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  1. As in the title I started off my guess with this being Auriculatus. After doing a double take and researching potential IDs with what appears to be serrated cusps, but looking more at it why would it have striations if it is one and the weird serrated cusps and lack of serrations on the rest of the tooth? Another guess a friend of mine brought up was a type of sand tiger shark tooth cause of the striations and the nutrient groove. Any thoughts, help, input on the ID for this tooth are very much appreciated in advanced. Can and will take more photos later when I return to the homestead with any more physical info required to narrow down the shark.
  2. isurus90064

    Extraordinary Common Teeth

    Hey guys, I've been off the radar for awhile .. work you know .. been working on Siggraph for those of you who are familiar with software development. Just wanted to start a new topic here .. This one is right at 3.00" - 7.62cm C. carcharias Bahia Inglesa Formation South of Caldera Provincia Copiapo III Regio de Atacama Chile
  3. From the album: Fossils

    3.75 inch Carcharocles auriculatus from the Castle Hane Formation in the now defunct Martin Marietta New Bern Quarry.
  4. bthemoose

    Otodus Transition Series

    I'm putting together an Otodus sp. transition set of well-matched (similar size and position) teeth, in the approximately 1.4-1.5" range. This is the second such set I've put together, but for my current project I'm looking to build a larger (in number) set that includes examples from as many different locations and time periods as I can, i.e., not just one O. obliquus, one O. angustidens, etc., but hopefully multiples of each representing different time periods and geographic locations for the chronospecies. I'm off to a pretty good start, but there are several locations and a few specific time ranges that I'm still after, and I anticipate that I'll be continuing to build this set for a while. As I've been working on this project, I thought it would be interesting to put together some photo montages of the teeth to illustrate the evolution of Otodus's cusplets and serrations, from O. obliquus to O. megalodon. I've seen similar images elsewhere but wanted to see what I could produce using teeth from my collection. Not all of the teeth shown below are from the set I'm building--I've also included images of teeth that are too large or small for the set but that fill in gaps and help illustrate the transitions.
  5. bthemoose

    Otodus Transitions - Stage 3

    From the album: Otodus sp. Teeth

    © bthemoose

  6. Hello everyone, Recently just purchased this Auriculatus tooth from the Qsar-el-sagha Formation in Egypt. Whilst making a label for it I have learnt that there is a lot of debate on what genus it belongs to. The two options being Charcharocles and Otodus. It is my understanding that American Paleontologists believe it is from the Charcharocles genus as it has serrations (Otodus not having serrations). In juxtaposition eastern European Paleontologists believe that serrations vs non-serrations is not enough evidence for it to be consider a species of Charcharocles and believe it is a species of Otodus. Case and Cappetta (1990), the review of the Eocene fauna in the Fayum Depression of Egypt (where this tooth comes from) calls it a Charcharocles however several people have told me it does indeed belong to the genus Otodus. Was wondering if anyone here has followed this issue more closely and could inform me if there was now an “accepted” genus. Thanks in advance, Josh
  7. My buddies and I recently went on a trip to Andalusia Alabama. We got an airbnb near the point a dam. We retrieved a few teeth that we believe are some goblin shark teeth and a auriculatus shark tooth, perhaps. If anybody has any insight please feel free to comment. I have some more pictures that I will upload from one other trip that I did by myself.
  8. Hi everyone! I've been reading a bit about Megalodon's ancestors and trying to update my knowledge and I'm coming across some conflicting information. It seems everywhere I look has a different age range and there seems to be a debate between the genus. Some use Carcharocles and some use Otodus. I've been using Carcharocles for the lineage, is that officially out of date? Also what are the age ranges of the ancestors Auriculatus, Angustidens, and Chubutensis? I can't find any consistent numbers and some places seem to suggest they coexisted (Auriculatus with Angustidens for a short time then later Angustidens with Chubutensis etc.) is that true? Any insight is appreciated as always!
  9. on a recent trip to barton, i found what i believe to be otodus auriculatus, but have never once heard let alone seen one found at that location before. was wondering if anyone here had found anything similar there
  10. Hello everyone. I'm making my rounds across my different groups and forums, so if anyone has seen these photos before you'll have to suffer through them again. From June through the end of August I locked in on a concentrated area of sand tigers, makos, and my favorite mega-tooth shark: Otodus auriculatus. I didn't find one every trip out, but my most plentiful day gifted me 3, and my last trip out provided me with the largest tooth I have ever recovered from the garden state. I battled minuscule mosquitoes and a horsefly that was every bit horse as it was fly. Despite nature's best attempts to discourage me I persevered and wound up with 10 Otodus auriculatus teeth, a few decent makos, one whole and one half O. chubutensis, and a particularly nice cetacean tympanic bulla (ear bone). For anyone new to collecting there is disagreement over whether to classify the genus as otodus vs. carcharocles, but whether you go by O. auriculatus vs. C. auriculatus, we are discussing the same species. I enjoy collecting them not only due to their size, but because of the wide variation in shape, as well as their wicked serrations. You will find a picture of my rics down below. Additionally you will see a picture of a cetacean inner ear bone, either a whale or dolphin (as an aside dolphins are whales! but I digress). From my reading, there is no correlation between the size of a cetacean ear bone and the size of the animal it came from, still, my one and only mammal fossil that I am proud to have found. These finds are the culmination of many hours out in the field, and many more reading papers, talking with my friend, and my back begs me to reiterate, many, many hours in the field. While better quality and larger teeth have been found (many by my friend) they've given me hope that I may be able to find some exceptional pieces in the future. I've included a close-up of my larger ric as it shows its color with greater accuracy. The smallest ric is the most well preserved of the group, as smaller teeth often are. Thanks for viewing, Steve
  11. Jerrychang

