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  1. I recently came across a few scientific papers about a little known Coelurosaur theropod dinosaur from South America I would like some help in understanding its place in Coelurosauria. Image Reconstruction of the Early Cretaceous Coelurosaur Aniksosarus from what is now Southern Argentina. Image Credit: Deviantart artist oroti0, 2023. Image Source: https://www.deviantart.com/oroti0/art/Aniksosaurus-950583918 The name of the Coelurosaur is Aniksosaurus and it lived during the Early Cretaceous period (100.5-89.8 Million Years ago) in what is now Chubut Province of Argentina. It was discovered in early cretaceous deposits at the Lower member of the Bajo Barreal Formation, formally described only in 2006, and is known from several fossilized specimens. https://paleobiodb.org/classic/checkTaxonInfo?taxon_no=97082&is_real_user=1 Image of the femora specimens of Aniksosaurus darwini with measurements (in mm) of the femora specimens. Image Credit: Ibiricu, L. M., Martínez, R. D., Casal, G. A., and Cerda, I. A. (2013). The Behavioral Implications of a Multi-Individual Bonebed of a Small Theropod Dinosaur. PLoS ONE. 8(5): e64253. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0064253 Image Source: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/figures?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0064253 From what I've read in some of the few papers about this coelurosaur, it was 2-3 meters (7-10 feet) in length fully grown and has been categorized as a member of everything from Compsognathidae, a maniraptoromorph outside compsognathids and maniraptorans, and even a member of Pantyrannosauria. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02724634.2010.520779 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6626525/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6626525/ I'm personally leaning a bit towards placing it in Pantyrannosauria based on the presence of other Pantyrannosauria in South America at this time including Santanaraptor and the currently unnamed Pantyrannosauria sp. (based on Specimen MN 4451/1-V) from the early cretaceous Salvador Formation (dating 143.1-121.4 Million Years ago) alongside the somewhat advanced Coelurosaur features the specimens have. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Aniksosaurus-darwini-gen.-et-sp.-nov.%2C-a-new-from-Martínez-Novas/04565788edd6321fa6e6daf8fb1d438766e52af9 But I really would like your guys thoughts on where this genus belongs in Coelurosauria?
  2. This is a pristine Glyptodon reticulatus carapace fossil discovered in the tandil area of Buenos Aires, Argentina! I'm happy because it's my first time owning a Glyptodon shell of this size 😄
  3. Brevicollis

    Argentinian jaw or rock ?

    Hello, I saw this "Argentinian jaw" for sale today and wondered If its really a jaw or an interesting rock formation. Its exact finding location isnt stated, but its apparently from Argentina. Has anyone an Idea ?
  4. Hello, while I was photographing my meteorites, I noticed that the biggest one was rusting ! How can I get the rust away, and can prevent this from happening ? How can you store them properly, it was just laying for a couple of months in my collection without getting touched ! All the other ones dont show any signs of rust on them, why only on this one !? Please help, I dont want to see my biggest meteorite crumbling to dust in front of my eyes, Please help, this is an emergency !!!!!!!!! (Ok, I might've overreacted there)
  5. Brevicollis

    Saltasaurus tooth ?

