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  1. L.S., Wanted to raise some awareness on TFF because I expect many here will simply love this: A good friend of mine, Iris van Zelst (geophysicist at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin) has developed this really nice card game centred around the geological time scale: QUARTETnary The gameplay is based on the classic game Quartets (similar to Go Fish and Happy Families), where players try to collect as many sets of four cards as they can. In QUARTETnary, each of the sets represents four major events that took place during a specific geological time period. To win the game, you need to create the most complete timeline of Earth history, all the way from its formation 4.567 billion years ago to the appearance of us humans. The cards have been designed by Lucia Perez-Diaz (Earth scientist and freelance illustrator from the UK). The illustrations look amazing and I really like that they adhered to the official colour scheme of the International Commission on Stratigraphy. Iris sent me this nice set of cards for the Proterozoic: The game includes 15 sets of four cards in total (many featuring fossils): one each for the Hadean, Archean and Proterozoic eons, and one each for the 12 periods of the Phanerozoic. I expect QUARTETnary will become a really fun way to learn about and memorize the different geological units and major events in Earth history. Kind regards, Tim
  2. Oxytropidoceras

    Can Archean Impact Structures Be Discovered?

    Earth's most ancient impact craters are disappearing by Rebecca Dzombak, PhysOrg, August 1, 2023 Earth Oldest Impact Craters Are Disappearing By MichealStarr, ScienceAlert, August 2, 2023 The open access paper is: M. S. Huber et al, 2023, Can Archean Impact Structures Be Discovered? A Case Study From Earth's Largest, Most Deeply Eroded Impact Structure, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. DOI: 10.1029/2022JE007721 Yours, Paul H.
  3. Oxytropidoceras

    When Plate Tectonics Started

    Scientists Pin Down When Earth’s Crust Cracked, Then Came to Life New data indicating that Earth’s surface broke up about 3.2 billion years ago helps clarify how plate tectonics drove the evolution of complex life. The paper is: Tusch, J., Münker, C., Hasenstab, E., Jansen, M., Marien, C.S., Kurzweil, F., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Smithies, H., Maier, W. and Garbe-Schönberg, D., 2021. Convective isolation of Hadean mantle reservoirs through Archean time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(2), no.e2012626118. Yours, Paul H.
  4. Scientists announce a breakthrough in determining life's origin on Earth—and maybe Mars Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, June 3, 2022 The open access paper is: Craig A. Jerome, Hyo-Joong Kim, Stephen J. Mojzsis, Steven A. Benner, and Elisa Biondi. Catalytic Synthesis of Polyribonucleic Acid on Prebiotic Rock Glasses Astrobiology. ahead of print http://doi.org/10.1089/ast.2022.0027 Yours, Paul H.
  5. Some of the world’s oldest rubies linked to early life Carbon residue that was once ancient life found encased in a 2.5 billion-year-old ruby, University of Waterloo Ancient Traces of Life Discovered Encased in a 2.5 Billion-Year-Old Ruby SciTechDaily, October 24, 2021 2.5 billion-year-old traces of life locked inside primeval ruby "The graphite inside this ruby is really unique." By Yasemin Saplakoglu , October 24, 2021 The paper is: Yakymchuk, C., van Hinsberg, V., Kirkland, C.L., Szilas, K., Kinney, C., Kendrick, J. and Hollis, J.A., 2021. Corundum (ruby) growth during the final assembly of the Archean North Atlantic Craton, southern West Greenland. Ore Geology Reviews, no. 104417. Yours, Paul H.
  6. 3D documentary I have been working on for the last 3 years is finally released! It is called Ancient Planet and tells the the story of Earth from the its formation in the Hadean Eon, until the end of the Proterozoic with its mysterious Ediacaran organisms. All 3 episodes are available for watching on Tubi service, which is completely free, just requires registration: https://tubitv.com/series/300007201/ancient-planet-trilogy?start=true
  7. 3.42-billion-year-old fossil threads may be the oldest known archaea microbes. The structure and chemistry of the filaments hints that they may be ancient cells. By Carolyn Wilke, Science News, July 26, 2021 Cavalazzi, B., Lemelle, L., Simionovici, A., Cady, S.L., Russell, M.J., Bailo, E., Canteri, R., Enrico, E., Manceau, A., Maris, A. and Salomé, M., 2021. Cellular remains in a~ 3.42-billion-year-old subseafloor hydrothermal environment. Science Advances, 7(29), p.eabf3963. Yours, Paul H.
  8. World's oldest meteor crater isn't what it seems By Harry Baker, Live Science, March 24, 2021 New controversial claim suggests it's not a meteor crater at all. Science Tech Daily, March 26, 2021 The paper is: Yakymchuk, C., Kirkland, C.L., Cavosie, A.J., Szilas, K., Hollis, J., Gardiner, N.J., Waterton, P., Steenfelt, A. and Martin, L., 2021. Stirred not shaken; critical evaluation of a proposed Archean meteorite impact in West Greenland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 557, no. 116730. PDF file of above paper on Researchgate Yours, Paul H.
  9. ThePhysicist

