R., Hegna, T.A., Bellott, B.J., Lerosey-Aubril, R. 2023

Silicification of trilobites and biofilm from the Cambrian Weeks Formation, Utah: Evidence for microbial mediation of silicification.

Geology, 51(1):80-84

Mghazli, K., Lazreq, N., Geyer, G., Landing, E., Boumehdi, M.A., Youbi, N. 2023

Cambrian microfossils from the High Atlas, Morocco: Taxonomic, biostratigraphic, palaeobiogeographic,

and depositional significance of the Brèche à Micmacca limestone beds.

Journal of African Earth Sciences, 197(104751)

Monti, D.S., Tortello, M.F., Confalonieri, V.A. 2022

A phylogenetic approach to the study of the evolution of Hypermecaspididae (Olenida, Trilobita).

Papers in Palaeontology, 8(3):e1433

Monti, D.S., Confalonieri, V.A., Tortello, M.F. 2022

The Central Andean Basin as a Dispersal Centre: Biogeographic Patterns of Olenid Trilobites During the Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician.

(SSRN – peer review pending)

Müller, P., Basse, M. 2022

Namuropyge, der bizarrste Trilobit im Karbon des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.

[Namuropyge, the most bizarre trilobite in the Carboniferous of the Rhenish Slate Mountains.]

Fossilien, 2022(6):47-51

Müller, P., Hahn, G. 2022

Geigibole Gandl, 1968 und verwandte Taxa aus der Kulm-Fazies des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges (Trilobita; Unterkarbon: Viséum; Deutschland).

[Geigibole Gandl, 1968 and related taxa from the Kulm facies of the Rhenish Massif (Trilobita; Lower Carboniferous: Viséan; Germany).]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 51:93-135

Myrow, P.M., Hughes, N.C., Singh, B.P. 2023

Ordovician strata of the Indian Subcontinent.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)

Naimark, E.B., Chaika, S.Y. 2022

Cuticle and Cuticular Sensilla in Agnostina.

BioRxiv Preprint

Ng, R.Y., Webster, M. 2022

Ontogeny as an Evolutionary Constraint and Source of Neomorphism Within the Early Cambrian Trilobite Genus Zacanthopsis.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(5):381117

Nguyen, H.H., Nguyen, B.H. 2022

Stratigraphic Order in the Sung Village-Len Bac Mountain Section, Yen Hoa Commune, Minh Hoa District, Quang Binh Province, North-Central Vietnam.

Earth Sciences, 11(5):269-276

Nguyen, J.J., Westrop, S.R., Landing, E. 2022

The Cambrian (Furongian) olenid trilobite Peltura from Avalonian Nova Scotia, Canada, with a review of some species from Baltica.

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 59:463-477

Nielsen, A.T., Ahlberg, P., Ebbestad, J.O.R., Hammer, Ø., Alexander, D., Harper, T., Lindskog, A., Rasmussen, C.M.Ø., Stouge, S. 2023

The Ordovician of Scandinavia: A revised regional stage classification.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532 (in press)

Nielsen, A.T., Christiansen, J.H., Hvas, I.P., Storskov, T., Høyberget, M. 2022

Peltura undulata n. sp. – a new olenid trilobite from the Furongian (upper 4 Cambrian) of Scandinavia.

Norwegian Journal of Geology, 102(202210):1-12

Nikolic, M., Hopkins, M.J. 2022

Troubling trilobites: Bayesian phylogenetic methods clarify evolutionary history of turbulent trilobite orders.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 47(5)

Nikolic, M., Hopkins, M.J. 2022

Those Troubled Trilobites: Clarifying Evolutionary Relationships, Divergence Times and Rates of Evolution in Turbulent Trilobite Orders.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(5):381000

Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Enríquez-Ocaña, L.F., Monreal, R., Chacón-Baca, E., Palafox-Reyes, J.J., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J. 2022

Quantitative paleoecology of Cambrian (Series 2–miaolingian) communities from central Sonora, Mexico.

Palaeoworld, 31(4):607-620


Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Monreal, R., Noriega-Grijalva, F.J., Palafox-Reyes, J.J. 2022
A New Locality of Trilobites in Sonora: El Sahuaral Area.
The Trilobite Papers, 25:22-26

Orchard, C., Cole, S.R. 2022

Did Ecology Drive Body Size Evolution Over the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction? Evidence from Brachiopods and Trilobites.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Joint 56th Annual North-Central/ 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting, 54(4):47-9/373819

Ortega-Hernández, J., Losso, S., El Bakhouch, A., Azizi, A., El Hariri, K., Mazurier, A., El Albani, A. 2022

Trilobite legs from high latitudes: exceptional preservation in a paradoxidid from the mid-Cambrian Tatelt Formation of Morocco.

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life. Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakesh: The 2nd Annual Meeting of IGCP 735, pp. 53-54

Pates, S. 2022

Functional ‘islands’ in a three-dimensional trilobite morphospace.

The Palaeontological Association 65th Annual Meeting - University College: Cork, Ireland - Programme Abstracts, p. 79

Pates, S., Drage, H.B. 2022

Hydrodynamic control on trilobite head shapes.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 342(28)

Pauly, D., Holmes, J.D. 2022

Reassessing growth and mortality estimates for the Ordovician trilobite Triarthrus eatoni.

Paleobiology (in press)

Penn-Clarke, C.R., Browning, C., Harper, D.A.T. 2023

The Ordovician System of South Africa: A review.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)

Pereira, S. 2022

170 anos de investigação intermitente das trilobites em Portugal.

[170 years of intermittent investigation of trilobites in Portugal.]

Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 37:21-22

Pereira, S., Colmenar, J. 2022

Where was Belgium during the Ordovician: what do trilobites have to say?

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life. Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakesh: The 2nd Annual Meeting of IGCP 735, pp. 56-57

Pereira, S., Colmenar, J., Pires, M., Young, T.,Gomes, A.,Polechová, M., Vaz, N. 2022

Os primeiros fósseis do Ordovícico de Águeda (Aveiro): Implicações lito e bioestratigráficas.

[The first fossil assemblage from the Ordovician of Águeda (Aveiro): litho and biostratigraphic implications.]

Comunicações Geológicas, 108(Especial I):131-136

Pillola, G.L., Vidal, M. 2022

Lower Ordovician Trilobites from SE Sardinia (Italy): A New Record of the “Taihungshania Bioprovince”.

Università degli Studi di Cagliari (SSRN: ahead-of-print – awaiting peer review)

Pires, M., Pereira, S., Colmenar, J. 2022

A “Janela Ordovícica” no Devónico do Sinclinal de Portalegre (Portugal): história, bioestratigrafia e contexto geodinâmico.

[The “Ordovician Window” in the Devonian of the Portalegre Syncline (Portugal): history, biostratigraphy and geodynamics.]

Comunicações Geológicas, 108(Especial I):137-142

Randolfe, E.A., Rustán J.J., Bignon A. 2022

New dalmanitid trilobite taxa from the Lower Devonian of Argentina: comments on spinosity in endemic taxa from southern high paleolatitudes.

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 21(2):17-38


Romero, S. 2022

Trilobites del Ordovícico Superior basal del Macizo de Aragoncillo (Guadalajara, España): composición de las asociaciones y correlación.

[Trilobites from the basal Upper Ordovician of the Aragoncillo Massif (Guadalajara, Spain): association composition and correlation.]

XX EJIP: Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología, 20:42-43

Romero, S., Rábano, I., García-Ávila, M., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2022

A taxonomic reappraisal of the trilobite record from Galicia (NW Spain).

Paleontological Research Lines in the Northwest of Iberian Peninsula:

Book of abstracts of the 1st PaNOP. [1º Simposio de Paleontología de Noroeste Peninsular] p. 32

Romero, S., Rábano, R., Pereira, S. 2022

Trilobites del Prídoli (Silúrico superior) de la Zona de Ossa Morena (España).

[Trilobites from Pridoli (Upper Silurian) from the Ossa Morena Zone (Spain).]

Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, 37:168

Romero, S., Rábano, I., Pereira, S., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2022

Middle and Upper Ordovician trilobites from the Iberian Range, NE Spain: A preliminary review with new records.

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life. Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakesh: The 2nd Annual Meeting of IGCP 735, pp. 81-85

Saleh, F., Guenser, P., Gibert, C., Balseiro, D., Serra, F., Waisfeld, B.G., Antcliffe, J.B., Daley, A.C., Mángano, M.G., Buatois, L.A., Ma, X., Vizcaïno, D., Lefebvre, B. 2022 Contrasting Early Ordovician assembly patterns highlight the complex initial stages of the Ordovician Radiation.

Nature Scientific Reports, 12(3852):1-8

Saleh, F., Vaucher, R., Vidal, M., El Hariri, K., Laibl, L., Daley, A.C., Gutiérrez‑Marco, J.C., Candela, Y.,

Harper, D.A.T., Ortega‑Hernández, J., Ma, X., Rida, A., Vizcaïno, D., Lefebvre, B. 2022.

New fossil assemblages from the Early Ordovician Fezouata Biota.

Nature Scientific Reports, 12:20773

Schmidt, M., Hou, X.G., Belojevic, J., Zhai, D., Mai, J., Melzer, R.R., Ortega-Hernández, J., Liu, Y. 2022

Before trilobite legs: Pygmaclypeatus daziensis reconsidered and the ancestral appendicular organization of Cambrian artiopods.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Biology Letters, 377(20210030)

Schoenemann, B., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2022

Why the eyes of phacopid trilobites look the way they do.

The Palaeontological Association 65th Annual Meeting - University College: Cork, Ireland - Programme Abstracts, p. 56

Scott, R.W., Turner, E.C., MacNaughton, R.B., Fallas, K.M. 2022

Biostratigraphic evidence for incremental tectonic development of early Cambrian deep-water

environments in the Misty Creek embayment (Selwyn basin, Northwest Territories, Canada).

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 59(4):216-231

Secher, A. 2022

Travels with Trilobites: Adventures in the Paleozoic.

Columbia University Press, 376 pp.

Sepúlveda, A., Liñán, E., Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Gámez Vintaned, J.A., Gozalo R. 2022

Bioestratigrafía de las Formaciones Ribota y Huérmeda (Serie 2 del Cámbrico) en el yacimiento Jarque 2 (provincia de Zaragoza), Cadenas Ibéricas (NE España). [Biostratigraphy of the Ribota and Huérmeda Formations (Cambrian Series 2) at the Jarque 2 site (Zaragoza province), Cadenas Ibéricas (NE Spain).]

XX EJIP: Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología, 20:44-45

Sepúlveda, A., Liñán, E., Chirivella-Martorell, J.B., Gámez-Vintaned, J.A., Gozalo R. 2022

Biostratigraphy of the Ribota and Huérmeda formations (Cambrian Series 2) in the Comarca del Aranda (Zaragoza province), Iberian Chains (NE Spain).

[Bioestratigrafía de las formaciones Ribota y Huérmeda (Serie 2 del Cámbrico) en la Comarca del Aranda (provincia de Zaragoza), Cadenas Ibéricas (NE de España).]

Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 37(1):101-122

Skabelund, J. 2022

The Wheeler Formation of Utah.

MAPS Digest, 45(4):3-10

Srivastava, S., Hughes, N.C. 2022

The Late Cambrian Dikelocephalid Trilobite Walcottaspis vanhornei and Its Evolution in

the Context of the Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of the Upper Mississippi Valley.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(5):377567

Stouge, S., Rasmussen, C.M.Ø., Harper, D.A.T. 2023

The Ordovician System in Greenland.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532 (in press)

Sun, Z., Zeng, H., Zhao, F.C. 2022

Unique Cambrian trilobite Eodontopleura: an example of strong convergence in trilobite evolution.

Historical Biology, (in press)

Sun, Z., Zhao, F., Zeng, H., Luo, C., Iten, H.V., Zhu, M. 2022

The Middle Cambrian Linyi Lagerstätte from the North China Craton: a new window on the Cambrian evolutionary fauna.

National Science Review, 9(7):nwac069


Sundberg, F.A. 2022
Shift in Paradigm.
The Trilobite Papers, 25:2

Sundberg, F.A., Webster, M. 2022

‘‘Ptychoparioid’’ trilobites of the Harkless Formation and Mule Spring Limestone (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4), Clayton Ridge, Nevada.

Journal of Paleontology, 96(4):886-920

Sundberg, F.A., Webster, M., Geyer, G. 2022

Biostratigraphical significance of a new trilobite fauna from the Harkless Formation (upper Stage 4, Series 2, Cambrian), Nevada, USA.

Lethaia, 55(3) (in press)

Tashman, J.N. 2022

Utilities of Extinct and Extant Marine Arthropod Cuticle.

PhD Thesis, Kent State University, 176 pp.

Tortello, M.F. 2022

Cambrian trilobites from the Glossopleura walcotti Zone (Miaolingian Series, Wuliuan Stage) of Mendoza, western Argentina.

Journal of Paleontology, 96(3):611-630

Trela, W. 2023

Stratigraphy and sedimentary record of the Ordovician System in Poland: a review.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532 (in press)

Unger, T., Hildenbrand, A., Stinnesbeck, W., Austermann, G. 2022

Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of polymerid trilobites of the Manuels River Formation (Drumian, middle Cambrian), Newfoundland, Canada.

Geodiversitas, 44(33):1051-1087

Van Iten, H., Mann, E., Kurdelmeyer, R. 2022

Trilobite Taphonomy of Shaly Shelf Carbonates in the Elgin Member of the Maquoketa Formation (Late Ordovician; NE Iowa and SE Minnesota).

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Joint 56th Annual North-Central/ 71st Annual Southeastern Section Meeting, 54(4):47-10/373193

Van Viersen, A.P. 2022

De trilobieten van de 'Mur des douaniers' in Vireux-Molhain (Noord-Frankrijk): Correlaties tussen trilobieten uit de Ardennen en Marokko.

[The trilobites of the 'Mur des douaniers' at Vireux-Molhain (northern France): Correlations between trilobites from the Ardennes and Morocco.]

GEA (V55 in press)

Van Viersen, A.P., Kloc, G.J. 2022

Functional morphology, coaptation and palaeoecology of Hollardops (Trilobita, Acastidae),

with descriptions of new species and two new genera from the Devonian of Morocco.

Geologica Belgica, 25(3-4):99-144

Vargas-Parra, E.E., Hopkins, M.J. 2022

The modular organization of the trilobite head.

6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 48(5)

Vargas‐Parra, E.E., Hopkins, M.J. 2022

Modularity in the trilobite head consistent with the hypothesized segmental origin of the eyes.

Evolution & Development, 24(6):177-188

Vargas-Parra, E.E., Hopkins, M.J. 2022

The Modular Organization of the Trilobite Head.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(5):380810

Vilca-Coa, M.C. 2022

Bioestratigrafia y fauna fósil del Devónico del Grupo Cabanillas en el Distrito de Cabana, Provincia de San Román, Departamento de Puno.

[Biostratigraphy and fossil fauna of the Devonian of the Cabanillas Group in the Cabana District, San Román Province, Puno Department.]

BSc Thesis, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, 142 pp.

Waisfeld, B.G., Benedetto, J.L., Toro, B.A., Voldman, G.G., Rubinstein, C.V., Heredia, S., Assine, M.L., Vaccari, N.E., Niemeyer, H. 2023

The Ordovician of southern South America.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533 (in press)

Wang, G.X., Cui, Y.N., Liang, Y., Wu, R.C., Wei, X., Gong, F.Y., Huang, B., Luan, X.C., Tang, P., Li, L.X., Zhang, X.L. 2022

Toward a unified and refined Ordovician stratigraphy for the western Yangtze region, South China.

Palaeoworld (in press)

Wang, J., Hua, H., Wang, X., Li, Y. 2022

Early Ordovician Seleneceme (Trilobita) in Ziyang Fauna, South China.

Historical Biology, (in press)

Wang, M.K., Peng, S.C., Zhang, X.L. 2022

Taxonomic Revision of the Cambrian Trilobite Abadiella and its Stratigraphic Significance in Gondwana.

Preprints 2022, 2022080064

Webster, M. 2022

Assessing the Role of Developmental Constraints in Trilobite Evolution.

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(5):381162

Wei, X., Wang, K., Zhou, Z.Q., Cui, Y.N., Zhang, Z.T., Liu, J.B. 2022

A new late katian (Late Ordovician) trilobite association from Zhenxiong, Northeastern Yunnan, southwest China and its palaeoecological implications.

Palaeoworld (in press)

Wei, X., Zhou, Z.Q., Zhan, R.B., Wu, R.C., Gong, F.Y., Liu, J.B. 2022

Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) new trilobites from the Upper Yangtze Region, South China, and their macroevolutionary and paleobiogeographic implications.

Journal of Paleontology, 96(2):394-411

Wei, X., Zhou, Z.Q., Zhan, R.B, Yan, G.Z., Liu, J. 2022

Middle Ordovician trilobites from the Houping Formation of South China: implications for palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography.

Historical Biology, 34(4):722-749

Weiner, T., Weinerová, H., Mergl, M., Kalvoda, J., Gregorová, R. 2022

A New Find of Carboniferous Limestone Boulder Near Kučerov (Badenian Clastics, Carpathian

Foredeep, Czech Republic) – Discussion of Paleontological, Biostratigraphic, and Microfacies Data.

21st Slovak-Czech-Polish Paleontological Conference, 21:209-211

Weiner, T., Weinerová, H., Mergl, M., Kalvoda, J., Gregorová, R. 2022

Carboniferous limestone boulder from the Badenian clastics (Carpathian Foredeep,

Czech Republic): A useful data source on the Palaeozoic of the Moravosilesian Basin.

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences 97(2):179-201

Westrop, S.R., Dengler, A.A. 2022

A new Cambrian catillicephalid trilobite from the Shallow Bay Formation of western Newfoundland, Canada.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 67(1):27-33

Yang, X., Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Zhu, X., Liu, Y. 2022

New species of Liostracina Monke, 1903 (Trilobita, Cambrian) from Yunnan, China: complete holaspid exoskeleton and implications for higher level classification.

