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  • Pectinodon tooth





    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Reptilia
    Order: Avetheropoda
    Family: Troodontidae
    Genus: Pectinodon
    Species: Pectinodon bakkeri
    Author Citation Carpenter, 1982

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Mesozoic
    Period: Cretaceous
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Late
    International Age: Maastrichtian


    Hell Creek Formation


    Collector: N. Pearson
    Date Collected: 08/27/2023
    Acquired by: Field Collection


    Height: 7 mm


    Garfield County
    United States



    Troodontid teeth may be identified by their exaggerated, triangular, apically directed posterior denticles1Pectinodon bakkeri is the only Troodontid species currently named from Lancian strata; its teeth are on average smaller and more gracile than those of its cousin, Troodon.


    This is a large anterior dentary tooth, recovered by screening matrix from a channel deposit in central Montana. 

    Pectinodon (meaning "comb-tooth")1 is a tooth taxon, since no remains attributable to the genus beyond teeth have been found. Pectinodon seems to be a rare member of the Hell Creek fauna, with their teeth being fairly uncommon. It was a small theropod, with teeth that couldn't handle stresses as well as their Dromaeosaurid and Tyrannosaurid relatives2. This coupled with their small size suggest that Pectinodon was a small/soft prey specialist, preferring the rodent-sized mammals of the time, lizards, insects, etc. Some researchers have proposed omnivory as a possibility for Troodontids (cf. Holtz et al. (1998))3.


    1. Carpenter, Kenneth. "Baby dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous Lance and Hell Creek formations and a description of en new species of theropod." Contributions to Geology 20.2 (1982): 123-134.

    2. Torices A, Wilkinson R, Arbour VM, Ruiz-Omeñaca JI, Currie PJ. "Puncture-and-Pull Biomechanics in the Teeth of Predatory Coelurosaurian Dinosaurs." Curr Biol. 2018 May 7;28(9):1467-1474.e2. 

    3. Holtz TR Jr, Brinkman DL, Chandler CL. "Denticle morphometrics and a possible omnivorous feeding habit for the theropod dinosaur Troodon." Gaia. 1998; 15: 159–166. 

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