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  1. tjl96


    Hello! I have dug this large chunk of what I have been told is a stromatolite. It weighs about 85 lbs and is roughly 16" in any given direction, It has tons of veins of lacey chalcedony structures with lacey patterns of red white and black. All these veins are layered in as druze of red quartz. There appears to be three large white veins running through one end of it. I have other small pieces as well, but this large one is what I'm interested in. Thank you for any help it is very much appreciated!
  2. ItsLaurenV

    Fossil ID? Please help.

    Hello! My father had purchased some boulders to place on the side of his parking lot at his office building. They brought these 5 huge rocks, and they're absolutely gorgeous. They are covered in white, shiny crystals and to me they appear to be coral? Or sponges of some sort? I know very little, but I LOVE fossils and want to learn all I can! Note: we are located in Louisville, KY but he is unsure about where the boulders came from. He thinks perhaps Indiana? I’m so grateful for your site and all of the people that help teach the newbies like me. Lauren IMG_0327.mov
  3. Hello all, I am reaching out today in hopes of receiving some help identifying a few pieces from a recently inherited collection. Unfortunately, I don’t have much information as far as location. I’m pretty sure two of them are fossils, the third may be geological or a combination. The first piece is small, weighing 34 grams and measuring approximately 1 1/4 x 1 1/4 x 1 1/8”, it reminds me of a cowry/capraea shell. The second piece is faced, it weighs 669 grams and it measures approximately 3 5/8 x 3 1/2 x 1 1/2”, it’s black, tan, white. The third piece is potentially geological, I’m not sure. The pieces weighs 865 grams and measures approximately 5 x 4 x 3 1/2”, it looked to me like a potential dinosaur egg nest but I’m unsure. I appreciate any information and I thank you in advance for your time, Regards, Mike
  4. Happy Saturday, all! I'm helping a woman to photograph her brother's fossil collection. Everything was collected prior to 1967, after which he left the country. He's still living, but not easy to get a hold of. All of these items have been sitting in storage since then. I understand most of these may not be able to be identified. It's well outside of my wheelhouse, and I imagine many on here may be more familiar with material form the Morrison Formation. I'm going to add one or two per post to make it easy to differentiate. I'm most curious about the first piece which appears to be section of a jaw. If any additional photos are needed, please let me know. Thank you in advance! Label on storage boxes Some labels were included, but they were all jumbled. Fragments from the envelope.
  5. Hello 👋 I am so happy to have found this forum! I have already gleaned some excellent I formation and look forward to more. I am an avid researcher. If my interest in something, in ANYTHING is piqued, I have to KNOW all there is to know about that particular subject. A blessing and a curse. My curiosity is rarely, if ever, fully satisfied. I have been told by many, many experts that several of the things I have been finding recently are absolutely NOT in Southeast Kentucky amd I MUST be mistaken. Ummm... I live in Southeast Kentucky and most (99%) of what I have found in the past several months has been from an area within 10 miles of my home. So, what am I missing? Only so much can be explained through the occasional drop or glacial deposits. Just in the past 24 hours I have found over 30 small geodes! All between 1 inch and 4 inches in diameter. All within 30 yards of each other. NOT in or near water. Also found were bits of agate, small agate nodules, crinoids, crinoid crusted geodes, loads of Rugose (horn) coral, etc...
  6. brandon tibbetts

    Fossil worm

    I’m probably in wrong spot here sorry but this is two half’s about three inches long and found in Nevada. Just wanting to see if anyone knows what they are thank you
  7. I examined this item for a clue for its gem like appearance. After a few minutes I determined the oblong shape was made of Agatized material. On the top portion the agate was easily identified. Turning the rock upside down the agate can be seen again. What was left of the exterior is smooth with an occasional outcrop of black rock. A google picture search first gave me a hint of the possible origin. A dinosaur egg whose shell was cracked allowed the flow of mineral rich water to fill the egg and form the inner layer. Most of the outer shell is missing but I have included a few close ups to further my theory
  8. Wny_Native


    From the album: Wny_Native's finds

  9. bencoulter

    Whale Skull?