Journal of Paleontology, 96(6):1431-1446

Yoon, W.S., Lee, D.C., Hong, P.S., Lee, S.B., Hong, J., Lee, J.G. 2022

Redlichia nobilis Walcott, 1905, the oldest trilobite in South Korea: age and morphologic restoration by strain analysis.

Geosciences Journal, 26:305-322

Zaika, Y., Murashka, O. 2022

New Data on Lower Paleozoic Outcrops Near the Village of Ravaničy (Minsk Region, Belarus).

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 90:485-495

Zhang, Q., Dai, T., Zhang, X.L., Peng, S.C. 2022

Development and trunk segmentation of a redlichiid trilobite from Cambrian Series 2 of China.

Lethaia 55(3) (in press)

Zhu, X., Hughes, N.C., Zhou, Z. 2022

A Glyptagnostus reticulatus trilobite faunule from the Cambrian of the Northern Qilian Mountains, northwest China, and its paleogeographical implications.

Journal of Paleontology, 96(4):875-885

Zong, R.W., Bicknell R.D.C. 2022

A new bilaterally injured trilobite presents insight into attack patterns of Cambrian predators.

PeerJ, 10(e14185):1-10

Zong, R.W., Gong, Y.M. 2022

Allopatric molting of Devonian trilobites.

Nature Scientific Reports, 12(13851):1-9

Zong, R.W., Liu, Y.L., Huang, L.B., Yin, J.Y., Gong, Y.M. 2022

Trilobites from the Silurian “Lower red beds” of Wuhan, South China: stratigraphic and paleogeographic implications.

Palaeoworld, 31(2):239-248

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  • piranha changed the title to Trilobite Papers 1812–2022: Years in Review

As always, a fantastic compilation. Thanks!

  • piranha changed the title to Trilobite Papers 1764–2022: Years in Review
  • 3 weeks later...

The year is complete with a list of 291 new trilobite papers in 2023.  On page one the progress continues retro-filling all the previous years.


Looking forward to another great year of trilobite publications in 2024!




Adrain, J.M. 2023

The Early Ordovician bathyurid trilobites Licnocephala and Ibexocephala.

Journal of Paleontology (in press)

Adrain, J.M. 2023

New Morphological Features and Terminology for the Trilobite Order Olenida.

The Palaeontological Association 67th Annual Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK – Programme & Abstracts, p. 75

Adrain, J.M., Lerosey-Aubril, R., Edgecombe, G.D. 2023

The Origin of Horseshoe Crabs: Discovery of Three-Dimensionally Preserved Xiphosuran

Species in the Lower Tremadocian (Lower Ordovician) of the Great Basin, Western USA.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):2-3/394825

Adrain, J.M., Pérez-Peris, F. 2023

Trilobite Mass Extinction Events in the Early Ordovician (Tremadocian) of North America.

The Palaeontological Association 67th Annual Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK – Programme & Abstracts, pp. 29-30

Adrain, J.M., Pérez-Peris, F. 2023

Funeralaspis n. gen.: a new odontopleurine trilobite from the early Middle Ordovician (Dapingian)

of Death Valley, eastern California, USA, and the classification of Ordovician odontopleurines.

Zootaxa, 5336(4):509-529

Agematsu, S., Oo, T. 2023

Ordovician geology of the Sibumasu Block, Southeast Asia.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:519-544

Alberti, M. 2023

Rekonstruktionsversuche von Arduennella: Ein bizarrer Trilobit.

[Reconstruction attempts of Arduennella: a bizarre trilobite.]

Fossilien, 2023(2):24-29

Alberti, M. 2023

Kleine Raritäten: Juvenile Trilobiten aus dem Rupbach-Schiefer.

[Small rarities: Juvenile trilobites from the Rupbach Shale.]

Fossilien, 2023(4):53-60

Alberti, M. 2023

Devononeseuretus beichti n. gen., n. sp., der Erstnachweis eines Calymeniden (Trilobita) aus dem Hunsrückschiefer.

[Devononeseuretus beichti n. gen., n. sp., the first record of a calymenid (Trilobita) from the Hunsrück Slate.]

Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 51:7-20

Alberti, M. 2023

Hypostome einiger Trilobiten aus dem Rupbach-Schiefer (Ober-Emsium und Eifelium, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).

[Hypostomes of some trilobites from the Rupbach Shale (Upper Emsian and Eifelian, Rhenish Massif).]

Mainzer Naturwissschaftliches Archiv, 60:83-53

Álvaro, J.J., Martínez-Benítez, B. 2023

Advances in the Lower Ordovician of the western Iberian Chain, NE Spain.

Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on the Ordovician System. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72(1):6-9

Ameri, H., Zamani, F. 2023

Biostratigraphy of Early to Late Cambrian trilobites in Silo Section (South of Kerman).

Advanced Applied Geology, 13(3):772-781

Anderson, T.B., James, M.J., McNeil, P. 2023

The Burgess Shale Lagerstätte at the Walcott Quarry, Yoho National Park, Canada. Geology’s Significant Sites and their Contributions to Geoheritage.

Geological Society London, Special Publications, 543 (in press)

Baird, G.C., Zambito, J.J., Brett, C.E. 2023

Tully Formation and pre-Frasnian Genesee Group succession.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 405-406:259-378

Balogh-Zanin, H., Wernette, S., Myrow, P., Aung, A.K., Hughes, N.C. 2023

Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician Trilobites From the Southern Shan State, Myanmar.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):9-10/390843

Bartholomew, A.J., Ver Straeten, C.A. 2023

Marine strata of the middle to upper Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian, lower Givetian), eastern outcrop belt in New York State.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 405-406:197-258

Basse, M. 2023

Die Typen der Trilobita mit deutscher Typuslokalität – Fortschritte in der Forschung im Jahr 2022.

[The types of the Trilobita from German type localities – Progress in research in the year 2022.]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 52:47-70


Basse, M., Lemke, U. 2023

Class Trilobita in the Wocklum Limestone of the northern Rhenish Massif east of the Rhine (late Famennian, late Devonian) – Part 2. Phacopinae (Dianops, Rabienops, Spinicryphops, and Weyerites), with new species of Dianops and Rabienops. [Die Klasse Trilobita im Wocklum-Kalk des nördlichen rechtsrheinischen Massivs (spätes Famennium, spätes Devon) – Teil 2. Phacopinae (Dianops, Rabienops, Spinicryphops und Weyerites), mit neuen Arten von Dianops und Rabienops.]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 52:133-181


Basse, M., Müller, P. 2023. Trilobiten aus dem Leun-Schiefer und Leun-Kalk von Löhnberg und Leun in der zentralen Lahn-Mulde in Hessen (Grenzbereich Unter-/Mitteldevon, Rheinisches Massiv, Varisziden). [Trilobites from the Leun Shale and Leun Limestone of Löhnberg and Leun villages in the central Lahn Syncline in Hesse (Lower/Middle Devonian boundary, Rhenish Massif, Variscides).]

Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv Beiheft, 37:1-211


Basse, M., Müller, P. 2023
Namuropyge, The Optically Most Spectacular Trilobite in the Late Paleozoic (Mississippian, Carboniferous) of the Rhenish Massif, Germany.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:22-27

Basse, M., Schöning, H. 2023

The Proetinae (Trilobita) of the German Silurian. 1. Plesiowensus, Signatoproetus n.g., and Pulcherproetus.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 309(3):209-254

Bault, V. 2023

Trilobites showed strong resilience capacity through the Late Devonian events despite an inexorable decline.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 630(111807):1-14

Bault, V., Crônier, C., Monnet, C. 2023

Coupling of taxonomic diversity and morphological disparity in Devonian trilobites?

Historical Biology, (in press)

Bault, V., Crônier, C., Monnet, C., Balseiro, D., Serra, F., Waisfeld, B., Bignon, A., Rustán, J.J. 2023

Rise and Fall of the Phacopids: The Morphological History of a Successful Trilobite Family.

Palaeontology, 66(5,e12673):1-21

Betts, M.J., Holmes, J.D., Smith, P.M., Mervine, E.M., Stirling, D.A., Paterson, J.R. 2023

The shellies will tell all: multi-proxy stratigraphy and correlation of the Thorntonia Limestone (Cambrian Stage 4 – Wuliuan) southeastern Georgina Basin.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 32

Bian, L., Chappaz, A., Schovsbo, N.H., Wang, X., Zhao, W., Sanei, H. 2023

A 20-million-year reconstruction to decipher the enigmatic Cambrian extinction–Ordovician biodiversification transition.

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 612(118170):1-11

Bicknell, R.D.C., Bruthansová, J., Kimmig, J. 2023

Shelly coprolites record durophagous predation in the Late Ordovician Bohdalec Formation (Katian; Prague Basin, Czech Republic).

Geobios, (in press)

Bicknell, R.D.C., Holmes, J.D., García-Bellido, D.C., Paterson, J.R. 2023

Malformed individuals of the trilobite Estaingia bilobata from the Cambrian Emu Bay Shale and their palaeobiological implications.

Geological Magazine, 160(4):803-812

Bicknell, R.D.C., Kimmig, J. 2023

Clustered and injured Pseudogygites latimarginatus from the late Ordovician Lindsay Formation, Canada.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, 309(3):199-208

Bicknell, R.D.C., Smith, P.M. 2023

Five new malformed trilobites from Cambrian and Ordovician deposits from the Natural History Museum.

PeerJ, 11(e16326):1-19

Bicknell, R.D.C., Smith, P.M., Howells, T.F., Foster, J.R. 2022

New records of injured Cambrian and Ordovician trilobites – ERRATUM.

Journal of Paleontology, 97(3):774-775

Bicknell, R.D.C., Smith, P.M., Kimmig, J. 2023

Novel coprolitic records from the Silurian (Přídolí) Wallace Shale of New South Wales.

Alcheringa, 47(1):24-30

Bicknell, R.D.C., Smith, P.M., Paterson, J.R. 2023

Malformed trilobites from the Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian of Australia.

PeerJ, 11(e16634):1-20

Birch, R., McCobb, L.M.E. 2023

The oldest trilobites in Cambria: Early Cambrian trilobite faunas from the Llanberis Slates Formation, Gwynedd, North Wales.

Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 134(2):197-215

Birksmith, C., Brock, G.A., Betts, M.J., Holmes, J.D., Zhang, Z. 2023

Chronostratigraphy of the Cambrian Series 2 – Miaolingian boundary, western Stansbury Basin, South Australia.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 33


Bissett, D. 2023
Observations on the Silurian Trilobite Spathacalymene nasuta.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:27-28

Blackwell, S.R., Westrop, S.R. 2023

A new Cambrian (Jiangshanian, Sunwaptan) trilobite fauna from Oklahoma and its biostratigraphic significance.

Journal of Paleontology, 97(4)865-890

Bley, E.M., Adrain, J.M. 2023

Encrinurid Trilobites From the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of Northeastern Iowa.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):172-5/394283

Bonino, E., Kier, C. 2024

Back to the Past Guide to Trilobites II.

Azul Sensatori Hotel: Trilobite Museum, Quintana Roo, Mexico (in press)


Bordonaro, O.L. 2023
El Trilobite y la Medusa – Un Amor Planctónico.
[The Trilobite and the Jellyfish – A Planktonic Love.]
The Trilobite Papers, 26:21-22

Botting, J.P., Muir, L.A., Pates, S., McCobb, L.M., Wallet, E., Willman, S., Zhang, Y., Ma, J. 2023

A Middle Ordovician Burgess Shale-type fauna from Castle Bank, Wales (UK).

Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7(5):666-674

Brett, C.E., Baird, G.C., Zambito, J.J., Bartholomew, A.J. 2023

Stratigraphy and facies of the middle and upper Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian; Givetian) in New York State and adjacent areas.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 405-406:1-195


Bruton, D.L. 2023
Richard A. Fortey: Commander of the British Empire.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:12

Carlorosi, J., Heredia, S., Aceñolaza, G. 2023

Middle Ordovician conodont biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography from the Suri formation at the Chaschuil region (Famatina System, NW Argentina).

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 129(104447)

Caron, J.B., Webster, M., Briggs, D.E.G., Pari, G., Santucci, G., Mángano, M.G., Izquierdo-López, A., Streng, M., Gaines, R.R. 2023

The lower Cambrian Cranbrook Lagerstätte of British Columbia.

Journal of the Geological Society, (in press) 13 pp.

Castle-Jones, J., Betts, M.J., Löhr, S., Holmes, J.D., Brock, G.A. 2023

Integrating biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy with new U–Pb ID–TIMS dates from subsurface lower Cambrian rocks in the western Stansbury Basin, South Australia.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 36

Chen, S., Yang, X., Liu, X., Chen, Z., Sun, Z., Zhao, F. 2023

Moulting behaviour in the trilobite Oryctocephalus indicus (Reed, 1910) from the Cambrian Miaolingian Series (Wuliuan Stage) of Jianhe, South China.

PeerJ, 11(e16440):1-18

Chen, Z.P., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, X., Esteve, J., Liu, X., Chen, S.G. 2023

Life cycle evolution in the trilobites Balangia and Duyunaspis from the Cambrian Series 2 (Stage 4) of South China.

PeerJ, 11(e15068):1-21

Chipman, A.D., Drage, H.B. 2023

Trilobites in rock enrol: a comment on ‘Developmental and functional controls on enrolment in an ancient, extinct arthropod’ by Esteve and Hughes (2023).

Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(20231547):1-4

Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Liñán, E., Mayoral, E., Gozalo, R. 2023

The regional Marianian Stage (Cambrian Series 2) of the Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia: trilobite biostratigraphy and international correlation.

EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2891

Collantes, L., Pereira, S. Mayoral, E., Gozalo, R. 2023

First report of Chelediscus Rushton, 1966 (Trilobita) from Western Gondwana, with description of a new species from the Cambrian Series 2 of Spain.

Historical Biology, 35(9):1701-1708

Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Sepúlveda, A., Gozalo, R. 2023

Taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of Strenuaeva (Trilobita) from the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of Iberia.

Geobios, (in press)

Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Sepúlveda, A., Gozalo, R. 2023

Strenuaeva (Trilobita) from the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of Iberia: systematic assessment, biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography.

4th International Congress on Stratigraphy: STRATI at Lille, France, 11th-13th July 2023, Book of Abstracts, p. 342

Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Sepúlveda, A., Gozalo, R. 2023

Strenuaeva (Trilobita) from The Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of Iberia: Systematic Assessment, Biostratigraphy and Palaeobiogeography.

XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Palaeontological Publications, 4:111


Collom, C. 2023
Trilobite Acrostic Poem #1.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:13


Collom, C. 2023
Trilobite Acrostic Poem #2.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:17


Collom, C. 2023
Trilobite Acrostic Poem #3.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:30

Corrales-García, A. 2023

Kinematic Enrolment in Four Ordovician Trilobites Using Three-Dimensional Modelling.

MSc Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, 37 pp.

Crônier, C., Waters, J.A. 2023

Late Devonian (Famennian) phacopid trilobites from western Xinjiang, Northwest China.

Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 103:327-340

Cuen-Romero, F.J., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E., Beresi, M.S., Palafox-Reyes, J.J., Monreal, R. 2023

Ordovician stratigraphy and biota of Mexico.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:115-132


Cuen-Romero, F.J., Sundberg, F.A., Monreal, R., Ozua Ibarra, D.D., Noriega-Ruiz, H.A. 2023
Upper Cambrian Trilobites from Mexico.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:29-30

Dai, T., Zhang, X.L., Peng, S.C. 2023

Developmental traits and life strategy of redlichiid trilobites.

Biological Reviews, 98(1):63-80

Dai, T., Zhang, X.L., Peng, S.C. 2023

Lu's ontogenesis: The development of trilobites of the order Redlichiida.

Evolution, 65(1):23-29

Desrochers, A., Jin, J., Dewing, K. 2023

The Ordovician System of Canada: an extensive stratigraphic record of Laurentian shallow water platforms and deep marine basins.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:65-92

Devincenzi, S.M., Bordonaro, O.L. 2023

Class Trilobita (including agnostoids) from Argentine Precordillera.

Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 38(1,a025):1-16

Dumoulin, J.A., Strauss, J.V., Repetski, J.E. 2023

Ordovician Geology of Alaska.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:11-26

Drage, H.B. 2023

Trilobite moulting behaviour variability had little association with morphometry.

BioRxiv (preprint: awaiting peer-review)

Drage, H.B., Holmes, J.D., García-Bellido, D.C., Paterson, J.R. 2023

Associations between trilobite intraspecific moulting variability and body proportions: Estaingia bilobata from the Cambrian Emu Bay Shale, Australia.

Palaeontology, 66(3,e12651):1-13

Drage, H.B., Pates, S. 2023

Trilobite Cephalon Morphology Varies with Taxonomic Assignment and Geological Age, but cannot inform on Moulting Behaviour.

The Palaeontological Association 67th Annual Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK – Programme & Abstracts, pp. 93-94

Du, K.S., Guo, J., Losso, S.R., Pates, S., Li, M., Chen., A.L. 2023

Multiple origins of cephalic sutures in trilobites and their relatives.

BioRxiv (preprint: manuscript awaiting peer-review)

Du, M., Li, H., Tan, J., Wang, Z., Wang, W. 2023

The bias types and drivers of the Furongian Biodiversity Gap.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 612(111394):1-11

Du, X.Q., Liu, Y.L., Zong, R.W. 2023

First complete Niobe yangtzeensis Lu, 1975 (Asaphidae, Trilobita) from the Middle Ordovician of South China, and its systematic and palaeogeographic implications.

Palaeoworld (in press)

Ebert, J.R., Matteson, D.K. 2023

Lithostratigraphy, multi-taxa biostratigraphy, and sequence stratigraphy of the Helderberg Group (Přídolí–Lochkovian) in New York State.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 403-404:103-151

Edgecombe, G.D., Fortey, R.A. 2023

A novel antennal form in trilobites.

