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  1. Fossildude19

    Diplurus partial

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Diplurus newarki - partial coelacanth Late Triassic, Newark Supergroup, Newark Basin, Lockatong Formation, North Bergen, NJ, old Granton Quarry G-3 layer.
  2. Fossildude19

    Complete Coelacanth.

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    A complete, if yet unprepped, specimen of the late Triassic coelacanth, Diplurus newarki. Not sure how I will go about prepping this, but I have a few options. Late Triassic, (Rhaetian). Lockatong Formation, Newark Supergroup, North Bergen, NJ.

    © © 2015 Tim Jones

  3. The old Granton Quarry site, located in North Bergen, New Jersey was a working quarry that has produced fauna from the Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation part of the Newark Super Group. Underneath a basalt cap, in beds that are tilted, are shales and sandstones deposited in an ancient tropical lake bed. Biodiversity is far from rich. The most common vertebrate fossil found is Diplurus newarki, a small coelacanth, usually 2-4 inches in length. Other fossils include Estheria ovate, a clam-shaped shrimp-like crustacean. Rare remains of reptiles have also been found at the site. Development has claimed most of the quarry site, but an outcrop remains in an area that is unfortunately a repository for trash and graffiti and infested with poison ivy. Because of the poison ivy winter is the only time the site can be visited. I've been visiting the old Granton Quarry site once or twice a year since 2013. I've brought a number of TFF members to Granton, but Tim (fossildude19) has a been my companion for almost all of those trips since the first one. Last Sunday, the weather was mild and Tim and I accompanied by TFF members Dave (Shamalama) and Paul1719 visited once again. The site, always a difficult one to work, is becoming more challenging. The cliff is, I estimate 40-50 feet tall, but it is a less than one inch wide bed of black shale (called G-7) that is very fossiliferous. That bed is generally flush with or indented into the wall. All of the easily accessible G-7 has been already dug out. Where it is exposed and weathered it tends to splinter into fine shards obliterating any fossils that might have been present. Deeper in the wall it incredibly hard. Pulling out a decent size chunk to split is difficult to say the least. Finding a few already started cracks I was able penetrate deeper using my sledge and long chisel. Then I used my crowbar to wedge them out. In a full day of digging I was able to wedge out two chunks of G-7 , each several inches across. From these I got the majority of specimens I found. One piece appears to have two complete or nearly complete Diplurus which I sent to Ptychodus 04 in Texas to prep. In addition to fossils, Tim found a live red-backed salamander, our first amphibian siting of the spring. Here's Tim:
  4. From the album: Triassic

    Diplurus newarki (partial coelacanth including most of tail, some vertebrae, and ribs, etc.) Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation Newark Supergroup Old Granton Quarry site North Bergen, New Jersey
  5. Fossildude19

    Another coelacanth.

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Another partial Diplurus newarki, Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation, North Bergen, NJ.

    © © 2014 Tim Jones

  6. Fossildude19

    Partial coelacanth. (Juvenile?)

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Partial small (juvenile?) coelacanth, Diplurus newarki. Late Triassic, Newark Supergroup, Newark Basin, Lockatong Formation, North Bergen, New Jersey. Old Granton Quarry. G-3 layer Scale is in CM.

    © 2018 T.Jones

  7. From the album: Triassic

    Diplurus newarki (coelacanth skull) Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation Newark Supergroup Granton Quarry North Bergen, N.J. A gift from Fossildude19, collected 11/27/17
  8. Found this bone eroding out of a shale layer near a creek in the Lockatong-Formation on Montgomery county Pennsylvania. It measures roughly 10cm long, not sure about this one, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  9. From the album: Triassic

    Diplurus newarki (coelacanth missing some fins) Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation Newark Supergroup Granton site North Bergen, N.J. Prepared with great effort and skill by Kris (Psychodus04) Than you.
  10. From the album: Triassic

    Diplurus newarki (partial coelacanth-bones, fins, and scales) Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation Newark Supergroup Granton Quarry site North Bergen, N.J.
  11. Fossildude19


