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total mystery (asterozoan?)

Gen. et sp. indet.

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I found it today in gravel on a parking lot in Poland. Age remains uncertain, as the rocks present were all erratic boulders.

What can that be? An asterozoan, perhaps?




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I agree, it's rather a bryozoan than an asterozoan.


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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Could you show the side opposite the side shown in your second photo? Thanks.

"Journey through a universe ablaze with changes" Phil Ochs

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"Front" view - triangular feature & shell/carapace:


Side view (something's there):


"Back" view and underside (not much interesting here):




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I was attempting to see (if this were asterozoan) if there is evidence of another arm in the form of a hole or something but I'm not sure which picture is the opposite side from the one in your second photo, initial post. I see a hole in the last photo, just above, but not sure what the orientation is.


@TqB and @fifbrindacier are saying may be bryozoan. If they could provide photo of similar, that might help you(and me) to understand.

"Journey through a universe ablaze with changes" Phil Ochs

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30 minutes ago, Innocentx said:

 I see a hole in the last photo, just above, but not sure what the orientation is.



I circled the hole in the 3rd pic of the 2nd group for you. 


Accomplishing the impossible means only that the boss will add it to your regular duties.

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2 hours ago, Innocentx said:

I was attempting to see (if this were asterozoan) if there is evidence of another arm in the form of a hole or something but I'm not sure which picture is the opposite side from the one in your second photo, initial post. I see a hole in the last photo, just above, but not sure what the orientation is.


@TqB and @fifbrindacier are saying may be bryozoan. If they could provide photo of similar, that might help you(and me) to understand.

The most similar photo i have is that bryozoan i found on a flint sponge of Touraine :


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"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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@fifbrindacier That's interesting. Bryozoans are so diverse. Do you think it could be similar to this? 

I thought it was asterozoan because of length and what's left of the 2 seem to radiate out from a point.

I've never found one except for maybe parts.




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"Journey through a universe ablaze with changes" Phil Ochs

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12 hours ago, Innocentx said:

@fifbrindacier That's interesting. Bryozoans are so diverse. Do you think it could be similar to this? 

I thought it was asterozoan because of length and what's left of the 2 seem to radiate out from a point.

I've never found one except for maybe parts.


That photo makes me change my mind and vote for Anthozoan. Thanks for your explanations.:popcorn:

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"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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1 hour ago, fifbrindacier said:

That photo makes me change my mind and vote for Anthozoan. Thanks for your explanations.:popcorn:

Like... a coral?

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Could you take photos of that part, i'd like to know how this "separation" looks ?



"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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11 hours ago, fifbrindacier said:

Could you take photos of that part, i'd like to know how this "separation" looks ?


Now I'm starting to think... crinoid way... ;-)


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