Journal of Paleontology, 97(1):152-157

Eichenseer, K., Sinnesael, M., Smith, M.R., Millard, A.R. 2023

Dating the first Siberian trilobites with a Bayesian, stratigraphic age model.

EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16572

Elicki, O., Meischner, T., Gürsu, S., Ghienne, J.F., Masri, A., Moumani, K.A., Demircan, H. 2023

The Ordovician System in the Levant region (Middle East) and southern Turkey: review of depositional facies, fauna and stratigraphy.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:253-277

Esteve, J., Hughes, N.C. 2023

Developmental and Functional Constraints Drove Ontogenetic Change in Protective Enrolment in an Ancient Arthropod.

The Palaeontological Association 67th Annual Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK – Programme & Abstracts, p. 41

Esteve, J., Hughes, N.C. 2023

Developmental and functional controls on enrolment in an ancient, extinct arthropod.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(20230871):1-8

Esteve, J., López-Pachón, M. 2023

Swimming and feeding in the Ordovician trilobite Microparia speciosa shed light on the early history of nektonic life habits.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 625(111691):1-10

Esteve, J., Rubio, P. 2023

Understanding locomotion in trilobites by means of three-dimensional models.

iScience, 26(9:107512):1-11

Esteve, J., Rubio, P. 2023

Gait Modelling Sheds Light on Trilobite Evolutionary and Ecological History.

The Palaeontological Association 67th Annual Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK – Programme & Abstracts, p. 96

Esteve, J., Suárez, M.G. 2023

Ecomorphological datasets: comment on Hopkins (2022).

Lethaia, 56(2):1-5

Esteve, J., Wang, Y. 2023

Los Patrones de Mudas en Trilobites Limitan la Disparidad y Diversidad.

[Molting Patterns in Trilobites Limit Disparity and Diversity.]

XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Palaeontological Publications, 4:145

Esteve, J., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, X.L. 2023

Assessment of morphological variation in the early Cambrian trilobite Protoryctocephalus.

Historical Biology, (in press) 6 pp.

Farnam, C., Brett, C.E., Shoemaker, L., Jin, J., Elias, R. 2023

A Late Hirnantian Fauna in Erosional Remnant of the Whippoorwill Formation in Southeastern Indiana.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):58-11/395081

Farrell, T., Cothren, H., Schmitz, M., Sundberg, F.A., Dehler, C., Landing, E. 2023

Bayesian Age Modeling of the Late Cambrian Time Scale and the Duration of the Spice Carbon Isotope Excursion.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):267-13/393532

Ferretti, A., Schönlaub, H.P., Sachanski, V., Bagnoli, G., Serpagli, E., Vai, G.B., Yanev, S.,

Radonjić, M., Balica, C., Bianchini, L., Colmenar, J., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2023

A global view on the Ordovician stratigraphy of south-eastern Europe.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:465-499

Feist, R., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2023

Mid-Silurian odontopleurid trilobites from Roquemaillère, Montagne Noire, Southern France.

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 98(3):247-263

Fine, R., Bissett, D. 2023

Caesar Creek: An Ohio Fossil Destination.

Rocks & Minerals, 98(3):272-276

Flick, U. 2022

Trilobiten-Funde aus dem Dalmaniten-Sandstein (Unterdevon) von Kleinlinden bei Gießen (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).

[Trilobite finds from the Dalmanites Sandstone (Lower Devonian) from Kleinlinden near Giessen (Rhenish Slate Mountains).]

Beiträge zur Naturkunde in Osthessen, 59:85-109

Flick, U. 2023. Neue Taxa der Gattung Phaetonellus Novák, 1890 (Trilobita) aus dem Greifenstein-Kalk der Typlokalität sowie dem sog. Greifenstein-Kalk von Günterod.

[New taxa of the genus Phaetonellus Novák, 1890 (Trilobita) from the Greifenstein Limestone of the type locality and the so-called Greifenstein Limestone of Günterod.]

Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde, 144:145-181

Flick, U., Flick, H. 2023

Trilobitenfunde am Lagergang vom Wasenbachtal (südwestliche Lahnmulde) – Neue Vertreter der Otarioninae Richter & Richter, 1926 aus den Rupbach-Schiefern des Nordbruchs. [Trilobite finds from the Wasenbachtal vein (southwestern Lahnmulde) - New representatives of the Otarioninae Richter & Richter, 1926 from the Rupbach Shales of the Nordbruch.] Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 51:21-38


Fortey, R.A. 2023
J. Keith Ingham (1937-2022).
The Trilobite Papers, 26:13-15


Fortey, R.A. 2023
Revisiting Billlings (1865): Fieldwork on the West Coast of Newfoundland in the Late 1970s.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:19-21


Fowler, E. 2023
Reminiscence of Pete Palmer.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:16-17

Froning, K., Sommer, S.P., Evans, K.R. 2023

Anatomy of the Sauk II-III Sequence Boundary: Unconformity in the Corset Spring Shale and Steamboat Pass Shale

Members and Correlative Conformity in the Upper Dunderburg Shale, Great Basin, USA.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):230-9/392505

Gámez Vintaned, J.A., Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Gozalo, R., Liñán, E., Sepúlveda, A. 2023

Presencia del Género Termierella (Trilobita) en la Formación Ribota (Marianiense, Cámbrico Inferior) en Borobia (Prov. Soria, Cadenas Ibéricas): Implicaciones Bioestratigráficas.

[Presence of the Genus Termierella (Trilobita) in the Ribota Formation (Marianian, Lower Cambrian) in Borobia (Soria Province, Iberian Chains): Biostratigraphic Implications.]

XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Palaeontological Publications, 4:112

Gass, K.C., Braddy, S.J. 2023

The Waukesha Biota: a wonderful window into early Silurian life.

Geology Today, 39(5):169-176

Geyer, G., Landing, E., Żylińska, A. 2023

A new look at Eccaparadoxides (Cambrian, Trilobita) and its biostratigraphic significance.

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 97(4):687-728

Ghienne, J.F., Abdallah, H., Deschamps, R., Guiraud, M., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Konaté, M., Meinhold, G., Moussa, A., Rubino, J.L. 2023

The Ordovician record of North and West Africa: unravelling sea-level variations, Gondwana tectonics, and the glacial impact.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:199-252

Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E. 2023

The Ordovician of the Middle East (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan).

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:279-312

Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Kim, A.I., Abduazimova, Z.M., Mikolaichuk, A.V., Kim, I.A., Ospanova, N., Erina, M.V., Salimova, F.A.,

Klishevich, I., Saidov, M.S., Davlatov, N.H., Abdiyev, N.H., Koldybekov, O.Y., Gordeev, D., Rustamov, S.T., Yangiboev, S.B. 2023

The Ordovician of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan).

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:313-344

Girona, E., Bernárdez, E., Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Gozalo, R., Liñán, E. 2023

Evolución del Género Pardailhania a Solenopleuropsis (Trilobita, Cámbrico Medio) en Sela de Entorcisa (Asturias, Zona Asturoccidental-Leonesa).

[Evolution of the Genus Pardailhania to Solenopleuropsis (Trilobita, Middle Cambrian) in Sela de Entorcisa (Asturias, Asturoccidental-Leonesa Zone).]

XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Palaeontological Publications, 4:113

Gishlick, A.D., Fortey, R.A. 2023

Trilobite tridents demonstrate sexual combat 400 Mya.

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 120(4,e2119970120)

Goldman, D., Leslie, S.A., Liang, Y., Bergström, S.M. 2023

Ordovician Biostratigraphy-Index Fossils, Biozones, and Correlation.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:31-62

Gozalo, R., Sepúlveda, A., Collantes, L., Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E. 2023

Upper Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) trilobites from the Totanés—Noez area (Central Iberian Zone, Toledo Province, Spain).

4th International Congress on Stratigraphy: STRATI at Lille, France, 11th-13th July 2023, Book of Abstracts, p. 343

Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Lorenzo, S., Pereira, S., Romero, S., Colmenar, J., Rabano, I. 2023

The Crozonaspis incerta Biozone (Middle Ordovician) in the Iberian Peninsula: shallow water sands, storms and particular biofacies correlation.

4th International Congress on Stratigraphy: STRATI at Lille, France, 11th-13th July 2023, Book of Abstracts, pp. 324-325

Handkamer, N.M., Ichaso, A., Pratt, B.R., Mángano, M.G., Buatois, L.A. 2023

Systematics and biostratigraphy of a new trilobite fauna collected from the subsurface Earlie

Formation (Wuliuan Stage, Miaolingian Series, Cambrian) in southwestern Saskatchewan.

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60(9):1307-1326

Harper, D.A.T., Lefebvre, B., Percival, I.G. and Servais, T. (eds) 2023

A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 1.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:1-514

Harper, D.A.T., Lefebvre, B., Percival, I.G. and Servais, T. 2023

The Ordovician System: Key concepts, events and its distribution across Europe.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:1-11

Harper, D.A.T., Meidla, T., Servais, T. 2023

A short history of the Ordovician System: from overlapping unit stratotypes to global stratotype sections and points.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:13-30

Hartl, F., Vokáč, V., Pavlovič, M., Mrázek, T., Šafka, M. 2023

The rare trilobites Exallaspis (Odontopleuridae) and Kosovoproetus? (Tropidocoryphidae) in the Homerian (Silurian) of the Prague Basin, Bohemian Massif.

Folia Musei Rerum Naturalium Bohemiae Occidentalis: Geologica et Paleobiologica, 56(1-2):57-68

Heward, A.P., Fortey, R.A., Miller, C.G., Booth, G.A. 2023

New Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) faunas from the Sultanate of Oman.

Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 134(3):251-268

Holloway, D.J. 2023

The trilobites Mitroplax gen. nov. and Spiniscutellum (Scutelluidae) from the Lower Devonian of Victoria, Australia.

Czech Geological Survey, Bulletin of Geosciences, 98(2):181-198

Holloway, D.J., Scott, B.M. 2022

Needmorella, a new trilobite genus of the Synphoriinae (Dalmanitidae) from the Lower–Middle Devonian of West Virginia.

Journal of Paleontology, 11 pp. [Published in print in 2023, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 355-365.] https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2022.96

Holmes, J.D. 2023

Morphological disparity dynamics of the initial Cambrian trilobite radiation.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 55

Holmes, J.D. 2023

Contrasting patterns of disparity suggest differing constraints on the evolution of trilobite cephalic structures during the Cambrian ‘explosion’.

Palaeontology, 66(2,e12647):1-9

Hopkins, M.J., Wagner, P.J., Jordan, K.J. 2023

Permian trilobites and the applicability of the “living fossil” concept to extinct clades. Frontiers in

Ecology and Evolution, 11(1166126):1-7

Hou, J.B., Hughes N.C., Hopkins, M.J. 2023

Gill grooming in Middle Cambrian and Late Ordovician trilobites.

Geological Magazine, 160(5):905-910

Hou, J.B., Hughes, N.C., Hopkins, M.J., Shu, D. 2023

Gill function in an early arthropod and the widespread adoption of the countercurrent exchange mechanism.

Royal Society Open Science, 10(230341):1-12

Høyberget, M., Ebbestad, J.O.R., Funke, B., Funke, M.L.K., Nakrem, H.A. 2023

The Skyberg Lagerstätte from the Mjøsa area, Norway: a rare window into the late early Cambrian biodiversity of Scandinavia.

Lethaia, 55(2):1-28

Ingham, J.K., Fortey, R.A. 2023

Review of the Ordovician pelagic trilobite Ellipsotaphrus (Cyclopygoidea, Ellipsotaphridae) and its allies, with new discoveries from Girvan, Ayrshire.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 113(4):313-336

Isozaki, Y. 2023

Ordovician Japan: geotectonic setting and paleogeography.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:505-517

Kerber, G., Pacheco, M.L.A.F., Horodyski, R.S., Graciolli, G. 2023

Revealing new trilobites from the early Devonian alto garças sub-basin, Brazil.

Historical Biology, (in press)

Korovnikov, I.V. 2023


[New Species of the Genus Oryctocephalus Walcott from the Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform.]

Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 2023(4):54-59

Korovnikov, I.V. 2023

New Species of the Genus Oryctocephalus Walcott from the Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform.

Paleontological Journal, 57(4):410-416

Kowalewska, A. 2023

Trylobity w eratykach wapieni beyrichiowych znalezionych u podnóża klifu orłowskiego w Gdyni (północna Polska).

[Trilobites in erratics of Beyrichian limestones found at the foot of the Orłowo cliff in Gdynia (northern Poland).

Przegląd Geologiczny, 71(6):332-339

Kowalewska, A. 2023

Trilobites of the Genus Encrinurus from Baltoscandian Erratic Boulders Collected at Orłowo Cliff (North-East Poland).

Encontro de Jovens Investigadores em Paleontologia / International Meeting of Early-Stage Researchers in Palaeontology:

XXI EJIP / 6th IMERP, Lourinhã, Portugal – Sociedad Española de Paleontología – Palaeontological Publications, 3:61

Kraft, P., Linnemann, U., Mergl, M., Bruthansová, J., Laibl, L., Geyer, G. 2023

Ordovician of the Bohemian Massif.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:433-464

Kraft, P., Vaškaninová, V., Mergl, M., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Ahlberg, P.E. 2023

Uniquely preserved gut contents illuminate trilobite palaeophysiology.

Nature, 622:545-551

Križnar, M. 2023

Trilobiti – Kralji Morij Starega Zemeljskega Veka.

[Trilobites – Kings of the Seas of the Old Earth Age.]

Življenje in Tehnika, 2:65-74


Krueger, H.H. 2023
Taxonomische Anmerkung zur Gattung Atractocybeloides gen. nov., non KRUEGER, 1991 (Trilobita: Encrinuridae).
[Taxonomical note on the genus Atractocybeloides gen. nov. non KRUEGER, 1991 (Trilobita: Encrinuridae).]
Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 8(4):265-267

Laibl, L., Fatka, O., Budil, P. 2023

Post-embryonic development of the Cambrian euarthropod Phalagnostus reveals growth patterns in agnostoids.

4th Palaeontological Virtual Congress: Book of Abstracts, p. 233

Laibl, L., Drage, H.B., Pérez-Peris, F., Schöder, S., Saleh, F., Daley, A.C., 2023

Babies from the Fezouata Biota: Early developmental trilobite stages and their adaptation to high latitudes.

Geobios, 81:31-50

Laibl, L., Saleh, F., Pérez-Peris, F. 2023

Drifting with trilobites: The invasion of early post-embryonic trilobite stages to the pelagic realm.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 613(111403):1-11

Laibl, L., Servais, T., Mottequin, B. 2023

Tremadocian (Ordovician) trilobites from the Brabant Massif (Belgium): palaeogeographical and palaeoecological implications.

Geobios, 81:7-16

Laird, J.D., Adrain, J.M. 2023

Between-Habitat Dissimilarity (Beta-Diversity) Response of Trilobites to the End-Ordovician Mass Extinction:

A Mechanism to Maintain Within-Habitat Richness (Alpha-Diversity).

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):22-3/394819

Lan, T., Zhao, Y., Esteve, J., Zhao, F., Li, C., Martinez, P. 2023

Eggs with Trilobite Larvae in a Cambrian Community. Modeling the Hydrodynamics.

BMC Ecology and Evolution (in press)

Landing, E., Geyer, G., Westrop, S.R., Wotte, T. 2023

Unconformity-bounded rift sequences in Terreneuvian–Miaolingian strata of the Caledonian Highlands, Atlantic Canada: Comment.

Geological Society of America, Bulletin, (in press)

Landing, E., Westrop, S.R., Geyer, G. 2022. Trans-Avalonian green–black boundary (early Middle Cambrian): transform fault-driven

epeirogeny and onset of 26 m.y. of shallow-marine, black mudstone in Avalonia (Rhode Island–Belgium) and Baltica.

Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 60(2):133-171

Landing, E., Westrop, S.R., Geyer, G. 2023

Precise U-PB Zircon Date Succession through Fossiliferous Avalonian Lower–Middle Cambrian

Boundary Interval and Evaluation of the Miaolingian as a Global Cambrian Series.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):9-8/393819

Landing, E., Schmitz, M.D., Westrop, S.R., Geyer, G. 2023

U-Pb zircon dates from North American and British Avalonia bracket the Lower–Middle Cambrian

boundary interval, with evaluation of the Miaolingian Series as a global unit.

Geological Magazine, 160(9):1790-1816

Landing, E., Webster, M., Bowser, S.S. 2024

Terminal Ediacaran–Late Ordovician evolution of the NE Laurentia palaeocontinent: rift–drift–onset

of Taconic Orogeny, sea-level change and ‘Hawke Bay’onlap (not offlap).

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 542(1) (in press)

Landing, E., Westrop, S.R., Geyer, G. 2023

Trans-Avalonian green–black boundary (early Middle Cambrian): transform fault-driven epeirogeny and

onset of 26 m.y. of shallow-marine, black mudstone in Avalonia (Rhode Island–Belgium) and Baltica.

Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 60(2):133-171

Laurie, J.R., Kruse, P.D., Brock, G.A., Holmes, J.D., Jago, J.B., Betts, M.J., Paterson, J.R., Smith, P.M. 2023

The quest for an Australian Cambrian stage scale.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 66

Lee, J.H., Cho, S.H., Choh, S.J., Hong, J., Lee, B.S., Lee, D.C., Lee, D.J., Lee, S.B., Park, J., Woo, J. 2023

The Ordovician of the Korean Peninsula: A synthesis.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:479-504

Lefebvre, B., Álvaro, J.J., Casas, J.M., Ghienne, J.F., Herbosch, A., Loi, A., Monceret, E., Verniers, J., Vidal, M., Vizcaïno, D., Servais, T. 2023

The Ordovician from France and neighbouring areas of Belgium and Germany. 

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:375-408

Lei, Q.P., Liu, Q., Peng, S.C. 2023

The trilobite Pseudoblackwelderia lubrica (Damesellidae) from the Cambrian (Guzhangian)

Changhia Formation of Northern Anhui, China, and its potential sexual dimorphism.