    Hello, i saw this sauropod tooth labeled as a Saltasaurus tooth from argentina for sale today. Sadly those are the only pictures i have of it. Can someone identify it ? Are sauropod teeth from argentina hard to get ?
  6. Between the weather and my busy schedule, I haven't been able to get out into the field, so I have been fossil-hunting in my mailbox. I bought a small collection of pieces that was something of a mish-mash. The labeling sucks. Some of the labels are missing and some are mixed up. This tooth did not have a label. It was mixed in with dinosaur material, including a sauropod eggshell fragment from South America, some hadrosaur bone fragments from the western US, and some Moroccan fossils. I don't know where this piece came from - it could be Morocco, it could be South America, it could be the US, or..... It measures 50mm long x 11mm wide at the base. It doesn't appear to be glued or repaired, but looks like it was sealed with some kind of butvar or poly. Does anyone know what critter this tooth is from? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! MikeG
  7. Thought others might enjoy this. Always frustrating when you drop a fossil but you usually don't worry about them breaking the ground underneath you. https://www.livescience.com/animals/dinosaurs/humongous-100-foot-long-dinosaur-from-argentina-is-so-big-its-fossils-broke-the-road-during-transport
  8. Long-necked dinosaur fossil found by Argentine scientists is one of biggest ever By Lucila Sigal, Reuters, May 18, 2023 The paper is: Agnolin, F.L., Riga, B.J.G., Rolando, A.M.A., Rozadilla, S., Motta, M.J., Chimento, N.R. and Novas, F.E., 2023. A new giant titanosaur (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Cretaceous Research, 146, no. 105487. It has a "a femoral total length of about 1.9 m long." Yours, Paul H.
  9. Claimed to be from the Cretaceous of Argentina. Dimensions are 30 * 29 * 6 mm. No additional information provided. Thoughts?
  10. This fish has been known for decades among collectors as "Argentina sphyraena" and has only recently been described as Surlykus longigracilis. It is the most abundant fish from the Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark. Etymology: Genus named in honor of professor emeritus Finn Surlyk, The species name is derived from the Latin words ‘longus’ (long) and ‘gracilis’ (slender) referring to the body shape. References: Schrøder, A.E. & Carnevale, G. (2023). The argentiniform Surlykus longigracilis gen. et sp. nov., the most abundant fish from the Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, Vol. 72, pp. 1–18. ISSN 2245-7070. https://doi.org/10.37570/bgsd-2023-72-01.
  11. Recently I found a really interesting article rom 2021 describing fossilized specimens (in the form of teeth) of the giant shark Carcharocles (Otodus) megalodon from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Here is the article: De Pasqua, J., Agnolin, F., Rolando, A. M., Bogan, S., & Gambetta, D. (2021). First occurrence of the giant shark Carcharocles Megalodon (Agassiz, 1843) (Lamniformes; Otodontidae) at Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Revista Brasileira De Paleontologia, 24(2), 141–148. https://doi.org/10.4072/rbp.2021.2.05 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354201776_First_occurrence_of_the_giant_shark_Carcharocles_megalodon_Agassiz_1843_Lamniformes_Otodontidae_at_Buenos_Aires_Province_Argentina What really actually baffled me was the age the scientists who authored the paper assigned to the specimens. The specimen MMDA-1 was found close to the Atlantic coast in sedimentary deposits consisting of five depositional sequences (DS) dating between the Miocene and early Pleistocene eras. The authors state its possible the specimen came from DS5 or DS4, which date between the late Pilocene-early Pleistocene eras. If this is correct, this would make this incredible find even more incredible as it would represent the youngest known Carcharocles (Otodus) megaldon fossils (and no, I'm definitely not counting the HMS Challenger specimens as it's pretty much been confirmed those specimens are much much older than several thousand years old). Also, this is not potential proof C. megalodon survived into the Holocene! Though, I'm am a bit skeptical about the age give it was found in a pretty loose sedimentary deposit by the coast! What do you guys think? Do you think specimen MMDA-1 could be from the late Pilocene-early Pleistocene or do you think it could be older?
  12. Tidgy's Dad

    Patagotitan Visits London.

  13. Tidgy's Dad

    Why T rex had Short Arms

    Not really a lot of answers. From BBC News : https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62088874
  14. I decided to make a short video of my fossil pine cones from Argentina and did some research to get information so that in the video it would sound like I know what I'm doing. That didnt work too well. I could only find info on the Araucaria pine cones. By any chance would any of you smart folks know what these other cones are. I really need some help with these. Thank you so much. RB
  15. https://phys.org/news/2022-02-armless-abelisaur-dinosaur-species-argentina.html https://www.livescience.com/new-armless-carnivorous-dinosaur
  16. paleoflor

    Araucaria mirabilis

    Old collection specimen. See this Wikipedia page for more information on Araucaria mirabilis from the Jurassic of the Cerro Cuadrado Petrified Forest, Argentina.
  17. Fossils of Giant Carnivorous Birds Found in Argentina, SciNews The paper is: Cenizo, M., Noriega, J.I., Vezzosi, R.I., Tassara, D. and Tomassini, R., 2021. First Pleistocene South American Teratornithidae (Aves): new insights into the late evolutionary history of teratorns. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, p.e1927064. Yours, Paul H,
  18. Cione, A.L. and Bonomo, M., 2003. Great white shark teeth used as pendants and possible tools by early‐middle Holocene terrestrial mammal hunter‐gatherers in the Eastern Pampas (Southern South America). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 13(4), pp.222-231. PDF file from Researchgate More PDF of papers PDF file from Academia.edu Yours, Paul H.
  19. Tidgy's Dad

    One Who Causes Fear.

    From BBC News : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-56590733
  20. This Fossil came from the south coast of Buenos Aires in Argentina. The zone was formed 10,000 years ago during the last ice age. (NOTE!) this is not my fossil
  21. Hi everyone, I was recently offered this Giganotosaurus tooth. I was wondering if there was a way to distinguish it from carcharodontosaurus teeth from the kem kem beds? Or if anyone can share there opinion on this one, thank you.
  22. Troodon

    New Abelisaurid from Argentina

    Looks like Abelisaurid week in south america A new Abelisaurid is described here from the late Cretaceous of Argentina : Niebla antiqua For those collectors that have abelisaurid teeth from Argentina this species just adds to the complexity in trying to identify isolated teeth unfortunately its paywalled https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0895981120304582 Got some better photos
  23. I found these 3 silicified specimens of the extinct clam genus Myophorella, Order Trigoniida, in Cretaceous formations, near Chos Malal, Argentina, South America.
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