    Strelley Pool Stromatolite

    From the album: Miscellaneous

    A section of a stromatolite from the Strelley Pool Chert, Western Australia. Currently, these stromatolites are among, if not the oldest known fossils. There is possibly earlier evidence of life in the form of biogenic carbon, but this chert produces the oldest known mineralized preservation of organisms. Of course everyone wants to find the "earliest life," and it becomes difficult to differentiate between microorganisms and geologic structures in rocks so old, so there will always be disagreement and competition. Likely, there are older fossils already found or yet to be, but it requires a large amount of evidence and arguing to form some consensus. From what I've seen, this appears to be the most widely accepted "oldest fossil." Perhaps as (or more) interesting is what we can apply from the debate to searching for evidence of life on other worlds ... More info: "Strelley Pool Chert and Early Life" [NASA] "A Rare Glimpse of Paleoarchean Life: Geobiology of an Exceptionally Preserved Microbial Mat Facies from the 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation, Western Australia" [NCBI] "World's Oldest Fossils Found in Ancient Australian Beach" [Science Magazine] "Stromatolite reef from the Early Archaean era of Australia" [Nature] "Controls on development and diversity of Early Archean stromatolites" [PNAS]
  10. Oxytropidoceras

    Life on Earth Before Oxygen in the Archean

    We may Finally know what life on Earth breathed before there was oxygen By Carly Cassella, ScienceAlert The open access paper is: Visscher, Pieter T., Kimberley L. Gallagher, Anthony Bouton, Maria E. Farias, Daniel Kurth, Maria Sancho-Tomás, Pascal Philippot et al. "Modern arsenotrophic microbial mats provide an analogue for life in the anoxic Archean." Communications Earth & Environment 1, no. 1 (2020): 1-10. Yours, Paul H.
  11. Hello, everyone, I’m newly retired after 39 years of teaching. Over the years, I have collected, by purchase, to use as demonstration pieces in the classroom a wide collection ranging from Archean microbial mat cross-sections through time to Holocene cave bear vertebrae. My collection is very diverse through time, if limited in depth. I have a nice collection of Silurian-Devonian trilobites, some nice Devonian-Permian plant material, and a range of Holocene mammal bones; vertebrae and mandibles. ... I taught a variety of upper level secondary courses over the years. As Science Dept. Chair in an independent school, I oversaw curriculum (shorthand for “I got to teach what I loved) For many years I taught an Natural History course to seniors looking at the evolution of the Universe. First term Cosmology-Planetary Science; Second term Evolution of Life. A dream job. Now, I’m trying to complete a more formal indexing of my collection (which includes MANY casts as well). Nice to find you folks. Probably will be an infrequent visitor. Glenn
  12. Oxytropidoceras

