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  1. lone5wolf117

    Triassic tooth from Muschelkalk-Keuper

    Hello does anyone know what's tooths they belong too? they are from border Muschelkalk-Keuper, Germany.
  2. Good Morning everyone, I have a toddler who recently got very much into dinosaurs and fossils which eventually brought back all my childhood afflictions and memories to same. We stopped my a small fossil shop near Austin where we both went crazy with all the variety. Needless to say he got some very nice, small items. I spent quite a lot on a few pieces with the hype and childhood yearn to always have in possession a few Real items. Upon our arrival at home and in closer inspection as well as researching online, I'm not sure if I purchased authentic fossils. PLEASE HELP ME! My first post with is a Megalodon Tooth that he said was fused on a crack. I’ll post some others thereafter.
  3. Beth de la Garza

    ID help tooth horse?

    Could you please help me identify this tooth? It was found today on the beach in South Texas. It’s not in great shape like others I have found in the same area. Also are the markings just normal wear? Measures 2.75 inches long and 1 inch wide. Thank you so much for your help!
  4. Nimravis

    Nodosaur Tooth

    I was looking at a number of teeth in my collection and I had this labeled as an Ankylosaur tooth, but looking at it I am thinking it is a Nodosaur tooth. I know that this tooth came from Canada, but have no other info on it. @Troodon ?
  5. I also found these two teeth at our local fair. I bought them despite of the lack of information privided because the spinosaurid tooth (if it is spinosaurid and not mosasaur) was pretty cheap for its size and the other tooth which was labeled "Rebbachisaurus garasbae" had an unusal shape in contrast to all the other material from Kem Kem that is available here. The seller only provided the information that both teeth are from the Kem Kem Beds of Morocco. This is the tooth that was labeled as Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. But from my previous tooth I know that one cannot differentiate between S. aegyptiacus and Sigilmassasaurus so that it should be labeled as "Spinosaurus indet.". Is this correct?
  6. Kolya

    Shark tooth for ID ?

    Hello! Help with ID,please. Ukraine, Lviv region. Thanks in advance!
  7. Kolya

    Shark tooth fo ID

    Hello! Is it possible to ID? Tooth is broken but has slightly interesting shape. Western Ukraine, Lviv region.
  8. kingcobb

    Rex or nano tooth?

    Picked this up off the auction sight. Hell creek tooth out of Powder river county Montana. Not expecting a perfect ID. It's small and I know that makes em hard to ID. This guy is just shy of an inch and heavy for his size. I have meg teeth of comparable size that weigh nothing compared to this specimen. It does have some remaining serrations but not much. Anyway, regardless of nano or rex status I thought it was an interesting tooth.
  9. Hi everyone, Was wondering what you guys thought about this partial tooth shard. The seller is apparently the one who discovered the oldest spider fossil and dinosaur brain fossil. Seller says this fossil came from HASTINGS SUB GROUP WEALDEN SUPERGROUP WEALDEN OF SUSSEX Let me know what you guys think!
  10. Because it was the first time for me to see some teeth from the Hell Creek Form. in Montana here in Germany at our local fair (and I am quite at the beginning with my collection of dino teeth) I purchased the following teeth. According to the seller both are from the "Hell Creek Form., Badlands, Carter County, Montana". The first tooth is labeled as "Thescelosaurus garbanii". Is this correct and how can the teeth of T. garbanii and T. neglectus be distinguished?
  11. Dear experts, this is my second aquisition: According to the seller it is a "Staurikosaurus" from the Bull Canyon Fm. in New Mexico (no information on the county provided). The length is 1 cm and the width is about 3 mm. I tried to count the denticles but unfortunately my camera is not made for close-ups. The count might be around 7-8 per mm. In contrast to my last post where there was a wrong formation provided by the seller I was able to verify, that the Bull Canyon Fm. does in fact exist in New Mexico. But that's almost it. According to wikipedia Staurikosaurus is only known from Brazil which makes it unlikely for the tooth to be a Staurikosaurus pricei. On the other hand there is a website on triassic vertebrates of New Mexico which also lists Staurikosaurus pricei in this formation... Here are the compressed pictures of my tooth:
  12. I was looking at this Otodus tooth fossil from Morocco... Does this matrix look all natural?
  13. Ruger9a

