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  • Urasterella asperula STUERTZ, 1893





    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Echinodermata
    Class: Asteroidea de Blainville 1830
    Order: Platyasterida Spencer 1951
    Family: Palasteriscidae Gregory 1900
    Genus: Urasterella
    Species: Urasterella asperula
    Author Citation STUERTZ, 1893

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Paleozoic
    Period: Devonian
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Early
    International Age: Emsian (early)


    Hunsrück Slate Group
    Kaup Formation


    Collector: T. Bastelberger
    Date Collected: 07/01/1980
    Acquired by: Field Collection


    Diameter: 8 cm


    Eschenbach-Bocksberg Quarry


    Synonyms of Urasterella asperula  are Protasteracanthion primus and Roemeraster asperula.

    Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org.

    Description from Südkamp 2017, p. 127: "Urasterella is the most common asteroid in the Hunsrück Slate. The small disc is composed of a hexagonal central plate surrounded by five hexagonal radial plates, and a further ring of small plates. The small mouth is built of only triangular flat plates. The dorsal surface of the round narrow arms is composed of at least three rows of plates (radials, adradials and inferomarginals; the last were pushed upwards). All plates of the dorsal side bear paxillae with spines. The plates of the oral surface are arranged in two double-sided rows (ambulacrals ans adambulacrals). Mostly, only the large disc-shaped adambulacrals can be recognized, as the opposing subrectangular ambulacrals can only be seen by the wide-opened arm furrow. The adambulacrals bear a transverse ridge carrying long spines."

    Name derivation: Ur = old, Aster = star.

    Identified by oilshale.


    Roemer, C. F. (1864) Neue Asteriden und Crinoiden aus devonischem Dachschiefer von Bundenbach bei Birkenfeld. Palaeontographica 9:143-152
    Südkamp, W. (2017) Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.

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