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  1. I took a trip up to Summerville this weekend and had a pretty successful trip, pulling out my best SC meg so far, and and a heartbreaker angustidens and deseri, here's the finds.
  2. Fin Lover


    References: Gale, B., Gale, P., & Gale, A. (2020). A Beachcomber's Guide to Fossils. University of Georgia Press. Miller, A., Gibson, M., & Boessenecker, R. (2021). A megatoothed shark (Carcharocles angustidens) nursery in the Oligocene Charleston Embayment, South Carolina, USA. Palaeontologia Electronica, 24(2), 1-19.
  3. Fin Lover

    O. angustidens 2.14.24

    From the album: Fin Lover's South Carolina Finds

    The missing cusp is a shame!
  4. Fin Lover


    References: Cicimurri, D. J., & Knight, J. L. (2009). Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 54(4), 627-647. Gale, B., Gale, P., & Gale, A. (2020). A Beachcomber's Guide to Fossils. University of Georgia Press. Miller, A., Gibson, M., & Boessenecker, R. (2021). A megatoothed shark (Carcharocles angustidens) nursery in the Oligocene Charleston Embayment, South Carolina, USA. Palaeontologia Electronica, 24(2), 1-19.
  5. Sonickmonx

    First Angi

    From the album: Sonickmonx's South Carolina Finds

    This was my first angi, and maybe my second shark tooth ever. Still holds a very special place in my heart.
  6. Sonickmonx

    1.5" Pristine Angusidens

    From the album: Sonickmonx's South Carolina Finds

    Beautiful angustidens, I will never complain about a perfect tooth.
  7. Sonickmonx

    3" Angustidens

    From the album: Sonickmonx's South Carolina Finds

    By far my largest nice condition angustidens. I only saw the broken corner of root sticking out.
  8. Sonickmonx

    Small Angi

    From the album: Sonickmonx's South Carolina Finds

    This was my first perfect Angi. It's smaller but still a beautiful tooth.
  9. Sonickmonx

    2.7" Angustidens

    From the album: Sonickmonx's South Carolina Finds

    This is my nicest large angi. Beautiful colors and preservation.
  10. Fin Lover

    Posterior angustidens 12.3.23

    From the album: Fin Lover's South Carolina Finds

    Why can't they ever be perfect?!
  11. bthemoose

    Otodus Transition Series

    I'm putting together an Otodus sp. transition set of well-matched (similar size and position) teeth, in the approximately 1.4-1.5" range. This is the second such set I've put together, but for my current project I'm looking to build a larger (in number) set that includes examples from as many different locations and time periods as I can, i.e., not just one O. obliquus, one O. angustidens, etc., but hopefully multiples of each representing different time periods and geographic locations for the chronospecies. I'm off to a pretty good start, but there are several locations and a few specific time ranges that I'm still after, and I anticipate that I'll be continuing to build this set for a while. As I've been working on this project, I thought it would be interesting to put together some photo montages of the teeth to illustrate the evolution of Otodus's cusplets and serrations, from O. obliquus to O. megalodon. I've seen similar images elsewhere but wanted to see what I could produce using teeth from my collection. Not all of the teeth shown below are from the set I'm building--I've also included images of teeth that are too large or small for the set but that fill in gaps and help illustrate the transitions.
  12. bthemoose

    Otodus Transitions - Stage 3

    From the album: Otodus sp. Teeth

    © bthemoose

  13. After hurricane Ian hit last year, I made a trip report from a location that doesn't offer many perfect teeth: I have been back there probably 12+ times since then, but have never come close to that many finds...until now. This is one pass of the creek, but split into two trips due to getting rained out halfway through the first day. Also, I only surface hunt, leaving lots for all of the sifters to find. My first nurse shark tooth! At 5 mm, I'm lucky to have found it surface hunting: Broken arrowhead, but I rarely find these: Broken C. catticus. Such a shame since they are uncommon here: I think these are all odontocete teeth (maybe not the first one): Worn horse tooth and a frag: Verts and hypural bones, etc. One is 3 or 4 verts fused together! Ray mouthplate bits: Other miscellaneous: Better picture of the sawfish rostral tooth(?): Otodus and suspected Otodus frags: And did you see it in the mix? I finally got a complete angy here, although it is missing the serration on the tip. Still, this is as good as they come at this location: Other "larger" teeth (sand tigers, hastalis, great whites, Isurus): Close-up of one of the great whites, since I don't find many anywhere in Summerville, and the ones I do find are usually missing the root: Lots of smalls: I don't keep many bones, but here are a few odd pieces, a worn cetacean vert, turtle, and a couple shells: No 4+ inch angy this trip, but some things I've never found and some that are in good condition for this spot. My husband did tell me before I left to not even bother coming home if I didn't find a cowshark tooth. But, who are we kidding...we all know who is in charge. Thanks for reading!
  14. Fin Lover

    First riker mount display

    From the album: Fin Lover's South Carolina Finds

    All angustidens that I have found
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