Alcheringa, 47(1):1-10

Lei, Q.P. 2023

Trilobites from the Cambrian Upper Changhia Formation in Northern Anhui.

Modern Geology, 37(2):500-511

Lei, Q.P., Liu, Q., Peng, S.C. 2023

Three species of Pagodia (Corynexochida, Trilobita) from the Furongian (Cambrian) of Northern Anhui, China and their intraspecific variation.

Palaeoworld, 32:27-43

Lei, Q.P., Peng, S.C. 2023

Saukiid trilobites from the middle−upper Chaumitien Formation (Furongian, Cambrian) in northern Anhui.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 61(4):568-589

Leidi, M., McCobb, L.M.E., McDermott, P.D., Owen, A.W. 2023

A New Bubble-Headed Trilobite Species from the Upper Ordovician of Southwest Wales.

The Palaeontological Association 67th Annual Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK – Programme & Abstracts, p. 110

Lemke, U. 2023

Catalogue of the Available Names and Non Available Names of the Species and Subspecies for the Class Trilobita.

[Katalog der Verfügbaren und Nicht Verfügbaren Namen der Arten und Unterarten der Trilobita.]

Self-Published by Ulrich Lemke, 564 pp.

Lindskog, A., Young, S.A., Nielsen, A.T., Eriksson, M.E. 2023

Coupled biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy at Lanna, Sweden: A key section for the Floian–lower Darriwilian interval (Lower–Middle Ordovician).

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 615:(111446)

Loi, A., Cocco, F., Oggiano, G., Funedda, A., Vidal, M., Ferretti, A., Leone, F., Barca, S., Naitza, S., Ghienne, J.F., Pillola, G.L. 2023

The Ordovician of Sardinia (Italy): from the “Sardic Phase” to the end-Ordovician glaciation, palaeogeography and geodynamic context.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:409-431

Losso, S.R., Affatato, P., Nanglu, K., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2023

Convergent evolution of ventral adaptations for enrollment in trilobites and extant euarthropods.

BioRxiv (preprint: manuscript awaiting peer-review)

Losso, S.R., Affatato, P., Nanglu, K., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2023

Convergent Ventral Adaptations for Enrolment in Trilobites, Crustaceans and Millipedes – Insights from the Middle Ordovician Walcott-Rust Lagerstätte.

The Palaeontological Association 67th Annual Meeting, University of Cambridge, UK – Programme & Abstracts, p. 53

Losso, S.R., Affatato, P., Nanglu, K., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2023

Convergent evolution of ventral adaptations for enrolment in trilobites and extant euarthropods.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 290(20232212):1-12

Losso, S.R., Thines, J.E., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2023

Taphonomy of non-biomineralized trilobite tissues preserved as calcite casts from the Ordovician Walcott-Rust Quarry, USA.

Nature: Communications Earth & Environment, 4(330):1-12

Luptáková, M., Kraft, P. 2023

Impoverished fossil association in the lowermost Sandbian of the Prague Basin (Czech Republic).

Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on the Ordovician System. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72(1):142

Luo, J., Wang, T.,Pan, X., Dai, Q., Xiong, L., , X., Liu, Z., Hua, H. 2022

The putative earliest Cambrian trilobite–brachiopod association in southern Sichuan Basin of South China.

Historical Biology, 35(10):1958-1974

Luo, M., Liu, F., Liang, Y., Strotz, L.C., Wang, J., Hu, Y., Song, B., Holmer, L.E., Zhang, Z. 2023

First Report of Small Skeletal Fossils from the Upper Guojiaba Formation (Series 2, Cambrian), Southern Shaanxi, South China.

MDPI Biology, 12(7:902):1-25

Luo, J., Wang, T.,Pan, X., Dai, Q., Xiong, L., , X., Liu, Z., Hua, H. 2023

The putative earliest Cambrian trilobite–brachiopod association in southern Sichuan Basin of South China.

Historical Biology, 35(10):1958-1974

Ma, J., Yin, J., Liu, Y., Du, X., Jiu, S., Zong, R.W. 2023

The latest encrinurid trilobites from the Lower Devonian of Xinjiang, Northwest China.

Geological Magazine, 160(8):1578-1585

Maletz, J., Lindskog, A., Calner, M., Wallin, Å. 2023

The Ordovician Tøyen Shale (Floian) and its graptolite fauna at Kinnekulle, Västergötland, Sweden – a regional overview.

GFF (in press)

Mángano, M.G., Waisfeld, B.G., Buatois, L.A., Vaccari, N.E., Muñoz, D.F. 2023

Evolutionary and ecologic controls on benthos distribution from an upper Cambrian incised

estuarine valley: Implications for the early colonization of marginal-marine settings.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 626(111692)

Mángano, M.G., Buatois, L.A., Waisfeld, B.G., Muñoz, D.F., Vaccari, N.E., Astini, R.A. 2023

Trilobite expansion into estuarine environments during the Ordovician radiation.

Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on the Ordovician System. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72(1):143

Martin, R.P., López-Carranza, N., LaVine, R.J., Lieberman, B.S. 2023

Morphological evolution during the last hurrah of the trilobites: morphometric analysis of the Devonian asteropyginid trilobites.

Paleobiology, 49(2):296-312

McLaughlin, P.I., Stigall, A.L. 2023

Ordovician of the Conterminous United States.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:93-113

McMenamin, M.A.S. 2023

The Cambrian Explosion: macroevolution and biomineralization.

Academia Biology, 2023(1):1-7

Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Hints, O., Radzevičius, S. 2023

Ordovician of the eastern Baltic Palaeobasin and the Tornquist Sea Margin of Baltica.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:317-343

Melim, L.A., Mure-Ravaud, S.R., Hegna, T.A., Bellott, B.J., Lerosey-Aubril, R. 2023

Silicification of trilobites and biofilm from the Cambrian Weeks Formation, Utah: Evidence for microbial mediation of silicification.

Geology, 51(1):80-84

Melim, L.A., Mure-Ravaud, S.R., Hegna, T.A., Bellott, B.J., Lerosey-Aubril, R. 2023

Silicification of trilobites and biofilm from the Cambrian Weeks Formation, Utah: Evidence for microbial mediation of silicification: Reply.

Geology, 51(9):e567

Melim, L.A., Terrile, A.S., Hegna, T.A., Bellott, B.J., Lerosey-Aubril, R. 2023

New Evidence for Bacterial Mediation of the Silicification of Carbonate Fossils.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):233-2/394704

Mghazli, K., Lazreq, N., Geyer, G., Landing, E., Boumehdi, M.A., Youbi, N. 2023

Cambrian microfossils from the High Atlas, Morocco: Taxonomic, biostratigraphic, palaeobiogeographic,

and depositional significance of the Brèche à Micmacca limestone beds.

Journal of African Earth Sciences, 197(104751)

Mikulic, D., Kluessendorf, J. 2023

Trilobite Taphonomy of the Silurian Waukesha Biota of Southeastern Wisconsin.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):218-12/396035

Molyneux, S.G., Harper, D.A.T., Cooper, M.R., Hollis, S.P., Raine, R.J., Rushton, A.W.A., Smith, M.P., Stone, P., Williams, M., Woodcock, N.H., Zalasiewicz, J.A. 2023

A synopsis of the Ordovician System in its birthplace - Britain and Ireland.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:191-266

Monti, D.S., Confalonieri, V.A., Tortello, M.F. 2023

The Central Andean Basin as a Dispersal Centre: Biogeographic Patterns of Olenid Trilobites During the Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 618(111519):1-12

Moreno-Sánchez, M., Gómez-Cruz, A.D.J., Lemus-Restrepo, A. 2023

Geological evolution of northern South America during the Ediacaran to the Silurian.

4th International Congress on Stratigraphy: STRATI at Lille, France, 11th-13th July 2023, Book of Abstracts, pp. 346-347

Müller, P., Hahn, G. 2023

Neue Daten zu Trilobiten der Hillershausen-Formation (Viséum, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Deutschland).

[New data on trilobites of the Hillershausen formation (Viséan, Rhenish Massif, Germany).]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 52:71-131

Mure-Ravaud, S., Adrain, J.M., Peters, S. 2023

Articulated Cambrian (Guzhangian) Trilobites From the Weeks Formation, Utah: Revision and Reassessment of the Species Proposed by Charles Walcott.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):172-7/395858

Mychko, E.V. 2023

Early Permian Trilobites and Cyclidans from the Sterlitamak Shikhans.

Geologicheskii Vestnik, 2023(2):144-158

Myrow, P.M., Hasson, M., Taylor, J.F., Tarhan, L.G., Ramirez, G., Fowlkes, G., Chen, J. 2023

Structural control of Cambrian paleotopography and patterns of transgression in western Laurentia.

Geological Society of America: Geology, 51(6):521-526

Myrow, P.M., Hasson, M., Taylor, J.F., Tarhan, L., Fike, D.A., Ramirez, G., Fowlkes, G., Popov, L.E., Liu, H., Chen, J. 2023

Revised Paleozoic depositional history of the central Rocky Mountains (Utah and Colorado).

Sedimentary Geology, 449(106373):1-20

Myrow, P.M., Hughes, N.C., Singh, B.P. 2023

Ordovician strata of the Indian Subcontinent.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:397-419

Naimark, E.B., Chaika, S.Y. 2023

Cuticle and Cuticular Sensilla in Agnostina.

BioRxiv Preprint

Naimark, E.B., Chaika, S.Y. 2023

The Complex Structure of the Cuticle of Pseudagnostus (Agnostina, Trilobita?).

Paleontological Journal, 57(7):762-774

Na, L., Kocsis, Á.T., Li, Q., Kiessling, W. 2023

Coupling of geographic range and provincialism in Cambrian marine invertebrates.

Paleobiology, 49(2):284-295

Naugolnykh, S.V., Naumkin, D.V. 2023

Graphic Reconstructions in the Geological-Paleontological Exposition of the Karst Museum and Caving of the Mining Institute:

Russian Academy of Sciences – Ural Branch (by the example of the trilobite Paraceraurus from the Ordovician of the Baltics).

Mountain Echo, 2023(1:90):18-25

Ng, R. 2023

Developmental Constraint and Release in the Early Cambrian Trilobite Genus Zacanthopsis.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):57-2/395680

Nielsen, A.T., Ahlberg, P., Ebbestad, J.O.R., Hammer, Ø., Alexander, D., Harper, T., Lindskog, A., Rasmussen, C.M.Ø., Stouge, S. 2023

The Ordovician of Scandinavia: A revised regional stage classification.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:267-315

Nikolic, M.C., Hopkins, M.J., Evans, A.R. 2023

Shared patterns of segment size development in trilobites and vertebrates.

Evolution, 77(6):1479-1487

Nikolic, M., Hopkins, M.J., Warnock, R.C.M. 2023

Testing the Limit: Simulating Trilobite Evolutionary Origins Under the Fossilized Birth-Death Process.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):197-4/395618

Oh, M.K., Taejin, C., Lee, S.B., Lee, J.H. 2023

Lithostratigraphic revision of the siliciclastic-dominated basal Taebaek Group (lower–middle Cambrian), eastern Korea.

Episodes: Journal of International Geoscience, (in press)

Oh, Y., Choe, Y.H., Peel, J.S., Zhen, Y.Y., Smith, P., Park, T.Y.S. 2023

Silicification of trilobites and biofilm from the Cambrian Weeks Formation, Utah: Evidence for microbial mediation of silicification: Comment.

Geology, 51(9):e566

Oh, Y., Jung, J., Lee, M., Jeon, J., Lee, S.B., Park, T.Y.S. 2023

Reappraisal of the Neoproterozoic to middle Paleozoic fossils of North Korea and its tectonic implication.

Geosciences Journal, 27(6):661-687

Over, D.J., Baird, G.C., Kirchgasser, W.T. 2023

The Frasnian strata—lower Upper Devonian—of New York State.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 407-408:1-28

Pan, X., Hua, H., Dai, J., Liu, Z. 2023

Fossil assemblages and their stratigraphic distribution in the Shuijingtuo Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3) in Yichang area, Hubei Province, China.

Earth Science Frontiers, 30(3):28-43

Pari, G., Briggs, D.E.G., Gaines, R.R., Roach, B.T. Webster, M. 2023

Exceptional lower Cambrian fossils from a long-lost locality in Vermont, USA.

Geology Today, 39(4):152-157

Park, T.Y.S. 2023

Trilobite hypostome as a fusion of anterior sclerite and labrum.

Arthropod Structure & Development, 77(101308):1-11

Pärnaste, H., Toom, U., Popov, L. 2023

The earliest Ordovician trace fossils Cruziana and Rusophycus from Baltica.

Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on the Ordovician System. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72(1):154

Pates, S., Drage, H.B. 2023.

Hydrodynamic control on trilobite head shapes.

2nd Asian Palaeontological Congress: Tokyo, 211(S12-6)

Pauly, D., Holmes, J.D. 2023

Reassessing growth and mortality estimates for the Ordovician trilobite Triarthrus eatoni.

Paleobiology, 49(1):120-130

Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Yang, X.F., Zhu, X.J. 2023

First complete specimens of Karslanus (Trilobita, Dameselloidea) from Longha Formation (Cambrian: Guzhangian), Yunnan, South China.

Palaeoworld, (in press)

Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Yang, X.F., Zhu, X.J., Liu, Y. 2023

A new dameselloid trilobite from the Fulu Biota, Longha Formation (Cambrian: Guzhangian), Yunnan, South China, and revised classification of dameselloids.

Palaeoworld, (in press)

Penn-Clarke, C.R., Browning, C., Harper, D.A.T. 2023

The Ordovician System of South Africa: A review.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:175-197

Penn-Clarke, C.R., Harper, D.A.T. 2023

The rise and fall of the Malvinoxhosan (Malvinokaffric) bioregion in South Africa: Evidence for Early-Middle Devonian biocrises at the South Pole.

Earth-Science Reviews, 246(104595):1-32

Percival, I.G., Glen, R.A., Zhen, Y.Y. 2023

Current knowledge of the Ordovician system in Antarctica.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:545-557

Percival, I.G., Zhen, Y.Y., Normore, L. 2023

The Ordovician System in Australia and New Zealand.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:559-607

Pereira, S., Silvério, G., Colmenar, G., Moreira, N. 2023

Primeiro registo de trilobites no Silúrico de Portugal.

[First record of trilobites from the Silurian of Portugal.]

XI Congresso Nacional de Geologia: Geociências e Desafios Globais.

Livro de Resumos. Coimbra, Portugal, 16-20 julho de 2023, pp. 123-124

Pérez-Peris, F., Adrain, J.M. 2023

Paleoecology of the End-Skullrockian (Tremadocian; Early Ordovician) Trilobite Mass Extinction.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):2-4/393496

Pillola, G.L., Vidal, M. 2023

Lower Ordovician Trilobites from SE Sardinia (Italy): A New Record of the “Taihungshania Bioprovince”.

Geobios, 81:67-84

Popov, L., Zhylkaidarov, A., Zhemchuzhnikov, V., Stepanets, W., Gridina, N.M., Antonyuk, R.M. 2023

Ordovician of Kazakhstan.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:345-396

Rábano, I. 2023.

Art and fossils: The illustrators of Lucas Mallada’s Paleontological Synopsis (1875-1892).

[Arte y fósiles: los ilustradores de la Sinopsis Paleontológica de Lucas Mallada (1875-1892).]

Boletín Geológico y Minero, 134(1):51-66

Regalado Fernandez, O.R., Sour-Tour, F. 2023

The agnostid trilobite assemblage from San José de Gracia, Sonora, México, and the implications of phylogenetics in stratigraphic calibration.

Historical Biology, 35(3):436-456

Reyes-Montoya, D.R., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Gámez-Meza, N., Palafox-Reyes, J.J.,

Monreal, R., Navas-Parejo, P., Enríquez-Ocaña, F., Sundberg, F.A., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J. 2023

Stratigraphy of the Cambrian (Miaolingian to Furongian) and Ordovician (Tremadocian) west

of Arivechi, eastern Sonora, Mexico: Implications on the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 129(104538):1-16

Romero, S. Gutiérrez Marco, J.C. 2023

Trilobites from the Castillejo Formation (Dobrotivian, Middle Ordovician) of the Eastern Iberian Chains: Composition of Assemblages and New Records. Encontro de Jovens Investigadores em Paleontologia / International Meeting of Early-stage Researchers in Palaeontology: XXI EJIP / 6th IMERP, Lourinhã, Portugal – Sociedad Española de Paleontología – Palaeontological Publications, 3:98

Romero, S., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2023

Middle Ordovician trilobites from the Castillejo Formation, Eastern Iberian Range (NE Spain): taxonomic reappraisal, biostratigraphy, and correlation.

[Trilobites del Ordovícico Medio de la Formación Castillejo, Cadena Ibérica Oriental (NE de España): actualización taxonómica, bioestratigrafía y correlación.]

Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 38(2):137-172

Romero, S., Pereira, S., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2023

Revisión del Género Pradoella (Trilobita, Calymenina) en el Ordovícico de la Península Ibérica.

[Revision of the Genus Pradoella (Trilobita, Calymenina) in the Ordovician of the Iberian Peninsula.]

XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Palaeontological Publications, 4:205

Rowland, S.M., Korolev, S., Hagadorn, J.W., Ghosh, K. 2023

Frenchman Mountain Dolostone: A new formation of the Cambrian Tonto Group, Grand Canyon and Basin and Range, USA.

Geological Society of America: Geosphere, DOI: 10.1130/GES02514.1

Scheer, A.W. 2023

Reexamination of the Kimmswick Formation Trilobite Genus Amphilichas.

Kentiana, (in press)

Schmidt, M., Hou, X., Zhai, D., Mai, H., Belojević, J., Chen, X., Melzer, R.R., Ortega-Hernández, J., Liu, Y. 2023

Pygmaclypeatus daziensis reconsidered and the ancestral appendicular organisation of Cambrian artiopods.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 93

Schoenemann, B., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2023

The median eyes of trilobites.

