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  • Whiteia woodwardi Moy-Thomas, 1935





    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata Haeckel 1874
    Class: Coelacanthimorpha
    Order: Coelacanthiformes Berg 1937
    Family: Whiteiidae Schultze 1993
    Genus: Whiteia
    Species: Whiteia woodwardi
    Author Citation Moy-Thomas, 1935

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Mesozoic
    Period: Triassic
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Early
    International Age: Dienerian


    Beaufort Group
    Sakamena Formation


    Lystrosaurus and Cynognathus Zone
    Fish and Ammonite Horizon


    Acquired by: Purchase/Trade


    Length: 20 cm


    Antsiranana Province
    Diana Region


    Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org.

    Diagnosis for Whiteia woodwardi from Moy-Thomas 1935, p. 215: "Medium sized or small slender Coelacanths. Head relatively large. Skull with triangular operculars and preoperculars, quadrato-jugals, squamosals, postorbitals, lacrimo-jugals, supra- temporals, parietals, five extra scapular (post-parietal) plates and the angular ornamented with numerous tubercles. The coronoids are dumb-bell shaped and unornamented. The dermosphenotics (post frontals) are separate from the frontals, and the supraorbital series are pierced by large lateral line pores. Circumorbital ring well developed. Parasphenoid rather broad. Pterygoids with wide anterior limb and apparantly no notch in their dorsal margin. All the lepidotrichia of the anterior dorsal fin, and at least the most anterior of the dorsal and ventral lobes of the caudal fin ornamented with two rows of denticles. Pelvic fins situated behind the anterior dorsal fin about half-way between the two dorsal fins. Anal fin behind the posterior dorsal fin. Scales ornamented with tubercles, elongated tubercles, short ridges, or ridges stretching the whole length of the exposed area of the scales. This ornament runs approximately antero-posteriorly."


    Moy-Thomas, J. A. (1935) The coelacanth fishes from Madagascar. Geological magazine 72:213-226.
    Woodward, A.S. (1910) On some Permo-Carboniferous Fishes from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Natur. Hist., ser. 8, 5: 1-6.
    Beltan, L. (1980a) Eotrias du Nord-Ouest de Madagascar: Etude de quelques poissons, don’t un est en parturition. Ann Soc. Geol. Nord, 99: 453-464; Lille.


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