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Found 11 results

  1. Mjq8

    Stingray dermal denticle?

    Phosphate mines of central florida. Eroded stingray dermal denticle?
  2. [edit: TLDR: DD1-DD13 are denticles. Everything else is likely not.] Here are the candidate shark dermal denticles from my Peace River micro matrix sort (grid lines are 1mm): • DD1-DD13: quite certain in the ID, but can the species be identified? • DD14-DD19: Less confident about these more idiosyncratic specimens. DD16 might just be very worn, or possibly just a lookalike piece of phosphate. might DD17 be a steinkern? Its ridges seem shaped like the other denticles, but the material appears different. Additional idiosyncratic specimens, two orientations each. I am uncertain if they are denticles: • DD20 seems to have ridges, but texture is rough • DD24 has a promising profile, but ridges aren't obvious • DD23 has a rough "base," visible in the lower shot, and overall conical form. What do y'all think?
  3. Incognito Rockhound

    Various Items from Hanna Park - Jacksonville, FL

    Hello everyone! I took my daughter and 6 year old granddaughter on a “girls only road-trip” to Hanna Park in Jacksonville, Florida for some relaxation time. We did a lot of beach combing and I found some great fossils. I’ve been able to identify the majority of my haul, but need some ID assistance with a few remaining items. I have a some potential dermal denticles and scutes, and a piece of unknown bone. The bone is is very thin, less than 3 mm. I also have two TINY teeth; one may be a barracuda. I believe the other may be a shark but I haven’t been able to link it to a species. As always, any assistance is greatly appreciated! Thank you
  4. All, I have been finding a few dermal denticles in Northeast Oklahoma Pennsylvanian shales. Based on published reports and images from our area, I believe these are Petrodus. I’ve attached an image of two denticles I found yesterday. I’ve been looking for images of the entire shark because I’m curious about the animal’s overall appearance; however, I’m only finding images of the denticles. Do scientists know what these sharks looked like, and if so, does anyone know of resources containing overall images? Best wishes.
  5. Kolya

    Dermal denticle

    Hello! Is it possible to identify this scale? May be to order, or family, or genus? Max size: ~ 0,5 mm. There is some relief on the sides of denticle (see arrow). Age: Eocene (Ypresian or Lutetian). Location: Ukraine. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi people! I'm a PhD student studying a Duckmantian fossil forest in North Wales. I have found these phosphatic fish/shark? teeth and scales I need an ID on. I suspect they are Adamantina Foliacea (Cuny and Stemmerik 2018) but that is a marine shark and this sequence is almost certainly completely freshwater and thought to be an upland swamp. I'm currently doing isotope work on the nodules and plant fossils and that appears to be confirming this is a completely freshwater system. Anyone have any ideas? You'll have to click on the images again once you've opened them to zoom in! Sorry for the poor quality! Thanks, Tom
  7. ThePhysicist

    Shark? dermal denticle

    From the album: Post Oak Creek

    To find denticles, you need to go to the finest grain size. This beautiful one could be shark, but I'm not certain.
  8. old bones

    Ray or shark denticle

    Here is another unusual find from the Cookie Cutter matrix. Years ago I found a similar on from a different location. Is it possible to narrow this down to shark or ray?
  9. I had a few people look at it (including the head of collections at the Nat. History museum in Gainesville) and we were all stumped! Any ideas?
  10. Does anybody recognize this? I'm guessing a dermal denticle, but the elongated shape is unusual to me. Other microfauna in the matrix includes shark(cladodont) teeth, fish teeth, gastropods, goniatites, crinoid and echinoid plates and spines, ostracods, brachiopods, bryozoan, and conodonts. For scale field of view= ~1cm. Magnification 20X Magnification 40X
  11. Hey Y'All, I found this cool little denticle while searching some micromatrix that I collected last year. It is the only one of this type that i have found so far. Just thought that Y'All might like to see it. It is 2.25 millimeters long. I tried to get different light and angles to show the spiral ridges that run the length of this denticle, and match up to the cusps around the edges. Hope You find it entertaining! Tony PS I hope I identified it correctly- but with My track record I would not be surprised if it is actually a tooth.
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