    Serrated Otodus tooth from morocco

    Recently bought this Otodus tooth from morocco. The tag said that this is a Otodus sokolovi, but I don’t know what is the difference between auriculatus and sokolovi or maybe thay are the same species? Besides, if we don’t know where the teeth came from, what is the difference between auriculatus and angustidens?
  12. sixgill pete

    Auriculatus Heartbreaker

    Well folks all of us in the househave been sitting around a day and a half after testing positive for this corona stuff. We all are fully vaccinated, booster included and are showing none to severely mild symptoms. Myself, I am showing no symptoms at all othe than mild head / body aches. But, we are all ok. Anyways, I had to get out for a bit so I drove the couple of miles to my private little Eocene quarry. Other than the normal assortment of teeth, sawfish verts and rostral teeth I found this heartbreaker of a ric. Other than the broken root it is a gorgeous tooth. It measured 3.10 inches on my caliper. I sifted the dirt all around it hoping to find the broken root piece. But, oh well still a beautiful tooth. Definately beat sitting around!
  13. Hey all I came across these 3 shark teeth today and I believe they're all in the Odontidae family. Even though they all have cusplets, the size of these teeth rule out juvenile O. megalodon teeth so they must belong to a shark earlier than O. megalodon and the question I have is, what species? I can have a couple of guesses after looking at a lot of different photos of O. angustidens, O. chubutensis, O. auriculatus (I'm doubting it's O. sokolovi) teeth though google, through dealers etc but I'm also a little confused because some I'd think are one species and they're labeled as another. I do think I've come across something a little special in all 3 of these teeth though, even though their condition is a little rough. Any help pinning down a species would be awesome! Also, are they rare (as far as fossil shark teeth go)? They aren't something I've ever come across for sale anywhere in my country, let alone seen in the flesh but I did recognise their family. Sorry about the quantity of pictures, I'd rather be too thorough to get all the detail possible The last pics is a shark tooth family photo, (I should have added my Palaeocarcharodon teeth) just for the fun of it!
  14. So, I've been hunting sharks teeth on and off in South Alabama since a young child. Since my two kids have gotten self sufficient, me and the wife have been taking alot of trips to the river to look for teeth. Finding the normal small teeth, for our area, got me to wondering if there were bigger teeth in our area. That led me to some late nights of researching the ins and outs of my area. The area we are close to has alot of Eocene era fossils and I quickly learned the Carcharocles auriculatus was THE SHARK during this time period. So, my goal became to find a complete tooth in my little honey hole. We would spend weekend after weekend at the river with the kids. My 8yo and 3yo right there with us digging and sifting! Both who want nothing more than to become paleontologist when they get older and sit there picking out ray plates, vertebrae, and teeth with excitement growing every time they see something in the sifter. Over the past several weeks, we have dug 100s of teeth and many other cool fossils which I have added to our collection but just chips of the elusive Carcharocles auriculatus teeth were all we were finding. Last night while at church, I was talking with a family about our finds thus far. You could see their kid's eyes lighting up with curiosity and they asked if we could take them sometime. We had originally planned on taking time to do some house stuff but I could tell their kids really wanted to go. We made a plan to meet this morning before the rain. We made the long hike to the hunting grounds and began to dig and sift. One after the other, the kids and their parents were yelling with excitement finding their first teeth! I was digging around getting dirt for them to sift when I felt that unmistakable sound of hitting something solid. I cleaned around the area and I saw a serrated edged tooth. Surely not...not a complete tooth. I carefully cleaned around the area to make sure not to damage it. I couldn't believe my eyes. A full tooth! I began to shake a little with excitement. I pulled it from the earth and showed everyone. This only pumped them up even more. Although this tooth is rare for our area, we kept digging with no luck of finding another one. The rain began to come in so we cut the trip short but I've babied this thing around all day, picking it up to make sure it is real and I wasn't dreaming. I know it's no 4" tooth but for me, it may as well be. It's become an infatuation for me and the family, so much so I have been looking at planning a family vacation around fossil hunting. My 8yo has expressed alot of interest in finding a megalodon tooth. So, if you guys and gals know of a good place I can take the family to do something like this please share! Below are a few pictures of the things we have found over the past few months as well as my Carcharocles auriculatus tooth I found today.
  15. ThePhysicist

