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Should I Put Glue Over This Thorax?


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I found this Isotelus thorax fragment when I went down to a local creek last week when there was a one-week thaw in Toronto. Apparently all the ice in the creek thawed and this caused some new fossils to surface up ( Hooray!!! ). I was wondering if it's better if I should coat the thorax with a glue to make it shiny, or should I leave it be?? The fossil is set on a harder rock than shale (doesn't crumble to pieces). One last thing, is it possible that maybe this thing could possibly be an enrolled Isotelus inside the matrix??


Without glue on thorax:


With glue:


Thanx everyone!!! :D

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I wouldn't. Unless it does NEED it it can damage the beauty of a fossil. By the way that's a neat find!

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It's personal preference, but unless it's unstable I personally wouldn't coat it with anything.

Asaphids/Isotelus had 8 thoracic segments between the cephalon and pygidium. I can count 7 in the photo that is available, if you could take a photo from the other sides it may reveal whether this is a complete bug or just a thorax. It's a pretty sweet find regardless!

Edited by Caleb
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I never coat anything unless it is unstable, it can lead to problems later on, the coating can decay and ruin a fossil that would otherwise be in good condition.

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Very nice find! I wouldn't be surprised if more of the trilo does turn out to be in there. I agree with the others, if no glue is necessary then I wouldn't coat the fossil.

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