Nature Scientific Reports, 13(3917):1-11 + supplemental 7 pp.

Schöning, H. 2022

Trilobiten aus Geschieben des Kies-Sand-Rückens in der Laerheide (Landkreis Osnabrück) – III. Silurische Trilobiten und Nachträge zu kambro-ordovizischen Fundstücken.

[Trilobites from beds on the gravel-sand ridge in the Laerheide (Osnabrück District) – III. Silurian trilobites and addendums to Cambro-Ordovician finds.]

Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 46-48:245-279

Secher, A. 2024

The Trilobite Collector's Guide.

Columbia University Press, 472 pp. (in press)

Sedorko, D., de Barros, G.E.B., Netto, R.G., Ghilardi, R.P., Agostinho, S., Ramos, K.S., Franco Neto, E., Moreira Junior C.A., Borghi, L. 2023

Multiple-Rusophycus assemblage from the Parnaíba Basin (NE Brazil) reflects trilobites as tracemakers and molting behavior.

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11(1117947):1-11

Serra, F., Balseiro, D., Monnet, C., Randolfe, E., Bignon, A., Rustán, J.J., Bault, V., Muñoz, D.F., Vaccari, N.E., Martinetto, M., Crônier, C., Waisfeld, B.G. 2023

A dynamic and collaborative database for morphogeometric information of trilobites.

Nature: Scientific Data, 10(841):1-15

Serra, F., Balseiro, D., Monnet, C., Randolfe, E., Bignon, A., Rustán, J.J., Bault, V., Muñoz, D.F., Vaccari, N.E., Martinetto, M., Crônier, C. 2023

TriloMorph: a dynamic and collaborative database for morphogeometric information of trilobites.

[TriloMorph: una base de datos dinámica y colaborativa de información morfogeométrica de los trilobites.]

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Serra, F., Balseiro, D., Waisfeld, B.G. 2023

Morphospace trends underlying a global turnover: Ecological dynamics of trilobite assemblages at the onset of the Ordovician Radiation.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 615(111448)

Servais, T., Cascales-Miñana, B., Harper, D.A.T., Lefebvre, B., Munnecke, A., Wang, W., Zhang, Y. 2023

No (Cambrian) explosion and no (Ordovician) event: A single long-term radiation in the early Palaeozoic.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 623(111592):1-20

Servais, T., Harper, D.A.T., Lefebvre, B. and Percival, I.G. (eds) 2023

A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 2.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:1-618

Servais, T., Harper, D.A.T., Kröger, B., Scotese, C., Stigall, A.K., Zhen, Y.Y. 2023

Changing palaeobiogeography during the Ordovician Period.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:111-136

Servais, T., Harper, D.A., Lefebvre, B.M., Percival, I.G. 2023

A journey through the Ordovician System around the world.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:1-10

Shanks, R.E., Adrain, J.M. 2023

Reevaluation of Agnostoid Arthropod Morphology and Reassessment of Trilobite Affinity Using Silicified Specimens From the Great Basin.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):172-6/394816

Šilinger, M., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Kovář, V., Vodička, J. 2023

Analysis of microstructures in trilobite exoskeletons (Prague Basin, Barrandian area): preliminary results.

22nd Czech – Slovak – Polish Palaeontological Conference, Abstracts Volume, p. 96

Simmons, C., Cole, S. 2023

Do Laurentian Trilobites Exhibit the Lilliput Effect Across the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction?

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):238-2/391196

Singh, B.P., Bhargava, O.N., Verma, V., Chaubey, R.S., Prasad, S.K. 2023

Revised lithostratigraphic classification of the Cambrian Kunzam La Formation and its biostratigraphic correlations from Zanskar to Spiti, Tethyan Himalaya.

Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 68(1):7-21

Smith, P.M. 2023

A new species of Lorrettina (dokimocephalid trilobite) from the Iverian (Cambrian, Jiangshanian) of the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory, Australia,

Alcheringa, (in press) 9 pp.

Smith, P.M., Allen, H.J. 2023

Early Ordovician trilobites from Barnicarndy 1 stratigraphic well of the southern Canning Basin, Western Australia.

Alcheringa, 47(3):234-291

Smith, P.M., Allen, H.J. 2023

Early Ordovician trilobites from Barnicarndy 1 stratigraphic well of the southern Canning Basin, Western Australia.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 96

Smith, P.M., Jell, P.A., Leu, M.R., Zhen, Y.Y. 2023

Trilobites and agnostids from the Ordian–Templetonian (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4 – Miaolingian, Wuliuan) Coonigan Formation, far western New South Wales.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 97

Smith, P.M., Laurie, J.R., Jago, J.B., Cooper, R.A., Simes, J.E. 2023

Miaolingian (Cambrian) agnostids and trilobites from the Cobb Valley area, South Island, New Zealand.

Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, (in press)

Sorci, A., Cirilli, S., Spina, A., Ghorbani, M., Rettori, R. 2023

Facies analysis and depositional environment of a late Cambrian mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp from the Zard Kuh Mountain (Zagros Basin, South-Western Iran).

Sedimentary Geology, 449(106370):1-17

Srivastava, S., Hughes, N.C. 2023

Stratigraphic and Biotic Punctuation of Dikelocephalid Trilobite Evolution in the Upper Mississippi Valley Cambrian.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):197-6/389549

Srivastava, S., Hughes, N.C. 2023

Morphology, variation, and systematics of the late Cambrian Laurentian dikelocephalid trilobite Walcottaspis vanhornei (Walcott, 1914).

Journal of Paleontology, (in press) 22 pp.

Stone, P., Rushton, A.W.A. 2023

Charles Darwin's discovery of Devonian fossils in the Falkland Islands, 1833, and its controversial consequences.

Geological Society London, Special Publications, 543 (in press) 12 pp.

Stouge, S., Rasmussen, C.M.Ø., Harper, D.A.T. 2023

The Ordovician System in Greenland.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:27-64

Südkamp, W. 2023

Phosphatisierte Fossilien des Hunsrückschiefers.

[Phosphatized fossils of the Hunsrück Slate.]

Fossilien, 2023(2):9-16

Sun, Z., Sun, L., Zhao, F.C., Pan, B., Khan, M.M., Ahmed, S., Yang, C., Miao, L., Yin, Z., Li, G., Zhu, M. 2023

Comprehensive stratigraphy, paleobiota and paleogeographic evolution of the Cambrian in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its surrounding areas.

Scientia Sinica Terrae, (in press)

Sun, Z., Yang, A., Zhao, F.C., Zhuravlev, A.Y., Pan, B., Hu, C., Feng, Q., Chen, X., Zhu, M. 2023

New trilobite assemblage from the lower Cambrian (upper Stage 4) of the Lake Zone, western Mongolia.

Journal of Paleontology, 97(3):577-590

Sun, Z., Zeng, H., Zhao, F.C. 2023

Unique Cambrian trilobite Eodontopleura: an example of strong convergence in trilobite evolution.

Historical Biology, (in press) 9 pp.

Tortello, M.F. 2023

Trilobites from the Cedaria prolifica Zone (Cambrian, upper Guzhangian) of the Precordillera of Mendoza, western Argentina.

Journal of Paleontology, 97(3):591-605

Trela, W. 2023

Stratigraphy and sedimentary record of the Ordovician System in Poland: a review.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 532:345-373

Van Viersen, A.P. 2023

De trilobieten van de 'Mur des douaniers' in Vireux-Molhain (Noord-Frankrijk): Correlaties tussen trilobieten uit de Ardennen en Marokko.

[The trilobites of the 'Mur des douaniers' at Vireux-Molhain (northern France): Correlations between trilobites from the Ardennes and Morocco.]

GEA (V55 in press)


Van Viersen, A.P. 2023
Field Notes: Peripheric Spines.
The Trilobite Papers, 26:18


Vargas-Parra, E.E., Hopkins, M.J. 2023

Phylogeny and Evolutionary Modularity of a Trilobite Family Over the Ordovician Radiation.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):197-7/395661

Vargas-Parra, E.E., Hopkins, M.J. 2023

Phylogeny and evolutionary modularity of a trilobite family over the Ordovician Radiation.

Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on the Ordovician System. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72(1):161

Verma, N. 2023

Trilobites to Vertebrates: How development influences the evolution of segmental patterning.

Evolution, 77(9):2109-2110

Ver Straeten, C.A. 2023

An introduction to the Devonian Period and the Devonian in New York State and North America.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 403-404:11-102

Ver Straeten, C.A. 2023

The Port Jervis, Oriskany, Esopus, and Schoharie formations, and equivalents: Pragian and Emsian strata of New York.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 403-404:153-204

Ver Straeten, C.A., Brett, C.E., Baird, G.C., Bartholomew, A.J., Over, D.J. 2023

Lower Middle Devonian (Eifelian–lower Givetian) strata of New York State: The Onondaga Formation and Marcellus Subgroup.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 403-404:205-280

Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. 2023

Devonian of New York, Volume 1: Introduction and Přídolí to Lower Givetian (Upper Silurian to Middle Devonian) Stages.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 403-404:1-290

Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. 2023

Devonian of New York, Volume 2: Lower to Upper Givetian (Middle Devonian) Stages.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 405-406:1-388

Ver Straeten, C.A., Over, D.J., Woodrow, D. 2023

Devonian of New York, Volume 3: Frasnian to Famennian (Upper Devonian) Stages and the Devonian Terrestial System in New York.

Bulletins of American Paleontology, 407-408:1-338

Waisfeld, B.G., Benedetto, J.L., Toro, B.A., Voldman, G.G., Rubinstein, C.V., Heredia, S., Assine, M.L., Vaccari, N.E., Niemeyer, H. 2023

The Ordovician of southern South America.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:133-173

Wang, G.X., Cui, Y.N., Liang, Y., Wu, R.C., Wei, X., Gong, F.Y., Huang, B., Luan, X.C., Tang, P., Li, L.X., Zhang, X.L. 2023

Toward a unified and refined Ordovician stratigraphy for the western Yangtze region, South China.

Palaeoworld, 32(2):202-218

Wang, G.X., Zhan, R.B. 2023

Ordovician in the western Yangtze region, South China Palaeoplate: An outline.

Palaeoworld, 32(2):197-201

Wang, J., Hua, H., Wang, X., Li, Y. 2023

Early Ordovician Seleneceme (Trilobita) in Ziyang Fauna, South China.

Historical Biology, 35(2):227-234

Wang, M.K., Peng, S.C., Zhang, X.L. 2023

Taxonomic Revision of the Cambrian Trilobite Abadiella and its Stratigraphic Significance in Gondwana.

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 257(105855):1-11

Wang, Y., Esteve, J., Yang, X., Yu, R., Wang, D. 2023

First confident evidence of moulting in eodiscid trilobites from the Cambrian Stage 3 of South China.

Geological Magazine, 160(8):1441-1445

Waskom, M., Losso, S., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2023

Stuck in the mud: experimental taphonomy and computed tomography demonstrate the critical

role of sediment in three-dimensional carcass stabilization during early fossil diagenesis.

Research Square (preprint: awaiting peer-review)


Webster, M. 2023
A.R. “Pete” Palmer (1927-2022).
The Trilobite Papers, 26:15-16

Wei, X., Liu, J.B., Zhan, R.B., Zhou, Z.Q., Yan, G.Z. 2024

Diversity dynamics, faunal turnover and radiation pattern of the Middle Ordovician trilobites in South China.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 633(111905):1-13

Wei, X., Luan, X., Zhang, Y., Yan, G., Zhan, R. 2023

Katian (Late Ordovician) trilobites of the North Qilian Mountains and their palaeogeographical implications for the Proto-Tethys Archipelagic Ocean.

Papers in Palaeontology, 9(6):e1532

Wei, X., Wang, K., Zhou, Z.Q., Cui, Y.N., Zhang, Z.T., Liu, J.B. 2023

A new late katian (Late Ordovician) trilobite association from Zhenxiong, Northeastern Yunnan, southwest China and its palaeoecological implications.

Palaeoworld, 32:333-353

Wei, X., Zhou, Z.Q. 2023

Floian, Early Ordovician, trilobites from the Olongbluk Terrane, northwest China.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 68(4):683-693

Weidner, T., Nielsen, A.T., Ebbestad, J.O.R. 2023

Middle Cambrian agnostoids and trilobites from the Lower Allochthon, Swedish Caledonides.

Fossils and Strata, 68:1-121

Wernette, S.J., Hughes, N.C., Myrow, P.M., Sardsud, A. 2023

Trilobites of Thailand's Cambrian–Ordovician Tarutao Group and their geological setting.

Papers in Palaeontology, 9(5,e1516):1-100

Westrop, S.R., Eoff, J.D. 2023

A Jiangshanian (Cambrian; Furongian) trilobite fauna from the Cow Head Group, western Newfoundland.

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60(8):1244-1264

Westrop, S.R., Welch, K.F., Engel, M.H., Adrain, J.M. 2023

Faunal and paleoenvironmental changes at a Cambrian (Jiangshanian; Steptoean–Sunwaptan boundary interval)

trilobite extinction event, in contrasting deep- and shallow-subtidal settings, Nevada and Oklahoma.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press) 28 pp.

Wetzel, C. 2023

Trilobite stuffed itself with food.

New Scientist, 260(3459):17

Witte, M. 2023

The Eyes Have It: Modeling Eye Development Within Trilobites Using Variation in Patterns of Eye-Lens Distribution in Two Species of Eldredgeops.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 55(6):218-11/391996

Xin, H., Chen, J., Gao, B., Li, F., Myrow, P.M. 2023

Spatio-temporal distribution of the Cambrian maceriate reefs across the North China Platform.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 614:(111429)

Yuan, J.L., Gao, J., Ren, G.Y., Ng, T.W. 2023

On the genus Fenghuangella Yang in Zhou et al., 1977 from the lowest Chaumitien Formation

(uppermost Guzhangian) from Shandong and eastern Liaoning, North China.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 62(2):231-244

Zhang, L., Algeo, T.J., Zhao, L., Dahl, T.W., Chen, Z.Q., Zhang, Z., Poulton, S.W., Hughes, N.C., Gou, X., Li, C. 2023

Environmental and trilobite diversity changes during the middle-late Cambrian SPICE event.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, 136(1-2):810-828

Zhang, Y., Zhan, R., Zhen, Y.Y., Wang, W.H., Liang, Y., Fang, X., Wu, R.C., Yan, K., Zhang, J.P., Li, W.J. 2023

Regional synthesis of the Ordovician geology and stratigraphy of China.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 533:421-478

Zhen, Y.Y., Smith, P.M., Zhang, Y., Strusz, D., Percival, I.G., Burrow, C.J., Rutledge, J., Trigg, S. 2023

Ordovician–Devonian fossils and biostratigraphy of the southern Cobar Superbasin, New South Wales.

Palaeo Down Under 3: Australasian Palaeontologists' Quadrennial Conference, Abstract  Book, p. 128

Zhen Y.Y., Smith P.M., Zhang Y.D., Strusz D.L., Percival I.G., Burrow C.J., Rutledge J.M., Trigg S.J. 2023

Field guide and catalogue of Ordovician–Devonian fossils from the Cargelligo and Nymagee 1:250,000 geological mapping areas, central New South Wales.

Quarterly Notes of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, 157:1-83

Zong, R.W. 2023

Variation in eye lenses of two new Late Devonian phacopid trilobites from western Junggar, NW China.

Journal of Paleontology, 97(4):891-905

Zong, R.W. 2023

Variation in eye lenses of two new Late Devonian phacopid trilobites from western Junggar, NW China.

Journal of Paleontology: CORRIGENDUM, 97(4):958

Zong, R.W., Fan, R.Y., Gong, Y.M. 2023

Predation Bias of Ordovician Predators on Trilobites.

Journal of the Geological Society, 180(5) (in press)

Zong, R.W., Liu, Y.L. 2023

On the Age of Silurian Hanyangaspis-Sinacanthus Assemblage in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

Journal of Stratigraphy, 47(3):285-294

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  • piranha changed the title to Trilobite Papers 1762–2023: Years in Review
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Another year is complete with a list of 228 new trilobite papers in 2024.


Looking forward to another great year of trilobite publications in 2025!




Adrain, J.M. 2024

The Early Ordovician bathyurid trilobites Licnocephala and Ibexocephala.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press)

Adrain, J.M., Westrop, S.R. 2024

Coordinated Turnover of Shallow Water Trilobite Assemblages Along the Early Ordovician Northern Laurentian Margin.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:99


Adrain, J.M., Westrop, S.R. 2024

Orbital forcings govern shallow water trilobite evolution along the Early Ordovician northern Laurentian margin.

Palaeontological Association: 68th Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany: Programme Abstracts, pp. 97-98

Adrain, J.M., Westrop, S.R., Landing, E., Karim, T.S., Losso, S.R., Ng, R.Y., Bradley, A.B., Pérez-Peris, F. 2024

Trilobite biostratigraphy of the upper Skullrockian Stage (Lower Ordovician; lower Tremadocian) on the northern Laurentian margin, western United States.

Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs, (in press)

Anderson, T.B., James, M.J., McNeil, P. 2024

The Burgess Shale Lagerstätte at the Walcott Quarry, Yoho National Park, Canada. Geology’s Significant Sites and their Contributions to Geoheritage.

Geological Society London, Special Publications, 543:77-84

Balogh-Zanin, H. 2024

Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician Trilobites from the Southern Shan State of Myanmar.

MSc Thesis, University of California Riverside, 154 pp.

Basse, M. 2024

Die Typen der Trilobita mit deutscher Typuslokalität – Fortschritte in der Forschung im Jahr 2023.

[The types of the Trilobita from German type localities – Progress in research in the year 2023.]

Dortmunder Beiträge zur Landeskunde, Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 53:27-51

Bault, V., Crônier, C., Monnet, C. 2024

Coupling of taxonomic diversity and morphological disparity in Devonian trilobites?

