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  • Macrorhizodus praecursor


    sixgill pete



    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Chondrichthyes
    Order: Lamniformes
    Family: Lamnidae
    Genus: Macrorhizodus
    Species: Macrorhizodus praecursor
    Author Citation (Leriche, 1905)

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Cenozoic
    Period: Paleogene
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Eocene
    International Age: Priabonian


    Castle Hayne Formation


    Collector: Don Rideout
    Date Collected: 04/10/2023
    Acquired by: Field Collection


    Length: 36 mm
    Width: 23 mm


    Private Pit
    Jones County
    North Carolina
    United States


    M. praecursor is a relatively common find in vertebrate lenses of the Castle Hayne Formation. Leriche (1905) believing the species to be an Eocene version of the much younger Oxyrhina desori (Isurus desori) erected Oxyrhina desori praecursor. Leriche (1942) erected Oxyrhina praecursor americana for teeth with slightly different root and blade characteristics. These were placed into Isurus (White, 1931) and eventually a new genus, Macrorhizodus by Glickman (1964). Both praecursor and americana were accepted as distinct species (White 1956, Ward & West 1990, Zhelezko & Kozlov 1999 and Case & Borodin 2000a). Ebersole, Cicimurri & Stringer 2019 determined through studies of the extant Isurus oxyrhynchus that these different characteristics are attributable to heterodonty and placed americana as a junior synonym of praecursor. 




    Ebersole, Cicimurri & Stringer, 2019. Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the elasmobranchs and bony fishes (Chondrichtyes and Osteichthyes) of the lower to middle Eocene (Ypresian to Bartonian) Clairborne Group in Alabama, USA, including an analysis of otoliths. pgs 56-58


    as Isurus praecursor


    Chandler, Richard 2015. Fossil Fish, Volume 3 of 4. North Carolina Fossil Club. pgs 67-68


    Case and Borodin, 2000. A Middle Eocene Selachian Fauna from the Castle Hayne Limestone Formation of Duplin County, North Carolina. Plate 3 fig. 21-26

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