    Odd shark tooth

    Hi y'all. Need some help with this tooth I picked up at a local rock shop. At first I thought angustidens, but it seemed different. I'm guessing it came from the Carolinas or at least the East coast. It was associated with other megs, angustidens, and makos that I recognized as having Carolinas-type preservation, maybe Florida. The root is very flat and the crown narrow, making it look more like a mako lateral. It has virtually no bourlette, wrinkling/striations at the foot of the crown, and maybe cusplets judging by the bunching of the serrations. It's a lateral tooth, but looks different from the angustidens and auriculatus teeth I've seen. It could be slightly pathologic. @MarcoSr@Al Dente
  16. While this tooth is obviously damaged, the cusplet sticks out to me. It is a decent sized tooth around 3 and 3/8" (84MM) long. Serrations are evident, although have been eroded. This tooth came from the James River, South Carolina. I cannot decide whether it looks more like auriculatus, chubutensis, augustidens, or megalodon. Carcharocles/Otodus... take your pick. I'd appreciate any input - thank you.
  17. I have here four shark teeth, 1" - 1.5" each. They were found in the Southeastern United States. I have no locality more specific than that. I think they're Angustidens or Auriculatus, but I can't really differentiate between these. Could anyone kindly help me identify them? I'd also appreciate if someone can nail the locality down based on the preservation. It's chalky, but the colors of the more orange ones don't really match Bone Valley. Might it be a South Carolina landsite? Thank you, Bellamy 1 2 3 4
  18. Greetings all. I hope you're ready to give 2020 a good boot in the butt to bring in 2021. I know my foot is locked and loaded. A while back I purchased this shark tooth fossil from an online auction. It was listed as a "great white". Despite the description being wrong, the price was right. I believe that Angustidens are tricky to tell apart from Auriculatus teeth. Since, and if, this is the case, would the color of a tooth, the root in particular, be enough to establish a tooth that is likely from the Suwanee River environs? From a quick web search it seems that teeth that look like this one does tend to be from the Suwanee River and are labeled Auriculatus rather than Angustidens. So maybe the quick question is, which type of shark tooth is most likely to come from the Suwanee? The seller didn't provide any location to go with the description. It just seems that the muddy brown color of the root seems to often come from the Suwanee River. Any input is greatly appreciated. Have a safe and healthy New Year, all !
  19. PrehistoricWonders

    River worn or digested?

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this tooth... first, I was wondering if anyone could I.D it, it appears to have a cusp, so I’d say no to megalodon, so I’d guess either an Angustidens or Auriculatus... second, I was wondering if you guys think this is just a worn tooth that was in the river for a while, or if it was digested, I saw one for sale that looked similar and said it was digested, so it got me wondering, and I figured it was worth it to at least check on the forum. TIA!
  20. BellamyBlake

    Megalodon Evolutionary Set

    I received the final piece needed for my Megalodon evolutionary set today! The hardest tooth to obtain by far was the Carcharocles mugodzharicus, and I would like to thank @MarcoSr for his help with that search as well as the generosity with which he shared knowledge about it. I'll mention that I acknowledge the various debates around species naming and went with the ones I believed to be the best fit. I kindly request that we not get into it on this thread.
  21. Chase_E

    Otodus auriculatus

    From the album: Misc. Cenozoic Specimens

    This specimen is on the boundary between auriculatus-sokolovi in my opinion.
  22. Dudeser

    Shark tooth ID

    Hi! So I was browsing for some shark teeth when I came across this bundle of 3 teeth at a very reasonable price. The teeth were listed as being 2 Otodus Obliquus teeth (smaller ones) and 1 Megalodon tooth. Now the supposed Megalodon tooth is obviously not a Meg, as it has cusps (thinking it's either an Angustidens or Auriculatus). I'm also almost certain the two other teeth are not Otodus teeth. Anyone who can safely ID these teeth?
  23. Brett Breakin' Rocks

    Carcharocles (Otodus) auriculatus 04

    From the album: Sharks and their prey ....

    Carcharocles (Otodus) auriculatus North Carolina, Castle Hayne fm.

    © © Matthew Brett Rutland

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