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Whiskey Bridge - Links And Documents (Updated 22 August)

steve p.


There is quite a bit of Whiskey Bridge reference material available online.

Here are my favorites:

Geology Related Links

  • Good description of the geology of the location. Helps you understand the Eocene environment and the forces that caused the sediments to be deposited. Locally here.Yancy1995-2.pdf
  • Here is an easier to read (but much less info) summary of the Stone City member of the Crocket Group. Locally here. OutcropDescription.pdf

Fossil Info or Photos

  • Photos of commonly found fossils (includes invertebrates and vertebrates)
  • These are some nice color photos.
  • As far as I know, the best reference to the invertebrates at WB is "Middle Eocene Claiborne Group Invertebrate Fossils" by John and Barbara Emerson. The book covers 221 species, although 8 are unidentified. The book is not color, but has fairly nice b&w photos of the identified species. Each page has two species and their photos, accompanied by limited additional info, such as genus and species, distinguising characteristics, comments, and identification references. It's a loose leaf publication with a center plastic binder. For a person wishing to merely id their finds, this book seems up to the job. I purchased mine for $20 at the HGMS, though an internet search shows it is sometimes available at Amazon and other places, though no online content is evidently available.
  • Here is a great site on extant gastropods. Plenty of info and photos, and is searchable by Family, Genus, etc.
  • Here is a comparison of the fossil differences between the three different facies at the site, and some illustrative photos. Zuschin&Stanton2002.pdf
  • Good discussion of scaphopods at Whiskey Bridge, including good description of the location, and collecting techniques. I've found it pretty easy to pick out the scaphopods in fragmented shell remains, due to their distinctive tubular shape, as opposed to other Mollusca fragments. Available here also-->paleo.paper.070op.pdf

  • I found this Informative 2


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