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  1. minnbuckeye

    TV Tonight

    PREMIERES ON MAY 11, 2022 8PM ON PBS DINOSAUR APOCALYPSE https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/series/dinosaur-apocalypse/
  2. Neanderthal Shaman

    New BBC Dinosaur Wildlife Documentary

    Did anyone else see the trailer for the new "Walking with Dinosaurs" style nature documentary that's coming out? It's called "Prehistoric Planet", and it's made by the BBC again. The CGI looks great, and it's supposed to reflect the 20+ years of knowledge in paleontology that we've accrued since WWD came out. David Attenborough is voicing it, although personally I would love for Kenneth Branagh to come back. I get it though, if you want a nature documentary to succeed these days, you've got to put Attenborough in it. I guess it's also going to be on AppleTV+, which I really have no interest in paying for. Thoughts?
  3. DPS Ammonite

    What is the dinosaur?

    Happy New Year! What would the new year be without the old Twilight Zone TV show marathon. I am trying to get my nephews interested in the old black and white series. One nephew is a newly minted dinosaur fan. Does anyone know what is this dinosaur found in Manhattan, NY that was sighted from a jet? I have a funny story that happened on New Year’s Day. I was trapped in a parking garage because the machine to pay was out of order, there was no attendant and the call button reached no one. Although I could have driven out thru the entrance by moving a few cones and driving around the gate, I decided to call the police because I did not want to get a nasty letter and bill from the parking company. I first tried to lift the gate up which promptly fell apart and fell to the ground. After fixing the gate, I then called the police to be my witness that I tried to pay and could not get out. They came several minutes later while the unanswered call button was still ringing. It reminded me of this Mr Bean episode:
  4. Hey my friends in the US of A. If you are bored on the evening of June 17th... https://www.nexttv.com/news/prehistoric-road-trip-on-pbs-june-17 Watch the preview here... I am the guy who answers "How do you know it's a dinosaur bone?" The hat is form the Coirn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota. I have not seen the final production, but we had a great time filming this. Enjoy.
  5. I want to suggest something to watch on TV because I think it is rare to come across a comedy show that puts any measure of focus on paleontology. It is episode one, season three of the show "Drunk History" that airs on Comedy Central. The episode is about a famous rivalry between paleontologists Edward Cope and Othniel Marsh called the "Bone Wars." The show is basically a host going around the country getting comedians drunk and having said comedians narrate stories about something historical. The show then has people act out what is being narrated and sometimes they get some famous actors and actresses for those parts. I enjoy it because I get to laugh and learn at the same time. It can get pretty weird sometimes and the language gets colorful (they do bleep things out) but that is what you get when you pay a comedian to drink and be funny at the same time. The story about their rivalry is pretty interesting and definitely worth learning about even if the above does not sound appealing. It is available on Hulu and there is a way to watch it on Comedy Central's website. Three segments make up an episode, the second segment is about the Bone Wars.
  6. ruggedproductions

    Looking for Fossil Hunters

    Hey Everyone! My name is Hogan and I'm an Associate Producer at Rugged Productions. I'm currently doing research for a new show concept and I'm looking for the best and most unique fossil hunters / collectors / buyers / sellers! Please let me know if this reminds you of someone (or of yourself). Thank you!
  7. doushantuo

    Chris Packham presents!

    Don't forget to watch!It starts just when the Attenborough doc on the Lyme Regis ichthyosaur ends on Beeb one.Apologies if repost
  8. Harris

    Your Inner Fish

    Starting Wednesday April 9th, PBS is broadcasting a 3 part series on species origin...check your local listings for times!
  9. Not sure if people caught this show on the BBC but watched it this week and it was very good. BBC Beautiful Minds Season 2 Part 1. The whole 1 hour episode was about paleontologist Jenny Clack and her discoveries about fish evolution and their transision to land. Basically she looked at things outside the box and therefore saw things that others had missed because she did not have some of the preconceived biases of some of the more old school paleontologists. Very well done and watchable show. For those of us that do not live in the UK there seem to be a number of torrents that you can find to download it. And besides how many female paleontologists do you know that drive a motorcycle.....
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