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  1. ThePhysicist

    Perinatal hadrosaurid tooth

    From the album: Aguja Formation

    A very small tooth from a "baby" hadrosaurid. It has feeding wear, so clearly not embryonic.
  2. Howdy all! I have this little dentary plate that I am uncertain as to ID. It is from the Aguja formation from West Texas, Brewster County. It is aprox 1/8 inch. I have looked in all the papers I have and can't find any images that match it. It doesn't seem to match up with the two salamanders that are found in the Aguja, but it definitely seems to be an amphibian tooth plate I think. Any thoughts? @ThePhysicist tagging you since you also do lots of micro Aguja stuff....
  3. I'm CRYING! I FINALLY found a small Cretaceous crocodile dermal plate (one of my bucket list finds!) in some new Aguja matrix and I was trying to carefully clean a little bit of crud on it....AND IT BUSTED INTO 7 pieces!!!! Broken Hearted. However, I managed to "mount" it on some white clay, with all but one piece which is so small I can't find it. It looks OKAY....but it looked better before I busted it. Ah well. I FOUND A CROC DERMAL!!!
  4. Hey everyone, I've recently been interested in a weird tooth morphology I have found a couple times in the Middle Campanian Ozan of Austin. At the moment, I have it ID'd as Serratolamna cf. caraibaea based off of a paper on Aguja sharks (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2016.08.008). My specimens seem to be a single anterior and single lateral. These teeth appear to have a nutrient groove, multiple pairs of cusplets, smooth labial and lingual faces, and a basal bulge overhanging the root. They are each about 11 mm from root to tip of the cusp. Something to note is that S. caraibaea had previously only been found in Mexico, Trinidad, and West Africa. I wonder if it's some warmer water species? I wish I could read the species's original description, but alas I have no access to the paper. (Left): Anterior tooth (L) and lower? lateral tooth (R); (Right): Anterior tooth (L) and lateral tooth (R) (Left): Labial view lower? lateral tooth; (Right): Lingual view lingual tooth I've done some digging trying to find this tooth online from places like the NSR and New Jersey, but the closest I can find is Carcharias samhammeri which I think has too many differences. C. samhammeri imo has a more pronounced lingual protuberance, only a single pair of cusplets, and no basal bulge on the labial side, and "thinner root lobes" (hard to put into words sorry). Carcharias holmdelensis has similar issues along with the presence of striations on the lingual face. Scapanorhynchus doesn't look right and neither does Cretalamna. In fact, what partly prompted me to make this post was noticing this tooth's apparent similarity to a Paleocene/Eocene taxon called Brachycarcharias lerichei. What makes the story even more interesting is its criminal history, formerly being under the name Serratolamna lerichei before the creation of Brachycarcharias of the family Odontaspididae. Brachycarcharias lerichei from elasmo.com. Note the anteriors and laterals! Brachycarcharias lerichei lower lateral from elasmo.com The genus Serratolamna itself also has some shakiness to its name. A similar taxon, Serratolamna khderii, of the Campanian in France and Jordan has a past of jumping in and out of the families Odontaspididae and Serratolamnidae. All this to say I'm beginning to wonder if there is a taxonomic connection between my specimens and the genus Brachycarcharias or at least Odontaspididae that isn't yet recognized in academia. One major issue though, is that I only have a couple of these teeth (I've got a really bad itch to hunt in Austin again, but that'll have to wait). I am wondering if any other Campanian hunters have come across something similar and has photos to share? And for the shark experts, I wonder what are your thoughts on this information? Does it pique your interest or is it a "nothing burger"? Any clarification is immensely appreciated! It's not the craziest or coolest tooth design by any means, but it's enough to keep me longing for some answers.
  5. I was looking at some of my small theropod teeth, but I was not 100% sure what the best ID for these two teeth were. Any input or help would be appreciated. These were sold as Nanotyrannus, but very small chance of dromaeosaurid and Aguja dromaeosaurid respectively, but I think they might be Richardoestesia cf. gilmorei. The cross-section of the Hell Creek tooth I think rules out Dakotaraptor, or at the very least, does not match the known morphology. Edit: Oops, I used the really funky side of the ruler I'm using. I was going to use the millimeter side, but ending up using a side that measures 20mm per. The measurements are accurate though as I used calipers for that. Hell Creek Formation; Garfield County, Montana CBL: 6mm CBW: 2.4mm Mesial Density: 8-9/mm [Towards end of carinae] Distal Density: 11/2mm (5.5/mm) CH is a bit difficult since the tooth has heavy feeding wear, but it is 8.3mm tall, but could be significantly higher. The mesial carinae does not appear to extend to the base. Aguja Formation; Brewster County, Texas CH 6.4mm CBL 3.7mm CBW 1.4mm Mesial Density: Possibly worn down, or none Distal Density: 16/2mm (8/mm)
  6. Hi all! I've not really been up to par on my ID lately, so I am now second guessing myself! So I would appreciate some confirmation on these little teeth from the Aguja Formation. Thanks for any help! First one -I hope hope hope that it's what I think it is. But heck, it might not be! I think this is an ankylosaur tooth. It's aprox 1/8 inch Now, I am certain this is a hadrosaurid tooth but the next one I am not so certain about. It doesn't have quite the same structure Hadrosaurid These I am not sure are Hadrosaur 1. 2,
  7. HI all! I am pretty sure this is a theropod tooth - it has carinae but only on one side. It's curve is odd though. I can't quite seem to place an ID on it. Any help will be appreciated! It's 4 mm
  8. Found this very lovely little tooth in my Aguja Formation matrix (Brewster Co. of Texas) and while the root makes me think mammal, I'm not sure what to make of it. @ThePhysicist I saw you posted a Metatheria which looks very very similar, so am wondering if it is the same critter?
  9. ThePhysicist