    Archean Paleoenvironments

    A great lecture and lengthy lecture about Archean paleoenvironments, tectonics, geology, and some paleontology is: Archean Surface Conditions Ideas in Science By Christoph Heubeck - RED18 Published on Mar 12, 2018 http://astrobiovideo.com/en/video/175 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNEkQ8KV-aQ It begins: "Here is the the principal take-home take-home message. All right. We know very little about the early Earth and and therefore it's such an interesting thing to talk about. We do know a bit right. We know just enough to talk endlessly about it but we do not know enough to supply you with firm numbers that would put any issue too firmly to arrest." Yours, Paul H.
  13. Earth's oldest rock was found by Apollo 14 astronauts -- on the moon. Ashley Strickland, CNN, January 24, 2019 https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/24/world/earth-oldest-rock-moon/index.html We May Have Found Earth's Oldest Known Rock. It Was on The Moon. Michelle Starr, January 25, 2019 https://www.sciencealert.com/earth-s-oldest-rock-may-have-been-found-it-was-um-on-the-moon The paper is: J.J. Bellucci, A.A. Nemchin, M. Grange, K.L. Robinson, G. Collinse, M.J. Whitehouse, J.F. Snape, M.D.Norman D.A.Krin Terrestrial-like zircon in a clast from an Apollo 14 breccia Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Volume 510, Pages 173-185 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X19300202 Yours, Paul H.
  14. Below is a fascinating dissertation about the Archean. Archean Paleosols on Earth and Mars Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften des Fachbereichs für Geowissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin vorgelegt von Sami Nabhan PDF file at https://refubium.fu-berlin.de/handle/fub188/13122 Yours, Paul H.
  15. Geologists Question 'Evidence Of Ancient Life' In 3.7 Billion-Year-Old Rocks, NPR, All Things Considered https://www.npr.org/2018/10/17/658103489/geologists-question-evidence-of-ancient-life-in-3-7-billion-year-old-rocks "World's Oldest Fossils" Might Actually Be Simple Rocks, And We're Here For The Drama, Carly Cassella, Science Alert https://www.sciencealert.com/doubt-raised-over-current-record-holder-oldest-fossil-sign-of-life The paper is: Abigail C. Allwood, Minik T. Rosing, David T. Flannery, Joel A. Hurowitz and Christopher M. Heirwegh, 2018, Reassessing evidence of life in 3,700-million-year-old rocks of Greenland. Nature, Letter | Published: 17 October 2018 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0610-4 A related paper is; Retallack, G.J. and Noffke, N., 2018. Are there ancient soils in the 3.7 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt, Greenland?. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Volume 514, Pages 18-30. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018218305984 Yours, Paul H.
  16. Scientists identify protein that may have existed when life began The primordial peptide may have appeared 4 billion years ago Rutgers University, August 30, 2018 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180830180101.htm “The Primordial Protein” Could have Emerged Spontaneously on Earth–Scientists Close in on How Life Began, Daily Galaxy https://dailygalaxy.com/2018/08/the-primordial-protein-could-have-emerged-spontaneously-on-earth-scientists-close-in-on-how-life-began/ J. Dongun Kim, Douglas H. Pike, Alexei M. Tyryshkin, G. V. T. Swapna, Hagai Raanan, Gaetano T. Montelione, Vikas Nanda, Paul G. Falkowski. Minimal Heterochiral de Novo Designed 4Fe–4S Binding Peptide Capable of Robust Electron Transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018; DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b07553 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.8b07553 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30141918 Yours, Paul H.
  17. Oldest evidence of life on Earth found in Canadian rocks 3.95-billion-year-old Labrador rocks contain graphite that appears to come from living organisms Emily Chung, CBC News, September 28, 2017 http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/technology/oldest-earliest-life-labrador-1.2503953 Oldest signs of life on Earth may be in 3.95 billion-year-old rocks By Sarah Kaplan, Washington Post, September 28 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/09/28/oldest-signs-of-life-on-earth-may-be-in-3-95-billion-year-old-rocks/ Found: Oldest Evidence of Life on Earth, Dating Back 3.95 Billion Years. The planet itself is 4.5 billion years old. Sarah Laskow, Atlas Obscura, September 28, 2017 http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/found-oldest-evidence-of-life-on-earth-dating-back-395-billion-years Yours, Paul H.
  18. Ancient Plankton-Like Microfossils Span 2 Continents by Pennsylvania State, July 14, 2017 https://phys.org/news/2017-07-ancient-plankton-like-microfossils-span-continents.html https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170713154830.htm http://www.sciencenewsline.com/news/2017071401120041.html Oehler, D.Z., Walsh, M.M., Sugitani, K., Liu, M.C. and House, C.H., 2017. Large and robust lenticular microorganisms on the young Earth. Precambrian Research, 296, pp.112-119. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301926816305277 Yours, Paul H.
  19. Oxytropidoceras

    Uncovering Earths oldest continental crust

    Uncovering Earths oldest continental crust Scientists uncover insights into the formation of Earth's oldest continental crust. By Jennifer Pascoe on September 19, 2016 https://www.ualberta.ca/science/science-news/2016/september/uncovering-earths-oldest-continental-crust https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/09/160919121941.htm The paper is: Reimink, J. R., J. H. F. L. Davies, T. Chacko, R. A. Stern, L. M. Heaman, C. Sarkar, U. Schaltegger, R. A. Creaser, and D. G. Pearson, 2016, No evidence for Hadean continental crust within Earth’s oldest evolved rock unit. Nature Geoscience, 2016; DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2786 http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo2786.html Yours, Paul H.
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