Historical Biology, 36(3):473-484

Beech, J.D., Bottjer, D.J., Smith, N.D. 2024

Parallel evolution of unusual ‘harpiform’ morphologies in distantly related trilobites.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press)

Beech, J.D., Hebdon, N., Dorgan, K.M., Duncan, J., Bottjer, D.J. 2024

Organism-Sediment Interactions and the Evolution of a Unique Trilobite Morphology.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):17-2/402811

Beech, J.D., Hebdon, N., Bottjer, D.J. 2024

Parallel Evolution and Possible Functions of the Harpiform Brim in Trilobites.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:118

Bernárdez, E., Gozalo, R., Chirivella Martorell, J.B. 2024

Trilobites del Cámbrico Medio (Miaolingiense) de Galicia.

[Trilobites from the Middle Cambrian (Miaolingian) of Galicia.]

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:101

Bernárdez, E., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2024

Nuevos Fósiles del Ordovícico Medio en la escama de Penamaría (A Fonsagrada, Lugo, Zona Asturoccidental-Leonesa).

[New Middle Ordovician Fossils in the Penamaría Scale (A Fonsagrada, Lugo, Western Asturias-Leonese Area).]

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:102

Betts, M.J., Claybourn, T.M., Holmer, L.E., Skovsted, C.B., Myrow, P.M.,

Stemmerik, L., Topper, T.P., Park, T.Y.S., Hughes, N.C., Crowley, J.L., Jagodzinski, E.A. 2024

First multi-proxy chronostratigraphy of the lower Cambrian Byrd Group, Transantarctic Mountains and correlation within East Gondwana.

Gondwana Research, 136:126-141

Betts, M.J., Holmes, J.D., Smith, P.M., Mervine, E.M., Stirling, D.A., Paterson, J.R. 2024

The shellies will tell all: multi-proxy stratigraphy and correlation of the Thorntonia Limestone (Cambrian Stage 4 – Wuliuan) southeastern Georgina Basin.

Palaeontology from Australasia and beyond: Abstracts from Palaeo Down Under 3 Perth, Western Australia, July 2023.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(2):198

Bicknell, R.D.C., Bruthansová, J., Kimmig, J. 2024

Shelly coprolites record durophagous predation in the Late Ordovician Bohdalec Formation (Katian; Prague Basin, Czech Republic).

Geobios, 82:1-11

Bicknell, R.D., Smith, P.M., Miller-Camp, J. 2024

An Atlas of Malformed Trilobites from North American Repositories Part 1. The Indiana University Paleontological Collection.

American Museum of Natural History Novitates, 4026:1-16

Bicknell, R.D., Smith, P.M., Hopkins, M.J. 2024

An Atlas of Malformed Trilobites from North American Repositories Part 2. The American Museum of Natural History.

American Museum of Natural History Novitates, 4027:1-36

Bicknell, R.D.C., Vargas‑Parra, E.E., Landman, N.H., Pärnaste, H. 2024

Evidence for cryptic molting behavior in the trilobite Toxochasmops vormsiensis from the Upper Ordovician Katian Kõrgessaare Formation, Estonia.

The Science of Nature, 111(22):1-12

Birksmith, C., Brock, G.A., Betts, M.J., Holmes, J.D., Zhang, Z. 2024

Chronostratigraphy of the Cambrian Series 2 – Miaolingian boundary, western Stansbury Basin, South Australia.

Palaeontology from Australasia and beyond: Abstracts from Palaeo Down Under 3 Perth, Western Australia, July 2023.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(2):198

Bissett, D., Kallmeyer, J., Zehler, N. 2024

In Pursuit of the Iconic Devonian Trilobite Eldredgeops (=Phacops) rana.

Rocks & Minerals, 99(4):362-371

Blanco-Vallina, A. 2024

Análisis de la disparidad morfológica en los trilobites de la Formación Kaili a través del límite del Piso 4-Wuliuense en Balang, sur de China.

[Analysis of morphological disparity in trilobites from the Kaili Formation through the boundary of the Stage 4-Wuliuan in Balang, southern China.]

MSc Thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Universidad de Alcalá: Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, 32 pp.

Bley, E.M., Adrain, J.M. 2024

Encrinurid Trilobites From The Upper Ordovician (Katian) of Northeastern Iowa.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:123

Bohatý, J., Ausich, W.I, Becker, R.T. 2024

Frasnian crinoid associations of the Prüm Syncline (Eifel, Rhenish Massif, Germany) – biostratigraphic framework and macrofossil assemblages.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 312(1):31-83

Bonino, E., Kier, C. 2024

The Back to the Past Museum Guide to Trilobites II.

Azul Sensatori Hotel Trilobite Museum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 434 pp.

Bourdas, S., Lerosey-Aubril, R., Comfort, D., Gaines, R.R., Paterson, J.R., Skabelund, J., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Microtomographic Study of Olenelloid Trilobite Guts from the Lower Cambrian Rosella Formation in British Columbia.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-5/404700

Bradley, A., Lamsdell, J.C. 2024

Growth Variation and Developmental Sequence Polymorphism in the Middle Cambrian Trilobite Elrathia kingii (Meek).

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):29-1/401222

Brodsky, A.V., Kiselev, G.N. 2024

The problem of unauthorized collection of trilobites, cephalopods and other paleontological specimens

from Ordovician deposits of the Leningrad Region. Patterns of evolution and Biostratigraphy.

Proceedings of the LXX Session of the Paleontological Society, St. Petersburg, pp. 291-293

Bülow, S. 2024

Die Riesentrilobiten von Portugal.

[The Giant Trilobites of Portugal.]

Fossilien, 2024(6):36-47

Caprichoso, C., Pereira, S., Holloway, D.J. 2024

Two Countries, One Seafloor: Comparing the Devonian Trilobites of France and Portugal.

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:66

Caprichoso, C., Sá, A.A., Legoinha, P. 2024

Calymenina Trilobites from the Devonian of Portugal.

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:53

Caron, J.B., Webster, M., Briggs, D.E.G., Pari, G., Santucci, G., Mángano, M.G., Izquierdo-López, A., Streng, M., Gaines, R.R. 2024

The lower Cambrian Cranbrook Lagerstätte of British Columbia.

Journal of the Geological Society, 181:1-13

Cerami, A., Lamsdell, J.C., Bradley, A. 2024

A Paleobiological Analysis of Mississippian Trilobites with Segmentation Abnormalities.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):65-11/401572


Chen, B. 2024

Shallow ocean deoxygenation drove trilobite turnover during the late Cambrian SPICE event.
Palaeontological Association: 68th Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany: Programme Abstracts, p. 110

Collantes, L. 2023

Trilobites and Stratigraphy of the Marianian Stage (Cambrian Series 2) of the Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia.

[Trilobites e estratigrafia do Marianiano (Séries 2, Câmbrico) da Zona de Ossa-Morena Zone, SW da Ibéria.]

PhD Thesis, Universidade de Coimbra, 245 pp.

Collantes, L. 2024

The Richter’s and Sdzuy’s Collections of Marianian (Early Cambrian) Trilobites at the Senckenberg Museum of Frankfurt, Germany: An Overview.

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:122

Collantes, L. 2024

Paleodiversidad y bioestratigrafía de trilobites del Marianiense (Serie 2 del Cámbrico) de la Zona de Ossa-Morena, SO de Iberia.

[Trilobite paleodiversity and biostratigraphy from the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of the Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia.]

Sociedad Geológica de España: XI Congreso Geológico de España. Geo-Temas, 20:903

Collantes, L. 2024

Trilobites and other fossils from the Viar River section (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4), SW Spain.

[Trilobites y otros fósiles de la sección del río Viar (Serie 2, Piso 4 del Cámbrico), suroeste de España.]

Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 39(2):147-162

Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2024

Andalusiana (Trilobita, Olenelloidea) and its Correlation Throughout Cambrian Series 2 of Western Gondwana.

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:54

Collantes, L., Pereira, S., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Sepúlveda, A., Gozalo, R. 2024

Taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of Strenuaeva (Trilobita) from the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) of Iberia.

Geobios, 82:13-30

Corbacho, J., López-Soriano, F.J., Morrison, S., Hammond, K. 2024

Digestive system in Basilicus calzadai Corbacho, 2011 (Trilobita) from the Upper Ordovician of Bou Nemrou - El Kaid Errami, Morocco.

Museo Geològico del Seminari de Barcelona: Batalleria, 29:24-31

Cuen-Romero, F.J., Moreno-Bedmar, J.A., Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Navas-Parejo, P., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E., Monreal, R. 2024

Desarrollo y contexto histórico de la paleontología en Sonora, noroeste de México.

[Development and historical context of paleontology in Sonora, northwestern Mexico.]

Paleontología Mexicana, 13(1):77-92

Cuen-Romero, F.J., Ochoa-Granillo, J.A., Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Tortello, M.F., Monreal, R., Ozua-Ibarra, D.D. 2024

Trilobites from the upper middle Cambrian (Miaolingian, Guzhangian) of the Sierra Los Ajos,

northern Sonora, Mexico: biostratigraphic and paleogeographic considerations.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 148(105163):1-9

Dai, T., Zhang, X.L. 2024

Development of eodiscinid trilobites.

Biological Reviews (in press) 24 pp.

Dehler, C., Sundberg, F.A., Karlstrom, K., Crossey, L., Schmitz, M., Rowland, S., Hagadorn, J. 2024

The Cambrian of the Grand Canyon: Refinement of a Classic Stratigraphic Model.

Geological Society of America: GSA Today, 34(11):4-11

Dernov, V. 2024

First record of trilobites (Arthropoda) from Carboniferous deposits of the Dnipro-Donets Depression, north-eastern Ukraine.

Geologos, 30(1):45–56

Drage, H.B. 2024

Trilobite moulting behaviour variability had little association with morphometry.

BioRxiv (preprint: awaiting peer-review)

Drage, H.B. 2024

Trilobite moulting behaviour variability had little association with body proportions.

Palaeontologia Electronica, 27(1-A9):1-25

Drage, H.B., Collantes, L., Dowding, E.M., Esteve, J., Holmes, J.D., Jordan, K.J., Laibl, L.,

Lam, A.R., Lucas, K.N., Nikolic, M.C., Pates, S., Rojas, A., Serra, F., Suárez, M.G. 2024

TriBE: An international working group dedicated to understanding the early Palaeozoic dispersal

and radiation of trilobites, and first results on trilobite palaeobiogeographical patterns.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, pp. 1633-1634

Drage, H.B., Pates, S. 2024

Distinct causes underlie double-peaked trilobite morphological disparity in cephalic shape.

Nature: Communications Biology, 7(1490):1-18

Drage, H.B., Pates, S. 2024

Distinct causes underlie double-peaked trilobite cephalon disparity, but this disparity is unrelated to exoskeleton moulting behaviour.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, pp. 1751-1752

Drage, H.B., Pates, S. 2024

Distinct Causes Underlie Double-Peaked Trilobite Cephalon Disparity, but this Disparity is Unrelated to Exoskeleton Moulting Behaviour.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:176-177

Du, K.S., Guo, J., Losso, S.R., Pates, S., Li, M., Chen., A.L. 2024

Multiple origins of dorsal ecdysial sutures in trilobites and their relatives. eLife:

Evolutionary Biology, 12(93113):1-22

Du, X.Q., Liu, Y.L., Zong, R.W. 2024

First complete Niobe yangtzeensis Lu, 1975 (Asaphidae, Trilobita) from the Middle Ordovician of South China, and its systematic and palaeogeographic implications.

Palaeoworld, 33:857-869

Ek, A. 2024

Notes on Rare Trilobite Taxa From the Silurian Rocks of Northeastern Illinois.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:182

El Albani, A., Mazurier, A., Edgecombe, G.D., Azizi, A., El Bakhouch, A., Berks, H.O., Bouougri, E.H., Chraiki, I.,

Donoghue, P.C.J., Fontaine, C., Gaines, R.R., Ghnahalla, M., Meunier, A., Trentesaux, A., Paterson, J.R. 2024

Rapid volcanic ash entombment reveals the 3D anatomy of Cambrian trilobites.

Science, 384(6703):1429-1435

Esteve, J. 2024

Enrolment in Trilobites, A Short Retrospective: What else can we learn?

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:69

Esteve, J., Corrales-García, A., María, J. 2024

Enrolment in trilobites: insights for development and phylogeny.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, p. 1750

Esteve, J., Suárez, M.G. 2024

Morphological and Ecological Disparity in Trilobites: Insights from Cephalon and Pygidium Analysis.

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:56

Esteve, J., Yang, X.L. 2024

Modularity and fluctuating asymmetry in the early Cambrian trilobite Protoryctocephalus arcticus from the ‘Tsinghsutung’ Formation, South of China.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, pp. 1672-1673

Esteve, J., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, X.L. 2024

Assessment of morphological variation in the early Cambrian trilobite Protoryctocephalus.

Historical Biology, 36(3):638-643

Fang, X., Mao, Y.Y., Chen, Z.Y., Wang, W.H. 2024

New insights into the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: Evidence from the Early Ordovician Liexi Fauna.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, p. 1761

Farnam, C.A. 2024

The Hirnantian Record of the East Central United States and Southern Ontario

PhD Thesis, University of Cincinnati, 225 pp.

Fatka, O. 2024

Extraordinary trilobite collected by František Pošepný discovered after 140 years.

Carnets Géologie, 24(11):173-178

Fatka, O., Budil, P., Mikuláš, R. 2024

Remains of the alimentary tract in the Late Ordovician trilobite Dalmanitina (Prague Basin, Barrandian area, Czech Republic).

Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 130(1):47-65

Fatka, O., Budil, P., Polechová, M., Gebhardt, H., Festi, D., Šilinger, M., Kovář, V., Vodička, J., Valent, M., Tasáryová, Z. 2024

Fossils of the Semtín Breccia (Ordovician, Czech Republic).

3rd Virtual Meeting of IGCP 735: Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life, p. 13

Figueiredo, M., Couto, H., Valério, M. 2024

Geological Mapping, Stratigraphy, Palaeontology and Mineralizations of the Palaeozoic around

Valério’s Quarry and the Museum of Trilobites (Arouca Geopark), Canelas, Northern Portugal.

Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society, 1(1):1-10

Flick, U. 2023

Neue Arten der Gattung Aulacopleurella Alberti, 1981 (Trilobita) aus dem mittleren Devon des östlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.

[New species of the genus Aulacopleurella Alberti, 1981 (Trilobita) from the middle Devonian of the eastern Rhenish Slate Mountains.]

Philippia, 18(4):299-308

Fortey, R.A., Vargas-Parra, E.E., Droser, M.L. 2024

Trilobites from the Al Rose Formation (Lower Ordovician, Inyo Mountains, California)—faunas marginal to the Great Basin.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press) 14 pp.

Foster, J.R., Sundberg, F.A., Hagadorn, J.W. 2024

Cambrian trilobites and associated fossils from the Uinta Mountains of Utah (USA).

Journal of Paleontology (in press)

Fu, R., Hu, Y.Z., Liu, F., Song B.P., Zhang, Z.F. 2024

Preliminary report of small shelly fossils from the uppermost Houjiashan Formation (Cambrian Series 2) in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 63(3):1-27

Gaines, R.R., García-Bellido, D.C., Jago, J.B., Myrow, P.M., Paterson, J.R. 2024

The Emu Bay Shale: A unique early Cambrian Lagerstätte from a tectonically active basin.

Science Advances, 10(30:2650):1-9

Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Kebria-ee Zadeh, M.R. 2024

First record of the Parabolina Fauna in the Cambrian (Furongian) of Alborz, northern Iran.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press)

Geyer, G. 2024

The Wildenstein Member (Tannenknock Formation), Wuliuan Stage (mid-Cambrian), Franconian Forest, Germany:

Agnostid and trilobite systematics, morphology, ecology, taphonomy. With a review of ellipsocephalid, solenopleurid and conocoryphid trilobites.

Geologica Bavarica, 129:1-418

Gómez, I., López-Pachón, M., Esteve, J. 2024

Insights into raphiophorid trilobite glabella spine as a sensory organ for collective behaviour.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, p. 1749

Gozalo, R., Collantes, L., Mayoral, E., Liñan, E. 2024

Trilobite biostratigraphy of the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) from Seville and Badajoz provinces (Zafra-Alanís Domain, Ossa-Morena Zone, Spain): a review.

Journal of Iberian Geology, (in press) 19 pp.

Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Romero, S., Pereira, S., Štorch, P. 2024

The Ordovician‒Silurian boundary beds in the El Pintado section (Sierra Morena de Sevilla Global UNESCO Geopark, SW Spain).

Geologica Balcanica, 53(3):37-43

Handkamer, N.M., Pratt, B.R. 2024

Quantified growth and possible heterochronic development of two corynexochid trilobites from the middle Cambrian

(Miaolingian Series, Wuliuan Stage) Mount Cap Formation, eastern Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press) 33 pp.

Handkamer, N.M., Vaccari, N.E., Sferco, E. 2024

Morphological Diversity and Phylogeny of Raphiophoridae (Trilobita) During the Great Ordovician

Biodiversification Event, Focused on Species from the Precordillera of Western Argentina.

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life: 4th Annual Meeting of the IGCP 735, Córdoba, Argentina

Hegna, T.A., Losso, S.R. 2024

How to Eat With a Fork: Unprecedented Post-Antennal Appendage Differentiation in the Trilobite Isotelus (Asaphida; Ordovician).

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:221

Holmes, J.D. 2024

Exploring patterns of adaptive evolution across the Cambrian trilobite radiation.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, p. 1755

Holmes, J.D. 2024

Morphological disparity dynamics of the initial Cambrian trilobite radiation.

Palaeontology from Australasia and beyond: Abstracts from Palaeo Down Under 3 Perth, Western Australia, July 2023.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(2):210-211

Hopkins, M.J. 2024

Performance of Model-Based Predictions of Body Size and Body Proportions of Trilobites at a Key Transition Point In Development.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:229


Hopkins, M.J. 2024

Comparison of model-based predictions of body size and body proportions with

empirical data reveals differential sets of growth rate parameters across trilobites.