    Hadrosaurid shed tooth

    From the album: Aguja Formation

    A shed tooth from a juvenile Hadrosaurid. Their teeth are arranged in dental batteries which like a conveyer belt constantly replace worn teeth. Because these marvels of eating machinery house hundreds of teeth at a time, their worn teeth are fairly common. In addition to being worn by the animal's mastication, shed teeth are often smoothed and tumbled by rivers before they are buried in sediment and fossilized.
  10. ThePhysicist

    Hybodont tooth

    From the album: Aguja Formation

    A tooth from an ancient order of shark-like fishes. Their roots are rarely preserved.
  11. ThePhysicist

    Restesia tooth

    From the album: Aguja Formation

    Freshwater "carpet shark" tooth - they closely resemble those of extant "wobbegongs."
  12. ThePhysicist

    Baby Hadrosaurid shed tooth

    From the album: Aguja Formation

    Shed tooth from a very young "duckbill" dinosaur from West TX. Height: 4 mm.
  13. ThePhysicist

    Ray denticle

    From the album: Aguja Formation

  14. ThePhysicist


    From the album: Aguja Formation

    Small, freshwater shark teeth.
  15. ThePhysicist

    Varanoid lizard tooth

    From the album: Squamates

    A tooth from a small monitor lizard that lived among the dinosaurs of West Texas ~ 80 million years ago.
  16. ThePhysicist

    Carbonized plant

    From the album: Aguja Formation

    Carbonized plant material (charcoal) is common - evidence of Cretaceous forest fires.
  17. Mioplosus_Lover24

    Troodon Tooth?

    I found this tooth in my Aguja matrix and the serrations are way larger than any of the other teeth I've found! I can take more pictures but this tooth is so tiny and I'm unsure of it's exact measurements.
  18. ThePhysicist

    Metatherian molar

    Rowe, Timothy, et al. “The Campanian Terlingua Local Fauna, with a Summary of Other Vertebrates from the Aguja Formation, Trans-Pecos Texas.” Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. 12, no. 4, [Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Taylor & Francis, Ltd.], 1992, pp. 472–93, http://www.jstor.org/stable/4523473. DeMar also has a nice description of the differentiation between eutherian/metatherian upper molars: "The upper molars of metatherians and eutherians are triangular shaped with three major cusps or bumps on the occlusal surface of the crown. The main differences between metatherian and eutherian upper molars are that metatherians have more small cusps on the outer side (labial) of the occlusal surface of the tooth and have a front to back (mesiodistal) longer tooth." https://naturalhistory.si.edu/sites/default/files/media/file/fossil-id-guide062812-accessible.pdf
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