    Tooth needing identification

    Hi, Does anyone know what animal this tooth is from? Tooth is from China.
  14. paul chard


    Hi,would anybody recognise this please, i assume its a tooth of some kind, its from an elderly ladies collection, 3cm long.many thanks
  15. CryptBHR

    Need Help Identifying a Few Bones

    Hey all, hoping some of you could help me identify a few specimens I found this year while surface collecting on my hikes. The first one looks like maybe a ceratopsian frill segment? I'm just comparing it aesthetically to pieces of triceratops frill I've seen for sale but I could be dead wrong. It needed no cleaning, was completely eroded out of the hill. This next one is a vertebrae of some sort. Caudal maybe? Looks fairly eroded, likely exposed for a long time before I found it and was at the bottom of a hill so it took a tumble at one point. This last one is a partial tooth I found in two pieces, glued it back together. Despite being broken, the serrations are still very visible.
  16. val horn

    permian tooth or claw?

    Read about the waurika oklahoma permian site on the forum. The directions, location and site description were perfect. I found many small pieces of bone, and teeth and incredible numbers of orthocanthus shark teeth. I have a two pieces that I would appreciate help with. The larger one is 17 to 20 mm (the diameter of a quarter) and the smaller is 5-8 mm in size and a tenth of it in weight. The smaller one looks like what I have seen called a small demetradon limbus claw, and a friend thought the larger was a diaductes incisor. I would appreciate help. The small claw? seems very small for demetradon, and the larger seems very curved for what little I have seen of diaductes. All help and suggestions will be appreciated. This is the only permian material I have ever collected, I have no background to go on.
  17. Kolya

    Rays tooth for ID?

    Hello! Is it be tooth of Myliobatis? Ukraine, Lviv region. Thanks in advance!
  18. Good evening, today was THE day for me. In our city was the annual fair with fossils on offer. I was out and looking for uncommon/rare dino teeth and was lucky to find some. I know that most of the ID done by the sellers is wrong I would like to show my new aqusitions to you throughout the next days and hope for your help. No. 1 was sold as an "Richardoestesia gilmorei" from the Hell Creek Formation, Wyoming, USA (unfortunately no county provided). Length: 18mm Width (base) 6mm denticle count: Side 1: 6 per 1mm Side 2: 7 per 1 mm, (ca. 38 per 5 mm) I had to call it side 1 and side 2 because honestly I was not able to figure out which side is the mesial and distal side... Thank you very much for your help!
  19. Ideas on what it is and what kind?? Thanks!
  20. Hi all, Wondering what you guys can make of this piece that was sold on the auction site. Description says it was from The Wadhurst Clay Formation and not much else. No size, cross section or much of anything besides these two pictures. What are your thoughts?
  21. pluff mudder

    tooth or small tusk?

    Found this today on a man-made beach in Port Royal, SC. I believe the area has been classified as a drowned river bed. Brackish water flows from the Intracoastal Waterway to the Atlantic Ocean, and is a popular spot for fossilized shark teeth (including Megalodon teeth), and fossils from land mammals, also. I'm pretty sure I found a very degraded three-toed horse tooth in the same area. I hope my non-scientific description of the area is reasonably accurate. Here is a photo:
  22. dinosaur man

    Tyrannosaur tooth

    Hi is this a tyrannosaur tooth from the horseshoe canyon formation? It’s 1.2cm Thanks!!
  23. Aussieguy81

    Tooth or Claw

    Thought Id as for help, recently found on the beach in gipsland, Victoria, Australia. Not sure if its a tooth or claw, area it was found in is well known for fossil finds. Thanks in advance for any help. Daniel
  24. I need some advice. I was able to obtain a nice 1.5 inch tarbo tooth that had been in a collection for over 15 years. It was obtained from someone who had direct access to the person who collected it in the field. As such, it was never prepped. I have it exactly as they found it w the dirt, matrix and even plant roots. Should I prep it or leave it “au naturale”. I kinda think it’s cool that way.
  25. Kolya

    Heterodontus tooth?

    Hello! Is it Hetereodontus tooth, or something else? Ukraine, Lviv region.
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