Palaeontological Association: 68th Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany: Programme Abstracts, p. 60

Hopkins, M.J., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Di Silvestro, G. 2024

First occurrence of well-preserved Ordovician trilobites of the family Olenidae from Africa.

Journal of Paleontology (in press) 10 pp.

Hopkins, M.J., Martin, M.J. 2024

Unravelling parallel conceptions of the Ordovician trilobite Flexicalymene senaria (Conrad, 1841) and description of Flexicalymene trentonensis, n. sp.

American Museum of Natural History: Novitates, 4029:1-36

Hou, J.B., Hopkins, M.J. 2024

New evidence for five cephalic appendages in trilobites and implications for segmentation of the trilobite head.

Palaeontology, 67(5,e12723)

Hughes, N.C., Kolenko, R., Myrow, P.M., Houck, K.J. 2024

Carboniferous trilobites from Colorado: Systematics, morphology and enrolment.

Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 42(1):277-298

Hughes, N.C., Srivastava, S., Vargas-Parra, E., Runkel, A.C. 2024

Evolutionary Tempo and Mode in Stratigraphic Context: Dikelocephalid Trilobite Evolution in the Upper Mississippi Valley Cambrian.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:235-236

Jacobs, G.S., Jacquet, S.M., Selly, T., Schiffbauer, J.D., Huntley, J.W. 2024

Resolving taphonomic and preparation biases in silicified faunas through paired acid residues and X-ray microscopy.

PeerJ, 12(e16767):1-23

Jamart, V., Pas, D., Hinnov, L.A., Spangenberg, J.E., Adatte, T., Nielsen, A.T., Schovsbo, N.H., Thibault, N.R., Daley, A.C., 2024

The Miaolingian Series (Middle Cambrian) in Southern Sweden: Astronomical forcing, biostratigraphy, and carbon isotope geochemistry.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, pp. 189-190

Jiang, J.W., Yang, X.L., Chen, Z.P., Zhou, S.X. 2024

Fuchouia from the Cambrian Jialao Formation in Jianhe, Guizhou.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 63(2):261-272

Johnson, R.G. 2024

Devonian Harpetidae from the central and eastern Anti–Atlas, Morocco.

Zootaxa, 5450(1):1-185

Jordan, K.J. 2024

Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Patterns of Devonian Proetid Trilobites.

PhD Thesis, University of Nebraska, 203 pp.

Jordan, K.J. 2024

Trilobite Co-Occurrence Patterns Across the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:249-250

Jordan, K.J. 2024

Ecological Shift in Proetid and Phacopid Association Through the Devonian.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):17-9/404745

Jung, J., Park, T.Y.S. 2024

Three-Dimensional Landmark Analysis of Two Late Cambrian (Furongian) Trilobites, Asioptychaspis subglobosa and Quadraticephalus elongatus.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):240-4/403831

Jung, J., Park, T.Y.S., Hughes, N.C. 2024

Virtual taphonomy of trilobite heads: understanding compressive deformation using 3D modeling and rigid body simulation.

Journal of Paleontology, (in-press)

Kerber, G., Pacheco, M.L.A.F., Horodyski, R.S., Graciolli, G. 2024

Revealing new trilobites from the early Devonian alto garças sub-basin, Brazil.

Historical Biology, 36(7):1220-1236


Koelewijn, J.R., Holmes, J.D. 2024

Trimming troubling trilobites: an investigation into the many species of Redlichia.

Palaeontological Association: 68th Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany: Programme Abstracts, pp. 133-134

Korovnikov, I.V. 2024

Paleogeographical distribution of trilobites genus Calodiscus Howell, 1935 in the Cambrian of the Siberian Platform. Patterns of Evolution and Biostratigraphy.

Proceedings of the LXX Session of the Paleontological Society, St. Petersburg, pp. 84-86

Korovnikov, I.V., Bushuev, E.V. 2024

Revision of the Trilobite Genus Calodiscus Howell, 1935 (Siberian Platform).

Paleontological Journal, 58(6):684-696

Kowalski, W.R. 2024

Skamieniałości kambryjskie z Gór Świętokrzyskich w zbiorach Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.

[Cambrian fossils from the Holy Cross Mts. in the collections of the University of Wrocław.]

Przegląd Geologiczny, 72(4):149-155

Krueger, H.H. 2024

Fundbericht: Eine große Ordovizische Geschiebeplatte aus der Lausitz.

[Finding Report: A large Ordovician boulder slab from Lausitz region.]

Geschiebekunde Aktuell 40(3):83-88

Laird, J.D., Adrain, J.M. 2024

Trilobite Diversity Response to the End-Ordovician Mass Extinction: Between-Habitat Dissimilarity (Beta Diversity) as a Mechanism to Maintain Within-habitat Richness (Alpha Diversity). 12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:270

Lan, T., Zhao, Y., Esteve, J., Zhao, F., Li, C., Martinez, P. 2024

Eggs with Trilobite Larvae in a Cambrian Community. Modeling the Hydrodynamics.

BMC Ecology and Evolution (in press)

Landing, E., Geyer, G., Westrop, S.R., Schmitz, M. 2024

Trilobite Mineralization, Diachronous Lowest Occurrences of Trilobites, and a Global Lower Cambrian Subdivision Standard.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-13/402484

Landing, E., Geyer, G., Westrop, S.R., Wotte, T. 2024

Unconformity-bounded rift sequences in Terreneuvian–Miaolingian strata of the Caledonian Highlands, Atlantic Canada: Comment.

Geological Society of America, Bulletin, 136:3472-3478

Landing, E., Webster, M., Bowser, S.S. 2024

Terminal Ediacaran–Late Ordovician evolution of the NE Laurentia palaeocontinent: rift–drift–onset of Taconic Orogeny, sea-level change and ‘Hawke Bay’onlap (not offlap).

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 542(1):179-215

Laurie, J.R., Kruse, P.D., Brock, G.A., Holmes, J.D., Jago, J.B., Betts, M.J., Paterson, J.R., Smith, P.M. 2024

The quest for an Australian Cambrian stage scale.

Palaeontology from Australasia and beyond: Abstracts from Palaeo Down Under 3 Perth, Western Australia, July 2023.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(2):215

Laurie, J.R., Kruse, P.D., Brock, G.A., Holmes, J.D., Jago, J.B., Betts, M.J., Paterson, J.R., Smith, P.M. 2024

The quest for an Australian Cambrian stage scale.

Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(2):258-277

Leidi, M.G., McCobb, L.M.E., McDermott, P.D., and Owen, A.W. 2024

A new Late Ordovician bubble-headed trilobite species from South West Wales and its implications for biostratigraphy.

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 69(1):57-72

Lerosey-Aubril, R., Gaines, R.R., Botting, J.P., Del Mouro, L., Mcilroy, D., Skabelund, J., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Recurrence of Burgess Shale–Type Preservation in the Cambrian Stage 4‒Wuliuan Pioche Formation in Nevada, USA.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):274-1/403008


Li, H., Dai, T., Chen, Y.L., Xue, C.L., Strotz, L.C. 2024

Morphological Evolution and Extinction of Eodiscids and Agnostoid Arthropods.

MDPI: Life, 15(38):1-13

Liu, J., He, M., Chi, X.R., Peng, T.Z., Zhang, Q.Q., Yang, L., Yang, Y.N., CHEN, F.Y. 2024

Ecology of a brachiopod-dominated community from the Cambrian Kaili Biota of South China.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 63(2):246-260

Losso, S.R. 2024

Morphology, function and taphonomy of Lower Paleozoic trilobites and their close relatives: insights from North American Konservat-Lagerstätten.

PhD Thesis, Harvard University, 357 pp.

Losso, S., Nanglu, K., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Leg Flexure and Stance in the Cambrian Trilobite Olenoides serratus.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-3/402026

Losso, S.R., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Conserved exopodite morphology in three-dimensionally preserved trilobites from the Walcott-Rust Quarry (Mohawkian, Ordovician) of New York, USA.

Arthropod Structure & Development, 81(101371):1-19

Losso, S.R., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Trilobites from the Walcott-Rust Quarry (Mohawkian; Ordovician), New York: New Insights After 150 Years.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:286

Luo, J., Wang, T., Pan, X. 2024

A potential earliest trilobite-brachiopod fossil assemblage from the Sichuan Basin, South China.

European Geosciences Union – General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-194: Session SSP4.2  

Lynch, S., Żylińska, A., Daley, A.C., Drage, H.B. 2024

Dual role of enrolment for moulting and protection in a Cambrian trilobite from Poland.

Lethaia, 57(1):1-14

Luo, M., Brock, G.A., Liang, Y., Song, B., Hu, Y., Liu, F. and Zhang, Z. 2024

Correlation and stratigraphic implications of the lowermost Cambrian Small Shelly Fossils from new sites of South China.

Journal of the Geological Society, 181(6):1-29

Ma, W.Y., Chen, S.G., Luo, X.C., Wang, D.Z., Yang, Y.N. 2024

Community composition and ecospace analysis of the Cambrian Balang Fauna in Majiang County, Guizhou Province.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 63(2):233-245

Makarova, A.L. 2024

On the middle-upper Cambrian boundary layers in the stratotypical section of the Kulumbe River (northwest of the Siberian Platform).

Patterns of evolution and Biostratigraphy. Proceedings of the LXX Session of the Paleontological Society, St. Petersburg, pp. 95-97

Makarova, A.L., Kupin, A.V., Komlev, D.A., Bushuev, E.V. 2025

Trilobites and Biostratigraphy of the Cambrian Section of the Khantaisko-Sukhotunguskaya-1 Borehole, Northwest Siberian Platform.

Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, (in press)

María-Dorado, J., Monti, D.S., Serra, F., Vaccari, N.E. 2024

Taxonomic Revision of Remopleuridid Trilobites From Northwestern Argentina: A Classification in Progress.

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life: 4th Annual Meeting of the IGCP 735, Córdoba, Argentina

Martins, H.B. 2024

Família Homalonotidae: Reavaliação e Novas Classificações sob o Olhar Filogenético.

[Family Homalonotidae: Reassessment and New Classifications from a Phylogenetic Perspective.]

São Paulo State University: MSc Thesis, 100 pp.

Martins, H.B., Ghilardi, R.P. 2024

Homalonotidae Family (Trilobite) from Devonian of Malvinoxhosan Realm: species and systematic issues.

Historical Biology, (in press)

Mayer, P. 2024

A Spectacular Devonian Trilobite Specimen, Dalmanites pratteni, from Illinois Helps Shed Light on How Trilobite Eyes Worked.

Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 8(e135083):1-4

Mendoza-Maya, A.K. 2024

Shape Variation and Disparity in Middle Cambrian Trilobites from Utah.

MA Thesis, University of Kansas, 34 pp.

Mikulic, D.J., Kluessendorf, J. 2024

Resurrecting the Silurian Trilobites of the Central United States; New Life for Old Collections.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:310-311

Miller, J.F., Ripperdan, R.L. 2024

Probable Impact Origin of Coincident Extinctions Among Conodonts, Trilobites, and Brachiopods,

Top of Symphysurinid Biomere, Early Ordovician, House Range, Ibex Area, West-Central Utah.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:312-313

Myrow, P., Goodge, J.W., Brock, G.A., Betts, M.J., Park, T.Y.S., Hughes, N.C., Gaines, R.R. 2024

Tectonic Trigger to the First Major Extinction of the Phanerozoic: the Early Cambrian Sinsk Event.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):274-5/402775

Myrow, P.M., Goodge, J.W., Brock, G.A., Betts, M.J., Park, T.Y.S., Hughes, N.C., Gaines, R.R. 2024

Tectonic Trigger to the First Major Extinction of the Phanerozoic: the Early Cambrian Sinsk Event.

Science Advances, 10(eadl3452):1-12

Naimark, E.B. 2024

How a Jellyfish can Turn to Stone: 50 Years of Studying Lagerstätten.

Nauka Publishing House: Nature Paleontology, 3:3-20

Naimark, E.B., Chaika, S.Y. 2024

Cuticle and Cuticular Sensilla in Agnostina.

BioRxiv Preprint

Nikolic, M., Hopkins, M.J. 2024

What’s in the Trunk: Biased Trunk Shape Evolution in Trilobites.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:327


Nikolic, M., Warnock, R.C.M., Hopkins, M.J. 2024

Combining fossil taxa with and without morphological data improves dated phylogenetic analyses.

Palaeontological Association: 68th Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany: Programme Abstracts, pp. 75-76

Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Sundberg, F.A., Ochoa-Granillo, J.A., Monreal, R., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E., Palafox-Reyes, J.J. 2024

Depositional facies of Cambrian Series 2–Miaolingian transition in the El Sahuaral Hill, central sonora, Mexico: Paleoenvironments and regional stratigraphic correlation.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 136(104813)

Noriega-Ruiz, H.A., Ochoa-Granillo, J.A., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Valenzuela-Tiznado, J.I., Monreal, R., Buitrón-Sánchez, B.E. 2024

Cambrian (Fortunian to Jiangshanian) depositional environments of northwestern Mexico: distribution and facies patterns along the Western Margin of Laurentia.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 147(105112)

Olson, H., Monarrez, P.M., Sperling, E.A. 2024

Middle Cambrian Fossils of Southwestern Montana in a Stratigraphic Context.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):194-3/405471

Ortega-Hernández, J., Losso, S.R., Pérez-Peris, F. 2024

Anatomy, Preservation and Evolutionary Significance of the Central Nervous System in an Ordovician Trilobite.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:334-335

Pates, S., Drage, H.B. 2024

Hydrodynamic function of genal prolongations in trinucleimorph trilobites revealed by computational fluid dynamics.

BioRxiv (preprint: awaiting peer-review) 25 pp.

Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Yang, X.F., Zhu, X.J. 2024

First complete specimens of Karslanus (Trilobita, Dameselloidea) from Longha Formation (Cambrian: Guzhangian), Yunnan, South China.

Palaeoworld, 33:829-838

Peng, S.C., Babcock, L.E., Yang, X.F., Zhu, X.J., Liu, Y. 2024

A new dameselloid trilobite from the Fulu Biota, Longha Formation (Cambrian: Guzhangian), Yunnan, South China, and revised classification of dameselloids.

Palaeoworld, 33(1):22-38

Pereira, S., Colmenar, J., Silvério, G. 2024

Descubrimiento del primer trilobites en el Ordovícico de Andorra.

[Discovery of the first Ordovician trilobite from Andorra.]

Sociedad Geológica de España: XI Congreso Geológico de España. Geo-Temas, 20:917

Pereira, S., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2024

The trilobite assemblage of the Declivolithus Fauna (lower Katian, Ordovician) of Morocco: a review with new data.

Journal of Paleontology (in press)

Pereira, S., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2024

The trilobite assemblage of the Declivolithus Fauna (lower Katian, Ordovician) of Morocco: a review with new data.

ERRATUM. Journal of Paleontology (in press)

Pereira, S., Romero, S., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2024

Upper Ordovician (Katian) Trilobites From the Upper Ktaoua and Lower Second Bani Formations of the Anti-atlas (Morocco).

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life: 4th Annual Meeting of the IGCP 735, Córdoba, Argentina

Pérez-Peris, F., Adrain, J.M. 2024

The Asaphid Trilobite Genera Trigonocerca and Trigonocercella from the Early Ordovician of the Great Basin, Western U.S.A.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:343-344

Pérez-Peris, F., Adrain, J.M., Daley, A.C. 2024

Ordovician paleobiogeography of the Suborder Cheirurina (Trilobita).

Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 647(112222):1-16  

Pérez‑Peris, F., Adrain, J.M., Daley, A.C. 2024

Phylogenetics and systematics of the subfamilies Cheirurinae and Deiphoninae (Trilobita).

Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 143(43):1-19


Pérez-Peris, F., Adrain, J.M., Westrop, S.R. 2024

A newly discovered trilobite mass extinction during the Early Ordovician (end-Stairsian; Tremadocian) of North America.

Palaeontological Association: 68th Annual Meeting, Erlangen, Germany: Programme Abstracts, p. 141

Qin, S., , L. 2024

Cranidial Shape Variation during Ontogeny in Ptychopariid Trilobite Jiulongshania acalla from

the Cambrian Gushan Formation of Shandong Province and Its Ecological Implication.

Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 60(4):626-638

Ramos Sarralde, M., Gozalo, R., Santos, A. 2024

On the Presence of the Trilobite Genus Huginarges Basse in Basse & Müller, 2004 (Lichida) in the Devonian of the Cantabrian Zone, Asturias.

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:117

Randolfe, E.A., Gass, K.C. 2024

Waukeshaaspis eatonae n. gen. n. sp.: a specialized dalmanitid (Trilobita) from the Telychian of southeastern Wisconsin.

Journal of Paleontology (in press) 9 pp.

Ren, S.C., Wang, Q.S., Zhang, X.L. 2024

Trilobite studies in China: bibliometric research.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 63(4) (in press)

Reyes-Montoya, D.R., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Gámez-Meza, N., Navas-Parejo, P., Monreal, R., Palafox-Reyes, J.J., Enríquez-Ocaña, F., Noriega-Ruiz, H.A. 2024

Paleoecology of Cambrian-Ordovician marine communities of Arivechi, eastern Sonora, Mexico: paleoenvironmental considerations.

Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 143(104991):1-13

Richards, J.C., Nanglu, K., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

The Fezouata Shale Formation biota is typical for the high latitudes of the Early Ordovician—a quantitative approach.

Paleobiology, 50(2):226-238

Romero, S., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I., Bernárdez, E., Pereira, S. 2024

Trilobites del Ordovícico Superior del Noroeste de España.

[Trilobites from the Upper Ordovician of Northwestern Spain.]

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:119

Romero, S., Pereira, S., Colmenar, J., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2024

Trilobite and Brachiopod Biostratigraphy of the Lower Ktaoua Formation (Upper Ordovician) in the Bani of Alnif, Moroccan Anti-Atlas.

