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Some kind of shell? Merritt Island Florida matrix

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While searching for tiny Pleistocene animal fossils, I do come across some interesting shells like this one. It is not the only one like this, so I don't think that it is pathological... but I don't know much about these tiny shells. Would love to know what it is a part of.


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part of a gastropod ?

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Can't help you further.Sorry


It is interesting, and apparently a bit mysterious :)

part of a gastropod ?

Herb, I was hoping it would be an easy one. I'll take some more pictures. Maybe that will help. Thanks for looking.

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part of a gastropod ?

That's what I was thinking...maybe part of the inner lip of the aperture.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Here are some more photos. The first shows the top and a side view. I have found 3 of these so far. I hope that these additional pictures leads to an ID.


Here is the base view of the three things. From what I can see, they were attached to a shell when they were alive as you can make out the texture of the spot on the base. All seem quite shallow, and I think that the shell on the base must be very thin and fragile. I don't know what kind animal would have such contorted 'lip' on the opening of the shell... These are very interesting.


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I was thinking gastropod too, but after seeing the three together I'm wondering if they might be juveniles of a bivalve that attaches to the substrate, something similar to oyster spat??? Just a thought, at this point.

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That's what I was thinking...maybe part of the inner lip of the aperture.

JohnJ, these are really hard to find anything out about. I have looked at all the fossil shells of Florida in the excellent State Museum site, but nothing came close.

I am so glad you posted this. I have found some of these too. :popcorn:

I wouldn't doubt that you and others have found some of these Lori. The little shells in this matrix are very nice, but these are odd. :wacko:

I was thinking gastropod too, but after seeing the three together I'm wondering if they might be juveniles of a bivalve that attaches to the substrate, something similar to oyster spat??? Just a thought, at this point.

That might be why I haven't been able to find any images... perhaps I am looking for the wrong kind of shell. Thank you for your input. :)

Now, if we could just get an ID....

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I think Pagurus is on the right track - these look like young oyster or perhaps Leafy Jewelbox shells (Chamidae) that have detached from their original substrate, most likely another shell. The picture with all three of your mystery items seems to show the back side of the shells - where they would have attached to another shell. You can see the lines on the mystery shells from where they grew over the lines on their substrate shell.


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I think Pagurus is on the right track - these look like young oyster or perhaps Leafy Jewelbox shells (Chamidae) that have detached from their original substrate, most likely another shell. The picture with all three of your mystery items seems to show the back side of the shells - where they would have attached to another shell. You can see the lines on the mystery shells from where they grew over the lines on their substrate shell.

Thanks. I did look at a lot of oyster spat pictures last night, but none of them seemed like a good fit. However, I will look for more images of other kinds of young shells including the Leafy Jewelbox.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, this mystery is solved! :) While researching the ID of another florida shell, I came across this image in the FMNH gastropod images collection.


sure looks like a match to me...


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Well, this mystery is solved! :) While researching the ID of another florida shell, I came across this image in the FMNH gastropod images collection.


sure looks like a match to me...


That would make total sense...I pulled quite a few of those gastropod shells out of the matrix as well, but none had the opening intact. I never would have guessed they were part of the same shell. Good detective work!

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Your shells have an awesome shape. Nice findx. :D

Edited by fifbrindacier


"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

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