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Charmouth, UK 8/8/23

Charmouth, UK 8/8/23

We went for a guided fossil walk with Charmouth Heritage Center. From there, we headed west maybe half a kilometer towards Black Ven. Had a great time! Loads of belemnite fragments and a couple nice pyritised ammonites. There were some other smaller ammonites that I did my best to free from the matrix with a Dremel engraver tool with Zoic fossil tips. 

NB: my daughter artistically organized the belemnites for the group shot. She wouldn't let me move them, so will take another photo with just belemnites later. They haven't been prepped because I got bored and my arm got sore after polishing one. 

  • Album created by citronkitten
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  • 15 images
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    • @Mikrogeophagus - these were finds from last year! Just finally getting them uploaded to the albums.....I am hoping to go back in January...that seems the best time to find em
    • Galveston trip report coming soon??
    • Sorry for a little confusion. The fish is NOT Palaeoniscum, it is Paramblypterus... Better to do not too many things at the same time..., photographed and archieved lot of Permian Material from Harz (Kupferschiefer with Palaeoniscum) and Permian Material from Pfalz Region (with Paramblypterus)... So, due to this and because I've always been a bit absent-minded , things got mixed up...
    • Interesting, it does look like it could be the same morphology. Too bad the enamel's gone.
    • Yes, each photo will be treated as a separate entry in the album, as that is the way the software is configured.
    • I meant like how when you go to make a new entry in Collections it provides a ton of fields for you to fill in but it also allows you to add multiple images of the same specimen to an entry so for example if i search "RWC1" it would show a single entry for the rock designated RWC1 like heref
      from the way it looks currently if i were to add additional images to the album each photo will be treated as a separate entry and id have to manually copy paste the specimen data for it to appear on both pictures
    • If you mean if there is some kind of template here, then no, there isn't. You just type in all of the detailed info yourself. Simple as that.
    • im experimenting atm. just trying to figure out how it works. Is there any way to add entries with detailed info like in the Collections? or adding several images of the same specimen with one overall entry? so the file structure is 
        >specimen 1
           >photo 1
           >photo 2
      instead of
         >image 1
            >specimen 1
                >description 1
         >image 2
            >specimen 1
               >description 2
      with two separate descriptions for specimen 1
      there is a description on the other photo of the specimen currently but it doesnt show up on this one
      I do want to add detailed info regarding taxonomic id, date, location, leg, etc but first off im trying to establish the structure so the process will be uniform without double entries
    • Please add a detailed description here in the body of the text instead of just filling up the tags.
    • UPDATE:  I now believe that this might be a Ctenacanthus sp. tooth with feeding wear. 
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