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  • Arbacia improcera


    sixgill pete


    Sea Urchin

    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Echinodermata
    Class: Echinoidea
    Order: Arbacioida
    Family: Arbaciidae
    Genus: Arbacia
    Species: Arbacia improcera
    Author Citation Conrad, 1843

    Geological Time Scale

    Eon: Phanerozoic
    Era: Cenozoic
    Period: Neogene
    Sub Period: None
    Epoch: Pliocene
    International Age: Zanclean


    Yorktown Formation


    Zone 2


    Collector: Don Rideout
    Date Collected: 04/12/2020
    Acquired by: Field Collection


    Height: 13.9 mm
    Diameter: 29.2 mm


    Neuse River
    Craven County
    North Carolina
    United States


    Self collected from an exposure along the Neuse River in Craven County N.C. While I have found many fragments in the past, this is the first complete specimen I have found. A rare find in the Yorktown Formation. 




    Upper Miocene Echinoids from the Yorktown Formation of Virginia and Their Environmental Significance, Porter M. Kier (1972). Smithsonian Contributions To Paleobiology, Number 13. Pgs. 8-9. Plate 1. 


    Echinus improcerus Conrad, 1843a: 310.

    Psammechinus improcerus.—Stefanini, 1912:705.

    Coelopleurus improcerus.—Clark and Twitchell, 1915:180, pi. 84: figs. 4a-c.

    Arbacia improcera.—Cooke, 1941:11, pi. 1: figs. 7-9. Cooke, 1959:20, pi. 4: figs. 1-3. Kier, 1963: pi. 1: fig. 6. 

    User Feedback

    Absolutely stunning example!

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    I'd say you're lucky but it's really your persistence that has paid off!

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    On 4/18/2020 at 7:21 PM, Plax said:

    I'd say you're lucky but it's really your persistence that has paid off!

    I am a persistent little snuff if nothing else. I was determined to find one!

    On 4/17/2020 at 7:33 AM, Ruger9a said:

    Absolutely stunning example!

    Thanks . It is one of my favorite echinoids.

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