    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    This is a reconstruction of the late Triassic coelacanth, Diplurus newarki. Reworked by me. (reverse black and white) FROM: FOSSILS AND FACIES OF THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY LOWLAND: ECOSYSTEM STRUCTURE AND SEDIMENTARY DYNAMICS ALONG THE FOOTWALL MARGIN OF AN ACTIVE RIFT. Peter M. LeTourneau1,4, Nicholas G. McDonald2, Paul E. Olsen3,4,*, Timothy C. Ku5, and Patrick R. Getty Available HERE.
  12. Fossildude19

    Coelacanth duo

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    2 skulls of the Late Triassic coelacanth, Diplurus newarki. The larger of the two shows the front half of the fish, overlapping the body of a smaller coelacanth's body. from the Late Triassic, Lockatong Formation. Newark Basin, Newark Supergroup. Old Granton Quarry, North Bergen, NJ. The two fishes outlined in red:
  13. Fossildude19

    NJ Coelacanth

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    A partial coelacanth, Diplurus newarki from the Late Triassic, Lockatong Formation. Newark Basin, Newark Supergroup. North Bergen, NJ.

    © 2017 Tim Jones

  14. From the album: Triassic

    Diplurus newarki (flattened skull) Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation Newark Supergroup Granton quarry North Bergen, N.J.
  15. From the album: Triassic

    Diplurus newarki (partial coelacanth- body and fins) Upper Triassic Lockatong Formation Newark Supergroup Granton quarry North Bergen, N.J.
  16. Fossildude19

    Triassic coelacanth

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Late Triassic coelacanth, Diplurus newarki. Newark Supergroup, Newark Basin, Lockatong Formation, North Bergen NJ. Collected on 2/19/2017

    © 2017 Tim Jones

  17. Njnewbie

    Need opinions

    Found this piece of mudstone at a site that is new to me. Curious to know what could of made these indentations. Any suggestions would be great. Formation is Lockatong, area is west central New Jersey .
  18. From the album: Triassic

    Estheria ovate (clam-shaped shrimp-like crustacean) Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Newark Supergroup Granton Quarry North Bergen, NJ
  19. Fossildude19


    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Poorly preserved skull of Diplurus newarki Late Triassic, Lockatong Formation North Bergen, New Jersey, Granton Quarry.

    © © 2016 Tim Jones

  20. Fossildude19

    Skull and dorsal

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Diplurus newarki Skull and first dorsal fin. Late Triassic Lockatong Formation North Bergen, New Jersey. Granton Quarry

    © © 2016 Tim Jones

  21. Fossildude19

    Another skull

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Another skull of the Late Triassic coelacanth, Diplurus newarki. The eye orbit, operculum, and lower jaw are clearly visible. Note the imprint of a conchostrachan, Estheria ovata, on the lower jaw, as well as the presence of some ostracods, Darwinula sp., to the right of the skull. Late Triassic Lockatong Formation North Bergen, New Jersey. Found on 3-21-2016 As always, right click the photo, and select "Large" for best viewing.

    © © 2016 Tim Jones

  22. Fossildude19

    Double skulls

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    A small plate with two skulls of the coelacanth, Diplurus newarki. The one on the bottom shows oblique dorso-ventral crushing. Late Triassic, Lockatong Formation, North Bergen, NJ,

    © © 2016 Tim Jones

  23. Fossildude19

    Another 1/2 Coelacanth

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    A poorly preserved, partial individual Diplurus newarki. Late Triassic Lockatong Formation, Newark Supergroup, North Bergen, New Jersey. As always, right click the image and select "large" for best viewing.

    © © 2016 Tim Jones

  24. Fossildude19

    Front half of coelacanth

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    Diplurus newarki coelacanth, The skull is present, if poorly preserved, as is the 1st dorsal fin. Late Triassic, Lockatong formation, Newark Supergroup North Bergen, New Jersey.

    © © 2015 Tim Jones

  25. Fossildude19

    Fish plate

    From the album: Fossildude's Late Triassic Lockatong Formation Fossils

    A pair of fish on one small slab. I believe the ray-finned fish is either Synorichthys sp. or Turseodus sp. You can see the body of a Diplurus newarki just below the other fish scales. Late Triassic, (Rhaetian) Lockatong Formation, Newark Supergroup, North Bergen, New Jersey.

    © © 2015 Tim Jones

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