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  • Palaeoperca proxima Micklich, 1978





    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Actinopteri Cope 1871
    Order: Perciformes (Günther 1859), Boulenger 1895
    Family: Percichthyidae (Jordan 1923) [sensu Gosline 1966]
    Genus: Palaeoperca
    Species: Palaeoperca proxima
    Author Citation Micklich, 1978

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Cenozoic
    Period: Paleogene
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Eocene
    International Age: Ypresian


    Messel Formation


    Collector: T. Bastelberger
    Date Collected: 06/01/1974
    Acquired by: Field Collection


    Grube Messel
    Messel near Darmstadt


    Taxonomy from Micklich 1985.

    Emended diagnosis from Micklich p. 33 (translated from German by oilshale): "Percoidei with spindle-shaped elongated body; scales medium-sized, ctenoid, covering the entire skull including the exposed parts of the jaw elements covering (there increasingly cycloid). Maximum body width slightly more than 1/3 of standard length. Frontalia robust, with irregularly ridged surface; mandibles finely dentate in several rows. Maxillary short, reaching only orbital anterior margin; no supramaxillary. Lacrimals entire, praeoperculum with finely dentate posterior margin and smooth lower margin. Operculum posteriorly with two flattened spinous processes; 6 (7?) branchiostegalia. Two distinctly separated dorsal fins with VIII, I+ 8 -9 rays. Spines I and II with common fin support, hard rays IV-V longest. Caudal fin forked incised, with 17 main rays (9/8, of which 15 branched); uppermost marginal ray in lower caudallobus at base with so-called "procurrent spur" Caudal supporting skeleton acentric with 3 epuralia and one urodermal. Analis with III+ 6 -8 rays; spines I to III gradually increasing in length, with I and II together with anteriormost soft ray sharing a common fin support 
    shared. Pectoral fins slightly caudad offset from pectoral fins, with 15 soft rays on 4 radial elements. Posttemporals and angles of cleithrum toothed on posterior margin. Ventral fins with one hard and 5 jointed soft rays; caudolateral margin of pelvic bones near spine insertion bulgingly reinforced, processus medialis posterior short. Almost always 23 (10 + 13) vertebrae; epipleuralia present. Presumed additional delimitation characters: Absence of praedorsalia; limited to scapula. Articulation of radialia on shoulder girdle."

    Line drawing from Micklich 1985, p. 56:


    Identified by oilshale.

    Micklich, N. (1978): Palaeoperca proxima, ein neuer Knochenfisch aus dem Mittel-Eozän von Messel bei Darmstadt. Senckenbergiana lethaea, 59 (4/6), 483-501.
    Micklich, N. (1985): Biologisch-paläontologische Untersuchungen zur Fischfauna der Messeier Ölschiefer (Mittel-Eozän, Lutetium). Andrias, 4: 171.

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