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Found 11 results

  1. rocket


    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    11 cm long partly colored Eryon from Solnhofen with nicely preserved claws and antenna. Seen from the bottom side
  2. rocket


    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    nice and not common fish from Eichstaett, seems to be Ophiopsis (little bit unsure about because of a fin and shape). Lenght is approx. 15 cm
  3. rocket

    Coelacanth Coccoderma sp.

    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    rare Coelacanth in unusual preservation. Seems to be Coccoderma, perhaps part of a meal. Fantastic skin preservation and good skull. Back part and tail got lost in the field, so I do not know how complete it was. Size is approx. 14 cm what you see. Was found in Eichstaett many years ago, comes from an old collection
  4. rocket


    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    Another rare find, a worm calling "Eunicides". Worms are rare and mostly bad preserved. This is a "medium quality - preservation", but, get one...
  5. rocket


    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    Sponges are rare finds in the Altmühltal Valley. This is a nice sample of "Codites", the most common one
  6. From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    Blue-light pic of a nice Anaethalion knorri, lenght around 20 cm. Not an uncommon fish. This one is not perfect but I love the UV-pics to show more details than you will see without. And, you see what is missing or colored.
  7. rocket


    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    something strange, seems to be an algue connected with a rotten part of a crab, unsure. Total size is arond 7 cm
  8. rocket


    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    Some dragonflies of the solnhofen limestone are fossilized in the shown way, the wings are near the body. This one is around 6 cm and seems to be Isophlebia. Bit colored, old collection
  9. rocket


    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    Dragonflies are always rare finds. Some dozen are known, but most of them are really not easy to itendify. Like this one, seems to be Tharsophlebia exima, lenght is around 9 cm. Two winds are missing, this happens before fossilisation due to hungry fishes sometimes :-)
  10. rocket

    Mesobelostonum deperditum

    From the album: Fossils from the Plattenkalke of the Altmühl Valley

    insect are not common in this region, they are not easy to be seen and to identify. A rare and hugh one is the water bug Mesobelostonum deperditum, this is around 3 cm

    © fossils worldwide

  11. Abstraktum

    Dinopark Altmühltal

    Hello everybody So today I decided zu visit the Dinopark Altmühltal in the Center of Bavaria / South Germany. Info: CLICK Let us see what we've got here. Lot of pictures. I will have to do multiple posts One of the most interessting fossils there is Rocky, a young Tyrannosaurus Rex. I previously showed Rocky here: Then we have this monstrosity:
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