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life: 4th Annual Meeting of the IGCP 735, Córdoba, Argentina

Romero, S., Pereira, S., Medrano, R.L., Ferrero, F.A., Rábano, I., Colmenar, J., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2024

Nuevo yacimiento de trilobites en la Formación Agüeira (Ordovícico Superior) del sinclinorio de

Vega de Espinareda (Zona Asturoccidental-leonesa, NO de España): su interés estratigráfico.

[A new trilobite locality from the Agüeira Formation (Upper Ordovician) of the Vega de Espinareda

synclinorium (West Asturian-Leonese Zone, NW Spain) and its stratigraphical interest.]

Sociedad Geológica de España: Geogaceta, 75:51-54

Romero, S., Pereira, S., Rábano, I., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2024

The Bohemian Trilobite Caudillaenus advena (Barrande, 1872): First Iberian Record for the Species and a Comment on its Armorican Synonymy.

3rd Virtual Meeting of IGCP 735: Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life, p. 30


Rustán, J.J., Peralta, S.H. 2024

New insights into the phacopid trilobite Reedops Richter and Richter, 1925 in the lower Devonian from Argentina. 

Ameghiniana, 61(6):245–256


Sachanski, V., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Georgiev, S., Lakova, I., Yanev, S. 2024

A fossil proof for the origin of the Hirnantian glaciomarine record in Bulgaria: A preliminary result.

Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, 85(3):77–80

Saleh, F., Antcliffe, J.B., Birolini, E., Candela, Y., Corthésy, N., Daley, A.C., Dupichaud, C.,

Gibert, C., Guenser, P., Laibl, L., Lefebvre, B., Soline, M., Gaëtan, J.M. 2024

Highly resolved taphonomic variations within the Early Ordovician Fezouata Biota.

Nature Scientific Reports, 14(20807):1-9

Saleh, F., Lustri, L., Gueriau, P., Potin, G.J.M., Pérez-Peris, F., Laibl, L., Jamart, V., Vite, A., Antcliffe, J.B., Daley, A.C., Nohejlová, M.,

Dupichaud, C., Schöder, S., Bérard, E., Lynch, S., Drage, H.B., Vaucher, R., Vidal, M., Monceret, E., Monceret, S., Lefebvre, B. 2024

The Cabrières Biota (France) provides insights into Ordovician polar ecosystems.

Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8(4):651-662

Scheer, A.W. 2024

Reexamination of the Kimmswick Formation Trilobite Genus Amphilichas.

Kentiana, (in press)

Schoenemann, B., Hoekstra, H.J.W.M., Horváth, G., Clarkson, E.N.K. 2024

Vision of Trilobites and Polarized Light. In: Polarization Vision and Environmental Polarized Light.

Springer Series in Vision Research, 22:347-403

Schoenemann, B., Hughes, N.C., Myrow, P.M. 2024

Eye structure and function in Ameura (Trilobita) from the Upper Carboniferous Minturn Formation at Bond, Colorado, USA.

Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 42(1):299-307

Schofield, G.J., Pritchard, C.J. 2024

Paleontology, stratigraphy, and structural features of the lower bedded member of the Metaline Formation, La,farge Quarry, Metaline Falls, Washington, USA.

Geological Society of America: Field Guide, 69:59-66

Secher, A. 2024

The Trilobite Collector's Guide.

Columbia University Press, 453 pp.

Sepúlveda, A., Chirivella Martorell, J.B., Collantes, L., Mayoral, E., Liñán, E., Gozalo, R. 2024

Upper Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) trilobites from the Totanés–Noez area (Central Iberian Zone, Toledo province, Spain): systematics and intercontinental correlation.

Journal of Iberian Geology, (in press) 28 pp.

Serra, F., Balseiro, D., Allaire, N., Waisfeld, B.G. 2024

Cranidial and Pygidial Disparity Patterns of Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician Trilobites: Two Sides of the Story.

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life: 4th Annual Meeting of the IGCP 735, Córdoba, Argentina

Shanks, R.E., Adrain, J.M. 2024

Reevaluation of Agnostoid Arthropod Morphology and Reassessment of Trilobite Affinity Using Silicified Specimens from the Great Basin.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:386

Šilinger, M., Fatka, O., Budil, P. 2024

Exoskeletal microanatomy of selected phacopid trilobites from the Silurian and Devonian of the Barrandian area, Czech Republic (preliminary results).

23rd Czech – Slovak – Polish Paleontological Conference. Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, p. 63

Singla, G., Singh, B.P., Bhargava, O.N., Kaur, R., Verma, V. 2025

Oryctocephalus salteri biozone (Wuliuan, Miaolingian) in the Sumna Valley, Spiti, Himalaya.

Annales de Paléontologie, 111(102749)

Singla, G., Singh, B.P., Bhargava, O.N., Kaur, R., Verma, V. 2024

Demarcation of Oryctocephalus salteri Biozone in the Wuliuan (Miaolingian) of the Sumna Valley, Spiti Himalaya (India).

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):245-1/403884

Sinnesael, M., Millard, A.R., Smith, M.R. 2024

Bayesian astrochronology for the Cambrian first occurrence of trilobites in West Gondwana (Morocco).

Geological Society of America, Geology, 52(3):205-209

Sinnesael, M., Millard, A.R., Smith, M.R. 2024

A Bayesian Astrochronology for the Cambrian First Occurrence of Trilobites in West Gondwana (Morocco).

3rd Virtual Meeting of IGCP 735: Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life, p. 31

Smith, P.M. 2024

A new species of Lorrettina (dokimocephalid trilobite) from the Iverian (Cambrian, Jiangshanian) of the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(1):52-60

Smith, P.M., Allen, H.J. 2024

Early Ordovician trilobites from Barnicarndy 1 stratigraphic well of the southern Canning Basin, Western Australia.

Palaeontology from Australasia and beyond: Abstracts from Palaeo Down Under 3 Perth, Western Australia, July 2023.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(2):229

Smith, P.M., Jell, P.A., Leu, M.R., Zhen, Y.Y. 2024

Trilobites and agnostids from the Ordian–Templetonian (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4 – Miaolingian, Wuliuan) Coonigan Formation, far western New South Wales.

Palaeontology from Australasia and beyond: Abstracts from Palaeo Down Under 3 Perth, Western Australia, July 2023.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(2):229

Smith, P.M., Laurie, J.R., Jago, J.B., Cooper, R.A., Simes, J.E. 2024

Miaolingian (Cambrian) agnostids and trilobites from the Cobb Valley area, South Island, New Zealand.

Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, (in press)

Smith, P.M., Schoon, I., Hart, L.J., Bicknell, R.D.C., Hopkins, M.J., Zhen, Y.Y. 2024

Significance of a Late Ordovician Triarthrus (Trilobita, Olenidae) from New South Wales, Australia.

Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 146:57-69

Smith, P.M., Yong, Y.Z., Brock, G.A. 2024

Reassessment of agnostids and trilobites from the lower Wagonga Group, and their significance in dating the oldest rocks of the Narooma Terrane, N.S.W.

Linnean Society of NSW Natural History Field Symposium: Abstracts and Field Guide, p. 3

So, K.S., Ju, Y.S., Ma, J.S., Kim, P.H., Kim, Y.S., Kim, P.U. 2024

Oryctocephalus indicus from the Hwangju area, North Hwanghae Province, the Democratic

People’s Republic of Korea: Implication for the boundary between Series 2 and Miaolingian.

Palaeoworld (in press)

Srivastava, S., Hughes, N.C. 2024

Morphology, variation, and systematics of the late Cambrian Laurentian dikelocephalid trilobite Walcottaspis vanhornei (Walcott, 1914).

Journal of Paleontology, (in press) 22 pp.

Srivastava, S., Vargas-Parra, E., Runkel, A.C., Hughes, N.C. 2024

Evolutionary Tempo and Mode in Cambrian Upper Mississippi Valley Dikelocephalid Trilobites II: Osceolia and Walcottaspis.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-4/401971

Stone, P., Rushton, A.W.A. 2024

Charles Darwin's discovery of Devonian fossils in the Falkland Islands, 1833, and its controversial consequences.

Geology’s Significant Sites and their Contributions to Geoheritage.

Geological Society London, Special Publications, 543:205-216

Suárez, M.G., Rojas, A., Esteve, J. 2024

Decoding Spatiotemporal Patterns in the Fossil Record of Cambrian-Ordovician Trilobites through Network Analysis.

XXXIX Jornadas de la SEP – Palaeontological Publications, 5:64

Sundberg, F.A., Cothren, H.R., Dehler, C.M. 2024

Cambrian trilobites from the Nounan Dolomite and lower St. Charles Formation (upper Marjuman

to lower Sunwaptan; Miaolingian to Furongian Series), Smithfield Canyon, northern Utah.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press) 30 pp.

Sun, Z., Sun, L., Zhao, F.C., Pan, B., Kahn, M.M.S.S., Ahmed, S., Yang, C., Miao, L., Yin, Z., Li, G., Zhu, M. 2024

Cambrian integrative stratigraphy, biotas, and paleogeographical evolution of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas.

Science China: Earth Sciences, 67(4):950-970

Sun, Z., Zeng, H., Zhao, F.C. 2024

Unique Cambrian trilobite Eodontopleura: an example of strong convergence in trilobite evolution.

Historical Biology, 36(2):253-260

Sun, Z., Zhao, F.C. 2024

Systematics of the Redlichiidae (Redlichiida, Trilobita) and related groups.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, p. 1636

Svojtka, M. 2024

Skorpionstein, Käfermuschel, Dudley locust: Trilobiten im Volksglauben und in der Wahrnehmung des Nichtwissenschafters.

[Scorpion stone, beetle shell, Dudley locust: Trilobites in popular belief and in the perception of the non-scientists].

Universalmuseum Joanneum Studienzentrum Naturkunde: Berichte der GeoSphere Austria, pp. 118-124

Tamez, A.R., Martin, A.J., Rindsberg, A.K. 2024

Trilobites Burrowing, Walking, and Feeding in Tidal Flats of the Late Ordovician Sequatchie Formation of Georgia, U.S.A.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:411-412

Tang, H.Y., Sone, M., Brezinski, D.K., Shaari, H., Heng, Y.H., Minhat, F.I. 2024

Revision of the Early Carboniferous trilobite Linguaphillipsia, with a new species from Terengganu in Peninsular Malaysia.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(3):448-463

Taylor, J.F., Loch, J.D., Repetski, J.E. 2024

Taxonomy and stratigraphic distribution of Lotagnostus (Agnostida: Agnostidae)

and associated trilobites and conodonts in the Upper Cambrian (Furongian) of Laurentia.

Zootaxa, 5422(1):1-66

Vakhromeev, А.G., Kornilova, T.A., Orlov B.I., Mamakov D.O. 2024

Finds of trilobites and archaeocyaths(?) in lower Cambrian deposits of the southern Siberian Platform: Patterns of Evolution and Biostratigraphy.

Proceedings of the LXX Session of the Paleontological Society, St. Petersburg, pp. 29-30

Van Viersen, A.P. 2024

Postcephalic segmentation and spines of the Siluro-Devonian odontopleurine trilobites Leonaspis Richter & Richter

and Kettneraspis Prantl & Přibyl, with description of Bruthansovaspis gen. nov. from the Wenlock to Ludlow of the Prague Basin.

Geologica Belgica, 27(1-2):15-31

Van Viersen, A.P. 2024

Les trilobites frasniens de la carrière de Lompret.

[Frasnian trilobites from the Lompret quarry.]

Lompret-sur-Mer: Merveilles Géologiques de la Fagne: Catalogue d’Exposition – Musée du Marbre de Rance, 2022:18-20

Van Viersen, A.P., Müller, P. 2024

Taxonomy and palaeogeographic affinities of early Emsian (Lower Devonian) trilobites from near Heiderscheid (Éislek, Luxembourg).

Ferrantia, 91:89-128

Vargas-Parra, E.E., Hopkins, M.J. 2024

Phylogeny and Evolutionary Modularity of a Trilobite Family Over the Ordovician Radiation.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:423

Vargas-Parra, E., Srivastava, S., Runkel, A.C., Hughes, N.C. 2024

Evolutionary Tempo and Mode in Cambrian Upper Mississippi Valley Dikelocephalid Trilobites I: Dikelocephalus.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-2/403237

Vinn, O., Almansour, M.I., Al Farraj, S., El Hedeny, M. 2024

The abundance of Arachnostega in trilobite molds remained unaffected by the climatic warming during the Ordovician in Baltica.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 312(1):109-116

Waisfeld, B.G., Vaccari, N.E., Rábano, I., Chacaltana, C.A., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C. 2024

Floian Trilobites from the San José Formation, Peruvian Cordillera Oriental. Paleobiogeographic Significance.

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life: 4th Annual Meeting of the IGCP 735, Córdoba, Argentina

Wang, D., Chen, S.G., Ma, W., Luo, X., Wang, Y., Zhao, F.C., Yang, X.L. 2024

First report of the Pingding locality of the Balang Lagerstätte (Cambrian Stage 4), South China: Implications for community complexity and geographic variation.

Global and Planetary Change, 245(104641)

Wang, P., Steiner, M., Wang, Y. 2024

Cambrian Burgess Shale-type fossil Lagerstätten of North China.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, p. 1650

Wang, Z., Edgecombe, G.D., Hou, J.B. 2024

Function of flow wakes for queuing trilobites: Positioning rather than drag reduction–Criteria for drag force assessment in palaeontological CFD simulations.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 646(112239):1-12

Waskom, M., Losso, S., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Stuck in the mud: experimental taphonomy and computed tomography demonstrate the

critical role of sediment in three-dimensional carcass stabilization during early fossil diagenesis.

Research Square (preprint: awaiting peer-review)

Webster, M., Caron, J.B. 2024

Trilobites of the Cranbrook Lagerstätte (Eager Formation, Cambrian Stage 4), British Columbia.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press) 44 pp.

Weidner, T., Nielsen, A.T., Ebbestad, J.O.R. 2024

Tomagnostella tullbergi n. sp. (Agnostidae) from the middle Cambrian Lejopyge laevigata Zone of Scandinavia.

Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 73:193-198

Welch, K.F., Westrop, S.R. 2024

The Cambrian (Paibian–Jiangshanian; Steptoean) dokimocephalid trilobite Deckera Frederickson, 1949 in Laurentian North America. Journal of Paleontology,

Journal of Paleontology, 98(3):378-394

Westrop, S.R., Amati, L., Brett, C.E. 2024

Foreland Basin Formation, Environmental Change and Trilobite Distribution, Late Ordovician of Eastern Laurentia.

12th North American Paleontological Convention: University of Michigan. Program with Abstracts – Papers on Paleontology, 39:439

Westrop, S.R., Welch, K.F., Engel, M.H., Adrain, J.M. 2024

Faunal and paleoenvironmental changes at a Cambrian (Jiangshanian; Steptoean–Sunwaptan boundary

interval) trilobite extinction event, in contrasting deep- and shallow-subtidal settings, Nevada and Oklahoma.

Journal of Paleontology, (in press) 28 pp.

Wu, X., Huang, Z., Yu, C. 2024

Animating the Past: Reconstruct Trilobite via Video Generation.

arXiv (preprint: manuscript awaiting peer-review) 10 pp.

Yang, A., Chen, B., Sun, Z., Tostevin, R., He, T., Chen, X., Chen, J., Lu, M., Hu, C., Du, S., Chen, J., Jiao, W., Zhu, M. 2024

Shallow ocean deoxygenation drove trilobite turnover during the late Cambrian SPICE event.

Geological Society of America, Geology, 52(9):661-666

Yang, X.L., Yin, Z.J.,, Zhao, F.C., Wang, D.Z. 2024

The Cambrian Explosion — fossil evidences from Guizhou.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 63(2):125-138

Yao, X.Y., Song, X. 2024

Morphogenesis simulations unravelling novel recognition biases in Paleozoic trilobite injuries.

IGC 2024 – 37th International Geological Congress, p. 1667

Zabini, C., Rodrigues, L., Denezine, M., Muñoz, D.F., De Matos Siqueira Pinto, I.,

Furtado-Carvalho, A.B., Guedes, G.T., De O. Arouca, F., Silva Gomes, A.L., Carmo, D. 2024

Hirnantian Record at the Paraná Basin, Brazil: A New Gelid Diversity Revealed.

Rocks and the Rise of Ordovician Life: 4th Annual Meeting of the IGCP 735, Córdoba, Argentina

Zhang, L., Algeo, T.J., Zhao, L., Dahl, T.W., Chen, Z.Q., Zhang, Z., Poulton, S.W., Hughes, N.C., Gou, X., Li, C. 2024

Environmental and trilobite diversity changes during the middle-late Cambrian SPICE event.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, 136(1-2):810-828

Zhen, Y.Y., Smith, P.M., Zhang, Y., Strusz, D., Percival, I.G., Burrow, C.J., Rutledge, J., Trigg, S. 2024

Ordovician–Devonian fossils and biostratigraphy of the southern Cobar Superbasin, New South Wales.

Palaeontology from Australasia and beyond: Abstracts from Palaeo Down Under 3 Perth, Western Australia, July 2023.

Alcheringa : An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 48(2):236

Zhou, E., Ess, M.P., Banker, R.M.W., Maciech, S.A., Tyler, C.L. 2024

Applications for 3D Scanned Fossils of Ordovician Marine Invertebrates.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):28-3/401300

Zhu, Y.Y., Zeng, H., Sun, Z.X., Liu, Y., Zhao, F.C. 2024

Soft-body structures of the trilobite Malongocephalus yunnanensis from the lower Cambrian Hongjingshao Formation in Yunnan, China.

Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 63(2):207-220

Zong, R.W., Fan, R.Y., Gong, Y.M. 2024

Predation Bias of Ordovician Predators on Trilobites.

Journal of the Geological Society, 180(5):1-8


  • piranha changed the title to Trilobite Papers 1762–2024: Years in Review

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