    Hi everyone! Found this potential whale fossil while hunting the coastline in Southern California, it looks to me like it could be the cross-section of a cetacean head… any ideas?
  10. Good evening folks, I have two interesting pieces I’m asking help identifying. The first piece is from an unknown location. It weighs 8.7 ounces and measures approximately 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 1 3/4” +/-. This looks like a bone of some type to me, it has some agatized features, it kind of looks like pink stick/needle agate in the translucent section. It is porous , however, not light for its size. That’s all the information I have regarding that piece. The second piece is from Estill County, Kentucky. One a recent rockhound trip we discovered it off middlefork in a stream. The piece weighs 3.8 ounces and measures approximately 2 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 1 1/8” +/-. It too has some translucent qualities, I would say it’s partially agatized as well. The piece is gray/black in color and looks almost as if that translucent areas are scales, I may be off on that. That’s all the information on that piece. I appreciate your time in advance and I look forward to any information provided, Mike
  11. Michael Marinelli

    Agatized Coral from Tampa Bay

    Found this coral head today where I’ve found other agatized coral in the Tampa Bay area in FL. To me it looks suspicious, it has a slightly blue color around its edges and has some botryoidal formations on the outside. It’s not super lightweight though, so I don’t think it’s hollow (or completely hollow). Does this look like it’s worth cutting? Is it likely to have any voids or botryoidal formations inside based on other agatized corals you guys have seen? recorded-478291984396.mp4
  12. SilurianSalamander

    Agatized/silicified cephalopods?

    Are these cephalopods in chert? They appear to be agatized as well. The first two pictures are from a chunk of chert and agate that I split to find what looks like the chambers of a nautiloid cephalopod. Is this a fossil or just some way silica forms? Thanks so much!
  13. UndercoverN

    Agatized Bone?

    Hi there I inherited some what I believe to be bones maybe of the dinosaur variety? They take a nice polish. I believe these are from somewhere in the US but I have no idea where they are from or what geologic age.
  14. I found a couple of these in Central New Mexico. This flash is unlike anything I have seen before. The silver is a bright, clean sheen.
  15. Consultleonyx

    Agatized morell mushroom?

    Like this is in agatized morell mushroom could someone take a look at it that has a more knowledge than I do and let me know what you think
  16. Here's another mystery item looking for information. I found this in a bucket of petrified wood out back. It doesn't appear to be pet wood, but rather a stromatolite, partially agatized. It has a little more than the usual clues that I have to go on for miscellaneous items acquired from other rockhounds (i.e. usually zero clues) in that it has 'Horse Canyon' written on it. Minimal, but at least it's a clue. I've tried to research where that could be, and there's a few different places in Google Maps called 'Horse Canyon' in the Western states but none that seem to have the right geology for this kind of thing, but I could have overlooked something. Does anyone know of a Horse Canyon that is known for stroms, or at least for pet wood as this may have been mistaken for pet wood...? Any places informally called Horse Canyon that may not be on Google Maps? (N.B. I am assuming Western US or Canada because it doesn't seem like there are any 'Horse Canyons' anywhere else in the world such as Australia, and because most of the old material I have would have generally been collected by local rockhounds from my area who frequently made trips across BC/Alberta and down to the Western states in decades past, but none of that is certain.)
  17. Mrampani0225

    Is this a fossil foot?

    I found this near Logan utah, I have another “bone” fossil I found there that I would like to post also. A hater told me it was natural who looked at it in person. I just want to know. I am a proud rock hound. This seems odd to me. I found several horn coral fossils and sea life proof near by. This would have been near a lake bonneville shore at some point. The surrounding seems very sedimentary while the inside seems agatized. Following what looks to be an actual foot and not a print seems you can see the actual outline of how a toe was curled into the mud. There looks to be a total of 3 toes but doesn’t look to be all forward facing by Dino prints I’ve seen so maybe big bird or just the way it laid to rest. I need help please!
  18. Sparkly Rock in Museum Turns Out to Be 60-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Egg In a remarkable find, a lustrous mineral formed inside a fossilized titanosaur egg. Gizmodo, Natural History Museum of London The first known dinosaur egg? A new discovery from the Museum's collection Josh Davis, Natural History Museum of London. Yours, Paul H.
  19. SilurianSalamander

    Gastropods or tube worms?

    Found these weird spirals in this chunk of agatized rock. Devonian from Bradford beach in Milwaukee. Thanks!
  20. SilurianSalamander

    What kind of sponge is this?

    Silicified sponge(?) fossil found in Wisconsin Paleozoic gravel. Likely Ordovician or Silurian, possibly Cambrian or Devonian. Thanks!
  21. SilurianSalamander

    Blue agatized tabulate coral!

    I found this in an abandoned fish nest in a human-made lake. One of my favorite finds!
  22. starryhotdog


    This is a rock that was taken out of my friends ponds. The house she purchased has two ponds that were made by the previous owner 40 to 50 years ago. So I can't be certain of where it was found.
  23. Wondering if this could be fossilized/agatized coral, a fin, a plant?
  24. Amarykah

    Hi! Anyone know what this is?

    Collected at Dunedin causeway in Florida. I thought possible echinoid. If not, I’m cutting it open to look inside. Thanks!
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